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  1. #81
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    Default something up his sleeve...

    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    Hehe, til site is stable and making some income.
    marek <>Can't belive this link still works...[admin, you can delete if think out of order or too long...] sorry..., miguel.

    Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:55:30 -0700 (PDT)

    Subject: Re: We are here Mr. Bryan

    Okay, now let me get this straight for a moment.

    Warren went from this:

    WOW !!! Just got into the forum and found yet another 'Sky is falling' thread.

    Who the hell is 'dbatts' I bet the 'd' stands for DING !!

    Well now people... The management, that you had all so easliy forsaken, have once again demonstrated their integrity, their resiliance and their great worth.

    I've received emails over the last few days/weeks all prophecising the untimely death of Pips, Picpay, Pictrust, and the non existence of the new bank (that was a good one).

    In my reasonably short time as a member, I've experienced a significant number of the growing pains that have been encountered by the program. Each time there is a problem a flood of nervous nellies or trouble makers go running around whipping everyone up into a 'sky is falling' frenzy and each and every time the management and staff have found the solution and got it fixed and proved the rumour mongers embarrasingly wrong, if not maliciously stupid. (remember the recent ones about the Hawaii Convention being a sham, and another one stating categorically it wouldn't go ahead)

    Granted there are big problems at the moment... Nearly all of these have been casused by Banks and thieves (not sure if there is much of a distinction there anyway). These are problems that no business should have to face and they would probably be too much for most ordinary business people to handle. Once again, we have been able to witness why we all owe so much to Bryan & Gary particularly. These two will not be intimidated and once these current blend of problems are solved, as they shall surely be, it is difficult to imagine anything that is going to stop them. Each challenge that is overcome is forging this team into something quite unique and extraordinary, and heaven help anyone that stands in their way in the future.

    I think one of the most disappointing thing about this thread is that there are a number of posters who have been around longer than I have and are well aware of the depth of this program, the nature of the problems confronting the management at the moment and the ability of these two dynamos to fix things, yet still they quickly enroll themselves in the dramas.

    What will it take for you all to show some faith and to give management your support, instead of causing more hysteria and problems.

    We ALL want the withdrawal problem to be solved.. VERY SOON. I want it done yesterday... As badly as I want it done, I can testify after visiting the offices two weeks ago, Bryan and Gary want it done even more. There is nothing that is taking any greater priority at the moment.

    Give the guys your support, they deserve it and it will save you all from cleaning that egg that you're splattering all over your faces.

    To now this:

