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  1. #571
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    Alia Nassif: to cling to power behind the Federal Court's decision to postpone ratification of the election results

    "Member of the Iraqi List Nassif The high pressure on the Federal Court order to cling to power is what led to the postponement of ratification of the election results.

    The Federal Court has today announced the postponement of ratification of the election results Lhajp to some legal interpretations of the Electoral Commission.

    Nassif said in connection with the Agency for the independent press (Iba) The Federal Court's decision to delay approval of the final results on the pretext of appeals submitted by the other will affect negatively the dialogues and debates the various political blocs.

    She noted that this decision has generated frustration with the political forces that were waiting for the ratification of the decision to enter into serious negotiations between them in order to reach consensus form the next government.

    The various forces and political figures have been identified as negotiations to form the next government during the period that followed the elections and the announcement of the results is to test and the actual negotiations and serious will begin after approval by the Federal Court on the election results.

  2. #572
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    Iraqi Airways 'to fold' due to Kuwait lawsuit

    A representative for Kuwait Airways has reacted angrily to the suggestion that Iraq Airways (IAC), from which it is seeking $1.2bn in compensation for 10 planes taken during Saddam Hussein’s rule, could be declared insolvent and be dissolved.

    Iraqi government spokesperson Ali Al-Dabbagh told newswire Bloomberg on Wednesday that the country’s Council of Ministers had decided to liquidate the airline’s assets. And on Tuesday transport minister Amer Abdul-Jabbar was quoted by the BBC as saying that if IAC were to be declared bankrupt, “Kuwait would have to drop its claims. [Iraq] can establish another airline company and put an end to this case”.

    However Christopher Gooding of law firm Fasken Martineau, which acts for Kuwait Airways, dismissed the Iraqi claims.

    “First, it appears to me to be a sorry reflection of Iraq's attitude to its international commitments that liquidating its own national airline is seen as preferable to addressing those commitments,” he said in a statement. “Threatening to start a new airline merely demonstrates what a cynical tactic this is.

    “Secondly, the conclusion is entirely false,” he continued. “Any such move will not lead to the dropping of claims. In a statement given recently the same Minister of Transport was asked ‘Why does the government not declare IAC insolvent and dissolve it?’

    “He answered that: ‘This action will not protect a government company, because when a government company is declared bankrupt, its assets are transferred to the Ministry of Finance, and therefore the Ministry will be prosecuted.’

    “KAC's legal team has been faced with this suicide threat – ‘come any closer and I jump’ - for years and has full contingency plans in place.”

    Kuwait Airways won a UK court order to freeze the Baghdad-based airline’s global assets on April 25, the same day as an Iraqi Airways flight landed in London for the first time in 20 years.

    Iraqi Airways, which flies to more than a dozen airports in Arab countries and Europe, has a fleet of mainly Boeing 737 airplanes, according to its website.

    The carrier had received four planes from an order of 10 aircraft from Canada’s Bombardier and was expecting to start receiving the first batch of 40 Boeing planes ordered in 2008 by the Iraqi government, Commercial Director Gulseren Abdul Kadir said April 27.

  3. #573
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    Kurdistan trade delegation participates in Paris conference

    A delegation of Kurdistan traders will take part on Thursday in an expanded conference in Paris, chairman of the Kurdistan’s exporters and importers union said.

    “The delegation includes 32 traders from Kurdistan region’s provinces; Arbil, Sulaimaniya, Duhuk, will take part in the expanded trade conference, which will begin on Thursday (May 27) in Paris,” Sheikh Mustapha Abdulrahman told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    “The delegation will hold a meeting during the visit with the French Chamber of Commerce and the French-Arab Chamber of Commerce as well as a number of economic organizations there,” he added,

  4. #574
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    Iraq PM details 'several' assassination attempts

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki claimed in remarks released Wednesday that he had escaped several assassination attempts, including one where insurgents tried to shoot down his plane.

    "There have been several attempts," Maliki told London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat, according to a transcript of the interview released by his office.

    One of the alleged attempts "was targeting a plane I was flying in while returning from Mosul (northern Iraq) to Baghdad in 2009, but it failed," he said.

    "A missile was fired against the plane, but thermal decoys diverted it," he added.

    "There have been several attempts like this but they have all failed," Maliki said.

    He also warned of a return to sectarian violence as Iraq languishes without a new government, more than two months after elections in which no group has yet assembled a parliamentary majority.

    "If we build the state in the wrong way, which does not meet the conditions for a (democratic) political process and sharing (of power) in the administration, a return to violence is possible," he said.

    He added: "If we retreat, terrorist organisations, militias and gangs will all have chances to regroup."

    The premier also voiced confidence in the schedule of withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, due to be completed by the end of 2010. All American combat troops are set to leave Iraq by the end of August.

    Asked if he had any doubts over the withdrawal, Maliki replied: "Absolutely not. Iraq has developed its military and intelligence capacities, and has built up a great deal of experience."

