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  1. #35321
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Fort Bragg unit tapped for Iraq

    WASHINGTON, Dec. 27 (UPI) -- The Defense Department announced Wednesday it has tapped a new unit to move into Kuwait for combat in Iraq.
    The 2nd Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C., will deploy to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility in early January 2007.
    The unit will become the theater command's call-forward force.

    The call-forward force is an additional combat unit that can be tapped to move anywhere in Iraq for offensive campaigns or to reinforce a unit under strain. The brigade can be broken into its components -- battalion or company -- and sent for any length of time, but is often just used for several weeks or months.

    The brigade replaces the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) which deployed from its call-forward location in Kuwait to support the ongoing operations in Anbar province in November.

    With that unit tied down, the U.S. military commander in Iraq loses some of his flexibility to respond to fresh crises or take initiative in offensive operations without sacrificing day-today security missions.
    This is the MEU's third deployment to Iraq.

    The announcement comes as the White House weighs a proposal to add some 30,000 troops to Iraq, on top of the 140,000 there now, to try to quell violence in Baghdad.

    A proposal put forth by Frederick Kagan, a military analyst with the American Enterprise Institute and briefed to the White House about two weeks ago, recommends a "surge" of infantry into Baghdad in the spring with a major offensive undertaken in the summer of 2007 to halt militia violence and protect Iraqis. Kagan argues that if the campaign is successful, many U.S. troops could be withdrawn from Iraq in 18 to 24 months.

  2. #35322
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Prince Harry Is Headed to Iraq, Girlfriend Says
    Wednesday, December 27, 2006

    Prince Harry
    — Prince Harry's lover Chelsy Davy is to travel the world after telling pals: "Haz is off to war."

    Her remark is the strongest hint yet that the 22-year-old Royal will see action in Iraq .

    Chelsy, 21, hopes her trip will keep her mind off her fears while cavalryman Harry joins comrades for a dangerous tour of duty. - Prince Harry Is Headed to Iraq, Girlfriend Says - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment
    Wish I could give 10 thxs for this one. The americans and the Brits have proven time and again they are there to make a difference. The Prince puts his money were his country stands.

    We in Canada are now doing and saying the same thing in Afganistan.

    I salute all the brave.


  3. #35323
    Senior Investor lewscrew's Avatar
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    Default What he meant to say

    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Vice President Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, a group of experts to prepare the report
    المبادىء الاساسية للاصلاح الاقتصادي في البلاد وخارطة طريق لاعادة الاعمارThe basic principles of economic reform in the country and the road map for reconstruction

    Prepared by Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Vice-President of the Republic in cooperation with a group of advisers and experts Tekariraen Iraqi economic reality and the requirements of reform and recovery in the light of the crises that are exposed. Published "citizen" For the text of the report on the national economy and the identification of the economic trends
    بسمرحيمThe name of God the Merciful
    لم ..Not least, but does not know the things of the country, that Iraq will go easy comfortable circumstances, if the fall of the former. But many books and many leaders pointed out that the task of change, no matter how difficult and tough but the task of reform will be more complex and difficult.
    ..This is normal for all those who know the devastation and destruction that befell Iraq during recent decades : despotism, corruption and internal wars ongoing, and three major regional wars and the internationalization of the Iraqi issue, the sanctions and blockade. The change comes, and put the country under occupation. It committed serious errors, in addition to the mistakes made by the Iraqis themselves. Add to all of the vicious war waged by terrorists and Altkverion and Sadamion, which targeted the Iraqi society and the rest of the builders and institutions. The disruption of the process of reform, the political process and all that would move from this tragic situation to the conditions of salvation that was sought by the Iraqi peopleDespite these circumstances could test of the Iraqi people and sacrifices and mobilizing the support of friendly countries, a great display of arms, and identify priorities which identify the restoration of the country's sovereignty, and elected representatives who are empowered to speak on his behalf and that it is important for Iraq constitution agreed upon by Iraqis, all Iraqis. And already made the political process successfully impressed the world and the government of national unity, convened in the House of Representatives all of those Iraqi forces and the large task that represent the Iraqi people in all their components. It developed the security and the Iraqi army. Once many of the issues that were Dreamlike few years ago. Achieve all this, which is great, very great. This must be proud of all of us. But we still feel that the country has not taken off and the fact many risks still surround them. And our President that the reason for this is that through economic reform and the provision of services remains stalled. One of the fundamental reasons for that is certainly the terrorism and sabotage. But we preferred in this paper not only that but we have to stress that the reason for the disruption was not this factor, but that the reform and the provision of services could have achieved much more important progress achieved, to achieve something great little suits funds disbursed and the tremendous efforts that have been made The political process has advanced the center of terrorism and sabotage, but they have one of the means to confront it. It would have been possible for economic reform and the provision of services that also bring forward not only in the interest of the people and give to change its meaning and its real purposes, but also called the tremendous momentum that can be of the regions and provinces secure and stable and its residents that particular act militarily and politically and economically, to form one of the most important means to get out of the suffocating and strengthen the country against all risks that could threaten. These factors and others were present paper. The paper did not directly prompt Cha postponement to avoid loss of time and loss of blessings and virtue this holy month, with the principle of "word to be understood by reference," despite the fact that all references and concepts mentioned in the paper with numbers and detailed evidence we believe it enhances what we have and the vision of diagnosis and treatment, which would incorporate detailed examination of this paper is an introduction to them. We are confident awareness and sense of responsibility enjoyed by our brothers who Servdon these visions and currency correction and development for the interest of Iraq and Iraqis

    جريدة المواطن العراقية
    Hi everyone,

    I have read through this a few times and decided to try
    and put it into plain english to see if it makes more sense.

