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  1. #71
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    Just to let you know...

    I receieved a letter from my very Dear Friend
    Jonathan Gray today....and here's what he had to say...
    You just have to read this….


    Eskin glanced at his wrist watch. Just twenty-three
    minutes and Alitalia Flight 801 would be touching

    Baggage and immigration clearance should, hopefully,
    be quick. He could be in Jerusalem
    by five.

    Rabbi Avigdor Eskin looked down at the photograph of
    the Prime Minister. Then he closed his eyes and
    reclined in his seat, rehearsing the plan.

    For this curse to work, he would need ten men. They
    would stand outside the house of Prime Minister
    Yitzhak Rabin and pronounce the words of the death

    Eskin fumbled in his jacket. Fine, the letter was
    still there. A copy would be sent to several

    Rabin had to die. The man was a rodef, endangering
    the lives of others. Not only that, he was a moser,
    the worst form of traitor.

    The ancient curse Eskin would invoke was the pulsa
    denura, the "lashes of fire". Powerful, effective
    and deadly. So deadly, it could never be written

    Eskin rehearsed it again. This curse had been
    handed down by word of mouth. It was the worst
    curse that could ever be issued.

    Ten learned rabbis must agree that its use was
    justified. Of course, Eskin knew it must be done

    His helpers would need to fast for three days. They
    would cast the spell at midnight
    , in a ceremony lit
    by black candies.

    ."Sir, would you please pull up your seat? We shall
    soon be landing."

    The voice of the stewardess jolted him. For an
    instant, Eskin glared at her, annoyed at the sudden
    intrusion. He pressed the seat button.


    ...Was it Eskin I bumped into that morning at the
    bus station? As the surly, bearded man brushed past
    me, I was struck with something sinister in his

    My crew and I departed Jerusalem
    the next morning.
    But a few days later, when I picked up a Cairo

    newspaper, my blood froze!

    Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin had just died

    It would later be revealed that Eskin had
    pronounced in triumph, "Our prayer has worked."

    He had then promptly returned to his native Russia
    fearing arrest.


    Almost any astute observer could see that the
    secular Israeli government was treading a

    On the one hand it sought a delicate peace process
    with the potentially hostile Arabs.

    And on the other hand, it had to contend with
    Jewish "religious extremists" who wanted to build
    n the sacred Temple
    Mount held by those Arabs.

    There were Jewish extremists who felt themselves
    "betrayed" by their government. The government was
    now blaming "religious extremists" for Rabin's


    As if that were not enough, the authorities would
    soon have to deal with a third VERY EXPLOSIVE
    factor: THE ARK OF THE COVENANT discovery.

    And that's where the interest begins to sharpen.

    In a nutshell, this is the information I have been
    able to pull together for you...

    1. The inside information on the Ark
    's alleged
    "special" powers and the reports of some modern
    attempts to locate this lost treasure.

    2. The background story of the people who built
    the Ark. The Ark
    itself will be seen surfacing
    from time to time during this story, until
    vanishing for millennia.

    3. The search by an American archaeologist and
    his team for the lost Ark, interspersed with
    flash-backs to some earth-shaking events which
    only now can be seen as linked to the Ark EVEN
    connection will be mind boggling.

    4. Then I ask, "Will the Ark
    play a role in
    coming events? Will something happen soon?"


    The story that unfolds concerns long forgotten
    voyages, scientific blood tests, events of
    precision timing, prophecies uncanny in their
    fulfillment, secret underground passages, acts
    of intrigue, and fabulous treasures.

    These revelations have the potential to ignite
    an explosion in conventional circles.

    Meanwhile, this excursion into the past offers
    a feast of hidden delights.

    And if this stretches your mind, Largo,
    then here's where to get started:


    8 men have died…

    A government walks a knife edge…

    Evidence of the long lost shrine
    of the Ten Commandments
    – the ARK OF THE COVENANT – has surfaced!

    For 800 years thisgold platedchest was THE MOST FABULOUS treasure in the world. It stood in the very heart of Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

    Mysteriously it vanished…

    The race to find the Ark...
    One of history's most fascinating searches...( the first movie with Indiana Jones)

    And then...

    A team of amateur archaeologists shake the world with a major discovery
    - under the noses of a shocked scientific world.

    The most electrifying discovery of all time.

    Why the
    • murder attempts,
    • official cover-ups, and
    • secret intrigue…? All because of a gold-plated box?

    Based on cutting-edge research and on-site excavation, this story is
    • well-documented,
    • easy to read,
    • fast-moving. It will hold you spell-bound.

    • forgotten voyages,
    • astonishing prophecies and
    • secret tunnels.

    And Search for Lost Treasures

    • Follow the search for the lost treasures of the Temple of Solomon

    • Since persons in the past died by touching the Ark of the Covenant,
      what would happen if you touched it today?

    • What is the truth about alleged discoveries of the Ark in Ethiopia
      and other countries?

    • Now explore secret tunnels under the streets of Jerusalem

    • Why are Israeli leaders jittery about the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant?