    Hello All,
    It is with a heavy heart, that I have to announce that I have resigned from Pips yesterday, effective immediately. As many of you know, Gary Nichol, the General Manager has also resigned and will be leaving tomorrow (Saturday).
    As all of you are aware I have been a staunch supporter and have always advocated and encouraged support for the Program and for Bryan. I have now concluded that my faith in Bryan and Sharon Marsden, has been misplaced. I have been at pains, wanting to report regular updates to you as I know that many of you have been waiting very patiently to hear from me and I also know that many of you took great heart (as I did) by my appointment to the Trust Manager’s position. Unfortunately, for the last 2 months, I have been unable to find anything good to report.
    During my short time with Pips, I have encountered a fundamental difference of opinion with the decisions taken by Bryan and Sharon. The direction they have taken the program is a one way road to disaster. The management decisions nothing short of mystifying and dumbfounding. During my stay at Pips, I have continuously pushed for one thing.. that the business of Pips is to pay returns to members and that there is no higher priority or indeed should be no OTHER priority than that. My urgings have fallen on deaf ears, as indeed has most of the advice and counsel that I have attempted to give Bryan and Sharon.
    At the present time, there are two payment platforms available to pay money to members, but these are not being funded. Instead, whatever money is available is being poured into the financial dinosaur called Pips Fashions, which seems to enjoy a virtually unlimited budget to fund its financially burdensome projects. Pips Fashions was ill conceived in the beginning and needs to be killed off as quickly as possible. It is an unmitigated disaster and one can only wonder what might have been if that money had been invested wisely into programs that we all believed were in place. Money has also been poured into the purchase of more derelict vacant real estate in the commercial Ghost town called Nilai. Bryan and Sharon are spending freely on the construction of new restaurants (3 of them) with plans for at least three more to commence in the immediate future and many others after that, all of which will become further liabilities as even the Bistro continues to be. I understand that they have purchased approximately 15 commercial property lots and 3 houses and that the plans are to continue to acquire more of this same real estate. While this is going on members continue to wait, perplexed, angry and frustrated as I am, why they are being passed over, while Sharon and Bryan continue to amass a personal fortune.
    This money should have been placed in investments for the benefit of members. The real estate should be sold immediately. All restaurants and businesses closed down. They are all liabilities and draining available funds. Efforts should be concentrated on the Bistro and getting the franchising operations completed. One thing at a time please Bryan or at least get one business in profit before embarking on more of the same. (Did I mention someone should kill Pips Fashions. That and the obsession with new restaurants has become the scourge of the program). Million of dollars has been diverted from what could have been very valuable investments for members as was wanted by Gary. Let’s get back to investing funds for members and paying returns, whatever they are. When pressed for any answers, Bryan simply says that these restaurants are a ‘different part of Pips’, which I take to mean, has nothing to do with members.
    I have become increasingly concerned at what I regard to be Bizarre decisions being taken by both Bryan and Sharon and their seemingly total disregard for members suffering and anxiety. Sharon is an integral part of the company. She is not in the background as many think. She is a very active director and officer of Pips group of companies with daily involvement and she exerts great influence and forceful viewpoints on the operation and direction of the program.
    I could not condone my misgivings any longer and after expressing my views forthrightly to Bryan, I left the offices of Pips yesterday morning. It is my belief that the program is suffering fatal problems from which it cannot recover. I cannot find any evidence of any viable or relevant business or investment strategy that would have any prospect of returning anything of significance to members; far less 2%. There is no transparency, everything is hidden even from Gary and there is no evidence of the most basic accounting procedures or corporate procedures. Bryan’s ‘Genie in the bottle’ is dead, not that it ever existed. There is also no evidence of any investments in the last 18 months that have been in place that would be of any benefit to members, with the possible exception of Pips Premiere, which is still some considerable time away from producing any meaningful returns for members. Bryan has repeatedly told us all in public meetings that investments are in place earning much more than the 2% he pays to us. This appears to be an ‘error’.
    From the first day I arrived at Pips, I recognised the problems caused
    by poor decisions and gross mismanagement. It was my belief that those problems could be solved. It would require huge changes, an abandonment of the 2% return (which was never going to be possible from day one), a freezing of accounts and closure of the program to any new members, until a proper budget and accounting could be prepared. I gave Bryan repeated reports, memos and advices setting out what I believed was necessary to solve the problems. Unfortunately, none of my advices on matters of substance were accepted. To be fair to Bryan, he never asked for my opinion or any advice and I was told on a number of occasions that this was not what I was employed to do and to return to my little sandbox and play with the toys that I was given.
    Pips has amongst its membership a very capable corporate ‘trouble shooter’ from Great Britain, whom was known to Bryan and myself. I was instructed to bring this man to Malaysia to help sort out the problems of the program and to assist in it’s restructure. That alone gave me great heart that things might be about to improve. Since arriving, Bryan has stone-walled him refusing to provide this very valuable professional with even the most basic company documents or any relevant information (which it appears does not exist). When asked about cash flow, this man was told it was all in his (Bryan’s) and Sharon’s head. This of course presents as a total absurdity to professional people like myself and the corporate wizard. There appears to be no accounts at all in relation to the program, corporate governance, legal and regulatory compliance is completely ignored and it is little wonder we find ourselves in financial and regulatory crisis. There are currently 6 Cease & Desist orders filed against the program from Securities regulators. 5 in the U.S. States and One in the Netherlands and many more are being processed. We are all aware that ASIC is on the hunt as well, probably with just cause. Little or nothing has been done in relation to these orders, despite my urgent advices. The Orders officially label the Pips program a ‘Ponzi’ scheme and I can find no evidence to dispute this except a Ponzi scheme pays money to members from Deposits. In this case, most of the deposits seem to go to fund ‘other things’ and members are left in the cold, again against my urgent advices.
    I am concerned that attempts may be made to reverse all Picpay payments and that the closure of Picpay is on the agenda. It is also my opinion that any attempt to do so is illegal. Once the money is paid into Picpay, it is the member’s money and Picpay is like a bank holding money in your account. The money cannot be touched without your authority. Anyone with money in Picpay should immediately take a copy of their account profile. Picpay is a company registered in Malaysia and as such is responsible to follow Malaysian law which is of substance. Bryan and Sharon will be accountable for any irregularities in relation to your account or the running of Picpay. Picpay has a contractual obligation to pay your money to you. It is my belief that the recent reversal of merchant and member accounts in Picpay represents unlawful conduct. (I was not aware of this action until very recently). I have advised Bryan and the relevant staff of their legal obligations. I advise every member to protect themselves by taking copies of their Picpay and Pips accounts and to make the strongest objection to any unauthorised interference in relation to those accounts. I can attest that Gary Nichol is not involved in any dishonesty or unpleasantness. He is very despondent about the total disregard for members exhibited by Bryan and Sharon and that is not the least of his reasons for leaving Pips. His concern and commitment to members is as fierce as ever and he and I shall continue to do what we can to ensure members are compensated as best as possible. There are still some things that we can achieve and we shall continue to press for some change of heart and direction from Bryan and Sharon. Indeed I hope this post will have a ‘sobering effect’ and present possibility for reassessment. Even knowing all that I do, I still have trouble classifying Bryan as a ‘bad’ person. He is extremely intelligent and has many fine qualities. I believe he is somewhat misguided and that he has lost his way. I truly hope that this report will serve to give him reason for self analysis and to bring about necessary changes. I believe he is capable of doing so, if he was to accept the right advice and counsel.
    There is so much more to tell, but I think you get the gist of my findings. To say I’m devastated would be an understatement. I went to Malaysia to become part of something sensational, instead I arrived to find myself in the middle of a Ponzi scam in its death throes.
    Bryan told me yesterday he has something up his sleeve. I’m past listening to repeated promises and chasing the forever ‘dangling carrot’, but for all the members’ sake, I hope it is something good. It cannot save the program, but it will hopefully save people from losing money. I do believe Bryan has a desire and a commitment to at least paying people to the extent that they will be refunded their money if not managing some profit. Regardless of the outcome, I am grateful to Bryan for a number of things. Through Pips I have made so many good friends and come across many things that I would not have ever seen or encountered. I am now on the threshold of something rather momentous and awe inspiring, as a direct result of the contacts I have made through this program. I have had a holiday with luxury, the likes of which I’ve never experienced before and enjoyed living a dream called hope. The dream may be somewhat in tatters, but there is much to reflect upon and to be thankful for. Bryan gave us so much and I invite members, during the period of despair and disappointment to have some regard to the good things and to at least bring some balance into the argument. “
    My only comment is that it rings true - I have heard bits and pieces of this picture over the last month or so and this ties a lot of it together. I have no vested interest in whether you believe this information or not, and it is presented only in the absence of anything official coming out of Nilai.

