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    The Washington Post: "groups of Sunni insurgency" Coalition forces to return to Iraq amid political crisis

    The Washington Post reported that groups of "Sunni insurgency," as had code "are taking active in public" and organizes meetings of the "conspiracy in the hope of return", indicating that calls these groups may "get some attraction" amid the current political crisis in Iraq.

    She added that seven years after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime, "gathering of dozens of those representing the rebel groups, various five-star hotel in the Turkish city of Istanbul during the spring of this year to conspire to return to the Iraqi political scene," noting that after a few days ", convened by members of the Party Saddam's banned Baath public meeting in the Syrian capital Damascus, chanting the birth of a new party."

    The newspaper said that these communities "unusual raised the ire of U.S. and Iraqi officials", indicating that, despite the fact that these groups "are not available to the public, supporters and widespread in Iraq, but officials were concerned that invitations to these groups may get some gravity center of the political crisis in Iraq, which has weakened the government and left the Sunni Arabs, who dominated the country under Saddam are depriving them of their right ", as I have mentioned the paper.

    The paper disclosed that among those present at the Istanbul meeting, "representatives of the Revolution Brigades, the twentieth and the army of adults who were among the Sunni insurgent groups that formed to fight the American occupation," adding that the leaders of these groups that are strongly linked with each other "tried alliance between them, but they have not succeeded in the past since the establishment of the Sunni paramilitary groups supported by the Americans in 2007 dwindle the size of the insurgency and some of its leaders were forced to flee outside the country and forced others to provide assistance to the Americans."

    While the United States reduces the size of its military presence, and continues to the newspaper, expressed by many Iraqi Sunnis who have rallied to the Americans, "they feel they have been left without immunity in a country run by Shiites." "Even recently, the insurgency's leaders are lying low relatively abroad in countries such as Syria and Jordan."

    The "condemned Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Turkey and Syria on the letting of such gatherings," In an interview with him, "accused the two countries working to destabilize Iraq," according to the newspaper.

    Maliki said, and continued the paper, said that the only beneficiaries are the "Al Qaeda and terrorist organizations," and she "Therefore, our advice to our friends and brothers, is that terrorism knows no boundaries and no religion or nationality Those on attacking Iraq because the conditions where appropriate and tomorrow will attack Turkey, and others."

    The newspaper that these groups may "find an audience listening to in Iraq in the event of view to the future government by and large it does not include representation of Sunni enough", and pointed out that many of the year, "accusing the government led by Shiites as a sectarian, pointing out that things such as differences in the proportion of detainees year and the efforts of the exclusion of Sunnis from government jobs, "according to the newspaper.

    The paper added that the year "take part fully in congressional elections last March Vdvawa mass Iraqi first place," afterthought ", but do not get the Iraqi enough seats to secure the required majority to form a government made it unlikely to ever coalition of Shiite groups (a coalition of law The Iraqi National) of naming the new prime minister."

    The newspaper quoted Joost Hiltermann, an Iraq expert at the International Crisis Group, said: "There is no doubt that the Sunnis will feel exclusion, deprivation and marginalization, if not given a large share in the government," adding that, after all, the expectation for this command is "to make them agree to give up the insurgency through a strategy of momentum in the year 2007."

    The newspaper also that the Sunni insurgency "erupted after the United States disbanded the Iraqi armed forces and share the large labor force government in the wake of the invasion in 2003 and began to rebel groups attacking U.S. forces and undermine their efforts in establishing a parliamentary system which would strengthen the Shiite majority."

    The newspaper pointed out that groups of Iraqi insurgency, "it captured in 2006, leaders of foreign al-Qaeda in Iraq controlled the major regions in the capital and large parts of western and northern Iraq," Msttrdp "But a lot of elements of the rebel groups of indigenous surrendered or joined the forces U.S. to fight al Qaeda in Iraq."

    Apart from al-Qaeda and associated groups, the other rebel groups, "remained a devoted housewife until relatively recently," and went on saying, "In the past, divided by rivalries among themselves."

