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Thread: BTI information

  1. #71
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    perhaps you can enlighten us a bit more as to who these people are...
    this could be the key to solving the picpay problem once and for all

    BoN is barking up the wrong tree on this one...they need to be looking at those members who were doing fraudulent exchanges to members who were going to gain if/when Picpay failed. Several members<ahem>come to my mind...start with adbites...and work down..

  2. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by velvetpatches
    Some members are very much aware that many other members just don't have 10.00 a month to put into something that may or may not be of benefit, yet provide the forum owner and perhaps others a substantial living.
    Well, every member has to make a choice if they want to take advantage of a service. You just have to look at value for your money or how much the service is worth to you.

    For example, I may have basic cable tv service and you have premium. Because I can't afford it, does that mean that you are not allowed to have it? No.. it just means that you chose to pay for a service because it is useful to you.

    I suppose everyone can complain about a price. Just don't condem someone for putting a price on his or her time and making a little profit.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by velvetpatches
    It simply isn't true that they didn't pay for 9 months. People have received money during that entire time.

    I received money my self within the last 4 months.

    No, it wasn't flowing the way everyone had hoped or the way it used to, but let's be accurate.

    Since most members don't frequent forums, it is only speculation as to how much was actually received over the last several months.

    So, please stick to the facts. The fact is I saw several posts where people had received payments in the old forum.

    Even merchants said they were paid. No, not every one of them, but saying they haven't paid for 9 months is a lie!

    You have got to be kidding....payments stopped on Jan 15 and have not advanced one day since.

    I quess if your rent is 1000 dollars and you haven't paid for nine months by giving your land lord a quarter your could, "say" the tenant is paying but the TRUTH is that person is in default.

    By any measure by any standard Pips and Pic pay are in default...what is amazing is that that they lasted 9 months before they were held to account...

    To say otherwise is simply not facing the present it otherwise is presenting a lie..

    I believe this audit is a good thing for atleast we wll know the truth if Pips and Pic Pay are solvent things will be fine, if not we can move on..

  4. #74
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    Well now, this is better? No sites up, nothing? I don't think so, and I would guess that many others feel the same.

    We have absolutely no clue as to the damage that has been caused by the letters to the bank. Or, how long it might take to investigate and clear those issues, if any?

    Maybe those that sent the letters to the bank would like to have their story be center point and every desire fulfilled (on time), but, there's the rest of the members that have some understanding of the situation, and would rather have the situation in Bryan's hands, then some banker that could give a hoot about our money, or if we ever get it. As PIPS is difficult to understand for those that aren't familiar with how it is structured, they may take a long while to come to any type of decision.

    Should this investigation take two weeks, hey, many might think along your lines and certainly would be relieved that all is clear, however, if it takes 6 months I trust those that feel as you do, won't be blaming Bryan for withdrawl problems or even the lack of ability to look at your account and watch it grow.

    I sincerely hope it is more in line with two weeks, but, if it isn't then the people responsible for this delay should stand up and answer for their actions as they have affected "our" accounts, and our future as well as their own. imo

    It certainly seems to many of us that some movement, is better than a dead stop. Time will tell, but in the future I hope members will consider how their actions could affect "all of membership" and not just their own personal situation.

    Anger about the delays, either earlier ones, or the current delay serves no useful purpose, though figuring out how to prevent them, that is the answer we all need to find. Because, no matter what, someone will always be upset about something, be it a true and legitimate complaint, or not, we must learn to preserve and not destroy the vehicle that can take us to the destination we desire.

    I believe that PIPS is that vehicle to take us to our "dreams", and will do anything within my power to preserve and help it to continue.


  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by tequila

    perhaps you can enlighten us a bit more as to who these people are...
    this could be the key to solving the picpay problem once and for all

    BoN is barking up the wrong tree on this one...they need to be looking at those members who were doing fraudulent exchanges to members who were going to gain if/when Picpay failed. Several members<ahem>come to my mind...start with adbites...and work down..
    You have to have been around in PIPS during the credit card fraud and then the closure of the credit card option and the enterance of the exchangers which flooded the forum with exchanges. They were warned by members time and again not to work with exchangers, but members decided to make their own decisions and went with the exchangers. Work forward from there.
    There will not be a solution to the situation with Picpay, unless the BoN is petitioned to do an audit on each account that is in that payment processor and follow the money train. Now do you seem them auditing 80,000+ accounts ? I do not.

    Also very interesting email that was forwarded to me not by one member of PIPS but several members of PIPS concerned about those who filed a complaint and are now searching out members to help them hang Bryan to a cross.

    I will not help anyone with that task. They need to dig his grave without my help.

    A long time ago a wise person in PIPS wrote that the program has the potential to live on forever, unless the members shoot themselves in the foot..

  6. #76
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    Default nail to a cross

    I agree mate I wont help either.There is a lot of outsiders who only wanted what they could get and stuff the rest. Well I took a risk and will put up with the result. I have moved on and if things come back beauty.


  7. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by velvetpatches
    Well now, this is better? No sites up, nothing? I don't think so, and I would guess that many others feel the same.

    We have absolutely no clue as to the damage that has been caused by the letters to the bank. Or, how long it might take to investigate and clear those issues, if any?


    I want Pips to suceed ,but it isn't the complainers fault, it's not TG fault it's the fault of the person who did not pay.
    The bank issue might explain 15 to 30 days delay but that is it, the rest of the time means someone didn't WANT to pay, many many platforms are and were available. Picpay accounts are suppose to be backed by gold so no matter what the banks deceided or did it should of easly and quickly been available as gold.
    "We", can't make things better at Pips. "We" have no control, we can't hold hands and karma our way to payment all we can do is hold Pips accountable for the promises made.
    The longer one waits to try to collect after a default the least likely they will be to collect anything..

    If the money is there, if the gold reserves were actually bought things will be fine.

    I just want to know the truth and let the chips fall where they may

  8. #78
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    A long time ago a wise person in PIPS wrote that the program has the potential to live on forever, unless the members shoot themselves in the foot..

    The best way must be to give this people their investment back and tell them to never come back. We dont need people that only think of themselves and dont know that they are hurting everyone. :roll:

  9. #79
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    Unfortunatelly we hear nothing from Bryan from time he called Bill (Pips-USA). I believed he will contact him again and tell us what is the status of Pips now.
    Yes nair posted good news but we don't know his source of information we can only believe what he said is reliable. I wonder when Bank Negara will announce any statement. It's what we all need and only that will make we can be sure what to think about the future.

  10. #80
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    Sorry, are you a banker, or familar with Maylasia banking situations. I doubt it. Taking your timeframe and thoughts on the subject is guesswork at best. imo

    I believe things will work out. If I plant a seed, and become impatient with it because it hasn't arrived into my view, unthinking, I may step on it and destroy it, though it may come into view tomorrow. If we value something, we don't intentionally destroy it, just because we become impatient and fearful we might lose it.

    Those with hardline views, as to think PIPS should operate like a local bank, while it still is growing to that point, those types should stay away from "out of the Box" ventures and stick to a savings account that is guaranteed to be available at moments notice.
    Too bad a few didn't figure that out before they loaned their money.
    I hope they will take their money and put it in a place where there's a window view that lets them see it any second that they feel the need. Of course it wouldn't grow like our money has in PIPS, but if being about to see it is the most significant thing to some, I hope they will do just that. ASAP


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