    • Why wasn’t the Ark found before this?

    • Does its discovery mean that Temple services will be reinstated?

    • Will the Ark soon be brought out of its hiding place? And could
      this really spark a holy war?

    Did you know that a man was identified by name, and
    his actions foretold, 100 years before he was born

    And that another man had his whole life story written
    down long before his birth?

    Discover prophecies 3,500 years old, that are coming to
    pass AT THIS MOMENT!

    Learn about a prophecy, uncanny in its fulfilment, that
    religious leaders tried desperately to suppress

    New World Order

        • What are the secret moves being made behind the New
          Order, that will affect YOU?

    TO SUM UP the most important points...

    For 800 years this gold plated chest was the most
    precious object in the world. It stood in the heart of
    Solomon’s Temple.

    And the BIG things – like love and hate, life and death,
    attended its history.

    In fact, you may well ask, why was it that people dropped
    dead if they touched or looked into it? Did that Ark
    contain some special power, or was there some other

    And then in 586 BC came the soldiers of Babylon to
    destroy Jerusalem and burn the Temple. And the Ark
    mysteriously vanished.


    We’re going on a search. You can come with us, if you
    like, under the streets of Jerusalem, into some secret

    And we ask IMPORTANT questions. Why is the Israeli
    government nervous about the discovery? And how on earth
    s it linked to the assassination of a Prime Minister?

    As you know, today the Israeli government walks a knife
    edge. On one hand it has a jittery peace process with the
    Arabs. On the other hand there are Israeli extremists who
    want to blow up the Arabs’ Dome of the Rock, the third
    holiest Moslem site, to build a third Jewish Temple. But
    now emerges a third explosive factor – the discovery of
    the Ark of the Covenant.

    Is a holy war coming?

    And next onto this scene marches the New World Order.
    Will the Ark play a role?

    Oh yes, and is it really true that your country and mine
    are being manipulated like puppets on strings, by a small
    group of powerful men with unlimited finance? Is it true
    that they are planning a new money system in which they
    will control YOUR bank account and mine?

    What will REALLY happen in the big cities when the economy collapses?

    What will be the political...economic...and religious effects ON YOUR PRIVATE LIFE???

    And what has this got to do with the Ark of the Covenant
    discovery? Is there a connection? Yes, there is a connection.


    * * * * * * * *

    Okay, I’ll let you in on a secret.
    This is no ordinary book.
    Archaeology? Yes. But would you

    believe, this has
    * mended broken marriages,
    * saved people from suicide,
    * changed hardened murderers who are still

    serving life sentences…

    How could an archaeology book do that?

    Here’s the testimony of South Australian Television
    personality Keith Martyn, who spent a whole week
    of one hour radio programs talking about this one
    book. Keith Martyn claimed:

    “This is the second greatest book ever written!”

    “The Ark of The Covenant"
    Doesn't this thrill you...?
    Stay tuned...
    I don't know...but this letter arrived AFTER my latest post....
    go figure...
    SOMETHING is at work here...

  2. #72
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    Talking Yes, You have my attention

    Please go on

  3. #73
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    Keep going Largo my friend, very interesting.
    I would love to debate some points, but for now, harmony rules :)
    Cheers mate

  4. #74
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    Smile I'm Glad Someone Is Paying Attention...

    Be Not Afraid.

    Seek God With All Your Heart

    Fear Not For He is With You Always

    Even with those who choose to think otherwise

    Pray Pray Pray for time is running out

    Seek God With All Your Heart

    He Will Protect You, Be Not Afraid

  5. #75
    Investor Largo's Avatar
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    What ABOUT the weather...?

    Let's find out...shall we...?
    “Well, viewers,” beamed the T.V. weather man, sheepishly, “ tonight I
    really must apologise to you.
    “ In last night’ s forecast I told you to water your gardens. And to expect fine
    weather for the next four days. Well I don’t have to tell you that I went
    home and had just finished watering my garden when it simply poured
    I smiled. This was Adelaide, Australia. But that story could have happened
    So much for our weather forecasting technology. With all our sophisticated
    predictions, we can still say… “ Surprise!”

    No such luck if you were a weather forecaster 5,000 years ago. There were
    no surprises. The weather was as predictable as the rising of the sun.
    So you could never get yourself a job as a weather man, nor as a weather
    girl, no matter how charming you might be. That job just never existed…
    anywhere on earth.
    Everyone knew what the weather would be like… tomorrow, next week,
    next month, and twenty months from now. It never changed. Never any
    rain. No thunderstorms, no hurricanes, no droughts, no floods. If you
    offered your services to the T.V. station, they’d laugh you out of town!
    Yes, we’re talking about this planet earth of ours.
    How things have changed!
    Before the Great Disaster, this was a protected planet.

