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    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    After the failure of the experience of pricing.
    Source : Al-Sabah - 13/10/2006
    Many complain of low-income phenomenon of the rise in prices of fruits and vegetables, wondering about the reasons behind it, especially since this is an agricultural products mainly in the daily diet of the people. The trade sector fruits and vegetables had witnessed the experience of (pricing), which lasted fifteen years and ended in failure.
    Some underscores the difficulty of pricing these materials as it is not compatible with the laws of free trade. With others blame the farmer and the office in Aloh. I wonder whether an outcome and knows the reasons for the rise in the prices of fruits and vegetables, for example, if you tour between Allawi and agricultural departments specialized?.
    In "Aloh" everything seems at first glance fundamentalist Valbdhah put up large quantities But it is clear that each vendor set of Bakalin accustomed to buying it.
    And even if delayed their attendance to Aloh he knows what they want and get the quota reserved for them once attended. Aloh divided into a series of offices, which include all of them, selling or "Aloji" In the front of each painting refers to the daily price change some figures after the middle of the day sometimes.
    Says Mr. Hadi Srih's Office for the sale of fruits and vegetables :
    Subject-market prices to supply and demand and depending on the type and quality of the crop, His Aloh take grocer price of the crop as "Stock Exchange" for the day if the quantity of tomato few example, if the price and increased the value of the crop price, as well as for other kinds of vegetables, which depend on the same economic base associated with the principle of supply and demand.
    Another phenomenon may not unnoticed by unrelated to the profession that is the phenomenon of weight manipulation. As long as we keep silent grocer He knows when to buy the goods that the writer has added two kilograms to the weight of the real article, he knows deep inside that he recovers from citizens through increased pricing. Valbaea always trying to sell the highest price and steals in weight from the grocer to the satisfaction of the farmer against farmer's commitment to this market place and the seller over the granting of the seller a percentage of return on sales of 4% added to the sales commission and the satisfaction of the grocer procurement as the prices set by the vendors he wants to turn the satisfaction of the seller does not lose Alaght e with him, because he lost in the case of his relationship with the seller, it means that he has lost good products and rare.
    * There is talk about the manipulation of prices. Who sets the price usually is responsible unstable? We asked Hadi Sereh, he answered :
    Farmer - is the reason the President in the current price manipulation and unstable to a certain extent it is selling as the mood and even if the conditions stable, or sometimes to calm somewhat, it is trying to fabricate excuses to increase the price of the crop and before completing Hadi drove his record preserves the names of farmers who deal with him and he indicates the name purchase of saying : for those already provided financial assistance for the purchase of seeds and fertilizers and gave them bags and the amount to millions of dinars However, some sell at his ranch in the singular, and others sell to others higher than the price agreed upon in principle, When I see him in Alloh and ask him about the fate of the crop has been adversely affected or say I Bath and I am now the guest of the crop, and I am not for sale. How I was controlling the peasants after that. Sometimes the grocer agreed with the farmer to buy the entire quantity of the highest price and tell me Take the 4% net and clamored for permission to live in market anarchy because of the absence of a mechanism for the deal and the responsibilities that contribute somewhat to the stability of the market to a certain extent, The exploitation and extortion commonplace daily and is the only aggrieved citizen, and not any other person of dealers in the market and I am one of them, We all reject the loss.
    The Iraqi export product
    Karim Khanjar-grocer-spoke to us about the reasons for the high prices of fruits and vegetables as seen, and he said : accustomed as no surprise that prices in the daily price Aloh Every day, depending on the nature and extent of the security situation or the availability of fuel scarcity in addition to the mood of the peasant sector and the office, modalities to raise prices, millennium has become more than an outlet for the export of their goods across the border, which is not only cost some simple procedures and the sale price is better than the price of the local market. Worse still, some owners of offices and farmers turned to contractors to flood the market with imported oil and emptying them of the local crop and benefit from the quality and the quality of local crops and the imposition of the price difference to exporters to the local market.
    * What is meant by the difference in price on exporters and how to deal with it?
    - Some owners of offices and trading crops local farmers to neighboring countries for lack of many types of fruits and vegetables which can be cultivated in those countries, for example, the sale of these fruit sophistication (Abu big pill) to the Gulf States. and to Syria, in turn import their program named (watermelon Egyptian), who is originally from seed production to lower-quality foreign products and the quality of the Iraqi program, When a sale of the product in the domestic price of their wares to take "watermelon" Egyptian plus quality teams and quality of the Iraqi paper.
    * Are there other crops - program to be issued, of which have an impact on the local market?