  5. #575
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    ENI and Royal Dutch Shell to dig new oil wells in Iraq

    An ENI executive said on Tuesday the company would drill up to 10 wells by the end of the year at Zubai, ENI hopes to reach output of at least 250,000 barrels per day from Iraq's Zubair oilfield by the end of this year, an ENI executive said on Tuesday.

    "We hope to reach at least 200,000 to 250,000 barrels per day," Gino Giannone, the vice president for ENI's Iraq program, told reporters. "Production should reach about 600,000 barrels per day after three years: he added.

    On the other hand, Royal Dutch Shell said that it plans to drill 15 new wells over the next two years at Majnoon. "We will need to drill 15 new wells in the next two years for Majnoon oilfield," Marco Marsili, commercial general manager for Shell in Iraq, told Reporters. The new wells to be drilled are part of a plan that aims at boosting Iraq production from the super giant oil field so as it reaches 175,000 bpd in 2012.

  6. #576
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    Alaitlavan agree to nominate the candidate for prime minister

    A member of the "coalition of the rule of law," Haider al-Abadi an agreement with the Sadrists, WIN under the banner of the "Iraqi National Coalition," to name the candidate for prime minister from within the coalitions.

    The Abadi, in a radio interview that the agreement included naming one candidate from each coalition will then be selected from the two assume the post of prime minister.

    From his end, member of the "National Coalition" Jaafar al-Moussawi to bring the current reform coalition leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari and Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi as candidates for the post of prime minister.

  7. #577
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    Iraqi official criticized the contracts signed by the Ministry of Oil with international oil companies

    Criticized the adviser to the Ministry of Oil Jabbar Allaibi contracts signed by the ministry with international oil companies for the development of key oil fields in Iraq, saying Iraq needs to short-term contracts.

    The Allaibi who took over management of the Southern Oil Company said in remarks carried by Dow Jones Newswires that Iraq does not have a national plan and a clear development of these giant fields.

    The huge global companies have signed contracts to develop oil fields in Iraq, including Shell and Italy's Eni and a group!

  8. #578
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    State law and the Sadrists agree to nominate a prime minister from coalitions

    Agreed that the "coalition of the rule of law" with the Sadrists, WIN under the banner of the "Iraqi National Coalition," to name the candidate for prime minister from within the coalitions.

    A member of a coalition of law Haider al-Abadi told a news briefing that the agreement "guarantees the nomination of one candidate from each coalition will then be selected from the two assume the post of prime minister."

    This coalition is still "state of law" and "Iraqi national" in connection with the agreement to develop mechanisms adopted in naming their candidate for prime minister in the next government.

  9. #579
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    Maliki ruled out forming a new government within weeks

    Dismissed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to form a new government within weeks because of the constitutional limits and dialogues between the contending political forces.

    Maliki said he was not aware of what was posted about a meeting with the head of the Iraqi list of Iyad Allawi expressed his readiness to receive him.

    Maliki said that wanting to re-launch of the sectarian violence in the country cite him as prime minister, an obstacle to the implementation of their plans, noting that the prime minister who will gather the necessary votes and that if he would accept the result of another person to collect the votes.

    And on the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, Maliki stressed that the withdrawal will be the dates that were announced, expressing confidence the capabilities of Iraqi forces to face any challenges can be faced by the country.

    Maliki, that Iraq will be a playground for regional powers, noting that those who imagine that the ability to manage Iraq from abroad are hampered by national will.

    Maliki said that Iraq will not be part of any regional hub, and predicted that the coming period would witness a significant improvement in relations with Saudi Arabia and Syria.
    In response to say that the Shiites did not give a year after the fall of the former regime as reassurance, Maliki said: "We will give them whatever they want to reassure them and make them feel our brothers and our partnership with them."

    Mr Maliki unveiled last year, said he escaped from his plane during a rocket attack on his return from Mosul to Baghdad ... and he said he had signed the execution of Saddam Hussein, but would have preferred to keep the prisoners humiliated and subjugated to a lesson for dictators, he said.

    He said he saw the body of Saddam's half a minute at the urging of his aides and spoke to him saying: "what will it benefit your execution? Are our martyrs and the re-ravaged country?".

    He said al-Maliki said the slaughter carried out first in 2004 a number of former officers in the Iraqi intelligence, he said Izzat al-Duri, Vice-President of the former regime to creep in and out of Iraq.

  10. #580
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    Experts and politicians describe the decision to liquidate the Iraqi Airways to "right"

    Describe the number of politicians and experts from Government's decision to liquidate Iraqi Airways to "right" to do not possess the financial resources which they can pay debts to Kuwait.

    The Member Services Committee Alaniaibp Jinan Jabbar said spatial Iraqi Airways is very weak, noting that the positions of the Kuwaitis have always been negative.
    For his part, counting the legal expert Tareq resolution as legal action to end the Kuwaiti claims.

    He said the war "This action is the only legal it was necessary for the Iraqi government resorted to to stop the damage caused by the claims of Kuwait Airways to Iraqi Airways as it was necessary to take this action before this date because it is the only way to get rid of the Kuwaiti claims."

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