    The newspaper quoted Hiltermann saying "It is not clear how serious the threat posed to state security".

    The paper disclosed that the main purpose behind the meeting of 10 April in Istanbul, is to "find common ground between these groups according to quoted Rabih Haddad, one of the organizers." Haddad said, the newspaper said, that prompted the leaders of the groups is "the future prospects in the U.S. military withdraws amid a political impasse" .. Haddad said in a telephone interview with him in Beirut, that "the mood was the mood of optimism."

    Haddad said, according to the newspaper, said that about 250 people, "representing 20 groups attended the conference and that he held in Turkey because the country had a democratic and open."

    The newspaper said that the United States "expressed their dissatisfaction with the Government of Turkey indicated that they did not play any role in the meeting."
    The paper quoted Assistant Foreign Ministry, Jeffrey Feltman, a senior United States diplomat for the Middle East, saying that those groups which met in Turkey, "had the opportunity to participate in the electoral process and they were playing according to rules."

    The paper concluded its report by saying Harith al-Dhari, in connection with the newspaper from Jordan, "It does not favor the use of force with the government or with any Iraqis," afterthought "But if the Iraqi government to use force against the resistance has taken important steps toward reconciliation will be forced to defend the soul."

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  3. #672
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    Split in the "Iraqi" to support Abdel Mahdi or Allawi and agreement with the Coalition on removing al-Maliki

    Divided views of members of the Iraqi List, on the statements of leading in the list referring to the possibility of supporting the Iraqi for the nomination of leading the National Coalition Adel Abdul Mahdi, to assume the presidency of the next government in the event of commissioning, while welcoming the national coalition to support Iraq for their candidate, saying this would solve the crisis formation of the government, agreed with the views of the leaders in the two lists to remove al-Maliki of the competition.

    And was a member of the Iraqi List melon beauty revealed in a press statement of the existence of a trend in Iraq to support the nomination of Adel Abdul-Mahdi as prime minister in the absence of charged with forming a government.

    Nujaifi: We have no scenario to support Abdel Mahdi
    Unlike what the watermelon, "says leader of the Iraqi List, Osama Nujaifi in an interview with" Alsumaria News, "The support of the Iraqi List, the National Coalition for the candidate, Adel Abdul-Mahdi" is unlikely among the members of the list of Allawi that we support this position."

    Nujaifi shows that the statements of Deputy Jamal melon on the support the candidature of Abdul-Mahdi, a "personal opinion", adding that it "makes no sense to speak some support for a candidate from outside, the Iraqi list of winners and has nominated to head the government."

    And demands Nujaifi, head of the list of (Iraqi) internalized within the Iraqi List, which won 20 seats in legislative elections for the province of Nineveh, blocks the winner of "collaborating with the Iraqi National List in the nomination of Iyad Allawi as prime minister," saying "there is no scenario in Iraq at support Abdel Mahdi."

    Mullah: We will support Abdel Mahdi said that we could not form a government
    In turn, says the spokesman of the Iraqi List Haider Mulla, "In case of existing Iraqi mandate to form the next government and their lack of success so within the time limit allotted time, we will be supportive of Adel Abdul Mahdi, an application for a substantive provisions of the Constitution," according to his opinion.

    And confirms the public in an interview with "Alsumaria News", the Iraqi List "believes in the constitutional principle of competition for the formation of the new government," noting that "the ability to form a government thing and success in the formation something else."

    Almulla believes that "the renewal of the mandate of the owners will give the message that it came to power in Iraq will stay in. This is not what we implanting in the minds of Iraqis," noting that "our support for any prime minister other than al-Maliki will establish the principle of peaceful transfer of power and this is in the interest of the Iraqi people and in favor of the political process in Iraq, "according to his opinion.

    It goes a spokesman for the Iraqi List "All the arguments of the National Coalition of Iraq in recent months, particularly the Supreme Council the bids are mature and secure partnership of national and freedom of citizenship, so they are consistent with the existing projects of Iraq," adding that "the last thing the Iraqi List is the issue positions or the division of Iraq along sectarian or reproduce the experience of autocracy, which was found at the Maliki government."

