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  1. #61
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    as for myself,I have no other option than to wait it out.I will still hold an open opinion,and a positive thought for PIPS.However,if it is found we were taken,then I want the people whole did this to pay DEARLY!
    If,however,no real crime took place,lets get this PIPS up and running!
    Thanks to all for the info from RolCLUB,as I would still be in the dark as to what happened to my account!please keep us informed!Brad

  2. #62
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    Thanks Marek for contacting BoN, and passing on the info!

  3. #63
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    I think it would help us all if Bryan would com out and say somthing. Beke

  4. #64
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    Hello all,

    I disagree with what Marek s done by calling BN when not all pipster agree on that for sure.

    And now, cant you just at least believe in Bryan when he said that the investigation by Bank Negara Of Malaysia are still ongoing????

    Hey come on, we are not talking about an investigation by a small/commercial bank here okay!!!

    First off all, we dont even now on how much MAREK.. invested in PIPS.

    Only Bryan can later tell us when everythings done...

    If Marek are gentlement enough please proof that you are really pips member....

    I must stop here rather than wasting your time and my time for now.

    Thank you.

  5. #65
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    Hey club, What's up?

    I know that this post may not make me very popular between the negative posts and the silence of Bryan, but please hear me out. Bryan doesn't have a stronger supporter than me, but please hear me out.

    Most of you know that I went to Malaysia in May, just a few weeks before Gary and Warren resigned. I had several good conversations with several managers, Gary, Bryan, Sharon, Warren, and many of the "girls" that we all talked to on the phones. Things were already in pretty bad standing. Warren had come in wanting to make a lot of changes because he had no idea how many problems were cropping up all over the world. The first day in his office there were three new C&D orders from different US States, one from Canada and one from another country, New Zealand I believe though don't quote me on that. I remember also hearing the name "Queen Beatrice" if that rings any bells...

    The gist of a lot of those conversations was that PIPS and it's subordinate companies were working in different jurisdictions all over the world. Imagine, if you will, taking on a project like that and trusting certain people to ensure that in absolutely every jurisdiction the company operated in, it kept track of every little change to applicable laws and immediately complied with all of them.

    An example given in Gary's office was this: Bryan wanted to ensure that he could help as many people as he possibly could. Pioneers will remember that in the early days, people who lived in Malaysia could not participate because of some kind of laws about that kind of program operating out of their own country. By using some kind of structure in another country (Panama I believe) he was able to allow some of these to participate. Syed, the PIPS attorney who many of us met prior, had already left PIPS to study international law, but it was his understanding that this would be a lasting structure. According to Warren (the example given in Gary's office) this was an international no-no and should not have been attempted.

    There were several things that Warren alluded to but didn't name and I won't even make a guess as to what all they added up to, but basically, he said that he couldn't believe the incoming surge of little problems coming in from so many jurisdictions. He said that ALL of them could be overcome and corrected, but some things had to be changed in order for that to happen. Some of them that he mentioned were things that were all over the old forums: closing new memberships, closing the forums, decreasing the benefits of PIPS and so on. He said that he had handed over thick, lengthy documents supporting all of these arguments to Bryan, and shortly after June we saw the forums go away.

    While no one supports Bryan more than I do, I can say that communication isn't his strong suit, even when he's allowed to speak. I believe, and will continue to believe, that he is not allowed to speak right now. Until the investigation is over, I don't believe that anyone is legally able to speak about inconclusive results.

    I believe that PIPS as a company had some short-comings. I believe that Bryan tried to do too much on his own and didn't delegate nearly enough. I believe that Bryan micro-managed the entire thing to death. This inefficiency early caused problems later on and when he had to depend on people like ... well, we won't name names... but when he finally did release some responsibility to others to ensure proper compliance in all of those jurisdictions that he was trying to operate in...he got let down. There is no doubt they were swamped, they didn't really get their reigns until it was ALMOST too late and when they did, they didn't do enough. They had enough money and could have got a lot more staff but not enough was done too late in the game to sort it all out.

    I believe these things because they were discussed face-to-face with me. I also believe that Bryan has some aces in the hole. I have reason to believe that. Don't ask.

    Bottom line is, I believe in Bryan and what he started out trying to do. I believe that he is capable of winning the war though there may be a few "not good conduct" battles that he will certainly lose. He Gary and Warren told me that, though not exactly in those words.

    More than all of this, I believe that if we give up on Bryan now, the Negativity generated by hundreds of thousands of people will collectively be the end of what we all have worked and hoped for. Please don't give up on Bryan. Please have the faith, equivalent to a mustard seed, and if you can't believe that he WILL WIN, then at least believe that there is a CHANCE that he MIGHT WIN.

    Please don't give this any negative energy. Instead, pray, or whatever you might call it in your belief system, with a sincerely open heart...put forth your positive "prayer," "energy" or whatever and then ask the question of what will happen without worry.

    Many people have heard me say that everything happens for a reason, but I don't believe that Bryan brought us all to this point to lose. Let's win this. Help Bryan by giving him your good thoughts and energies and wait it out. Once the investigation is over we will see what the true findings are and whether or not the general population is making mountains out of ant-hills.

    Give Bryan a chance. Some feel that they have already given him a chance but if you look at how slow the legal system is and how many jurisdictions they have to investigate (at least 72 that I know of) and all applicable laws, you would KNOW that it's going to take a while longer.

    You have absolutely nothing MORE to lose by doing this and everything to gain if we are successful COLLECTIVELY by waiting and giving good energies.



  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thumper
    Hey club, What's up?

    I know that this post may not make me very popular between the negative posts and the silence of Bryan, but please hear me out. Bryan doesn't have a stronger supporter than me, but please hear me out.v/r


    Eric (Thumper)

    Although I have my major doubts.... that was one great post!

  7. #67
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    First of all; the central bank of malaysia (or any other country) will only intervene if it has "a strong reason to believe" "everything is not all as it should be". This is not your regular bank investigation for checking your account. This (answer) was to be expected from the beginning. To assume something is wrong or even terribly wrong's simply to early.
    I suggest people just go about there lives and forget about pips for a while. We won't here the outcome, good or bad, anytime soon. Could be another six months. At least in my opinion. I think pips was just to grand an idea to keep of the radar.
    Life imediately got interesting when I stopped waiting for a "miracle" to happen. That was more then a year ago. Try it, you'll like it.

  8. #68
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    Hi I don't post anywhere very often, but I always read what is going on.
    I believe that we a re in a battle with all the powers that be who are trying to stop this internet investing world wide. We need to pray and break this strong hold that these people have inflicted on all of us and have faith that all will work for our good.
    I personally believe that Brian will pull us through this.

  9. #69
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    Awesome post Thumper. That was one of the best, well written posts I have read to date. You are correct, we all have money invested in PIPS. For some it is a small amount and for others it is a large amount. Yet who am I to judge want amounts of money mean to different people. The best and only option is to await official news. All this speculation will do more harm than good.

  10. #70
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    I m for it thumper. I still say, if you visit this forum you are more than likely,
    (exept a few) doing it out of hope. Embrace it, nuture it, let it grow. How many
    times have we all had to give a customer a bum steer ? I don't like doing it,
    But you go to your boss and say, This guy's on my back, what can we tell him.
    And it's normaly something to get him off your back, to give you The Time You
    Need to rectify the situation. He knew that this message will reach 16000
    people. In my opinion, it's one way of dowsing the fire. OR he could have
    said we hope to have good news soon. = 16000 people ringing his office,
    tying up his people asking, so have you got the news yet. Cut a tree and it
    will grow back.

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