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  1. #4551
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    To me Ewalt is right. My opinion is this is all part of the proccess. It has been stated that before the revalue that the goods and the merchants will have to have time to rebalance their structures. Well this is what this is saying. Even the 1500nids to the new 1nid to equal $1 usd. Remember the Internal revalue first. All this going fast as they have to meet deadlines of the Paris agreement in order to not pay a heafty fine. Then as the Investment laws come to play before the ISX opens which makes the dinar globally traded, it seems all this is part of the proccess. Relax, as this have been mentioned. It will get crazier the closer it gets. I believe we have all been informed very well. So well that I would exchange now for any amount more if I just could. Just remember all that we have learnt as it is being played out. To real to me. I pray my felling are right. I know my wants and my desires, but the teachings and the proccess seem all in place to me.

  2. #4552
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    Cool Iic

    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo
    It is well known that the Iraqi dinar is a local, not a global, currency. It will remain the same both in the foreseeable and distant future. The country's import capacity, the consumption levels, and the welfare of the Iraqi individual, all depend on the circumstances of oil exports and the policies and methods of handling them. It is also known that about 99% of foreign exchange revenues in Iraq are petro-dollar revenues, since oil prices are paid in dollars and have nothing to do with dinars.\

    These two lines seem to be saying that since 99% of foreing exhange is done with petro-dollar revenes that there is no reason for the dinar to be globally exchanged; thus, there is no need for a reval globally but only internally.

    Just how much of an expert is this guy anyway?

    I feel since the dinar dealers are WANTING TO BUY BACK DINAR, then the dinar is about to increase in value. They aren't going to buy back just cause they are good guys wanting to do us a good deed. No offense, they are business minded and want to prosper just like the rest of us.

    I can only imagine how "upset" the U.S. government would be if what he says is true.

    And I haven't excluded the option that I HAVE TOTALLY MISINTERPRETED THIS WHOLD ARTICLE.

    I feel much better after posting this and thinking it through. I would still like to know more about this so-called expert. Is anyone familiar with any of his other predictions?

    Well, still excited!


  3. #4553
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    the original reserve team that distributed the new iraqi dinar to replace the saddam dinar have been dispatched back to iraq. their mission on this trip is to:

    a. distribute a lopped off dinar that has never had the time to be designed or printed.

    b. watch dancing girls in baghdad.

    c. distribute smaller denominations of dinar remeniscent of their original mission.

    lets hope you all get the answer to the quiz correct!!!

  4. #4554
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    LOL at WHATEVER....might be loops using his alias Iraqi it pegs internally only,IMHO, who will it benefit??? one.....they have to and need to get foreign investments in there.....if they don't,this new government will be doing exactly what Saddam did.....and the only way to get foreign investments in Iraq going is to peg the dinar globally...i might be off base here,but,thats the way i see it...i'm sure Mike or Adster could help clarify this up....and as WHATEVER stated up above the international powers that be are going to frown on Iraq big time if this is what happens....of course as we've seen so far,anything is possible in this country.....but i don't see Geeee Dubyya letting them peg internally only...IMHO...GO DINARS....Pat

  5. #4555
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    Quote Originally Posted by whatever
    Agreed Rodney..The international powers-that-be have too many plans for Iraq. There have been too many big players having meetings here there and everywhere for it all to be for naught. An internal peg doesn't encourage foreign investment either, not that I can see. And again, the whole ISX opening would seem pointless if the currency isn't revalued globally. It isn't as though Iraq has no natural resources, ya know? Perhaps that article was a bit of the 'discouraging' spin to prevent any more speculators from heavily investing in the dinar before it pegs. I mean, we see 10 encouraging articles and then this one? Are we sure Loops isn't the author? LOL
    As for plans of the dinar NOT being internationally tradeable/exchangable....PURE HOGWASH!!! Why would Maliki be on a "World Tour" encouraging foreign investments if that was the case?!?! Just my opinion...

  6. #4556
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    I'll play, I say the answer is C, but if you tell me that I am wrong, my next guess would be B. But definitely not A. Did I get it right?

  7. #4557
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie

    It maybe a good idea, I try to take at least a day of every now and then, and Not log in here, it is very hard, but it makes it easier to handle the highs and lows.
    I totally get what you gals are saying. An emotional rollercoaster sure is fun at the high points and boy, do those lows take us for a ride.

    I like to look at it this way......While I choose to take this ride, the lows sure do make me appreciate the highs. And I am very much looking forward to that NICE, EVEN, CONTINOUS HIGH ROAD! That is a promise I hang onto.

    Oh, I'm not saying the absence of challenges, just the ability or discipline to not be ruled by them. In other words, choosing not to board that rollercoaster; instead, believe that everything is gonna be alright. Am I there yet? Obviously not! But I sure am on my way and getting closer everyday!

    *If this sounds like correction to anyone, IT IS NOT! It is a self-calming tactic that I desperately need right now.

    In the words of my 5 year old, "This has been the "FUNNEST" ride I have ever been on".

    It's gonna happen! I believe it!


  8. #4558
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    I know we all want to believe in and hope for the best and when anything that in some way indicates that this could go bad for us, our natural reaction is to find a way to discredit it or eliminate its relevance. I for one don't know who all these people are who write articals that slant to the negative but none of them have given any explanation as to why or how their view of the senarios to happen would actually be benificial to the Iraqi government or its people.

    My view is this, I know that any investment carries with some chance of failure no matter how large or small, some chance none the less however, when it comes to this investment in the Iraq dinar I just can not see the down side. I know it must exsist but I can not see it. Those that have tried to point out some downsides, I'm sorry but so far, none of them make any sence to me, not logically anyway. Perhaps there's way for this to fail us, my mind says there is but it has not shown me how, not yet anyway.

    So, I will continue to be ever hopeful and remain as patient as I can until something significant actually happens and when the revalue does take place, I think it will help us to have more confidents that some of the other predictions will play out has we've heard.

  9. #4559
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    i vote for B watch the dancing girls in baghdad........what do i win if i'm right?????.....a peg at 1.15 would do dinars...Pat

  10. #4560
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    They have Dancing Girls in Baghdad?!?!

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