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    I'd love to see Saudi and Kuwait forgiving all debt, that and the hydrocarbon law is all I can think of that MAY hold back the r/v........
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #16512
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    President of the Republic : Washington is determined to continue to support Iraq despite violence

    His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, expressed satisfaction with the determination of the American administration to continue to support the Iraqi government, despite the continuing violence.
    Talabani said in an English-language television : "Americans started patience was running out as they expected further improvement, particularly in the area of security. However, President Bush and all officials in his administration and Congress are determined to continue to support us until the final victory. The Democrats themselves are demanding an immediate withdrawal from Iraq because they realize the consequences. "
    In response to a question about whether the concern felt result of the debate in the United States on a new policy towards Iraq. Talabani said : "No, I have no concern in that regard. I am sure that there will be a decision quick withdrawal from Iraq. "

    The Iraqi

  3. #16513
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    I have already read the full story 3 times, what are you seeing that I'm not? I know it is probably in here somewhere...

    The first thing that attracted our attention is Alkrzat shops and desserts Fatehdthna Kawah to Mr. Salim's one of these shops and asked him about the people's demand this year in the purchase of whether teams from previous years. Vajapana "the level of demand for purchasing more from previous years is a natural result of the increased purchasing power of citizens.

    ...but danged if I can make out what they are saying.



    This is what I get out of it. I may be wrong though.

    The first thing that attracted our attention is Alkrzat shops and desserts Fatehdthna Kawah to Mr. Salim's one of these shops and asked him about the people's demand this year in the purchase of whether teams from previous years. (We asked Mr Salim about people's demands (sales) versus previous years) فأجابنا “ مستوى الاقبال على الشراء اكبر من السنوات السابقة وهي نتيجة طبيعية لازدياد القدرة الشرائية للمواطن .Vajapana "the level of demand for purchasing more from previous years is a natural result of the increased purchasing power of citizens. (the increase in demand (sales) versus previous years is a result of the increase in purchasing power) فمنذ اول ايام شهر رمضان يبتاع الناس عادة ما يسد احتياجاتهم اليومية ولكن مع اقتراب العيد السعيد يكون الاقبال اكثر ويكون التركيز على شراء الكرزات والشكولاته.Since the first day of the month of Ramadan Ebtae people usually fill their daily needs, but with the approach of a happy Eid be more demand and the focus on the purchase Alkrzat and chocolate. (At the beginning of Ramadan, people only bought their necessities. But, with the approach of Eid, they even buy chocolate now) ويشكل الموظفون نسبة كبيرة من الزبائن باعتبارهم الشريحة الاكبر من المجتمع”.And a large proportion of staff as customers slash bulk of the community. "
    محلات الالبسة الجاهزة كانت نصيبها واضحا من ناحية الاقبال وخاصة ملابس الاطفال التي تلقى رواجا كبيرا حيث جرت العادة على لبس كل ما هو جديد خلال ايام العيد كما اخبرنا السيد محمد شاخوان احد العاملين في احدى محلات ملابس الاطفال.
    They are somehow buying more goods. Where is the additional money coming from?
    Last edited by Vipor; 20-10-2006 at 11:42 PM.

  4. #16514
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Maliki send Alowaeli architecture and the government to confirm that the situation was under control

    European / Riyad Aziz agencies : dispatched Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ministerial body chaired by the Minister of State for National Security Shirwan Alowaeli to follow up the situation in Amarah.
    The European correspondent in Maysan Alowaeli said the minister met with the Director of the Office of the Martyr al-Sadr in Amarah for a full hour yesterday afternoon and directed conferees to Police Commander architecture to contain the situation, He added our correspondent, streets in the city witnessed a semi-natural movement of civilians after the withdrawal of elements of the Mahdi Army and following the widespread occurrence of the Iraqi forces, but between the police stations (town and the fight against major crimes and chest) seriously damaged and denied that the police station Almajdeh was damaged and promoted some of the media.