    It is quite possible that the earth was at that time surrounded by an outer
    water canopy which intercepted the direct rays of the sun.
    Genesis speaks of the “waters above the firmament.” (Genesis 1:7) The
    Hebrew word translated “ firmament” means, literally, “ expanse” , referring
    to the atmosphere, or at least the troposphere (which is that part of the
    atmosphere in which there are no convection currents, storms, clouds, etc, -
    below the stratosphere).
    Can such a phenomenon really exist? Indeed. Canopies are quite common
    around the planets of our solar system. The planets Venus and Jupiter, and
    also Saturn’ s moon, Titan, each have vapour or cloud canopies completely
    surrounding them.
    Such a canopy would diffuse the sun’s rays all over the globe. It would
    give the world a uniform climate. Incoming solar heat would diffuse so
    equally over all zones, that a subtropical climate would prevail from pole to
    The conditions would be like those in a terrarium! The average
    temperature would be about 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius).
    It would also conserve heat from the sun’s rays by preventing its loss to
    outer space. Thus a larger percentage of the sun’s radiant energy would be
    absorbed, uniformly distributed, and retained, than at present.

    This canopy was probably invisible to earth’s inhabitants. It also formed a
    huge orbital lens, causing the stars to appear larger and much more
    numerous than they would appear to people on earth today. Of which we
    shall speak later.
    The probability of a water blanket around the earth in the past is put
    forward seriously by competent men of science. Dr. A.E. Ringwood
    concluded as much in a paper submitted to the Lunar Science Conference
    at Houston, Texas, in January, 1970. He stated that early in the earth’s
    history it had a massive atmosphere, at a high enough temperature to
    evaporate certain elements collected by the earth as it moved through
    space. (Adelaide News, Jan. 12, 1970)

    The possibility of a massive atmospheric envelope can be taken seriously.
    As the water was in orbit and could not be reached by the nuclei of
    condensation that are needed for cloud formation, rain was unknown until
    the Great Flood.
    There were no upsets in nature. The earth was, at that time, very different.
    Again I’ve mentioned the Great Flood. There are many modern sceptics
    who will express doubt that such an event ever occurred. And that
    character, Noah… Well, prepare for a shock or two. In later chapters, we
    shall uncover some surprising evidence - enough to make your head reel.
    But back now to the earth that was. There were no upsets in nature. That
    world was so different from ours.
    No wonder the Great Flood was deemed “ impossible” ! One can
    understand why that “ crackpot” Noah, when he broadcast the message
    given him that the world would be destroyed by a Flood, was disbelieved.
    It was a fearful and unheard of thing that God had threatened to bring upon
    the planet. It was unscientific, unreasonable, and nobody considered it
    possible. The great masses of the people were against him.
    The ancient manuscripts put it this way: “By faith Noah, when warned by
    God of things not seen as yet, moved with holy fear, built a boat to save his
    family; and by so doing condemned the world.” (Hebrews 11:7)
    But we won’t go into that. For now, let’s take just another look at that
    water canopy…

    Let’ s compare today’ s world with a CANOPIED environment.
    Today, our equatorial zones get the brunt of the sun’s heat. Polar regions
    get little heat. Temperatures on this planet are extreme. As a result of
    these hot and cold air masses meeting turbulently, today’ s weather patterns
    and continual storms are experienced.
    But just imagine a controlled terrarium state. Diffused sunlight and heat
    would result in:

    * a moderate warm climate everywhere
    * no winds and storms
    * a continual growing season
    * no encroaching wastelands of desert or ice
    * lush vegetation worldwide
    * protection from harmful cosmic radiation.

    Our present limited vapour blanket in our atmosphere is the very thing that
    makes life possible on earth today.
    Originally, a vast canopy of water above the earth’s atmosphere must have
    extended far out into space as a great protective blanket for the beautiful
    This virtual wall of water filtered or reflected most of the cosmic and shortwave
    length radiations that now reach the earth.

    What could the results be? These two instantly come to mind:
    1. Possible longer life spans
    2. Possible larger specimens of some plants and animals.
    Is there any evidence suggesting this was so?
    Let’s find out…

    As I write this, I am in shock.
    Believe me, my head is spinning. I’m sitting in my lounge room trying to
    take it in. If this thing is real… and it is… Well, let me start with the
    “Bones of an alligator which was as long as a house and as tall as its
    ceilings have been found on the banks of the Amazon River in South
    America. Scientists estimate from the alligator’s 1.5 metre skull that it was
    about 2.5 metres [8 feet] tall, and about 12 metres [40 feet] long. Professor
    Carl Frailey, from Overland Park, Kansas, said the creature probably
    weighed around 12 tonnes.
    “ ‘This would make it about a tonne heavier than Tyrannosaurus rex… the
    mightiest of dinosaur predators’ , he said.
    “A spokesman from the Guinness Book of Records said this alligator would
    have been the largest predator yet known. It would appear in the next
    edition as such.”
    This news report appeared in The Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Australia) on
    November 17, 1991, on page 3.
    Just try to imagine it, will you? Are you sitting in a room with an eightfoot
    ceiling? Now, fill up the whole room with its head and go from there,
    right back through the house. That’s all alligator.
    This chapter is about giants. And in a later chapter we shall talk about
    living longer. That’s how it used to be.

