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  1. #34821
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    Can someone help me here. I'm getting mixed messages from the last paragraph
    I think what this is saying is that they are looking for the dinar to have a backbone of its own...hince, "spinal column", and for it to not fall against the U.S.D.. These articles do lose something in the translation sometimes, don't they.

  2. #34822
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    President congratulates Christians and other Iraqis occasion of Christmas and New Year holidays

    December 24, 2006December 24, 2006

    وجه رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني رسالة تهنئة إلى المسيحيين و سائر المواطنين العراقيين، بمناسبة أعياد الميلاد و رأس السنة الميلادية الجديدة. فيما يلي نصها:The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, sent a message of congratulations to the Christians and other Iraqi citizens, on the occasion of Christmas and New Year, Christmas Eve. Reads as follows :

    "بمناسبة حلول عيد الميلاد المجيد و أعياد رأس السنة أتقدم بالتهاني لأخوتنا المسحيين متمنيا لهم و لسائر أبناء الشعب الخير و الأمن و السعادة و الرفاه في وطننا المشترك العراق."On the occasion of Christmas and New Year I would like to convey my congratulations to our brothers Almshein wish them and to the other people of good security, and happiness and prosperity in our common home of Iraq.
    و بهذه المناسبة، نعاهد أبناء شعبنا على مواصلة العمل، و بذل الجهود، من أجل ترسيخ مبادئ المساواة التامة بين مواطني العراق، بصرف النظر عن انتماءاتهم الدينية أو المذهبية أو القومية.And on this occasion, "We promise our people to continue to work and make efforts, in order to entrench the principles of full equality between the citizens of Iraq, regardless of their religious or sectarian or national.
    إن مبادئ التسامح التي بشّرت بها الأديان السماوية هي السبيل للخروج من حالة الاحتقان التي تمر بها بلادنا العزيزة، و طريقنا نحو الأمان و السعادة و الإزدهار. و لا يسعنا في هذه المناسبة إلا أن نؤكد مجددا أن تحقيق رفعة العراق، مرهونة بتعزيز وحدة أبنائه و رص الصفوف لمواجهة الإرهاب و أعداء العراق الجديد، و العمل يدا بيد من أجل بناء عراق حر ديمقراطي فيدرالي موحد.The principles of tolerance heralded by the divine religions is the way to get out of the volatile state that has afflicted our dear country, and our way towards safety and happiness and prosperity. And we can on this occasion to reiterate that the achievement of lifting Iraq, subject to the strengthening of the unity of its sons and close ranks to confront terrorism and the enemies of the new Iraq, and to work hand in hand to build a free, democratic and federal unified.
    مرة ثانية نهنئ أخوتنا المسيحيين و سائر العراقيين بعيد ميلاد السيد المسيح (ع) و رأس السنة الجديدة، متمنيا أن تملئ الأفراح و الطمأنينة أيام العراقيين جميعا.Once again we congratulate our fellow Christians and other Iraqis after the birth of Jesus Christ (p) and the New Year, wishing that filled weddings and tranquility days all the Iraqi people.

    جلال طالبانيJalal Talabani
    رئيس جمهورية العراق"President of the Republic of Iraq "

  3. #34823
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    Default Excellent Translation!

    Quote Originally Posted by noodlesdad View Post
    The question before the Ministry of Finance as the Minister stated before on the need for (evaluation Iraqi dinar) and called for the activation to the volume of the American dollar--(means, The question is still before the MOF regarding raising the dinar to the value of the dollar).
    Will the Iraqi parliament seeks to lay the foundations evaluation of a new monetary unit. (means, should they seek a different benchmark to peg the dinar to instead of the dollar?)
    Or will the dinar against the dollar circuit? (means, Or will the dinar continue to revolve around the dollar?)
    And how low the Iraqi economy to atrophy if the dinar to the spinal column that can not withstand and integrity? (means, how long can we let the economy deteriorate without some credible action to support & fortify it? In this statement they might be questioning the stability and integrity of the US dollar.)

    Just my take on it.

    This makes the best sense of all. I have read it several times and I think jsfletcher will also be pleased with this answer. Thank you noodlesdad! Merry Christmas to you all. (It is already Xmas here in Australia. Has been for 11 hours!).

  4. #34824
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    President of the government of Kurdistan : positive results achieved in Baghdad in which four oil

    Source: Dar Al Hayat -- 24/12/2006
    The head of the government of the Kurdistan Nigervan Barzani results of the talks he held with the central government in Baghdad on a number of issues, including oil and balance the province as positive. The findings of good, the agreement provides for the granting of 17% of the budget to the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    A Barzani in a press conference held after his arrival in Irbil, returning from Baghdad for a week-long visit to the central government going to the territorial government made $ 364 million balance of the budget in 2006, he said, pointing out that this amount remained the central government result of an arithmetical error committed in the calculation of the budget and would amount to the Kurdistan region until the end of the year in three waves.

