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  1. #20841
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    Islamic Party questioned : only committed crimes of the previous regime

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-11-2006
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    »« Islamic Party questioned : only committed crimes of the previous regime today? ... Ruling highlights differences Iraqis : jubilation Shiite and Kurdish ... And earlier Friday
    Baghdad, Najaf, Basra and Sulaymaniyah. Tikrit life-06 / 11 / 06 / /

    The reactions highlighted the political and popular to a sentence of death by hanging to death in the right of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his brother-brother, Barazan Al-Takriti, the former Revolutionary Court judge Awad Albandar, and other provisions degrees on the other accused, the political and sectarian differences in Iraq. It ranged between jubilation and welcomed Shiite-Kurd, and earlier popular in the Sunni areas, while asked the Iraqi Islamic Party «» whether Saddam's trial «gift to the unknown», especially because «variety of crimes today, and many were not to the extent known in the former regime of persecution and sectarian displace».

    He called the current Iraqi government Sadri urgency in the implementation of the provision for Saddam and his aides. He said the Al-Amri one of the assistants of Sadr in Najaf «life» : «call on the Iraqi government of urgency in the implementation of the judgment of Saddam, and to be in Najaf near al-Sadr first goat ».

    The member of the Advisory Council of the Association of Muslim Scholars «» Sheikh Mahmood Sumaida'ie decision execution of Saddam »« inevitable result, It is not surprising, but it is not important event at the present time. He thought that there other events deserve more attention, such as the flow of bloodshed in Iraq and the worsening issue of sectarian tension and grab power, which by some political parties have us back to the stage of Saddam. He asked those in power now taking a lesson from Saddam's grievances and follies «», and as a model should be emulated by all politicians to avoid actions, The fear of days Keomah.

    He said the leadership of the Party «» call on the court's decision, saying that the execution of Saddam «» pivotal stage in the history of Iraq ended a long history of injustices and dictatorship. He told «life» that the penalty decision was expected because he is the only commensurate with the magnitude of the crimes committed by deposed president against his people ».

    In contrast, The Iraqi Islamic Party «» not to invest trial deposed President «politically to distract people», He wondered whether the «new system offered a better» distinct from the former regime. A statement of the party received «» France Presse, a copy of which : «do not believe that the Iraqis differ in any trial of the accused involved in crimes against them, no matter who that person is Saddam Hussein and his regime, or others, But what they want is that the trial did not aim for revenge (...) The only invest political distraction for the people and divert his attention away from the tragedy of the daily ».

    He added the party, which participates in the political process led by Secretary General Tariq Al-Hashmi, and that is represented in the government that «The Iraqis are entitled to ask whether the new system model distinctly better than the old system? Is that the crimes committed by the former regime did not commit today »?

    The statement criticized the «crimes today and variety to a growing extent was not known in the former regime of sectarian persecution and displacement (...) Daily on the eyes and ears of the government and coverage of its security ». He wondered statement signed by the Party's Political Bureau : «not require all that the trial of such crimes? Or now that the trial is a gift to the views known »?

    He lived Iraqis quiet day because of a curfew imposed since yesterday morning on Baghdad and three other provinces where it has not only the firing of shots in some cities. Barely Court Judge Al Raouf Abdel-Rahman read the decision to terminate the death sentence for Saddam. until the shots started to celebrate in a number of districts in Baghdad. especially Sadr City and Kazimiyah and the people and flame.

    In Najaf, people came out in the spontaneous marches to the streets to hear the pronouncement of the death penalty for Saddam and two of his aides.

    A correspondent «» France Presse that thousands of people demonstrated in Sadr City after sentencing, They gathered in front of the office of Muqtada al-Sadr. He added that the demonstrators were dancing in the streets or roam around the city kaffiyehs and pictures of the Iraqi al-Sadr despite the curfew.

    In Amarah, about 300 people set off from the people of Amarah spontaneous demonstration in the main street of the city carrying pictures of Muqtada al-Sadr and Iraqi flags chanting «death» Death to Saddam.

    In Kut, about two hundred people participated in a demonstration in which a number of the victims of the former regime who had had their ears cut off during the Saddam era because of the duration of military service.

    In the city of Najaf, Hundreds of the residents of the city to mark the judgment, They burned effigies written the fate of this unjust «».

    A France Presse correspondent «» in the city of Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan of Iraq that the Kurdish street received news of the death sentence for Saddam happily.

    In contrast, Hundreds of the residents of the Sunni town near Tikrit, in protest against the government for Saddam, considering that the court was illegal. , As well as hundreds of Baiji and Tikrit to protest the death penalty. The demonstrators raised pictures of Saddam and his former deputy, Izzat Ibrahim, and shouted Carakovce.

    In Fallujah, I heard three explosions followed by gunfire in three different areas in the city after the sentencing without reporting casualties.

  2. #20842
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    Default All Roads Lead To Baghdad

    A good read from FSU (while we wait on the R/V)

    by Rob Kirby
    October 6, 2006

    In a couple of earlier articles, we’ve examined the relationship between first – plunging natural gas prices and the “astounding ramp-up” of notional in J. P. Morgan’s derivative book in Q1:06. Then we took a look at the re-jigging of Goldman Sachs Commodity Index [GSCI] and its deleterious effects on the price of gasoline – just in time to bolster crumbling Republican popularity ratings prior to the crucial mid – term elections.

