Safe Depositary Update

SafeDepositary ( has published another update on the website informing about the recent scheduled software upgrade and a promo video which is available for every active client in the account area: “This video will be translated at Safe Depositary offline seminars in Nigeria. Also this movie can be remounted for any of our representatives who would like to arrange offline seminar in his region.” . You are probably aware of the fact that the first seminar was supposed to be held on March 5, however there are no reports regarding this matter at

Therefore I have contacted the admin of the program asking to explain what happened. He responded very fast (as usual) and provided me with information. As you know, there are representatives of the company from different countries in the world and the representatives from Nigeria are in charge of the planned seminars. The name of one of them is Kevin Peterand here is what he said:

“There was a presidential campaign program today in Abuja that restricted movement of people around the city centre leading to cancellation of the seminar to a later date. Meanwhile, that of Kaduna will still hold as planned as many people are already calling eager to participate.”

We are waiting for further notifications. By the way, as you already know from one of our recent news, SafeDepositary is now can be followed on Facebook. There you can find different interesting information and communicate with other investors of the program. For example, in this news about SafeDepositary we informed you about the video contest announced by the administration. According to the terms, the winner from each country gets $50 bonus to his account. So, on Facebook you can find those video testimonials of SafeDepositary investors.

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