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  1. #34921
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    One more version of this morning's article about dinar being used in businesses.

    Translated version of

    Forcing departments dealing in Iraqi dinars

    Baghdad-East : حصراً.The Ministry of Finance ordered the state funded centrally and self-dealing transactions that the buying and selling Iraqi dinars exclusively.

    .The ministry explained that the uncles in this procedure, also includes public companies and the remainder to be paid from the assets of the institutions, services and self-financed government bodies and public companies, including foreign currency equivalent of the local currency. Adding been funded centrally directed circles that the deposit amounts previously accepted date of the foreign currency that still exist in funds to the current account in the name of the cash accounting in the Central Bank and the corresponding restore Iraqi dinars final income.

    .He pointed out that this action aims to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar and foreign currency, which would serve the economic development reflected the benefit of the Iraqis.

  2. #34922
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    Budget Iraq : $ 41 billion

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-26-2006
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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - The first deputy chairman of the Iraqi parliament, Khaled al-Attiyah that the general budget for 2007 amounting to 41 billion dollars, and includes allocations for the security of 7.5 billion dollars.

    Al-Attiya said in a press conference Sunday that he had been referred to the Budget Committee the economic and investment in the House of Representatives for consideration and preparation of the final report which, in preparation for discussion in Parliament after the Id al-Adha holiday, pointing out that the budget will be more than 136 job opportunities for Iraqis.

    For his part, the Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Safa net debt, that the budget and encouraging large compared Balmwaznat years, as more than the current year budget of 11 billion dollars, according to the Kuwaiti News Agency.

    He added that net investment expenditure in this budget amounted to ten billion dollars, and expenditures allocated for security 7.5 billion, in addition to doubling the expenditure on education to reach 6 per two billion dollars, while the health sector allocations of 1.8 billion dollars, up 71%.

    The Iraqi minister on the formation of committees central to the activation of application projects or withdrawal of funds from some ministries in the event of failure in the implementation of projects and transferred to other ministries succeeded in the implementation of the projects assigned to it.

    Simultaneously, Iraq suffers from a significant deterioration in the security situation, which negatively affects all economic activities production.

    In the evolution of the security file, the Iraqi Minister of the Interior on Sunday that about 12 thousand Iraqi police have been killed since the overthrow of former Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, and with the increasing armed clashes and suicide and explosives recently.

    It estimated the Iraqi Ministry of Health in November the number of civilians killed since the start of the war in Iraq in March 2003 more than 150 thousand people, while the other estimates reduce this figure up to 51 thousand civilians dead, while other estimates flies to 600 thousand people.

  3. #34923
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    The Cabinet-important press conference theme-diplomats

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-25-2006
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    The Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-governmental organizations - the Communications Media Relations-Press Release Press release

    - Information to / media all


    We wish to inform you that National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie held a press conference the subject of important Aldoblomasiin Iranians, and that at 12 o'clock tomorrow, Tuesday, 26 of this month, at the Palais des Congrès.

    With appreciation

  4. #34924
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    Moussa warns playing a couple of Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 12-26-2006
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    Because all Muslim brothers

    Cairo-Voice of Iraq - Ibrahim Mohammad Sharif

    Secretary General of the Arab League Amr Moussa said that his meeting with the former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi touched on the subject of Iraqi reconciliation is the key themes to be discussed with all our brothers in Iraq.

    Moussa added on the non-implementation of a funeral agreed in previous conferences of the Iraqi reconciliation, pointing to the need to continue to attempt to implement because the implementation of our brothers in Iraq and there is a reconciliation conference in Iraq and all add in the same column.

    The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States on the issue of reconciliation is mainly because we in the Arab world and all parties that try to help end the Iraqi crisis must not accept to play cards Shiites and the Sunnis in Iraq, because all Muslims brothers organ and to let the band runs in the ranks of the Arabs and Muslims.

