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  1. #32551
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Basra / Evidence :
    ملياتDirector denied the South Oil Company that the funds offered by the company for the reconstruction of some Basra funds received by the company from the foreign bodies. The chairman of the Ibi Jabbar to "not extend our hands to the Americans or the British or any foreign body, but that all these acts that occurred and are occurring (in the reconstruction) is a budget of the South Oil Company and allocations, and continued," put the oil minister (Hussein Shahrastani) expressed the need to contribute to the reconstruction of the city of Basra, and with me opinion. Contacted Cabinet was approved contributing reconstruct some vital places in the city, and added Allaibi "is not the full sense of ages. But at the first building block to make the most beautiful city of Basra, and the Director of the South Oil Company that such contributions "is a tradition in every country in the world, where all the companies that operate in certain places contribute to the development of these places of architectural and cultural aspects of social ... The South Oil Company entered the field according to this scenario. " Asked whether he believed that the high oil prices and imports behind the campaign against the company, said Allaibi "there is no increase in oil imports for the South Oil Company, because of higher prices, imports for the Ministry of Oil. All Mathaqk (in reconstruction projects) is one of the company's budget allocations. " And whether the campaign reconstruction of the company faced rejections or consternation of local government officials or departments with jurisdiction Operations
    Translated version of

  2. #32552
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    OK NENO, Spill, Full NOOZE articles? Did you buy a subscription? Wait a minute, your a reporter trying to slide under RolClub radar?

    BUSTED !!!

    Thought we wouldnt figure it out? We got scoop ShotgunSusie doing our investigating !!

  3. #32553
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    Thanks for posting that Mike, I tried to get excited about it but was stopped in my tracks. Do you know if that is fresh or a rehash of last weeks meetings.
    I see mention of the weekend and Tuesday (which was yesterday) but some here say it's old news bacause last week had a Tuesday also.

    I tried to go back to the sight I got it from and can"t bring it up - I think part of the UPI signature at the top that wasn"'t carried over said 7 hours ago if that helps= doesn't neccesarily mean some of the content isn't old.

  4. #32554
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    I tried to go back to the sight I got it from and can"t bring it up - I think part of the UPI signature at the top that wasn"'t carried over said 7 hours ago if that helps= doesn't neccesarily mean some of the content isn't old.
    Thanks Mike, It hit the wires about 2 PM EST and I was picking it up on alot of the services so I am thinking it's new, plus some others were posting similar later in the day.
    Thanks again.

  5. #32555
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    Default Raising the dinar to reduce prices in market

    December 2006 13, 2006

    The Globe

    Increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar may hurt imports but it will help domestic trade.

    The news about the appreciating value of the dinar against the dollar has hit the market in Suleimaniya hard. Many will lose their jobs. People believe that neither the government nor the Central Bank can carry out such a critical decision

    Mr. Ali Abdullah of the Bank of Harem (The Regional Bank) says that attempts to raise the value of the dinar are not something new, but many preparations have been made in order for the plan to go ahead. He says that the decision was made to overcome the economic crises in Iraq.

    "To increase the value of the dinar, the government has to increase exports and produce more goods," Mr. Abdullah believes.

    Despite the fact that no official spokesperson from the Central Bank has ever issued such a firm decision decreasing the dollar value to 1250 ID from its previous value of 1450 ID has created an unnatural shake in the local markets.

    Professor Dr. Narmeen Marouf, an economist, tells the Kurdish Globe that this move from the Central Bank aimed at solving the inflation crated due to the high value of the dollar. "If the value of the dinar goes up, the price of goods will decline sharply; they have been paid off in dollars and are sold in dinars," she says, adding that the Central Bank has also tried before to reduce prices and balance off the supply and demand in the local markets. "As the value of the dinar increases, consumers and the local merchants are the first to benefit."

    At the moment, Iraq is not exporting any goods other than oil. Almost all goods in Iraqi markets are imports; hence the inflation, particularly when the value of the dinar declines for having no support, although it is quite possible for a decision as such to be made in order to reduce domestic issues. The decision will have two beneficiary forces - it will help Iraq vie for foreign markets and reduce prices in local ones.

    "Since rumours started that the dinar was going to increase in value, many have faced sever financial damages," Kamaran Ali, of Money Mart, says. However, he does not believe in such a decision. "Increasing the value of the dinar" he says, "will not benefit anyone."

    After 2003, the Iraqi Central Bank decided to peg the value of the dinar. Primarily, a dollar was equal to 1,450 ID, until the value of the dinar was reduced and a dollar became 1,470 ID, then 1,500, at which the price the value of the dinar seemed to stay still.

    Raising the dinar to reduce prices in market

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #32556
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    December 2006 13, 2006

    The Globe

    Increasing the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar may hurt imports but it will help domestic trade.