    And try to Iraqi National Coalition, which came in the order in third in the election with 70 seats to play throughout the period that followed the announcement of the results to be a key player and a compromise candidate to form a new government under the disharmony between the Iraqi List, which has been first and a coalition of state law, which came second.

    Increased the chances of the National Coalition to increase the differences between al-Maliki, Allawi, which make all of the parties to rely on the National Alliance with him to form the government, in addition to the complexity of the negotiations between the latter and a coalition of state law to form a Shia alliance, encouraged Iraq to open up to the National Coalition which has increased the penalty .

    Support the Iraqi Abdul-Mahdi will lead to its alliance with the National Coalition
    On the other hand, is a member of the Iraqi National Coalition, Muhammad Mahdi al-Bayati, the Iraqi List's comments support the nomination of Abdul-Mahdi, in the absence charged with forming a government, "a positive shift in the position of Iraq may lead to an alliance between the National Coalition."

    In the view of al-Bayati said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", to "give up the existing Iraqi insistence as the winning list and has the right to form a government, to pave the alliance with the National Coalition on whether the failure of the alliance with the state of the law."

    Indicates a member of the National Coalition that "the insistence of the rule of law to Maliki's nomination for the post of prime minister, the depth of the gap between him and the National Coalition for the position that Iraq is a positive development," he said.

    He continues to draw al-Bayati, the Iraqi List to support the nomination of Adel Abdul Mahdi, "will weaken the chances of al-Maliki in other states and the likely possibility of the collapse of the alliance between the National Coalition and the state of the law if it insisted on a candidate."

    The members of the coalition rule of law and the Iraqi National confirmed that negotiations are at a standstill did not yield anything by the refusal of Iran, Maliki took a second term and seeks to find an alliance between Iraq and the Kurdistan National Coalition takes its last privileges over entitlement election as the representative of the component Shiite.

    Support may come breakthroughs in the situation
    For his part, welcomed the Liberal leadership in the bloc affiliated with the National Coalition Prince Kanani orientation of the Iraqi List "to support the nomination of Adel Abdul Mahdi, in the absence of its mandate to form a government," saying that that position is "open to the political process and a breakthrough in it."

    He adds Kanani said in an interview for "Sumerian News", that "the attitude of the Iraqi return to their awareness of democratic and shows that the largest bloc allow those, less the election dues form a government, this approach is supported by the National Coalition and welcomes it," hoping at the same time to "elevate the other blocs in discourse to the level of what was done by Iraqi signal from the coalition of state law. "

    It was announced in Baghdad in the fourth month of May last of the Alliance of primary of a coalition of law which is headed by Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki and the Iraqi National Coalition within the parliamentary bloc to form the next government, after talks lasting more than a month, and reliable officials at the coalition's success in finding solutions for all outstanding problems in order to form a government comprising all parties and promote the role of Iraq in the Arab, Islamic and international levels, in turn, was shown the list said in a statement it respected the decision of the Alliance list coalition of state law and the Iraqi National Coalition, while some expressed the hope that the motive for this alliance a purely political, and away on the alignment of sectarianism.

    The debate currently on the eligibility of forming the government, especially after the Federal Supreme Court in a statement on the twenty-sixth of the current month of March in response to the request of Iraqi Prime Minister outgoing Nuri al-Maliki's interpretation of Article 76 of the Iraqi Constitution, which refers to the largest bloc in parliament, which is Government, the parliamentary bloc, the most numerous means either a cluster that formed after the elections through the electoral list and one ran, and won many more seats, or that the cluster resulting from the Alliance of two or more of the lists, which entered the elections and merged into a single bloc, to become the cluster the largest in parliament, which rejected the Iraqi List and a preference clause and considered a circumvention of the Constitution and the "curvature" of the Iraqi judiciary to the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who leads the list of competition.