    - Most crops that are exported to overseas Iraqi fruit such as oranges, lemon, pomegranate, and prosperity, The melons and vegetables are tomato, potatoes, cucumbers. Observers of the market noted undoubtedly orange disappearance of the Iraqi market in the last season, while dumped imported orange trees, as well as lemon.
    * The fact that you are competent to sell fruits and vegetables and direct contact with citizens about the impact of high prices of agricultural products on the living situation of citizens, especially in the stage in which we live?
    - Because of the current security situation in the country and the lack of control over border crossings and the lack of a mechanism to regulate the marketing and sale by the Ministry of Agriculture, leaving things to the chaos and traded people's food, the prices will continue to rise gradually and lasting and even in the case of non-availability or shortage of this crop, or that it crashes to the price can not go below it, but could rise to the highest price in the case of scarce or lacking in the local markets. This, of course, have a great impact on citizens and especially those of limited income or ordinary people engaged in acts do not come good financial returns for themselves and their families.
    Pricing loss to the community
    Dr. Jamil Skinner, an economist in the Ministry of Agriculture :
    - Fruits and vegetables from the clamor difficult it is subject to the principle of supply and demand phrase any other commodity, the materials are not the monopoly of smuggling and perishable materials, The experience for 15 years in price since the mid-1970s has proved a failure, and the current market for the best farmer and the consumer.
    But the policy of dumping the local market imported crops and the lack of product Iraqi led to the rise in prices and the burden on the citizens in these difficult circumstances, What do you say?- In both cases, pricing loss to the community, because it is difficult to put quotation is the fact balance in the demand or real balance of supply and whether it should be in this situation that I daresay production beyond the village in Zakho and beyond the village in Basra, Why produce and what the quality and quantity of production and this can within the means available.
    Add to this the problems associated with the pricing of fruits and vegetables accompanied by the scarcity or sold in the shadows or restricted the sale of hotels, restaurants and the reluctance of farmers for the production of various crops and other problems in the experiment, which we knew 15 years ago.
    Q : So what is best in your opinion, pricing or leave the market to the principle of supply and demand?
    - Pricing abolished in 1996, and the strange thing is that the pricing is a request to cancel and that person is me personally
    ! After the Iraqi experience has proved its failure in this area and because the Iraqi market is moving towards free trade or entry in the World Trade Organization, the principle of pricing is not consistent with the laws of free trade. I believe that the principle of supply and demand at the present time best seller and the consumer in terms of impact, positively or negatively, in terms of higher and lower prices, depending on the availability of the article or scarce.
    Q : What role and the role of the Ministry of Agriculture?
    - Now is for the Ministry of Agriculture had no role in the wholesale markets "Allawi" because ownership has been given to the Secretariat of Baghdad since 1986 and became responsible for the organization and management of these markets to the private sector. In addition, there are markets of the General Union of cooperation is responsible for letting the organization and method of work within.
    The Weird!
    Dr. Abdul Hakim, the official agricultural economy in the ministry, speaking on the pricing of agricultural crops, saying :
    - We are responsible for only priced cereal crops such as wheat, barley, a high sun flower oil and grain maize as we buy at subsidized by the state. Play the role of mediator between the farmer and the Ministry of Agriculture in addition to what is provided by the State of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and seeds to farmers at subsidized prices.
    Q : What about the rest of agricultural crops such as fruits and vegetables?
    - When they were lifting the price of fruits and vegetables in the 1990s, the ministry did not intervene in the matter and is still the case until now because the country was moving toward a market economy have become members of the WTO, these conditions have to halt the state's intervention in the market
    . Nevertheless, we support the agricultural inputs such as machinery and equipment, but, alas, many of these goods were not supported in the agricultural production but go to trade in markets example : machine agriculture for farmers sold the vegetables at 10 million dinars carry farmer in turn sell them on the market at a price of 20 or 25 million dinars and merchant in turn sell them abroad at a price 30 or 35 million dinars since the price is already abroad is 40 million dinars. Thus, for the rest of the equipment and machinery used in agriculture Vosalena result is that we support the finished product, this now only applies to cereal crops example wheat bought at a very high from the farmer and we sell them cheaply in the ration card as well as maize bought at a high price and sold the vegetables together for Mel poultry production cheaply as background material in the production of fodder "Alika" As for fruit crops and vegetables matter confined to fertilizers, seeds, which are sold at subsidized prices to farmers with the quota as fixed amount of land cultivated and leave the determination of the prices of the principle of supply and demand imposed by the market. and I think that the issue of determining the prices of fruit and vegetables, or a specific mechanism for the marketing process is difficult and unsuccessful at the present time Experience has shown previous failure in spite of the different conditions than today's.