    The news about the appreciating value of the dinar against the dollar has hit the market in Suleimaniya hard. Many will lose their jobs. People believe that neither the government nor the Central Bank can carry out such a critical decision

    Mr. Ali Abdullah of the Bank of Harem (The Regional Bank) says that attempts to raise the value of the dinar are not something new, but many preparations have been made in order for the plan to go ahead. He says that the decision was made to overcome the economic crises in Iraq.

    "To increase the value of the dinar, the government has to increase exports and produce more goods," Mr. Abdullah believes.

    Despite the fact that no official spokesperson from the Central Bank has ever issued such a firm decision decreasing the dollar value to 1250 ID from its previous value of 1450 ID has created an unnatural shake in the local markets.

    Professor Dr. Narmeen Marouf, an economist, tells the Kurdish Globe that this move from the Central Bank aimed at solving the inflation crated due to the high value of the dollar. "If the value of the dinar goes up, the price of goods will decline sharply; they have been paid off in dollars and are sold in dinars," she says, adding that the Central Bank has also tried before to reduce prices and balance off the supply and demand in the local markets. "As the value of the dinar increases, consumers and the local merchants are the first to benefit."

    At the moment, Iraq is not exporting any goods other than oil. Almost all goods in Iraqi markets are imports; hence the inflation, particularly when the value of the dinar declines for having no support, although it is quite possible for a decision as such to be made in order to reduce domestic issues. The decision will have two beneficiary forces - it will help Iraq vie for foreign markets and reduce prices in local ones.

    "Since rumours started that the dinar was going to increase in value, many have faced sever financial damages," Kamaran Ali, of Money Mart, says. However, he does not believe in such a decision. "Increasing the value of the dinar" he says, "will not benefit anyone."

    After 2003, the Iraqi Central Bank decided to peg the value of the dinar. Primarily, a dollar was equal to 1,450 ID, until the value of the dinar was reduced and a dollar became 1,470 ID, then 1,500, at which the price the value of the dinar seemed to stay still.

    Raising the dinar to reduce prices in market

    They need to start spending that dinar abroad.

  7. #32557
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    Default Bush,Kurds discuss Iraq strategy

    Bush, Kurds, discuss Iraq strategy by Olivier Knox
    Wed Dec 13, 1:06 PM ET

    WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush discussed the way forward in Iraq with its two top Kurd leaders as he ended a round of high-profile consultations on overhauling his war-fighting strategy.


    He spoke by telephone with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Kurdish regional President Massud Barzani as part of efforts to cement a "moderate bloc" behind the fragile government in Baghdad, said Bush spokesman Tony Snow.

    Bush "discussed his commitment to a democratic and federal Iraq that can secure, sustain, govern itself, remains an ally in the war on terror," and sought their views on changing US strategy, said Snow.

    "Both leaders spoke of how they share the President's vision for Iraq and were cooperating to be full partners against terrorism and tyranny, and building the new Iraq," he told reporters.

    The US president later headed to the Pentagon for consultations with top US military planners, including some taking part from Iraq, ahead of unveiling a new strategy in a speech expected in early 2007.

    Bush's conversations with Talabani and Barzani came after talks with powerful Shiite cleric and political leader Abdel Aziz al-Hakim and Iraq's top Sunni elected leader, Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi.

    "We've talked in recent days about a moderate bloc that has Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish leaders, and both men fit into that moderate bloc and pledge their cooperation, not merely in building broader support for the government, but also taking action against those who want to destabilize it through acts of terror," said Snow.

    Asked what would happen to key Iraqi figures who do not choose to join the "moderate bloc," as appeared to be the case with radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, Snow replied that Iraqis "do have to make choices."

    "On the other hand, you've got Mr al Hakim, who represents the largest Shia bloc, Mr Hashemi, who certainly has the proxy of a lot of Sunnis, and you have the two most prominent of the Kurdish leaders all talking with the president," he said.

    "They are agreed upon some real fundamentals. Number one is supporting the government, and number two is taking a tough line against those who want to destabilize the government by committing acts of terror," he said.

    Snow did not include Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, whom some in Washington accuse of not doing enough to quell violence by sectarian militias as his country threatens to descend into all-out civil war.

    But he insisted that "the president is not doing the assembling. This has been going on within the Maliki government, trying to build this coalition. And the president is talking with willing partners."

    A senior US official later disputed that Bush was taking the lead role in what he described as "an Iraqi process" of coalition building to support the government in Baghdad, stressing: "They're getting it together."

    Separately, Snow denied a New York Times report that Saudi Arabia had warned that it would support Iraq's Sunni minority in sectarian strife against the Shiite majority if the United States withdraws its forces.

    "That's not Saudi government policy," said the spokesman, who acknowledged that he had not discussed the matter with Riyadh's embassy in Washington or to officials in Saudi Arabia.