    And pave the Declaration authentication Federal Supreme Court on the results of legislative elections on the first Tuesday, to start a serious dialogue between the political blocs to reach alliances can enter them to the new parliament, in a deal the distribution of presidencies in line with each other, and constitute a ratification of the results start times are within the constitutional limit for the formation of new government from the new parliament within 15 days as provided by the Constitution.

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  5. #673
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    Director of the Central Bank in Basra, calling for increasing the number of banks in the province

    The head of Basra's central bank to open a number of other banks in the province, because the existing banks to Atsd need now, because of the large increase in population of the province, which amounted to three million people.

    He said Zuhair Ali Akbar, told Iraq's Our Home "to the global scientific standards, refer to the allocation of the Bank for every 30 thousand people."

    He pointed out that "there is an increase civil sinks in the province, due to the availability of cash, and improve the living conditions of a large segment of citizens, as well as the profits obtained by these banks, however, their number is still a little."

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  7. #674
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    Baghdad was forming a committee comprising the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Oil and Justice to resolve outstanding issues with Kuwait

    Detection and Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari yesterday, the formation of a ministerial committee responsible for addressing all outstanding issues with the State of Kuwait and to shut it down. Zebari said in a press statement, the Committee of Ministers, comprising the foreign ministers, defense and oil and Justice, as well as political adviser to Prime Minister will assume the work to resolve all outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait is the formation of a new government. The foreign minister described the appointment of new Iraqi ambassador to Kuwait as «an explicit recognition of the sovereignty and independence of the State of Kuwait», adding that «the appointment of Ambassador giant step and is important to normalize relations between the two parties and placed on the right track».

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs, that «the outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait need to a major government effort to relate to international resolutions imposed on Iraq under Chapter VII ». Zebari said that Iraq's diplomatic relations has evolved considerably, indicating that there were about 86 Iraqi diplomatic mission in the world, including 73 embassy, pointing out that 52 countries have recently received a new Iraqi ambassadors, which underlines the international community's confidence in the Iraqi government.

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  9. #675
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    Statement issued by the Electoral Commission for elections

    After the extraordinary efforts and large carried out by the Electoral Commission for elections, organization and management of the most important and biggest election event is the election of the Iraqi Council of Representatives for the year (2010) which ratified the Federal Court The results of elections for all governorates of Iraq, and this great occasion, make the Board of Commissioners warm congratulations to the Iraqi people in general and voters in particular and who have demonstrated courage, to defy terrorism and the forces of darkness and come out on purple will go down in Iraq's modern history in letters of light, as it marks a new challenge added to the major challenges faced by this people as well as being a real seed will grow to achieve his will to freedom and building a modern state based on the foundations of democratic, pluralistic approach.

    The Council congratulates and thanks and appreciation to all who contributed to the success of this major event in the political forces that participated in the elections after the believed cause of democracy and peaceful transfer of power was an important factor in approving the election law and putting it into effect, and to the security forces which were to stand with the UNHCR in protect the security of elections and the security of the voter an important factor in the success achieved, specifically the Supreme Security Committee of the elections and those retaining it.

    It offers its congratulations and appreciation to the United Nations and the international team that accompanied the work of the Office through the group of experts who have provided support and advice to owners of the administrative and technical, as well as to teams of international control of the European Union and the Group of Arab League visitor throughout the election period and re-counting and sorting 'and much of the world who participated in the monitoring process by sending their representatives, I must commend The significant role played by organizations of local control that has proven experience of its staff In this aspect, and became the focus of the world where reporting very strong friendship and professional craft. The media has played a significant role as a vital and important and vital partner in building the country and must pay tribute to this great role and applaud and congratulate all of the media has done a remarkable And recall with great pride the UNHCR staff who have worked day and night, meaning their interest focused on the success of the electoral process, adding that the success of the credit is professional as well as of the registration centers and polling stations who were strongly supportive, and they did their duty to the fullest.