    The part I find the most intersting is this:

    I am now on the threshold of something rather momentous and awe inspiring, as a direct result of the contacts I have made through this program.

    How can one man, filled with so much hope in the beginning, turn so negative so quick?

    What about this comment?

    Granted there are big problems at the moment... Nearly all of these have been casused by Banks and thieves (not sure if there is much of a distinction there anyway). These are problems that no business should have to face and they would probably be too much for most ordinary business people to handle.

    Again, he admits fault elsewhere, now in two months time, it isn't there? Well which is it Warren? Did the people you met, offer you more to turn your back? Where will you and Gary be working? Gins?

    Hmmm, the true beast will uncover themselves.

    QUOTE(suzanna @ Jul 31 2005, 04:19 AM)
    I think we are all going to be honorary pioneers when this is all over. LOL
    Tshirt slogan for Portugal:
    I survived PIPS 2005
    a) despite not being paid in 2005
    despite the closing of the 5Yr Plan
    c) despite having the 3% pool close after all the hoopla
    d) despite all the c&d orders
    e) depsite all the rumors and half truths
    f) despite an entire year of not knowing what was really going on
    g) despite resignations
    i) despite the small voice whispering endlessly, "is this too good to be true?"
    j) and all the other reasons
    Now I am rich in 2006

    Sorry suzanna .... just couldn't resist!
    This post has been edited by premasai: Today, 02:50 PM

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chester View Post
    “There are other factors in this as well, the fact being that Millions of dollars in cc transactions went through and to date neither eCommerce Services UK nor Ectrust has paid one cent of those funds to pips”

    “This was not about chargebacks or retention money it was just non-payment by the processors”
    __________________________________________________ ______________________

    BM posted those comments just a few months ago. I think quite a few members may have missed them as BM briefly popped in to the lengthy, Humble Request thread.

    Assuming the above statements by BM are indeed accurate, will he be permitted to present the situation as part of his deffence? And will the court order that the credit card processors release the withheld funds?
    The operative phrase is surely "if the above statements are accurate." In the past, Marsden has had a pretty marginal track record for accuracy.
    However, as the prosecution undoubtedly have all the details acquired by Bank Negara, any such monies owed will undoubtedly be on record. As, I suppose, will be a copy of the insurance policy and the location of the gold bars in Australia.