    * Will the price continues to increase in light of the principle of supply and demand?
    - Because of the current circumstances experienced by the country of electricity blackouts and the scarcity of fuel and security conditions inappropriate, It is natural that there be a rise in prices and instability in the local market. eight production and marketing process needs to hand Organization even though subject to the principle of supply and demand in order not to become a citizen at the mercy of the producer or seller of the product and feels that it has a responsibility in facilitating the process of production. to ensure the safety and quality of production through the provision of some of the requirements necessary for this process and this in turn helps to stabilize prices in the markets to a certain extent and relatively stable, may be subject to the rise and the slight decline does not affect the consumer unlike the ongoing process at the present time.
    Engineer Jassim Mohammed Hashemi agricultural Guide in the Ministry of Agriculture talked about the price policy of agricultural commodities in Iraq, saying :
    - Is the vital link between pricing and marketed consumer and producer of agricultural commodities, we did not find, at any time, it might be priced absolute disparity in prices during periods of seasonal production in the production of any agricultural commodity, with the emergence of certain discrepancies in the prices sometimes even during the day between the morning and evening. This disparity reflects the nature of agricultural commodity and Psychotropic many affected by what is happening change in the specifications, One of these psychotropic appropriate harvesting and packages prepared for the transfer of agricultural commodity as well as the means of agricultural commodities in the market and these effects may be positive for the consumer, especially when the price reduction and a negative input at the market forced the seller to sell the product concerned to avoid damage suffered a bigger loss in all cases va n pricing system that restricted market can bring to the reduction of prices, but we have encountered in the 1980s has been imprisoned more than (170) A single trader of agricultural commodities because of the sale price to be outside, it commodity and factors affecting supply, which justifies the format specifications defined mainly to the exchange rate, There is another effective interaction demand and supply of agricultural commodities may be flexible supply at certain times, but the demand with the price is flexible and is due to the level of consumer income and weather conditions, taste and professional life, customs and traditions, and others.
    * Consumer and producer and marketed. Whichever is more benefit from the liberalization of agricultural commodity?
    - If the prices linked to cost of production of agricultural commodity means the total cost of production plus the cost of the market and marketing services, excluding profit if any, this association in the cost price, which contains acceptable profit margin and Assistant to develop production and improve the standard of living of the product and marketed And the consumer drives the economy of the community toward growth and prosperity and economic and social well-being, An important factor helping to free agricultural commodity pricing of assessments or to be determined by market demand factors and supply factors and that the important factor is summarized information marketing, This information is great impact on the production, marketing and consumption of agricultural commodities as the producer obtains information which found local prices for agricultural commodities, which helped him to take important decisions in the organization of farm and the production of agricultural goods in the light of the prices they expected to be obtained and the agricultural policy one e-cultivated farms in the country depends mainly on marketing information contained market situation and energy Khazneh (refrigerated and non-refrigerated), and the demand for the manufacturing and packaging of agricultural commodities and the need to export agricultural goods to the neighboring markets and global level and the local and global prices for commodities agricultural, further information with a direct influence on the revenues of the product marketed, and the consumer as well as the competition of alternative goods and commodities in the domestic and global markets is the vocabulary consists marketing information and rely on this information for marketing for a commodity research and market each and every society has research market information affecting the marketing of agricultural commodities, They reached traders, consumers and producers to the appropriate decisions for them and help them to develop appropriate policy for their production and marketing and consumption, it can not succeed while restricting prices.
    Q : What about the rest of agricultural crops such as fruits and vegetables?
    - When they were lifting the price of fruits and vegetables in the 1990s, the ministry did not intervene in the matter and is still the case until now because the country was moving toward a market economy have become members of the WTO, these conditions have to halt the state's intervention in the market
    looks like skinner didnt blow it but hakim did, lol
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 15-10-2006 at 01:54 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #13662
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    The political council of national security in the case of the permanent Aptdoua today