    UNHCR is well aware that the task entrusted to them is not an easy task against a great challenge and a bumpy road, but the profound belief that Iraq deserves to be made for it more effort and face the difficulties has said Imam Ali ((to Atstohacoa right through the lack of Saleckih)) have followed the Commission in this the road based on this view, the great and took the right path and worked with integrity and transparency, credibility and proven, despite their exposure to some embarrassing situations But it put the country's interests above all else and adhered to the principle of neutrality and transparency, without bearing in mind that her career is a challenge for any party or entity, but is a commitment to the law and its application, and enhance the performance and resilience assessment of significant by the United Nations and the international community as the first election, a council elections provincial and parliamentary elections which took place on the seventh of last March of the finest Machdth the region and the third world, and before this assessment is the large high praise by the Iraqi people To perform their work and efforts of UNHCR and the certificate of the major will remain the Board of Commissioners and UNHCR staff carrying the Secretariat of their necks as they did a great message, a matter of pride for generations to come, with all this was the hope of UNHCR's political forces and the House of Representatives and the Iraqi government to be proud of this achievement and effort great, but unfortunately, they came things other than expected and waged a relentless campaign In the media and contributed to the campaign in increasing tension in the Iraqi street with it were not part of the political conflict, but is the executive branch that owns the weapon of independence and to stand with everyone at a distance of one, and work was under the sun, and has always sought because the put the wheel on the right path because it integral and important part in the march, with all this, it took into account that the democratic process in Iraq is an evolving process and that the experience is recent compared with the Democratic and the current stage is the stage of democratic transition is still a lot did not realize the democratic game sense smooth and easy, especially in the case of elections we all have to realize that there is no Khasrfaita it is a success for all and the democratic process and the new Iraq And must bear the responsibility for entering this arena grand Bringing Iraq to safety and this effort by the Office Maansb.

    Today is proud to UNHCR and the owners that the success achieved and to praise the Arab and international and the domestic and the best evidence of this widespread calls that came to the Board of Commissioners to attend and observe the elections in many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and specifically calls that came from Germany, Russia, Sweden and the Arab League, which indicated in their reports on the election Iraq will be an important will be studied in universities and other Arab countries and this Evidence that the Electoral Commission is one of the commissions, which has acquired expertise in this area has been the focus of pride and dignity for all.

    Board of Commissioners in the Office of the Independent High Electoral
    Baghdad in AD 4/6/2010

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    Shahristani: Iraqis are able to achieve the miracle oil

    The Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani, the efforts of officials and staff of the General Company for Oil Projects, which he said contributed to the development of the oil industry in the country through implementation of several projects in the oil sector.

    The minister said in a speech yesterday during the First Conference for Oil Projects Company, which carries the title of "oil projects between reality and ambition": "The ministry aims to implement projects that contribute to the development of the oil industry and relying on the expertise of Iraqi-owned company, which previously carried out major projects in accordance with specifications and generally recognized international standards."

    He continued: "The Iraqis are able to achieve the miracle of oil during the next ten years by raising its output ceiling."

    He called: "focus on research and plans that would improve the performance of the company commensurate with the level of ambition and beyond all the challenges."

    For his part, Director General of Oil Projects Company Nizar Hafiz in his speech during the conference: "The company projects to have dozens of oil projects, including the establishment and implementation of the 16 reservoirs the size of 58 cubic meters, which accommodates half a million barrels of crude oil in the Faw area in Basra, in addition to implementation and the establishment of 30 oil reservoirs in the Rumaila oil in the northern and southern province of Basra."

    The keeper said: "Projects are now also implementing the biggest oil reserve volume of 82 thousand cubic meters per station Psoan in North Rumaila, as the company has other projects including the implementation of pipeline diameter of 42 knots and 48 knots for the draft Zubair - FAO, in addition to It is preparing the engineering studies in cooperation with foreign companies to develop designs for refineries, Nasiriyah, Karbala, adding that these projects totaling nearly one billion dollars. He pointed out that the company has the potential technical and administrative, financial and contractual work and compete with foreign companies in Iraq, and even outside of Iraq."