    And whether the Arab League has begun to make arrangements for the Iraqi reconciliation conference, Moussa said that the arrangements were initiated since the earlier preparatory meetings and there are arrangements and agreement to hold another meeting of the Preparatory Committee we are now.

  5. #34925
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    i figure since its been on the radio in iraq its rather well known knowledge to anyone who is paying attention that the rate is preparing to raise significantly. this is bigger proof that its happening than any others so far and i would expect currency sharks to be on the prowl for any dinar they can get ahold of right now. we know the supply has been halted in iraq so there wont be much to obtain.

    its time.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #34926
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    Wink Mike, have you heard that the 10k handout is happening?

    Looks like they have started, but it seems to tell the people to hold off in cashing in. I HOPE!!!!

    Although they do not meet the level of the Iraqis and their appreciation. In spite of statements by officials Afterward timely grant Eideh Fitr of ten thousand dinars, or about six dollars per capita before the holidays, but the rate was contrary to these statements, it started direct purchasing the ensuing days after the holidays!

    وبالرغم من ان المواطن رضي بهذا التقدير المتواضع لهذه العيدية، الا انها تحولت الى حالة من الاذلال والمعانات، فالمئات من المواطنين مازالوا يقفون على اعتاب المصارف بصورة مزرية متحملين البرد والمطر وساعات الانتظار الطويلة والحذر خوفاً من اختراق اي عمل ارهابي .. مما زاد من ارهاقهم وامتعاضهم مما يجري من آلية تتبعها هذه المصارف ودون ان يجدوا احداً من المسؤولين للتدخل وتسهيل صرف العشرة الاف هذه التي لا توازي جزءاً من معاناة المواطن التي يتحملها يومياً ابتدءً من انقطاع الماء وتحويل التيار الكهربائي الوطني الى اشارات مرورية ضوئية (ترفك لايت) وانتهاءً بالمفخخات والقتل والتهجير الذي اصبح كل منها ممارسات يومية تلازم حياة العراقيين!
    Although the citizen satisfaction with this modest appreciation of this violated, but it turned into a situation of humiliation and suffering, Hundreds of citizens still stand on the threshold of assuming banks miserably cold and the rain and long hours of waiting and caution for fear of penetrating any terrorist act. This increased the pain and distress at what is happening to him, such as banks and without to find one of the officials to intervene and facilitate the payment of ten thousand, which did not match part of the suffering of the citizens borne by the daily ابتدء interruption of the water and convert the electrical current national signals to traffic lights (Trvk Light) and the end of Balmfajkhat, killing and displacement, which has become all the practices inherent in daily life of Iraqis!

    وهذه العشرة الاف فلس (عفواً دينار) تم تخصيصها وفق تقديرات المسؤولين (لتخفيف الالم والرعب الذي يلاحق العراقيين في كل مكان.. حتى في منامهم!!) ومع ذلك قبل المواطن المسكين بها تحت مبدأ (احسن من الماكو) لكن عندما تفتقد هذه (العيدية قيمتها.. فأن المواطن سيفقد احترامه لها اضافة الى سخطه على من قررها عندما تتحول الى حالة تشعره (بالمهانة)!!
    These ten thousand fils (Sorry dinars) had been allocated according to official estimates (for the relief of pain and terror that pursues Iraqis everywhere. Even in sleep!) However, before the citizen miserable under the principle (of the best FARC), but when it lacks this (violated value. The citizens lose respect, in addition to the indignation of the established when converted to the state communicating (humiliation).

    فرفقاً سادتي المسؤولين بالمواطنين.. \يامن اتعبكم طول التأمل والتفكير في اتخاذ قرار صرفها.. رفقاً بهذا الشعب الذي اضيف لمعاناته طيلة الـ(35) عاماً الماضية معاناة مريرة اخرى بخطف الاطفال وتمزيق الاوصال و.. و.. والقائمة طويلة ولا تسعها الصفحة!!
    Frafqa gentlemen responsible citizens. \ Atabkm along you think about the decision soon. This friendly people who add to the suffering for the past (35) years other bitter suffering of abducting children and tearing limbs and ... And ... The list is long and besides Page!