    Late yesterday, Friday, said the envoy of the Prime Minister to calm the situation in the city of Amarah Shirwan Alowaeli, Minister of State for national security affairs to the reports that the Al-Mahdi Army militia in full control of the situation exaggerated.
    He said to reporters of architecture that these reports are not true that what is happening there is dangerous.
    For his part, Brigadier General Qasim al-Musawi, the spokesman for the commander-in-chief of the armed forces on Friday that the situation in the city of Amarah in Maysan under control now, and a ministerial delegation went to there to contain the situation.
    Musawi added that acts of violence broke out yesterday evening and yesterday morning in the center of the city of Amarah and the Almajdeh, , which led to the death of many civilians and the police. He pointed to efforts by the governor and clerics and tribal leaders to contain the situation in the region. Musawi explained that the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, General Commander of the Armed Forces sent a ministerial committee to maintain high-level Shirwan Alowaeli headed by the Minister of State for national security. He pointed out that the Iraqi forces are widely deployed at the entrances to the city of Missan and the entrances to the city of Amarah, as well as strengthening military deployment in the city center.
    The violent clashes broke out Thursday afternoon between members of the Mahdi Army, of Sayed Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Iraqi police in the city of Amarah. against the background of the assassination of Colonel Ali Qassem al-Tamimi, director of intelligence in Maysan and three of his aides last Wednesday. The clashes between the two sides continued throughout the night before last and yesterday morning.
    A medical source said in Maysan, "al-Sadr General Hospital in the province until Friday morning received five dead and 50 injured, the condition of four of them critical.".

    The Iraqi

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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    I wonder if they secretly passed the HCL without announcing it? They were supposed to pass it this week, right? Sounds like Sundays going to be a dozy!!!!!!!
    Ok I'm lost what was it that was passed/or voted on last week that were waiting to here about. Which law and was it voted on or passed. I thought passed.

  6. #16516
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad, the London-and the news agencies : The British Defense Ministry that the British army is ready for deployment in the capital city of Amarah Missan governorate in southern Iraq to support the Iraqi forces in its dispute with the "Mahdi Army" of the leader, "Sadri trend," Shiite Moqtada Sadr, as the clashes continued between the forces for the second day in a row, killing at least 18 people and injuring 97 others injured ·
    It also renewed sectarian clashes in the city of the country north of Baghdad, killed nine dead and 12 injured and 15 Iraqis killed an American soldier in separate incidents ·
    And the form of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ministerial committee headed by Minister of State for National Security Absiravan Alowaeli to follow up the security situation in Amarah · The security source said gunmen continued to attack police stations in response to the arrest of the brother is "Mahdi Army" in Amarah, on charges of masterminding the assassination of the Director of Intelligence local Iraqi police Colonel Ali Qassem al-Tamimi and four of his guards by an explosive charge last Wednesday and clashes took place between police and the attackers, resulting in the death of 10 militants and wounding others · The director said health Maysan governor doctor Zamil Aribi that city hospitals since yesterday, I received 18 dead. including 10 gunmen, and 97 wounded, , including a number of police and civilians "·
    Eyewitnesses said that the armed men took most government buildings and a number of police cars and buildings blown directorates police control and police major crimes and the police stepped in. explosive charges, unidentified gunmen also burned, "Martyr Al-Sadr's office," and enable · "Mahdi Army" to take control of police stations in the revival Almajdeh and Maghrib and military revolution and the letter and the 30 in the vicinity of the city, With the police command, however, only local authorities ·
    The Commission arrived at the ministerial security architecture and met with officials and local dignitaries in an attempt to contain the situation · Alowaeli said, "that the reports that the Mahdi Army militia controlled Tmamaeli situation is not correct and are exaggerated and that what is happening there" Bakhtirjadda · A security source stated that the fighting had stopped and conditions are stable. there, and that the police took control of Sadr's office · also arrived in the city a high-level delegation headed by Assistant Sadr, Sheikh Muhanad Algarawi to Amarah met with the heads of tribes and the governor and the chairman and members of the provincial council to discuss the situation and determine the formula for resolving the crisis · The chest message to his supporters urging them to remain calm and not only Ngerar behind the "occupation schemes, which wants to divide the brotherhood to ignite the flames of sedition" · He said, "the application of all orders including members of the army of Imam Mahdi, and I did not obeys him, and he has to bear the consequences of what is being done "·

    A spokesman for the British Ministry of Defense in London that the "multinational forces is ready to act to support the Iraqi security forces if necessary" ·
    A spokesman for the British military in Basra, Major Charlie Borberidj that the situation remained fragile and that the Iraqi army deployed two companies (about 230 soldiers) to assist in the defense of police stations · "The case has not yet been addressed and inevitably in such a situation is worsening the situation. and expect something else "· He added that the British army provided air cover and was ready to provide further assistance if asked to do so by ·