  11. #677
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    Growth of the Iraqi economy needs to be modest and private capital

    Central Bank official said that Iraq will not likely be able to make further cuts to interest rates in 2010, which would mark a modest growth and the government should seek to boost the economy by attracting more private capital.

    The growth slowed down in Iraq, exhausted by decades of war and economic sanctions and lack of investment - with the exception of the key oil sector - to four percent of gross domestic product last year than ten percent in 2008.

    A senior adviser Qassem harmful Central Bank of Iraq in an interview with Reuters on Tuesday he did not expect record growth of more than four percent this year, although central economic planning structural acting as a brake to growth.

    He said, "we have created a climate of stability, but we must create a climate for development. Stability without development of no value to him." He added, "What did not develop investment projects in Iraq .. I think the situation (economic) will be very difficult."

    Kassem, who participate in meetings of the Central Bank's monthly policy-making that the rate of core inflation - which excludes Iraq fuel - fell to three percent in April, is likely to remain in the range of less than ten percent and the bank's target for the remainder of the year.

    The decline in inflation allowed for Iraq to cut its benchmark interest rate by 100 basis points to six percent in April, but Qassem said he does not expect further cuts this year, though interest rates may rise.

    Seen interest rates in Iraq largely as a symbolic, as the Iraqi economy outside the public sector and oil production are often informal, but is indicative of the interest rates banks rather than for cash directly.

    The central bank sets the exchange rate of the dinar through periodic auctions for currencies.

    Iraq and lacks investment and is slowing down in the process of rebuilding a country continues to recover from the effects of US-led invasion in 2003 to topple Saddam Hussein.

    The Iraqi economy is still largely isolated from the global financial system is dominated by oil exports, which constitute more than 95 percent of state revenues. Iraq has the third largest reserves of crude oil in the world.

    Kassem said that it was important that the next change of government the current economic system of the country and give more emphasis to increase business investment through the development of partnerships between the public and private sectors.

    "The problem in Iraq that nearly 90 percent of the country's wealth in the hands of the government. So dominated by the central mental everywhere."

    He went on saying, "This (partnership between the public and private) is the best system for Iraq. I think that the next government to adopt this system, otherwise there will be no solution."

    Iraq is gripped by a political vacuum after the elections that took place on the seventh of March, which did not produce a clear winner, but authentication of the Supreme Court on the election results earlier this week means that the electoral blocs can now start serious negotiations to form a government.

    The current government was open to partnerships between the public and private sectors and is considering granting a license a fourth mobile phone operator in the country to an entity controlled by the state and the private sector.

    The State is the largest employer in Iraq, although unemployment is high and currently stands at 18 percent. Kassem said he hoped in a reduced rate to between seven and eight percent in 2011.

    Iraq is hoping the creation of three million to four million new jobs by 2014 under the five-year plan for economic development.

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    Member of the "national": settled the candidates against the candidate of the rule of law-Maliki and the announcement of the end of our alliance Alasp

    A member of the Iraqi National Coalition, Bahaa al-that the declaration of the Alliance of coalitions at the end of this week has settled the names of candidates to the National Coalition against the candidate of the rule of law-Maliki.

    And Araji told him correspondent news news ((brother)): The formal announcement of the National Alliance and the rule of law will be the end of next week., Explaining that "the National Coalition settled on my name, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and Ibrahim al-Jaafari to be the one against the candidate of the rule of law Nuri al-Maliki's candidacy for the post prime minister."

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    Iraq: The privatization of the economy will not be in accordance with the terms of World Bank

    The Iraqi government announced the outgoing that there is a trend to privatize the Iraqi economy, but not in the way required by the World Bank in Iraq, and do justice to public sector workers, who number more than half a million, and confirmed the existence of a strategic vision of economic integration with all countries of the region.

    A spokesman for the Iraqi government outgoing Ali al-Dabbagh said in an interview for "Alsumaria News" that "Iraq has the desire and trend to privatize its economy and move it to a market economy but not in the way required by the World Bank", noting that "the Iraqi government see no rush by the privatization of the Iraqi economy a way that prevents the occurrence of any major damage."