  3. #83
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    I thought BM said at the Hawaii convention the credit card payment issues had been resolved, and why he was promising the backlog of Sep 04-Dec 04 withdrawals was going to be resolved by June.

    Not sure if it has dawned on all the 'believer's' yet, but when this case goes to trial, BM will have to reveal his super secret formula for investing. You know, the one he has in a safe so no-one can steal it. Guess we won't need PIPS after the trial as everyone will know how to generate all those profits.

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    Waiting on the 24th for more details.One things for sure, BNM have got ALL the records.The facts will come out eventually, unless there is a plea bargain.

    ROL's own on site reporter (thebat$) will no doubt bring us the latest from the Malaysian press Assuming there is anything to report!

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    I wonder what'll happen tommorow, as it's the 24th.

    I guess nothing interesting. Just a setting of a trial date, maybe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nej View Post
    I wonder what'll happen tommorow, as it's the 24th.

    I guess nothing interesting. Just a setting of a trial date, maybe.
    We are all experts at the waiting game.Looking back, it doesn't seem possible that its now been over 14 months since pips was shut down.

    As for the 24th, it could reveal a trial date,a plea bargain,more charges maybe.
    Waiting as usual Hope it wont drag on and on........

  7. #87
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    Talking Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    Quote Originally Posted by bm
    Christmas Message To All...
    I know that none of us are exactly where we want to be at this time, but both Sharon and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

    I am currently going through the Lotto site as well as the designs for the two new programs that will be utilised in the restructuring of pips.

    Ater the year that 2005 turned into, I know it may be hard for some to believe that 2006 will be any better. I can assure you however that by the time we reach christmas 2006 we will all have had an excellent year and the trials of 2005 will be long gone.

    Although I say that the trials will be long gone, hopefully they will not be forgotten and the lessons that have been learned by all will be engraved in our minds. I know that there has been a lot learned by us, which will ensure a better future.

    Thank you for your continued support and patience, Merry Christmas to Everyone.

    Last edited by BM : 25-12-2005 at 07:58 AM.

    I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that I have peace. I am thankful that what we lost is just money and not a life. I am thankful for getting up everyday.

    Let the trial be swift and let justice be served and may all those who have invested be given at least something back.

    theBaT$ says but the YOUR trial have only begun
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebat$ View Post
    I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that I have peace. I am thankful that what we lost is just money and not a life. I am thankful for getting up everyday.

    Let the trial be swift and let justice be served and may all those who have invested be given at least something back.

    theBaT$ says but the YOUR trial have only begun


    Well, when I read this paragraph from Bryan, I could only think of one thing, at least he got one thing right, he mentioned TRIALS, and yes, there is a TRIAL, but not until 2006, so he was half right. LOL

    Ater the year that 2005 turned into, I know it may be hard for some to believe that 2006 will be any better. I can assure you however that by the time we reach christmas 2006 we will all have had an excellent year and the trials of 2005 will be long gone.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  9. #89
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    By way of a slight devitation from the thread, I wish all of you USA-types and your families together a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. To the rest every where else, may you have a peaceful and relaxing day and weekend.

    Best regards,


  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Owen Platt View Post
    The operative phrase is surely "if the above statements are accurate." In the past, Marsden has had a pretty marginal track record for accuracy.
    However, as the prosecution undoubtedly have all the details acquired by Bank Negara, any such monies owed will undoubtedly be on record. As, I suppose, will be a copy of the insurance policy and the location of the gold bars in Australia.
    08-08-2005, 02:05 PM

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    Default Re: Bryan Is Guilty Of What ???????
    Those who placed loan money with PIPS did so at their own risk. However they did so on the assumption that their funds were to be used for legitimate trading that would produce an unlikely return of 2% per trading day for them. As it must be apparent to the slowest intelligence, payments are not being made as promised and an explanation from the company, now apparently a mere duet, is long overdue. If the funds are found to have been misappropriated following a forensic audit of the company accounts, then this is fraud, pure and simple. Only Mr. and Mrs. Marsden are able to supply the proof either way.[unquote]

    Yes, Mr. Platt said it then...

    New Platinum ETF launch? <> now I know who got all of the Marshdens' Australian gold bars that the Mrs. was stashing in her shopping bags...hee hee

    health and wealth, miguel.
    Last edited by costa; 23-11-2006 at 06:16 PM.

  11. 23-11-2006, 09:43 PM

    spam warning for countless useless posts

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