    October 15, 2006

    The Vice-President of the Republic Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, that the political council of national security in the circulation during its meeting, on Saturday, 10 - 14-2006, the most important issues, He was on top of the security file, as well as political consensus, the link between the security and political, in addition to that he had discussed steps to be followed to coordinate with the multinational forces to provide security and stop the bloodshed and violence in the country.
    And Dr. Abdel Mahdi, in a joint press conference after the meeting, , which was held at his residence in Baghdad that "the political council of national security in the case of the lasting effect from tomorrow and the coming days. and to follow up on the important issues, and not be left without a suitable solutions. "
    And Vice-President added : "We have finished today's meeting to continue strong and the topic of the political blocs in the topics identified for consideration tomorrow," emphasizing the need for radical solutions to some outstanding issues between the Iraqi forces and multinational forces, and he said, "The solution is to put the security and strengthen the role of the police, army and intelligence in addition to the role of multinational forces."
    He and Vice President of the Republic to a state of crisis in the country, Al, and Baghdad has been subjected to acts of sabotage and terrorism, He also stressed the need to return displaced families to their regions and the need to stand firm against terrorist plots.
    For his part, stressed the Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih on the need to do a draft national reconciliation, launched by Prime Minister Al-Maliki, and be applied on the ground, He pointed out the need for cooperation among all the serious political blocs in parliament and the government, added : "The meeting today was different from the other previous meetings because the leaders of blocs and parties aware of the gravity of the situation, in particular, that the Iraqi street is the urgent need to restore security, and not allow the extremists to abduct political position "and also stressed that" the credibility of the political project has been questioned by the Iraqi citizens who are new twist in his life. "
    For his part, the Speaker Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani out that if it was to achieve what will be agreed at the Mecca will be a positive impact on the Iraqi street.
    And with regard to federalism, Almshahadani said that the topic provided in the Iraqi Constitution, and that "each of the parties had a point of view, some people believe that the time is appropriate for the application of federal, Other parties and the opposite view, "saying that there was an agreement to re-examine some of the articles of the Constitution in accordance with Article 142, within the time ceiling-year, and that the principle of consensus used by the political parties in the event of disagreement.
    In the same context, Deputy Prime Minister Alzobai peace "that the draft national reconciliation opened the door to dialogue with the tribal elders of Anbar, and that there are efforts to restore security in the city. The government in the Diyala make the same efforts and good at calming down the situation there. "
    Alzobai and pointed out that "the government has some errors in the tools and is the need to reform and has been agreed upon, and we must change the target and all the elements that have crept into our security and we are not excluding any organ of Defense, or the Interior, or even the CIA

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    The Associated Press
    Oct 14, 2006 7:13 PM (44 mins ago)
    Current rank: Not ranked

    CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq said Saturday that a recent video tape made by a man claiming to be an insurgent who called for the replacement of the head of the terrorist group was fabricated.

    The Mujahedeen Shura Council - an umbrella organization of insurgent groups, including al-Qaida in Iraq - said in a statement posted on its Web site that the video was "a lie and a media trick."

    The statement could not be independently confirmed.

    On Friday, a man who said he was an Iraqi Islamic insurgent released a video tape urging Osama bin Laden to replace al-Qaida in Iraq's leader with an Iraqi national. The man, who claimed to be Abu Osama al-Iraqi, said in the 17-minute video tape posted on a Web site commonly used by insurgents that there were "deviations" by al-Qaida in Iraq under its new leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri.

    Al-Masri - whose pseudonym means "the Egyptian" - took over the leadership after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by a U.S. airstrike in June. Other Sunni insurgents had criticized al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, for turning Sunni Iraqis against the movement by killing civilians.

    The Shura Council said the false video tape "shows the great dilemma that the Crusader's coalition is passing through in Iraq especially after the calls for withdrawal that were released by the British army."

    The group was referring to Britain's top soldier, Gen. Richard Dannatt, who said Thursday that British troops should withdraw from Iraq. On Friday, he backpedaled from the comments, saying he meant troops should leave within years.

  4. #13664
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Maliki discuss with Turkish officials the issue of the Kurdistan Workers Party, «»
    Baghdad life-15 / 10 / 06 / /

    Start of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki day visit to Turkey for a two-day «fall in the framework of strengthening relations with neighboring countries and research in a number of outstanding issues including the issue of the Kurdistan Workers Party».