    The Times, citing US and Arab diplomats, reported Tuesday that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia delivered the warning to Vice President Dick Cheney in Riyadh two weeks ago.

    Lets get it done already!!!
    sarah GO DINAR GO!!!!!

  8. #32558
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Exclamation Not too sure if this was previously posted as from this source!

    Defense agency rejects panel's criticism - Yahoo! News
    Defense agency rejects panel's criticism By KATHERINE SHRADER, Associated Press Writer
    2 hours, 10 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON - To dispute one criticism from the Iraq Study Group's report, the Defense Intelligence Agency is pulling back the curtain on concealed information and disclosing the number of analysts devoted to Iraq.

    The count: 300-plus, with 49 analysts focused exclusively on the insurgency.

    Last week's report from the Iraq Study Group, led by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Rep. Lee Hamilton, said DIA has fewer than 10 analysts with more than two years of experience studying the insurgency.

    "Capable analysts are rotated to new assignments, and on-the-job training begins anew," the findings of the 10-member bipartisan commission said.

    In a statement, DIA said it had to correct the record.

    "The Defense Intelligence Agency has more than 300 dedicated analysts focused on the many complexities of Iraq," said the statement sent late Tuesday. "They include a core cadre of 49 analysts focused exclusively on the insurgency, at least half of whom have more than two years experience working this issue."
    Spy agencies rarely disclose how many people work at their organizations, let alone who many people are assigned to various missions, calling personnel figures classified. Rough numbers — rather than precise head counts — are revealed from time to time.

    In April, National Intelligence Director John Negroponte disclosed for the first time that the intelligence community is made up of 100,000 people worldwide working for 16 different U.S. agencies.

    Asked about the DIA's response, a spokesman for the Iraq Study Group, Ian Larsen, said the information came from an individual who was interviewed by the group and was promised confidentiality as part of the wide-ranging review of the situation in Iraq.

    "The ISG stands by its report," Larsen said on Wednesday.

    The group broadly faulted the spy community in the final three of 79 recommendations made in its report.

    Analysts, the document said, aren't "doing enough to map the insurgency, dissect it, and understand it on a national and provincial level."

    Their "knowledge of the organization, leadership, financing and operations of militias, as well as their relationship to government security forces, also falls far short of what policymakers need to know," the report also said.

  9. #32559
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbey56 View Post

    Dont get me wrong I am not a negative but still nothing seems to be happening re the revalue, it would appear that all our speculations and inside knowledge has amounted to nothing. We are now at the the 13th December and we appear to be no further near to a revaluation than we were six months ago. The FIL was passed over two months ago, the HCL maybe in the pipeline, the poor Iraqi people were promised 10,000 dinar and have still to receive it. The dinar has slowly come down in the last week or so and if this goes on it will take at least a year to get anywhere near a figure worthwhile. I agree that if they bring in the FIL and HCL and dont do anything then Iraq will be open to being bought up cheaply but nothing seems to be happening. Does anyone really have any positive info.
    Abbey, you are very wrong. You say nothing has happened and can't see any positive. Multiple Iraqi officials in the CBI, MOF, oil ministry, and Government have clearly stated Iraq is in the process of increasing the IQD value. This will be done in a measured and gradual manner. And while true it feels very slow right now, it could "speed up" at any time security becomes improved. We could be at the target value of .10 to .31 in less than 6 months if progress is made in Iraq. Hang in there and for now enjoy the value increases. They will continue.
    Munny Model IQD Value Projections
    Range 1345 IQD/1 USD to 1 IQD/.27 USD:

    1345 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1260 Target ACHIEVED!!!
    1100 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 5, 2008
    810 IQD/1 USD by July 5, 2008
    500 IQD/1 USD by Jan. 3, 2009
    300 IQD/1 USD by Apr. 18, 09
    1 IQD/.01 USD by Aug. 8, 09
    1 IQD/.27 USD by Sept. 12, 09

  10. #32560
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    Quote Originally Posted by MunnyBaggs View Post
    Abbey, you are very wrong. You say nothing has happened and can't see any positive. Multiple Iraqi officials in the CBI, MOF, oil ministry, and Government have clearly stated Iraq is in the process of increasing the IQD value. This will be done in a measured and gradual manner. And while true it feels very slow right now, it could "speed up" at any time security becomes improved. We could be at the target value of .10 to .31 in less than 6 months if progress is made in Iraq. Hang in there and for now enjoy the value increases. They will continue.

    Is it me or have you upped the anti?? I thought your gradual increase prediction wasn't as profound as what you have written here. I can certaintly wait 6 months for .31. That would be just awesome! My impression was that we would be lucky to get a .01 by the end of 2007. Have you changed your prediction??

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