    Regarding the issue of oil, announced Barzani to achieve positive results and good, expected to discuss the Iraqi Council of Ministers in the coming days the oil bill and referred it to the Congress for approval.

    The control mechanism on petroleum issues, he said that the government of Kurdistan right to look into the issue of oil investments with foreign companies, as oil imports will be distributed to the regions according to the number of population. He explained : right of the territorial government research projects in the oil companies with the participation of a representative of the central government, will be the first to sign oil contracts in Kurdistan, and then sent to Baghdad to fall to a high-level committee of experts consisting future.

    Barzani said : will be the final signing in the province, after the showing of the Committee of Experts of opinion and observations on contracts», adding that this measure was intended to give transparency of contracts and the prevention of corruption or granted for companies not to the required level. He pointed out that all officials in Baghdad, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki showed full readiness to work on the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, relating to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk. S and forces, the President of the government of Kurdistan thats the order by the Iraqi Constitution, and its mission to protect Iraq's Kurdistan region, and must be allocated a share of the budget of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense.

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  5. #34825
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    Seems the "Voices of Iraq" site has been suspended. Odd!

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #34826
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    President of the government of Kurdistan : positive results achieved in Baghdad in which four oil

    Source: Dar Al Hayat -- 24/12/2006
    The head of the government of the Kurdistan Nigervan Barzani results of the talks he held with the central government in Baghdad on a number of issues, including oil and balance the province as positive. The findings of good, the agreement provides for the granting of 17% of the budget to the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    A Barzani in a press conference held after his arrival in Irbil, returning from Baghdad for a week-long visit to the central government going to the territorial government made $ 364 million balance of the budget in 2006, he said, pointing out that this amount remained the central government result of an arithmetical error committed in the calculation of the budget and would amount to the Kurdistan region until the end of the year in three waves.

    Regarding the issue of oil, announced Barzani to achieve positive results and good, expected to discuss the Iraqi Council of Ministers in the coming days the oil bill and referred it to the Congress for approval.

    The control mechanism on petroleum issues, he said that the government of Kurdistan right to look into the issue of oil investments with foreign companies, as oil imports will be distributed to the regions according to the number of population. He explained : right of the territorial government research projects in the oil companies with the participation of a representative of the central government, will be the first to sign oil contracts in Kurdistan, and then sent to Baghdad to fall to a high-level committee of experts consisting future.

    Barzani said : will be the final signing in the province, after the showing of the Committee of Experts of opinion and observations on contracts», adding that this measure was intended to give transparency of contracts and the prevention of corruption or granted for companies not to the required level. He pointed out that all officials in Baghdad, including Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki showed full readiness to work on the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, relating to the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk. S and forces, the President of the government of Kurdistan thats the order by the Iraqi Constitution, and its mission to protect Iraq's Kurdistan region, and must be allocated a share of the budget of the Iraqi Ministry of Defense.


    It can't be overstated how important this agreement is to our RV!
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  7. #34827
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    It can't be overstated how important this agreement is to our RV!

    number one on the List ..
    Oh the drama....

  8. #34828
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    The United States is planning to confront the gunmen in the Iraq operation unemployed

    Monday, 25.12.2006, 12:24am (GMT)

    Washington : Munir Maori
    The decision to declare Bush the beginning of the new year, the plan expected to achieve stability in Iraq, which refers most expectations that it contains a package of measures first to send thousands of additional troops to impose security in and around Baghdad, the second adoption of the draft economic giant to provide job opportunities for millions of unemployed along the lines of the President Franklin Roosevelt of the United States in the Great Depression in the 1930s of the last century.

    The newspaper British Sunday Times and the New York Times American sources in the Pentagon, the assurances that the generals and senior military commanders field support the idea of reviving the Iraqi economy to provide jobs for young people as part of the plan for ending the rebellion, in addition to sending up to 30 thousand additional troops to reinforce the efforts to impose security in Iraq. The Sunday Times that the Bush plan to provide job opportunities for Iraqis, cost about ten billion dollars American military leaders believe that the Americans will be to no avail without military plans, because the problem in their view with regard to unemployment and the difficult economic conditions that drive young people to join the ranks of the gunmen. The newspaper said that the Speaker of the American House of former Newt Gingrich, a member of the advisory body provides advice and recommendations to the Pentagon, stands strongly behind the proposal to adopt a Marshall Plan for Iraq as part of the strategic plan will bring prosperity to the Iraqi people.

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  9. #34829
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    AME Currency Converter is has finally dropped it below 1800 EU - it was 1783.7 when I checked (the live feed). Last night, it was well over 1800. I didn't record it, I'm afraid, so I don't know the exact figure.