    I believe what he is trying to say is:

    Saddam had to go no matter how
    difficult the task would be, and once we got him out
    of Iraq there were a lot of mistakes made by the occupation
    and the Iraqis themselves which really screwed things up big time
    and slowed down the process or reform for the country, but
    we chose to keep pushing forward to reach our salvation
    with the help of a great display of arms from the many
    friendly countries of Iraq.
    We set our priorities for restoring the country's sovereignty,
    we have created our new government and also have our own
    constitution that is agreed upon by all Iraqis.
    We have developed security and have our own Iraq army.
    We are all very proud of what has been accomplished thus
    far, most of these accomplishments were mearly dreams
    only a few years ago.
    But, we still feel like something is missing and believe
    that things can still be so much better than they are now.
    We know that terrorism and sabatage are a big reason
    that we have not yet received the wonderful life that we are
    promised and dearly deserve, however we feel it is mostly
    caused by the continued delay of our government to
    revalue our currency and finally hand out the funds that
    were promised to so many of us so long ago.
    Not only have you kept us from enjoying our life but we
    are also afraid to step outside because your delays have
    only helped terrorism and sabotage to grow stronger
    instead of our economy.
    You have the means to stop this bloodshed and to stabalize
    our economy so we can stop all of the suffering and strengthen
    our country against any remaining threats.
    Now the time has come to respond to our cries, to make
    our lives joyous and plentyful once more.
    We want to live again and be proud of who we are and stand
    tall with all of our brothers that can visualize what a great
    nation we will be a part of together.
    With the ending of this Holy month we are confident that
    if you look at the evidence and ad up all of the numbers
    you will also see that the only way for Iraq and Iraqis to
    finally live the life they deserve is to correct our currency
    to what it is actually worth and we will eccept no less.

    Thanks, Lewscrew

  4. #35324
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Here comes the surge. Reports this week indicate the Pentagon is preparing to send 3,500 troops to Kuwait to await deployment to Iraq, the next step down a disastrous path of escalation.

    Before the escalation becomes inevitable, it must be made clear that this reckless strategy is being dictated by the White House and not by the military commanders who are being poked, prodded, pushed -- and bribed -- into backing it.

    Again and again and again, President Bush has insisted that he's running the war by listening to his generals, and that he doesn't "make decisions based upon politics about how to win a war," choosing to "trust our commanders on the ground to give the best advice about how to achieve victory." As he put it in the run-up to the midterm elections: "I believe that you empower your generals to make the decisions -- the recommendations on what we do to win."

    But that's clearly not what's happening.

    For months, those commanders, Gen. Abizaid and Gen. Casey, have been unwavering in their opposition to sending more troops to Iraq, arguing that it would increase Iraqi dependency on Washington, lead to more attacks by al-Qaeda, provide more targets for Sunni insurgents, attract more foreign jihadists to Iraq, increase the impression of an American occupation, and, in the evocative words of a senior military official, "be like throwing kerosene on a fire."

    Testifying at a Senate Armed Services hearing last month, Gen. Abizaid said unequivocally that he did not "believe that more American troops right now is the solution."

    But the surge is moving forward anyway. So much for "trusting and empowering" your commanders. Making matters worse, Abizaid and Casey are providing cover for Bush by caving to White House pressure and acting like they support the move -- albeit in the most unenthusiastic terms possible.

    "I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea," said Casey last week, speaking like a man who feared that if he actually said that he thought it was a good plan, God would strike him down.

    And check out the verbal contortions of the senior Defense Department official who told the New York Times that Casey and Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno, who oversees day-to-day operations in Iraq, were open to "the possible modest augmentation in U.S. combat forces." Not exactly a ringing endorsement of a surge -- but nowhere near the honest expression of the military's reported "firm stand" against it.

    In October, President Bush said, "You can't fight a war from Washington...You can't make the tactical decisions necessary to win. It just won't work."

    He was absolutely right. But that is precisely what's happening with the troop surge plan -- and what has been the modus operandi since the beginning of the war. Don't forget what happened to Gen. Shinseki when he had the temerity to suggest that Don Rumsfeld's pre-war troop levels were inadequate. Shinseki's fate has obviously been a factor in his successors' subsequent acquiescence, and helps explain why the catastrophe in Iraq has been masterminded from Washington every step of the way -- the honest advice of our military commanders be damned.

