Well, i have finally found how PIPs really make the 2% ROL to paid us before on last year when they worked fine.

I have found the source, a real true way 100% secure, working with a top 5 class bank to produce more than 2% per day.

Of course i wont divulgue this, cuase im planning to setup this and offer to a limited amount of investors, i will pool the money and join into it, and i will give the investor who will join me on this venture the 60% of the ROL, which will be equal or more to 2% per day.

I want your opinions people, and want to know if you will be willing to invest.

Im planning to set a min of $100 and only whole US dollar amount to avoid troubles with the decimals.

So, vote and tell me what you think, if i see we have more than 2000 members willing to invest $100 (thats $200k which is the min to start this things rolling) i will create and setup a web page with backoffice.