    On the other hand, killing nine Shiite Iraqis and injured 12 others injured in a fall several mortar shells at the town of the country yesterday evening · A security source said that among the dead and wounded were women and children and that the missile launched from various places around the city · gunmen also killed Iraqi civilians in the city train station was killed in an accident on the identity dominated gunmen m Thmon of the road between Salah Al Din governorate and Baghdad and all points army checkpoint between the country and Dolo'iya · Gunmen opened fire indiscriminately at civilians in the town of Kanaan, resulting in the death of one of them and wounding four others · The police announced that it foiled a terrorist attack there killed another four gunmen and arrested seven others and seized large quantities of weapons, They also killed an armed was wearing a belt of explosives before blowing himself up among civilians in Tall Afar in northern Iraq ·

    Isolated incidents
    In Baghdad, A source at the Iraqi Ministry of Interior that the American forces stormed the mosque, "Al Ansar," the Shiite neighborhood letter west of Baghdad killing one person and arrested others believed to be from the mosque guards and after it leaves little bang was heard large explosions inside the mosque, which led to a serious damage by · One civilian was killed and three others wounded by an explosive people Fe in the district and killed four workers ways similar explosion in the Jihad district ·
    The gunmen assassinated the police chief of Anbar former Brigadier Samir Shaaban al-Janabi in front of his house in the town of Ramadi, north of the island · gunmen killed a factor in the American military base near Baiji killed and three others injured · A spokesman for Sadr's office in the Indian leader in "big-Mahdi Army," and three of his brothers were arrested while Task Force raided American Iraqi joint on his home in the town · The American army announced the death of one of its soldiers by enemy fire during an operation in Al-Anbar governorate yesterday evening ·
    The Emirates

  7. #16517
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    FIL passed, not enacted, we've not heard about the hydrocarbon law yet......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #16518
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    Cool Funny

    It Stays and very Smart of you to have done this.

    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post

    #1 - Indira has not spoken to fam in 24 hrs. / She’s been way to busy being tickled, etc. No way she’ll be a translator / despite my best efforts / she considers it work & looks @ work as Maynord G. Krebs did in Dobie Gillis . . .

    #2 - About 6 hrs. ago I called BOA / in L.A. back with a little *plot* . . .

    This requires a little background . . . during the 80’s I had a small piece of a little private bank in Reading PA., called The Knoblauch Private Bank . . .

    So, I pulled out all my old files & found our old E.I.N’s, swift code / routing #’s, etc., & decided to do a little *covert* wet work . . .

    With the above / & my natural charm & rhythm once connected to the BOA / it only took me a moment to get a currency trader in their Bank / to Bank / commercial dept. . . .

    I told the gal that I had a customer sitting across my desk who wished to purchase 50m NID, in CASH . . . and that he wanted the actual notes, and preferred new uncirc. 25K notes. And that he had informed me that according to information he had . . . all NID currency coming into The USA was handled by them @ BOA . . . So I asked her if we could order 50m from her . . .

    She checked for a moment or two with me listening / I was not on hold . . . Her answer: “Yes, we do handle the NID, but,” . . . [pauses] . . . I am not able to give you a current quote . . .”

    So, I asked, why Not?

    She says / while probably glaring @ her screen . . . “We can’t / Ahh, get a current quote / humm, that’s odd! This is strange.”

    I said, “What is odd?”

    She replies, “Apparently the Bank In Iraq is not showing any . . . humm, they aren’t showing anything . . . their site is not responding . . .”

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I said, “Ma’am are you still there?”

    “Yes, I’m still here . . .”

    End of useful part of our conversation . . .

    So, here’s my question for everyone . . . “Has anyone had any trouble buying / or getting a quote today?” . . .

    If they’re still quoting / maybe they’re already here & in the distribution pipe-line . . . because with no official CBI pricing / or quotes, no one would be foolish enough to do any quoting . . . The CBI is the name written on the notes . . .

    Also, . . . Mods / Move this if you wish / I don’t know it its news / with a rumor hook @ the end / or a straight rumor / or what it is . . . do as you wish . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .

  9. #16519
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-21-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Document : the sanctity of Mecca, the Muslim blood and money. And the importance of national unity

    Mecca / long envoy
    Najaf / long
    Iraqis continued yesterday declaration that emanated from meetings of Mecca after the conclusion of scientists from the Sunni and Shiite Iraqis, who, over the two days of intensive meetings related to the drafting of the document deprived of blood and the Islamic foundations for a national reconciliation legitimacy.
    The clerics Iraqis had completed their arrival Thursday in Mecca, where they held bilateral meetings attended by senior officials of the Islamic Republic of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and senior officials of the organization. Sources participated in the preparation of the document forbidding blood Islamic Mecca that the document had been drafted in the form of heresy fatwa prohibiting Muslims from any doctrine may not be the exposure of a Muslim, whether Shiite or Sunni murder and assault on the capital or incitement to any of these unacceptable acts prohibited. The Committee discussed the document was prepared by a number of issues affecting the situation in Iraq, as conferees stressed the need to put an end to the bloodshed in Iraq and addressing the issue of displacement and sectarian kidnappings and assassinations, the document also touched on a number of issues and phenomena rejected Under prevent the phenomenon of name-calling between Muslim sects
    The document provides for (emphasis on the sanctity of Muslim blood and honor), (emphasis on the need to maintain the role of worship for Muslims and non-Muslims (f) the importance of national unity Islamic) and calls for the (release of the abducted innocent hostages, as well as Muslims and non-Muslims).
    The document also urges (to be Sunnis and Shiites in one row for the independence and territorial integrity of Iraq) and calls to (renounce release descriptions shameful to the Sunnis and Shiites).
    The document calls addition forbidding the killing of Muslims and insurgency operations to end the foreign occupation of Iraq. and the need for the release of abductees as well as the hostage of innocent Muslims and non-Muslims and the return of refugees to their places of origin.
    , Had indicated the Organization of the Islamic Conference to the success of this initiative will be subject to the level of participation of the religious leaders in Iraq.
    A spokesman for the Organization recently that if participation is not required standard, the meeting would not be of any avail.
    A spokesman for the Organization of the Islamic Conference tender Mannan Bakheet explained that the initiative is limited to the conflict to quell sectarian Jmerth grounds that this conflict with its religious background is often more kinds of conflicts and bloody violence. "
    He added in a statement published on the web site that it was not an initiative for reconciliation among Iraqis, but to stop sectarian fighting between Iraqis. "
    The Mannan initiative is not a conference or symposium in the discussion and debate and Vmdaha substantive negotiations aimed at stopping the fighting sectarian and religious background to the Foundation a unified Islamic, He added that the issue is not reconciliation conference is a special event different from others, these principles of the Declaration of religious university.
    Participants in the meetings, which began yesterday, Chairman stay Shiite, Sunni and stay together Sheikh Mahmood Sumaida'ie member of the Association of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Sadreddin Al Kabbnji member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq
    It arrived Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi to Saudi Arabia from the Jordanian capital, Amman, accompanied by a large Iraqi delegation comprising a number of members of the House of Representatives in addition to the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Rafie Issawi , where he is scheduled to participate with the rest of the delegations official Iraqi religious and media conference in Mecca.
    For his part, the representative of the highest religious authority Sayyid Ali al-Sistani in Karbala yesterday, Friday, to be items of the Mecca agreement binding on all parties.
    He also said in his Friday sermon net Balshan Husseini Pkrblae "We welcome the Mecca of that isolate terrorists and Altkverein whether binding on all parties, If a conferees real points of conflict and understood the truth, now, adding that the conflict in Iraq "is not, as is said, between Sunnis and Shiites, We are the sons of one country and one religion, and before that one, But there are takfiri serve to inflame sectarian war. ".
    The net signatories to the terms of the agreement in Mecca "not forget that knowing the Shiite and Sunni in this country that was not linked to the nature of the existing political system, because this system has nothing to do with the doctrines, although known within the Sunni, Shiite and Sunni known Shiite limits because lack of knowledge leads to the equation chaotic. "
    He said, "If Congress wants to be successful it must meet the needs of the basic components that are supposed to be the conference has been convened. Among *****es basic components of the conference that everyone debates, frankly, inside the conference or on its margins because the Shiites and Sunnis have become a way for them and how the situation in Iraq does not have the party without the other party, and it must listen to all sides and realize the actors that want us to SATISFACTION Wars. "

  10. #16520
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    This is what I get out of it. I may be wrong though.

    [B]They are somehow buying more goods. Where is the additional money coming from?[/B]?

    Now that is the 6 Million dollar question. Last years rate was 1475 so that can't be it. Inflation was low this time last year so in that respect they have lost purchasing power...what else could it be? hmmmm


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