    واللانصاف .. ان هذا الشعب الكريم، الطيب بأهله وارضه يستحق كل الثناء على صبره وهو يرى رقاب ابنائه تقطع ودمائهم تعبد الساحات والشوارع ومع ذلك .. متمالك لنفسه!
    And Allansav. These people have a decent, good land and its place deserves all credit for his patience, believes the necks of her sons and their blood pave the squares and streets, however. Mtmalk for himself!

    وحتى لا نخرج بعيداً عن موضوعنا.. نعود ونقول:
    So as not to break away from the issue. Go back and say :

    اننا على اعتاب حلول عيد الاضحى المبارك ومازال مئات المواطنين لم يتسلموا عيديتهم فهل عجز (الفطاحل) عن ايجاد الحلول لمثل هذه الامور البسيطة؟!
    We are on the eve of the Eid Al-Adha holiday, hundreds of citizens still did not receive Aidithm Is deficit (Alvtahl) for finding solutions for such simple things?

    ام ماذا.. يا.. سادة؟!
    Or why. Oh. Sirs?

  7. #34927
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The dinar will continue to rise against the dollar

    بغداد- المواطنBaghdad-Citizen
    الدينارThe price of the dinar has risen against the dollar in an auction yesterday, Monday, the Central Bank. The sale price of the dollar in an auction Monday, which is Elsa hoses and the twentieth consecutive year in which he records the rise in the value of the dinar dinars in 1345 after it was 1352 dinars to the dollar on Sunday. The quantity sold rose significantly from the dollar to reach 16 million and 450 thousand dollars, after they had 11 million and 635 thousand dollars. The Central Bank bought two million and 900 thousand dollars at 1343 dinars to the dollar. The number of banks participating in the auction today of six banks after the nine banks Sunday. He said the Iraqi Central Bank that the reasons for the rise in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar due to the stability in the auction sale of hard currency that would be built by the bank on a regular basis without a rate of the real exchange rate. The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh appearance "that the rise in the official rate of the dollar to its real absorbed a large part of inflation in Iraq, which represents 30%." He added that "the rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve, and is of tradable goods, such as oil revenues, which represents the first and only in Iraq, noting that" the oldest bank to increase the rate of flow of the International Monetary deposits greater than for the control of inflation and improving the value of the dinar

    جريدة المواطن العراقية
    Just a question? Are we looking at this right in light of it saying "of the dollar"? Thats confusing me a little. Shouldn't it say "of the dinar"?

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  8. #34928
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    Talking Oanda exchange rate for 12/26/06

    Tuesday, December 26, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007543 US Dollar

    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1,325.70 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:
    You buy 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0007543 US Dollar
    You sell 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0006908 US Dollar
    You buy 1 US Dollar : 1,325.70 Iraqi Dinar
    You sell 1 US Dollar : 1,447.60 Iraqi Dinar

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006908 / 0.0007543 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006908 / 0.0007543
    Maximum price = 0.0006911 / 0.0007546

    Let's see what the CBI comes up with for a rate on the 26th tonight! This is fun, Thanks Neno!

  9. #34929
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i figure since its been on the radio in iraq its rather well known knowledge to anyone who is paying attention that the rate is preparing to raise significantly. this is bigger proof that its happening than any others so far and i would expect currency sharks to be on the prowl for any dinar they can get ahold of right now. we know the supply has been halted in iraq so there wont be much to obtain.

    its time.
    Hey Susie, I missed the post about it being on the radio. Could you help me out on this? This is exciting!

  10. #34930
    Senior Member Bubba Dinar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    according to gk the official real rate of the dinar is 2.53SDR. checking history as i know they have had articles where the iraqis actually said 'real exchange rate' when quoting a number.
    2.53 x 1.505 x .5 x .75 = $1.428

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