Quote Originally Posted by Chester View Post
“There are other factors in this as well, the fact being that Millions of dollars in cc transactions went through and to date neither eCommerce Services UK nor Ectrust has paid one cent of those funds to pips”

“This was not about chargebacks or retention money it was just non-payment by the processors”
__________________________________________________ ______________________

BM posted those comments just a few months ago. I think quite a few members may have missed them as BM briefly popped in to the lengthy, Humble Request thread.

Assuming the above statements by BM are indeed accurate, will he be permitted to present the situation as part of his deffence? And will the court order that the credit card processors release the withheld funds?
The operative phrase is surely "if the above statements are accurate." In the past, Marsden has had a pretty marginal track record for accuracy.
However, as the prosecution undoubtedly have all the details acquired by Bank Negara, any such monies owed will undoubtedly be on record. As, I suppose, will be a copy of the insurance policy and the location of the gold bars in Australia.