    The World Bank has called on Iraq over the past years through negotiations between the parties to cancel Iraq's debt and give soft loans to Iraq in support of some economic projects, the abolition of the ration card and reduce inflation and economic reforms including the reform of the banking sector, and the sale of public sector companies to the private sector because of its inability to develop its potential for she had been widespread looting as well as higher production costs compared to the importer and formed a great burden on the general budget of the Iraqi state.

    Dabbagh said that "the Iraqi state you want in any move to privatize the Iraqi economy not affect the rights of more than half a million employees of the Iraqi state institutions may be affected by this process," noting that "the government does not want to ruin their lives through privatization of state enterprises."

    The Iraqi government made in the twenty-fifth of the month of April, in cooperation with experts from the United Nations project of economic reform includes restructuring the Iraqi economy in accordance with the requirements of the transition from the general economy centrally planned economy to the private market to ensure the expansion of the productive base of the Iraqi economy for adoption by the market mechanism and free some of its prices and internal and external trade."

    Dabbagh said that "the next government will take the proposed initiative to privatize the Iraqi economy and lift the Iraqi public sector of the situation in which they live," noting that the "despite lack of impact of financial crisis on Iraq, it is required to determine economic vision about what is happening in the world financial crisis".

    The head of the United Nations Ad Melkert warned in a report by the UN Security Council in the twenty-fifth of the month of May last of the possibility of undermining the gains made in strengthening democracy in Iraq if it does not change the current economic situation, calling on all parties to focus on revenue-sharing oil in all parts of Iraq, including the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Kirkuk, and to take adequate steps in this regard to solve the country's economic problems."

    The Iraqi government spokesman that "Iraq had a vision of a comprehensive strategy for the economic future of the region for economic integration among its members, de-seed the political differences between them," stressing that "this strategy will provide enormous opportunities for countries in the region to integrate their economies with Iraq."

    The month of May last agreement between the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation signed with the United Nations, to promote the development and delivery of services and economic growth which will contribute to building the Iraqi state through five key areas, namely the overall economic growth, environmental management and promote good governance and protect human rights and ensure that members of Iraqi society basic services and take advantage of human capabilities".

    The International Monetary Fund has demanded the Iraqi government over the past years editing certain sectors of the economy of state intervention through the withdrawal of the ad hoc support for industrialists and farmers, and reduce the current support of petroleum products, amounted to the country's reserves of foreign currency for the time being the end of 2009 to 42 billion dollars, After it was 27 billion dollars in 2008, after the rise in oil prices worldwide.

    The International Fund has expressed appreciation for the economic reforms in Iraq, which included enhancing the Central Bank and the restructuring of two large public sector and the reduction of inflation, which reached more than 50% in 2006, was also considered that the payment of Iraq's dues, which was scheduled in 2009 reflects the success of Baghdad in the reform of financial policies and the exploitation of the substantial financial resources that derive from higher oil prices.

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    Odierno: 34 leader of the al-Qaeda in Iraq out of 42 people were killed or captured

    U.S. General Raymond Odierno on Friday that 34 leading al-Qaeda in Iraq out of 42 were killed or arrested, adding that the attacks and the losses in this country in the lowest levels.

    He said Gen. Ray Odierno in Washington told reporters, "During the last ninety days, we have captured or killed 34 al-Qaeda official in Iraq, out of 42."

    He noted the steady improvement in security in Iraq at the time U.S. military prepares for a significant reduction in the number of troops in this country this year.

    He added that "all the statistics that we have for the first five months of the year 2010 is the most (...) we have recorded a decline, despite continuing violence - there are dark days in Iraq - the statistics behave the right direction."

    Odierno said that the terrorist organization "will try to renew the same, but that has become more difficult for them," under the joint operations carried out by Iraq and the United States, rejected what he called "99,9 percent" of the people of Iraq to al Qaeda.

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