    The ancient world was able to support animal and plant life of fantastic size
    and numbers.
    This is what the fossil remains tell us:
    1. There was a wider and more even distribution of plant and animal
    2. There was a greater variety of plants and animals than now.
    3. Organisms were of a greater size and quality.
    Yes, there has been a distinct deterioration of today’s animals and plants
    compared with the same organisms in fossil form.
    Fossil remains show that all terrestrial life has decreased in size. The
    largest members of the animal kingdom are either becoming extinct, or
    shrinking as if touched by a magic wand.

    - Animals
    Mammals were often twice the size of their current counterparts.
    Here are some examples:
    ._ kangaroos as large as hippopotamuses, with skulls 3 feet long
    ._ horses with 13 inch (32 cm) hoof marks
    ._ koalas as bit as rhinos
    ._ elephants with tusks 14 feet (4 m) long
    ._ sheep as big as today’ s horses
    ._ boars as large as hippopotamuses
    ._ baboons 13 feet (4 metres) tall
    ._ rhinos about 17 feet high and nearly 30 feet long
    And the list continues…
    ._ In the northwest of South Australia, between 500 and 1,000 skeletons
    were found of a colossal wombat as large as a rhinoceros! It was
    given the name Diprotodon.
    ._ In the Himalayas, tortoises were found with carapices 20 feet long.
    ._ Zoologists from Christchurch, New Zealand, chipped out of a cave
    roof a fossil skeleton of a penguin 7 feet tall.
    ._ There are fossil eagles 40 feet long and 12 feet high.
    Getting down to smaller creatures:
    ._ We find dragonflies 18 inches long with wings up to 30 inches (75
    cm) across - modern wingspan is only about 4 inches (10 cm).
    ._ Some cockroaches were as much as a foot long (30 cm). Can you
    imagine that? (But no problem, because the hyper-oxygenisation of
    the aqueous medium – water – would have totally removed the threat
    of anaerobicic bacteria. I shall explain this hyper-oxygenisation of
    the original world in the very next chapter.)
    ._ And 6 to 10 feet frogs (2 to 3 metres), had 20 inch heads (50 cm),
    and jaws more powerful than those of a modern ox.
    ._ Imagine lobsters 6 feet (2 metres) long! They really were.
    ._ And bats the size of sheep, with wingspreads of 15 feet (5 metres).
    ._ Locusts with a 7 inch wingspread
    ._ Snails almost a foot across
    ._ And scorpions 9 feet long
    This is not fantasy; their remains are found today, buried in the rubble of
    the old world.
    ._ Coiled shellfish today grow to about 8 inches across, but fossilised
    specimens displayed in museums measure over 60 inches.

    - Plants
    Plant life likewise was gigantic:
    ._ Mosses grew 2 or 3 feet in height, instead of just an inch or so, as
    they do today.
    ._ Horsetail reeds today usually grow to 5 or 6 feet in height. They
    used to be up to 50 feet tall.
    ._ I recall reading somewhere of fossil trees that were up to a thousand
    feet tall (300 metres)!
    Yes, it was such a different world.
    Amongst the fossils, giant forms have been discovered of almost every kind
    of creature alive today.

    - Dinosaurs
    This discussion would be incomplete if we failed to mention those famous
    giants called dinosaurs.
    ._ The gigantosaurus (fossil lizard) had a head and neck 40 feet long -
    and an 80 foot tail. Today’s Australian spine-covered lizard (and
    descendant of the scaly dragons) is only 8 inches.
    ._ In 1986, remains were found in New Mexico of a dinosaur that when
    alive had been 97 to 120 feet (37 metres) long. This “earth shaker”
    weighed 60 to 100 tons. (Compare that with the modern bull
    elephant which weighs 7 tons.)
    ._ The flying pterandon, 20 feet long, when in the air, would look as big
    as an elephant in flight.
    ._ The brontosaurus, 60 feet long and 25 feet tall, could drink with ease
    from the gutter of a two-storied house. (One found in South America
    was as long as 150 feet - 46 metres!)
    A single dinosaur would probably have eaten up to 400 tons of food a day.

    - Giant humans
    There is a belief that the ancient world had 30 percent oxygen in its
    atmosphere, against our 20 percent. When oxygen concentration increases
    it encourages gigantism.
    From all over the globe, skeletons, artefacts, fossil footprints, houses and
    tombs speak of a vanished world of massive men and women, to whom
    very little must have seemed forbidding; people who, born to an incredible
    lifespan, pursued from strength to strength almost limitless goals. The
    superiority, the nobility, of this race, we their descendants have all but
    For some time after the Great Disaster, gigantism continued to a limited
    Well-known zoologist Ivan T. Sanderson, who was also a frequent guest on
    Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show in the 1960s, received a letter from an
    engineer who was stationed on ShemyaIsland in the Aleutians during
    World War II. While bulldozing for a new airstrip, his crew discovered
    under several layers of sediment what appeared to be human remains. The
    mound was actually a graveyard of gigantic human remains.
    Fascinating discoveries such as this have been made all over the world. The
    evidence of giant humans, animals and plants in the past is so widespread
    that it has motivated me to publish a book on the subject. It is called The
    Lost World of Giants.
    Says English scientist Alfred Russell Wallace: “ It is quite clear, therefore,
    that we live in a zoologically impoverished world, from which all the
    hugest and fiercest and strangest forms have disappeared.” (Wallace, The
    Geographical Distribution of Animals, Vol. I. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1876,
    Darwin was astonished to discover that “now we find mere pigmies
    compared with the antecedent allied races.” (Sir Henry Howarth, The Mammoth and
    the Flood. London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle and Risington, 1887, p.351)
    Darwin, though hesitating to accept that the situation was changed by a
    great world catastrophe, could offer no satisfactory solution.