    This essay serves to complete the energy tri-fecta with a little contrarian’s look-see into some of the possible reasons as to what or who might be influencing the manic swings we’ve been experiencing in crude oil prices.

    Background: All Roads Lead To Baghdad

    As early as June of 2003, we know that certain American banking institutions were eying and sizing up potential new business in Iraq,

    “Three of the top US banks, including J.P. Morgan, Citigroup and Bank of America, have set their eyes on the lucrative banking business in Iraq, according to a recent report in The Wall Street Journal. These banks and several others have conferred with Treasury Department officials in recent weeks. They are said to be interested in helping the Iraqis build a modern retail banking system as well as with trade finance, payments systems and foreign currency exchange…..” [RK bold emphasis]

    Amazing isn’t it, how some helpful folks set up an English language web site so they could keep all of us in the Western World apprised of the ‘late breaking news items’ deemed important for us to get snippets of? Also, ever stop to wonder what the poor Iraqis would have done without the “help” of the likes of good ole J.P. Morgan Chase? Just think – a nice shiny, new retail banking system – yummy!!! And what’s this about TRADE FINANCE, PAYMENTS SYSTEMS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE? What could a war torn, debilitated bombed out infrastructure that is and was Iraq possibly have that would be of interest to good ole J.P.M? I mean, exactly what does Iraq have that the rest of the world wants or needs besides oil?

    Read the whole article at:

    FSU Contributor: "The Honey Pot" by Rob Kirby 10.06.2006

  3. #20843
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    Quote Originally Posted by risktaker View Post
    the NYSE has nothing to do with currency value or exchange
    OK...good to know...however do you think that if they are going toR/V the dinar to the US dollar they would do it when the Australian FOREX opens?...Sorry I don't know a lot about this and should follow up all my posts with JMO...Thanks again

    Best Luck To All

  4. #20844
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    Exclamation ..................


  5. #20845
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    Some will pour it down the drain,some will invest wisely,some will just
    spend enough to last to the grave with enough left to be buried with,
    and some will do what they can to make life easier with family and friends..
    It will be fun to see who outlasts who...........ERB

  6. #20846
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    I think all they have to offer is oil...Do they need anything else????

  7. #20847
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile I like it!!!!!!

    Hi Everyone,

    I am sure this has been posted because all of the great members on this forum but I will post it on the off chance that it has not been posted sorry in advance if it has been posted. I think this is a great article for a couple of reasons. I think Kuwait maybe willing to write more of the debt off. Also Iraq states they will IMPLEMENT ALL THEIR LAWS AND GO AHEAD WITH THEIR PLANS WITH OR WITHOUT INTERNATIONAL DEBT RELIEF!!!!!!

    Saudi Arabia grants 1.5 billion dollars
    The Iraqi delegation called on Kuwait to drop its debt
    Source: Al-Sabah

    Dr. Barham Salih, Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Iraqi delegation to the International Conference in Kuwait, along with Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie, the National Security Adviser and the accompanying delegation met with the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly Jassem Mohammad Al-Khorafi and discussed bilateral and parliamentary relations as well as ways of developing them and unify stances in international assemblies.

    He stressed the necessity of eliminating the effects of past and enhance the cooperation between the two brotherly nations. They also thanked the Kuwaiti people and government for their support to Iraq in difficult circumstances. Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie also met with the Prince of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Ahmed Sabah, and discussed the issue of Kuwaiti debt on Iraq, reconstruction and cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

    Dr. Barham Salih said that the security situation in Iraq will witness some improvement if Syria cooperate with the Iraqi government to work on controlling the border and prevent the infiltration of terrorists.

    Saleh said in a joint press conference with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi, after the preparatory meeting of the International Covenant with Iraq, which was concluded in Kuwait yesterday: that Syria need to work harder, with greater credibility and must be aware of the gravity of the situation in Iraq, and make serious changes to deal with the political and security conditions in Iraq. The National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie revealed in another a press conference held on the sidelines of the same preparatory meeting that a senior official from one of the neighboring countries, will visit Iraq during the next few days to find a political solution for the benefit of Iraq on the security level, without mentioning the name of the official or the state. But unofficial sources in Kuwait reported that the official, who intended to visit Baghdad in this regard, is the Syrian Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Mu'allim.

    Prepared & Translated By: Team
    Iraq Daily Business Updates

    About the question of, "Assabah" on the timetable of the political and economic reforms that have been agreed to take place in the meeting, and whether Iraq possesses the suitable environment for conducting such reforms, the Deputy Prime Minister said that the commitments made by Iraq to the international community of political and economic reforms over the next four years, stem from knowing the requirements of achieving stability in the country, and based on the initiative of the Prime Minister in the national reconciliation and the government's program of action in the coming stage, as well as other economic agreements signed as part of the debt write-off of the Paris Club. He pointed out that Iraq will implement these reforms, which are in the interest of the Iraqi people, according to the vision of the elected government that represents it, with or without the international support. At the same time, he hoped for the international community's serious stand with Iraq to cross it to shore safely.