    The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (George Bernard Shaw)

  10. #34830
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    Soldiering through Christmas in Baghdad
    POSTED: 7:29 p.m. EST, December 24, 2006
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    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Pfc. John Alonzo knew Christmas would be his toughest time in Iraq.

    "Ever since I volunteered, I haven't been looking forward to it," said the 27-year-old, from Lubbock, Texas. "My son wants to know why I can't be home for the holidays. He doesn't understand that I can't just quit."

    Before dawn on Sunday, Alonzo and the rest of the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment rolled through muddy, unpaved streets in a volatile corner of east Baghdad, hunting house-to-house for Shiite militia leaders and bomb-making materials.

    Although they did not know it, a roadside bomb in the same neighborhood had killed three U.S. soldiers the day before; a fourth died in an explosion in Diyala province east of the Iraqi capital.

    As the sun came up over the city Sunday, a soldier sang "Silver Bells" while others smashed windows in a tall residential apartment building to get a better look at the street below. "It's Christmastime in the city," he crooned.

    A mortar round landed in the area. Later, a rooftop sniper fired a single shot that penetrated the helmet of a U.S. soldier, grazing his head. The lightly injured soldier was treated at his base camp.

    The troops will spend Christmas raiding another section of the city.

    "It's hard. But we've still got work to do. The mission doesn't stop," said Alonzo, who left his job as a beer salesman and enlisted because the Army provided better health care benefits for his three small children, and money for his wife to finish college.

    There are small signs of the season across Iraq, where thoughts of the friends and loved ones they miss weigh heavier than usual on the minds of U.S. troops. But for most, Christmas is just another day.

    "In the back of your mind -- you think about it -- but there are no holidays in Iraq," said Staff Sgt. Brandon Scott, a 35-year-old from Woodbridge, Virginia, and the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, which is part of the Army's 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division.

    A 16-year veteran of the Army, Scott said he was spending his third Christmas in four years away from his four children. "We don't really have time for Christmas," he said.

    But that doesn't mean there aren't gifts.

    Care packages stuffed with cookies, candy canes and Christmas cards penned by children from coast to coast have flooded every U.S. military outpost across the country. Often sent by strangers looking to support the soldiers any way they can, there are more sweets than the troops can eat and enough bottles of shampoo and batteries, used paperbacks and cans of peanuts to get them through the next decade. A single package from California to Forward Operating Base Liberty in Baghdad contained no less than eight MP-3 players.

    Capt. Samuel Fuller, a 29-year-old Chicago native, said his wife arranged to send a small present for every member in his 72-soldier company.

    "Our leadership is trying to pull guard shifts so that some of the soldiers can rest and call their families. Maybe smoke a cigar," Fuller said. "But it's hard to find time to relax."

    Asked what he wanted for Christmas, Fuller's thoughts turned to roadside bombs known to soldiers as Improvised Explosive Devices.

    "A day without IEDs. Definitely that'd be the best," said Fuller, part of Company A of the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team's Special Troop Battalion, which spends its days searching for explosives on Baghdad's streets.

    At an Army outpost in Ramadi, the most-dangerous city in insurgent-dominated Anbar province west of Baghdad, soldiers decorated a full-size artificial Christmas tree with mines, smoke grenades and machine gun rounds and stuck a massive knife on the top.

    "You can go anywhere in Iraq," grinned Staff Sgt. Jeremy Gann, a 24-year-old from Dallas, Georgia, who is part of the 1st Battalion, 37th Armor Regiment. "You won't find another Christmas tree like it."

    He is right, but there are other, less violent signs of Christmas.

    An inflatable snowman too tall for the low ceiling guards the hallway of the headquarters building at camp Liberty, and soldiers stuck a small pair of red-and-green, plastic reindeer antlers on the front of one of the Stryker vehicles they ride to missions.

    Curled up in a camouflage sleeping bag on a green cot inside a former prison where some soldiers at Liberty sleep, 1st Lt. Sean McCaffrey put on a red Santa's cap and smiled.

    "This probably won't be too good outside with the snipers," said McCaffrey, who affixed a small plastic Christmas tree to the cot of a neighbor.

    On a recent patrol, Staff Sgt. Anthony Handly said he saw evidence of Baghdad's small Christian community.

    "There was actually a store selling plastic Christmas trees," said Handly, 30, of Bellingham, Washington "I guess someone in Baghdad is celebrating it."

    McCaffrey and Handly are part of the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, just like Alonzo, who said his family purchased an artificial tree for the first time this year, because he wasn't around to pick out and decorate a live one.

    "My daughter asked if they could just keep the tree up until I get home on leave in February," Alonzo said smiling. "We'll see if they do that."
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

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