    Basic to the theory of evolution is the idea that as an animal evolves to a
    more complex form, it also increases in size. The very existence of these
    giant fossils is therefore an embarrassment to the evolution theory. These
    discoveries are usually ignored by evolutionists as far as possible.
    The simple truth is, essentially everything in the fossil record is larger than
    its modern counterpart.
    The gigantism that has been unearthed turns out to be predicted by the
    neglected biblical account.
    So when the denigrated book of Genesis tells us “ there were giants in the
    earth in those days” (Genesis 6:4), it is evidently recording not myth, but

    To be continued...

    Quite A DIFFERENT World...don't you think..?


  6. #76
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    At least not in the ORIGINAL World of ours…

    “Can you believe it? My tomato plant is as high as a 3-story building!”
    “Yes… yes… ” Kei’s neighbour suppressed a smirk as he politely heard
    out the mad scientist. Too much learning, poor chap. It had pushed him
    over the brink. It was time his family had him put away in a safe place.
    Here’s an amazing story of giant tomatoes from a plant that just kept on
    living. Let me tell you what happened.
    Japanese physicist Dr. Kei Mori exposed plant life to two of the conditions
    of the original world ecology. He grew tomato plants under a plastic dome
    which filtered the ultraviolet rays; and he increased the carbon-dioxide.
    After two years, a cherry tomato plant was 16 feet tall, with 903 tomatoes
    on it. After six years, the same tomato plant was over 30 feet tall and had
    produced over 5,000 tomatoes.
    That tomato plant just didn’t want to die. Ask yourself now, How long do
    tomato plants usually live? Perhaps five or six months? They die of old
    age, destroyed by ultra-violet radiation.
    Could this have some bearing on how old people would have lived under
    the same environment?

    The atmospheric pressure, as well as the oxygen content, had to be greater
    in the past, in order to support the huge life forms which then existed.
    Dr. Carl Baugh, of Glen Rose Texas, has set out to build the world’s first
    hyperbaric biosphere, 62 feet long. Its purpose is to simulate the context of
    our original world. An engineer from NASA has called it the greatest
    experiment ever performed in the name of science, in history.
    Among a selection of small creatures placed into an experimental prototype
    of this first ever biosphere were two snakes.
    It was decided to test the snake venom. Over a period of time, Carl had the
    snakes milked three times.
    In the first test (before the snakes were placed in the biosphere) their
    venom looked like a lump of spaghetti – all together. After a period inside
    the biosphere, the snakes were milked again. And their venom still looked
    like spaghetti – but now the lump was separated. After a longer time in the
    biosphere, they were again milked and their venom examined. It now
    looked like honeycomb.
    Disorder had been transformed into order.

    Snake venom viewed with a scanning electron microscope is gnarled and
    unstructured. The sulphide bonds in snake venom produce the toxic agent
    under such conditions.
    But when ultra violet light is eliminated and the atmosphere pressure is
    doubled (simulating conditions that existed in the original world) the
    venom regains its structure.
    Dr. Baugh believes that in the atmosphere of the original world, a snake
    bite would give an injection of protein, rather than poison. And possibly
    such pests as mosquitoes might not have resorted to attacking humans,
    since they were satisfied on the nutrients in plants.

    Says Dr. Baugh:
    “We’ ve been doing extensive research into the ancient atmosphere, the one
    that produced the fossil record. Our research indicates that essentially
    everything was larger in the past. For instance, the club mosses which
    today reach sixteen to eighteen inches often approach two hundred feet in
    the fossil record. The great dinosaurs, with their relatively small lung
    capacity, reached tremendous stature. Seismosaurus could reach his head
    almost seventy feet in the air. Something has to explain this anomaly in
    terms of today’s atmosphere.”

    The difference may well be in the atmospheric pressure:
    “In today’s atmosphere we have 14.7 pounds atmospheric pressure per inch
    at sea level. But to oxygenate the deep cell tissue of these great dinosaurs
    we need much greater atmospheric pressure. Research has shown that when
    you approach two times today’s atmospheric pressure, the entire blood
    plasma is saturated with oxygen… .
    “Our research indicates there was about 27 pounds per square inch of
    atmospheric pressure [in the past]. That would beautifully solve a problem
    even palaeontologists admit exists.
    “ In addition, the oxygen supply in the fossil record has been found to be 30
    percent oxygen compared to 20 percent today. Ancient air bubbles trapped
    in amber have been analysed and revealed this heavier concentration of
    oxygen. If we had those conditions today, we could run two hundred miles
    without fatigue.” (Baugh and Wilson, Dinosaur, p.140-145)
    In summary, the atmosphere possessed more carbon-dioxide and oxygen
    (one of the by-products of vigorous plant growth).