    He pointed out that there are many of the accounts are cleared at the expense of the Iraqi people and the Iraqi leadership is well aware of the gravity of the situation, which can not continue. Everybody must understand that the instability in Iraq will reflect negatively on the whole region, and those who want to manipulate the security of Iraq should reap the consequences. He called on the neighboring countries to assume their responsibilities in this regard and cooperate against terrorism, which threatens the region.

    He pointed out that the problem of financial and administrative corruption, is the most important obstacle to the work of the Iraqi government and instigates the security situation in Iraq. He confirmed that among the articles of the Covenant submitted by Iraq to the international community, is to deal with this problem that can not be ignored, uprooting corruption and collaborating with partners in order to achieve all of the aforementioned reforms.

    New offers were received during the preparatory meeting of the Covenant and new financial commitments in support of Iraq by the United States, the European Union and Saudi Arabia, which pledged $ 1 billion provided to Iraq in the form of grants, aid and loans, as well as (500) million dollars provided for the private sector in Iraq. He stressed that Iraq would be able to obtain clear commitments from the international community after launching the International Covenant in providing economic support, grants, facilitated loans, debt write-off and canceling penalties from the previous decades, in addition to providing technical assistance and encourage the Iraqi private sector. On his part, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi, expected a broader regional and international participation in the International Covenant with Iraq to be held late this year. He pointed out that the entire world is interested in the stability of the situation in Iraq. Al-Rubaie said, in a speech delivered at the preparatory meeting of the Conference that the conditions are very difficult and, the Iraqi government is still seeking to achieve this goal in addition to national reconciliation. Economic reform as well as international and regional support for Iraq's efforts represents an important element in enhancing the security situation and restore stability in the country.

    He pointed out that the Iraqi government has launched the plan of national reconciliation in order to expand the participation of the parties involved in the initiative, regardless of their ideology and policy.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  8. #20848
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    Default For those of us who believe the R/V is on us.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    well the people couldnt go pick up their money at the banks because there was a curfew so i would assume a day delay although i was reading something about tuesday earlier so im not sure if they have decided to put it off until then or what.
    Lets look at this.
    1. We were pretty certian the R/V would be today (Sunday).Why? We know that from all of the info gathered up by SGS, Adster and CP and some I might have forgot. The 10,000.00 dinar checks are two weeks late getting passed out, No body believes that they will be passed out without the R/V attached to them. We knew that they were going to be passed out today.

    2. We figured they would run it (R/V) in conjunction with the sentencing of Saddam Hussian as that would really help calm things down.

    3. With what my friend told me about the neighbors son in Iraq ( I personnally believe the story) and they would not sell Dinar to him anymore because of change in price in a couple days. This was on Thursday a couple days would make it Sunday, In conjunction with the 10,000.00 dinar being passed out. That makes me go Hmmmmmmmmm.

    4. Plus RRs info from Indura's family as well, of a couple days. Sorry RR

    5 Evidently the curfew is also for tomorrow??????????? I believe so. So when the banks open back up on tuesday, I think that the !0,000.00 Dinar will be passed out then with a R/V.

    I think it was all set up to go down today (Sunday) and because of the Iraq government throwing a monkey wrench into the mix it got put off for two days. We know that things do get screwed up over there for reasons that sometimes don't make sense to us but make a world of sense to them.
    This is of coarse jmo.
    Last edited by fsndirector; 06-11-2006 at 06:16 AM.

  9. #20849
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    Quote Originally Posted by fsndirector View Post
    Lets look at this.
    1. We were pretty certian the R/V would be today (Sunday).Why? We know that from all of the info gathered up by SGS, Adster and CP and some I might have forgot. The 10,000.00 dinar checks are two weeks late getting passed out, No body believes that they will be passed out without the R/V attached to them. We knew that they were going to be passed out today.

    2. We figured they would run it (R/V) in conjunction with the sentencing of Saddam Hussian as that would really help calm things down.

    3. With what my friend told me about the neighbors son in Iraq ( I personnally believe the story) and they would not sell Dinar to him anymore because of change in price in a couple days. This was on Thursday a couple days would make it Sunday, In conjunction with the 10,000.00 dinar being passed out. That makes me go Hmmmmmmmmm.

    4 Evidently the curfew is also for tomorrow??????????? I believe so. So when the banks open back up on tuesday, I think that the !0,000.00 Dinar will be passed out then with a R/V.

    I think it was all set up to go down today (Sunday) and because of the Iraq government throwing a monkey wrench into the mix it got put off for two days. We know that things do get screwed up over their for reasons that sometimes don't make sense to us but make a world of sense to them.
    This is of coarse is .jmo
    From your mouth to Shabibi's ears!!!!!

    I just need $1.47.

  10. #20850
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    Has anyone noticed that there is no currency quote on the TBI site. I have never seen them not have that running???

    I'll tell ya, I have never made so much of so little before, there is just too much happening for this all to be coincidence.
    I just need $1.47.

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