    If there were ever a time for America's military leaders to tell us the truth as opposed to keeping their mouths shut (or speaking out of both sides) while waiting for this administration's version of the gold watch -- the Medal of Freedom bestowed on those that play the good soldier and go along with the program -- this is surely that time.

    But the conditions on the ground indicate that Abizaid, Casey, and the rest of the military high command are not going to take a stand against yet another disastrous decision by the White House -- which means that it will be up to the Democrats, soon to take control of Congress, to stop this tragic escalation.

    The Blog | Arianna Huffington: White House Pushes for Troop Surge, Best Advice of Generals Be Damned | The Huffington Post

  5. #35325
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    Sounds to me like he's trying to make himself a martyr

    Saddam Offers Himself as 'Sacrifice' in Letter to Iraqi People

    Ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has written a letter to the Iraqi people in which he says he offers himself as a "sacrifice" when he goes to the gallows.

    Saddam's defense team confirmed that the letter, released Wednesday, is genuine. In it, Saddam calls for unity among the Iraqi people.

    Tuesday, an Iraqi appeals court upheld the death sentence against Saddam for crimes against humanity, and said he should be hanged within 30 days.

    Last month, an Iraqi court sentenced Saddam to hang for ordering the execution of 148 Shi'ite men from Dujail after a failed assassination attempt against him in the town in 1982.

    Many Shi'ites celebrated the ruling. But Saddam's once dominant Baath party, some of whose members are now in exile, said it would retaliate against American interests if Saddam is put to death.

    The White House described the appeals court decision as "an important milestone" in Iraqi efforts to establish "the rule of law."

    Saddam and six co-defendants are being tried separately on charges of genocide for a 1988 military campaign, Anfal, against the Kurdish region of northern Iraq. Prosecutors say 180,000 Kurds were killed in that campaign.

    U.S. forces captured Saddam near his hometown of Tikrit in December 2003, eight months after the U.S.-led invasion that ousted him from power.

    VOA News - Saddam Offers Himself as 'Sacrifice' in Letter to Iraqi People

  6. #35326
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    how about the mods doing something about the ip numbers of the people who continuously sponge our material coz they are too lazy to get their own???

    do we need to discontinue to post to stop it???
    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

  7. #35327
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    Default Posted a couple of questions....

    Posted a couple of questions....

    But did not recieve an answer, even with Neno asking, so I'll ask again.

    1- Do we have any factual amount of gold in control of the Iraqi Gov't? This meaning holdings by foriegn gov'ts and that conficated by Americans from shady charactors trying to sneak it across the Syrian borders?

    2- Has any one heard about agricultual contracts, being long term, pending advancment in this sector and by who?

    Thanks, Gloribee

  8. #35328
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    سعيدPreparation and submission of Hussein Said :
    **) .**) Iraqi government is silent about the execution of Saddam Hussein, but the Iraqi street expectations ranging, according to the report of the Reuters news agency, the rapid execution in a few days carried out in secret and announced only after it becomes a reality to the execution of a public broadcast on television but very few outweigh the last option.
    .The Court of Cassation, Iraq on Tuesday ratified the death sentence where Saddam on charges of committing crimes against humanity.
    ائه.The report quoted the Chief of the Appeal Court Judge Arif Abdul Razaq Al - Shaheen, the court is led by, and that the matter is now in the hands of the executive. He added that the government would have the right to determine the date of execution of the sentence starting from Wednesday, and within 30 days. He explained that Al - Shaheen no one can commute the sentence or canceled.

    **) ام.**) Announced that Saddam Hussein presented himself Bxhabh sacrifice to the nation to the gallows, and called on Iraqis to unite their ranks in the face of their enemies.
    Translated version of

  9. #35329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    Well thats great, but the only thing is we had to wait 2 yrs and they only to wait 2 weeks !!! If only I had been that lucky !! Well great for them and us.

    PS. do they want another team member? If so I'm in!!


    Hi Gloribee,
    I'm happy that everyone could be a part of this wonderful experience...but I would not want to trade places with the new guys. I'm in the US and because I've been holding dinars for 20 months, I at least get a tax bracket of [I think 15%] instead of 30%. That's huge. No matter where we are in this time wise we are all in a life changing experience and I thank God that I was in a place to get the information. God Bless and good luck to all. Looking like a very special new year .

  10. #35330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    Posted a couple of questions....

    But did not recieve an answer, even with Neno asking, so I'll ask again.

    1- Do we have any factual amount of gold in control of the Iraqi Gov't? This meaning holdings by foriegn gov'ts and that conficated by Americans from shady charactors trying to sneak it across the Syrian borders?

    2- Has any one heard about agricultual contracts, being long term, pending advancment in this sector and by who?

    Thanks, Gloribee
    Adster, your one of many of our sites most knowledgable posters. can you help me out on this one? I have reasons for asking, but need something to go on first.

    Thxs, Gloribee

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