    Some time ago, a man inside a bathyscope deep under the sea had a nasty
    accident, in which his hand was badly gashed. However, it was a clean cut,
    so he pressed the wound shut and wrapped it around with a cloth.
    The surface crew wanted to bring him back up immediately for treatment,
    but this was not possible, due to the fact that the bathyscope was
    pressurised within, to compensate for the heavy outside water pressure at
    that depth. Gradual decompression would take several hours.
    So it was decided that the diver should stay down until morning.
    When he resurfaced, and the bandage was removed, what was their surprise
    to discover the wound well on the way to being healed!
    It seems that the pre-Flood atmosphere, in the event of an injury, served to
    promote faster healing.
    Something else. The atmospheric pressure, as well as the oxygen content,
    would have had to be greater in the past, in order to support the huge life
    forms which then existed. This would have required some kind of canopy
    above the earth. To provide such a quantity of oxygen as required by the
    larger life forms, the oxygen would need to approach the level of toxicity,
    unless the atmospheric pressure was greater.
    In West Texas, a fossilised flying reptile, known as a pterodactyl, has been
    found, with a wingspan of 52 feet.
    There is no way such a “flying dinosaur” could have flown with today’s
    atmospheric pressure. However, with atmospheric pressure of around 32
    pounds per square inch, it would have been a piece of cake.

    Now envision the water canopy around the earth. Think of the effect this
    would have upon the atmospheric pressure.
    A document thousands of years old, in describing the pre-Flood earth,
    speaks of a “firmament” above the earth, encased by layers of water above
    and below it. (Genesis 1:7,8 )
    Baugh calls this ancient canopy “this double bubble of crystalline water” .
    He notes that approximately eleven miles above the surface of our earth
    there exists a heat sink.
    “It is between –130 degrees Fahrenheit and –180 degrees Fahrenheit at that
    elevation. Nearer to the earth it is warmer, and further from the earth it is
    warmer for at least some space. If we were to amass the amounts of water
    present on Earth, and assimilate the greater amount of water within the
    earth, this would leave the approximate remainder of a ten-to-twenty-feet
    thick lineal dimension double encasement of water in solid crystalline form
    as the firmament.” (Carl E. Baugh, Panorama of Creation. Fort Worth, Texas: Creation
    Publication services, 1992, p.47-48 )
    According to Dr. Baugh this “firmament” was “apparently in crystalline
    form – pure, transparent, relatively thin ice. It was probably no more than
    twenty feet thick at best… The word used in the Hebrew to describe the
    firmament is raqiya. Hebrew scholars recognise that the word raqiya
    means to compress or pound out, and stretch out this arch of heaven in thin
    metal sheets.” (Ibid., p.48 )
    This “ firmament” apparently consisted of a layer of water, or compressed
    hydrogen, which extended completely around the earth.
    Indeed, the possibility of a massive atmospheric envelope can be taken

    With such a canopy, the atmosphere would be pressurised to a greater
    degree than we have now.
    “Researchers, like Dr. Henry Voss, at the University of Illinois, have been
    able to approximate the atomic weight of such a canopy. This crystalline
    canopy would put a cap on the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure today at
    sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch.” (Ibid., p.57) The air pressure of the
    world before the Great Disaster would have been about two times what it is
    Do we have evidence of this? Indeed, we do.

    In June, 1934, near London, Texas, members of the Hahn family
    discovered by a waterfall on Red Creek a rock with wood protruding from
    it. They chiselled it open, exposing a hammer head. The petrified hammer
    was found in a layer of Cretaceous sandstone. The handle was fossilised
    with a blackened coal tip.
    Scientists opposed to the idea that man-made objects could be found in
    rock “more than 100 million years old” associated with dinosaurs have
    expressed skepticism since the artefact was not found in situ by
    However, in the 1980s, Dr. Baugh took this artefact to the Batelle
    Laboratories in Columbus, Ohio, the same laboratory that analysed
    moonstones. The elemental analysis showed it to be 96.6 percent iron, 0.74
    percent sulphur, and 2.6 percent chlorine.
    Physicists tell us that under today’s atmospheric conditions you cannot
    compound chlorine with metallic iron. Yet here it is. Today, chlorine can
    be joined with iron as solid metal only in two atmospheres of oxygen
    pressure, and only in the absence of ultraviolet radiation.
    Of course, ultraviolet radiation would have been filtered out by the
    protective canopy.

    Research indications are that the pre-Flood atmosphere is the only plausible
    explanation, for the forging of this metallic artefact.
    There is evidence that the oxygen ratio of the atmosphere was then 30
    percent, compared with 21 percent today; and that the carbon-dioxide ratio
    was 2 percent, as against 0.035 percent today.

    Did you know that most metals in their purer state are TRANSPARENT?
    When our astronauts went to the moon, they wore visors coated with
    transparent gold – and they could see through them clearly. The gold
    protected them – shielded them – from cosmic radiation.
    (That reminds me that a 2,000 year old book – the “Revelation” – speaks of
    transparent gold. (Revelation 21:18 )

    During their research on the hydrogen bomb, physicists at Laurence
    Livermore National laboratories took the elements of water and
    compressed them under super-cold, cryogenic temperatures. Hydrogen (an
    element of water) became near-metallic in form. It took on the
    characteristics of metal. It became transparent, fibre-optic,
    superconductive, ferromagnetic and crystalline.
    The implications of this are tremendous, if we consult a very ancient
    description of our planet as it once used to be.
    The Hebrew book of Genesis is not a book on science, yet investigation
    into some of its statements, on occasions when it dips into scientific
    matters, has astonished me with its scientific accuracy. In its unique way,
    Genesis states that above our earth the Creator stretched a “firmament” .
    This “firmament” was in the middle, with water above and water beneath.
    The Hebrew word for “firmament” , as we noted earlier, is raqiya, which
    means to press, or pound together into thin metal sheets. This seems to
    imply that the canopy, or arch of the heavens, was formed and stretched out
    around this earth in thin metal sheets.

    One may be puzzled by this metallic description of the “firmament” given
    in Genesis. However, as an archaeologist working on other projects in the
    Middle East, I have learned that it pays to take ancient biblical statements
    literally, just as the writer intended. And in doing so, it has been possible to
    solve questions that still elude some other archaeologists.
    It was that same approach to Homer that enabled Schliemann to discover
    So what is Genesis trying to tell us? Why is this metallic description of the
    “firmament” given in Genesis?
    It is now known that under super-cold conditions, with great pressure and
    tremendous energy, the hydrogen in water binds together in a crystalline
    One can envision a canopy above the earth consisting of compressed
    energized hydrogen taking on near-metallic characteristics. This would be
    in the middle of a solid water formation suspended about eleven miles
    above the earth.
    According to the laws of physics, this canopy, to avoid being absorbed into
    the atmosphere, would have needed to be a solid canopy.

    Such a canopy, being crystalline and ferromagnetic, would transfer energy.
    The energy of the sun upon this layer of hydrogen would cause a gentle
    pink glow. This is the colour that is produced by energized hydrogen.
    During the day, the greater penetration of light would produce varying
    shades of pink. The lowest pink hue would be at noon, due to the angle of
    the light passing through the firmament canopy.
    In the lesser light of night a deeper shade of pink was seen, in addition to
    an enhanced moon. At sunrise and sunset it was a vivid pink; and at
    midnight the sky appeared magenta pink.
    When it was night on one side of the planet, there would be a transfer of
    energy from the day side of the earth along the curved lines of the canopy.
    Electro-magnetic energy would be carried along the lines of near-metallic
    hydrogen, which was fibre-optic in nature.
    The result would be a twilight glow on the night side of the earth - a “lesser
    light” ruling the night. Earth’s inhabitants never saw total darkness.

    Scientists and researchers are discovering that the most important colour in
    the entire spectrum is pink. Energized hydrogen in the canopy giving off
    the pink glow helped to contribute to the enormous size of plant life.
    Biologists have found that under pink light the greatest plant growth is
    encouraged. It is pink light which optimally triggers the growth of cells
    within plants. Not only do plants grow better under pink light, but people
    respond in mood to pink light. Under the right spectrum of pink light, the
    brain secretes norepinephren, which is a natural tranquilliser and
    In the antedeluvian (pre-Flood) world, the various spectra of pink light
    dominated, with a gentle pink glow day and night. The tranquillity of
    man’s environment contributed to his brain working at maximum

    The invisible canopy formed a huge orbital lens, causing the stars to
    appear larger and much more numerous than they would appear to people
    on earth today. In those days the stars would appear about three times
    brighter. They would have been magnified and photomultiplied with
    vibrant colour.
    Ancient records among many cultures recall a time in the past when the sky
    “hung low” – appearing closer.
    As a matter of fact, I was this morning reminded of this when I read the
    report of an Australian Aboriginal legend. It speaks of a time when “the
    sky was close to the ground” and of an event in which “Yondi raised the
    sky” . (Roman Black, Old and New Australian Aboriginal Art, “ The Story of the Boomerang” )

    This myth conveys the startling difference between the antedeluvian
    heavens and the sky as it is viewed in the present age.
    NASA discovered some years ago that not only are stars emitting radio
    wave energy, but that there is a music on those radio waves. And to their
    amazement they found that the music being emitted is in a major key – it is
    Astonished scientists compared the music being emitted from these star
    sources to the instruments of an orchestra that are all in tune with each
    other. (Carl E. Baugh, Panorama of Creation, p.66)
    Imagine it! Radio waves passing through the canopy and radiating sound -
    a beautiful harmony of sound!
    The stars, as we know, shine in various colours – some are red, others gold,
    or green, yellow, amber, and so on.
    In that original world, a person looking up through the canopy could see
    the stars in beautiful full colour.
    Each morning, as the earth rotated toward the sun, when the angle was just
    right, the radio waves from the universe would be amplified by the
    crystalline canopy. (You may be aware that crystals amplify long radio
    waves.) Thus this “music” could be heard on earth.
    Whilst the canopy would permit the long waves of energy to go right
    through it, it would filter out the harmful shortwave radiation. What a
    wonderful world! It’s as though all this was intentionally put together!

    Today our atmosphere is heated primarily by shortwave energy from outer
    However, in the original world this would not have been so. The shortwave
    energy was filtered out by the firmament canopy. The heating of the
    environment was not from above, but from a gentle thermal blanket within
    the earth itself.
    Radio-active elements now in sedimentary rocks on the surface of our
    planet were once inside the earth. In the Great Disaster, these isotopes were
    expunged, or thrown out, to the earth’ s surface.
    The heat inside our planet cannot be explained satisfactorily by pressure
    and reaction. It can be explained only by nuclear reaction.
    Originally, the earth’s interior contained radioactive material, evenly
    balanced. Inside the earth, the radio-isotopes (uranium, strontium,
    rubidium, iridium and radio isotopic lead) were in perfect balance with
    moderators (such as manganese, sulphur, water and magnesium) adjacent
    to them.
    Thus the interior of the earth was a controlled nuclear reactor.
    This would have gently warmed the ground and the atmosphere. At night
    the temperature would have been about 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 Celsius).
    And about 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 Celsius) during the day. It’s as though
    the interior of the earth had been deliberately designed for the benefit of

    The fissionable material inside the earth was designed to go forever, even
    as was the human body designed to be renewable. There existed what
    physicists would term a breeder reactor. As long as there was a constant
    energy input into the system, there would always be as many elements as
    you started with.
    A continuous input of energy from stellar space was absorbed into the
    crystalline canopy. The electromagnetic field of the canopy transferred this
    energy to the electromagnetic of the di-pole magnet of the earth. In this
    manner the energy supply was constantly restructured and replaced.

    So it was that in the earth’s interior we had a perfectly balanced
    thermonuclear reactor.
    Above that stretched a solid crust of granite around the earth. This crust
    was (and still is) from six to sixteen miles thick, with massive reservoirs of
    water retained underneath.
    Above the granite crust there would have existed a layer of sand or silicon,
    the element that is the most common worldwide.
    And vegetation would have been above this silicon layer. In the total
    context, there would have been a warming of the root systems, for superior
    growth. Experiments show that when plant roots are warmed just 2 to 5
    degrees Fahrenheit, they produce 30 to 50 percent more foliage and fruit.
    And growing under pink light, with the amount of carbon dioxide slightly
    increased, and shielded from ultraviolet rays, the plants would grow better
    still. Add to that an increased atmospheric pressure permitting the
    absorption of more oxygen, and plant life could grow to abundance and to
    enormous proportions. There would be a continual growing season.
    This would also dictate the size of certain forms of animal life. Certainly,
    these were optimal circumstances in which to live.
    Just imagine superior man with a perfect environment, perfect foods with
    complete nutrition… and no life threatening cosmic radiation.

    Add to that the lush scenery. In visible beauty, the world was “perfect” .
    Today’s most enchanting islands in the South seas are a mere echo of that
    forgotten world.
    Its landscape was refreshingly varied, from dry ridge to marshy expanse,
    from warm tropical valley to mild mountaintop. It was decked with surface
    mineral riches and lavished with bounties. The gaining of a livelihood must
    have been easy.
    It is not mere speculation to describe that first world as a real paradise,
    because its mummified remains, found in abundance all over the world, do
    not lie. Just as Egypt’s pyramids and the ancient monuments are evidence
    of once great civilizations, so do the fossils speak eloquently of the glories
    of a world which has passed away.
    It looks like we had a wonder world… and somebody blew it.

    To be continued….

    Why would someone do such a thing?
    Go Figure…


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    oh, and largo, its true. you have way too much time on your hands.
    unfortunatle i didnt have time to read it.

    with so much time to spare, i guess you will one day make an awesome forex trader. or a bloody preacher!

  8. #78
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    Very Interesting to say the least.
    I wondered what happened to the
    Giants discribed in the Bible. They
    must have went like the dinos...

  9. #79
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    Default where does it stop?

    WHAT ever HAPPENED to the RULE that this thread is for PIPS ONLY?
    Ancient Jewish religion and Pyramids????? Dino's, Darth Vader, and Guru's & Piccolo's.... Acient Chinese Secrets, Aztec's and Werewolves.

  10. #80
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    I dont know about you norm,

    But this is really interesting..
    Largo always comes up with some interesting reading....
    and there is a link with Pips and this info ... WE are waiting for Largo to make the connection .... and If he don't at least we learnt something New..


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