    The leadership in the Dawa Party «» MP Waleed jewelry that «Maliki visit to Ankara part of the benefits to strengthen relations between the two countries. especially on the economic level Casterad oil derivatives and electricity », Meanwhile, State Minister Hassan force that «goal of this visit, in addition to strengthening relations, to reassure the neighboring countries in regard to the political process and the formation of regions in the law and not turn Iraq into a corridor of terrorism », He explained that «Turkey, one of the countries that have supported the political process in Iraq throughout the years, They also seized its borders with Iraq and did not record any terrorist infiltration from its territory into Iraqi territory ». He pointed out that «what is happening now is the problems of the Iraqi-Turkish border in the north of the country due to« the Kurdistan Workers Party, This can be resolved through dialogue ».

    The force that Maliki «concluded a number of economic agreements for the purchase of oil derivatives and security, as will »previous agreements such as the distribution of water and maintenance of water policy and the Ram Sar joined by Iraq and the recent efforts to protect wetlands and wetlands (marshes).

    He pointed to the effect that Turkey has shown willingness to train Iraqi forces «stressing that the Iraqi side is serious about promoting good-neighborly relations and mutual respect with the Turkish side, and non-interference in the internal affairs».

    The Turkish officials announced Friday that Maliki will discuss with the Turkish authorities in the «bilateral relations and the fight against rebels of the Kurdistan Workers Party resident in northern Iraq».

    Maliki will meet his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Ahmet Necdet Sezer. The Information Office of the Turkish Prime Minister that the visit is of special significance »« The official described al-Maliki that «works to protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Iraq and peaceful relations between Iraq and its neighbors».

  5. #13665
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraqi Minister of the Interior intends to conduct a thorough cleansing
    Leaders within the ministry to rid it of sectarian influence
    The killing of 17 people in sporadic violence
    And finding 18 unidentified bodies in Baghdad

    New York Baghdad news agencies :

    Baquba Hospital mortuary workers looked at the bodies lying on the ground Balmshrha
    Hammoud, who is the Minister of the Interior in Iraqi statements to the New York Times yesterday that he intends to conduct a thorough cleansing operation within the ministry leaders to rid it of sectarian influence.

    And who is stressed that got the support of Prime Minister Nur al-Maliki for all the necessary changes between senior leaders, He added that all ministry employees will be subject to the anticipated changes. He said that the changes he intends to make his recommendations and has been checked by a government committee.

    The New York Times noted that Western officials and the leaders of the Sunni Arabs accuse the Interior Ministry of harboring managers who through the presence of the previous Iraqi government litigation or encourage the Shiite militias to infiltrate the police forces.

    It added that the who is achieved some progress in the reform of the ministry such as the separation of thousands of employees, but Western officials and some Iraqi leaders say that they did not receive the political support necessary to carry Balttahirat particularly at the highest levels of the ministry.
    And the New York Times has quoted American officials close to the ministry as saying that among the leaders who may be subject to change Adnan Alasaadi Deputy Minister for Administrative Affairs, who is suspected of supporting the Shiite militias.

  6. #13666
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    Default ?

    Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    "Here's a thought. Dinar 3 years old tomorrow. Ration cards being distributed 16th. Add this to a big announcement the Republicans are meant to be coming out with tomorrow/16th."

    Did anyone ever clarify what the "big announcement" the Republicans are coming out with on the 16th? Lots of attention focussed on the 15 & 16th... too much to ignore .. :) ez :)

  7. #13667
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
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    The Associated Press
    Oct 14, 2006 7:13 PM (44 mins ago)
    Current rank: Not ranked

    CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida in Iraq said Saturday that a recent video tape made by a man claiming to be an insurgent who called for the replacement of the head of the terrorist group was fabricated.

    The Mujahedeen Shura Council - an umbrella organization of insurgent groups, including al-Qaida in Iraq - said in a statement posted on its Web site that the video was "a lie and a media trick."

    The statement could not be independently confirmed.

    On Friday, a man who said he was an Iraqi Islamic insurgent released a video tape urging Osama bin Laden to replace al-Qaida in Iraq's leader with an Iraqi national. The man, who claimed to be Abu Osama al-Iraqi, said in the 17-minute video tape posted on a Web site commonly used by insurgents that there were "deviations" by al-Qaida in Iraq under its new leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri.

    Al-Masri - whose pseudonym means "the Egyptian" - took over the leadership after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by a U.S. airstrike in June. Other Sunni insurgents had criticized al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian, for turning Sunni Iraqis against the movement by killing civilians.

    The Shura Council said the false video tape "shows the great dilemma that the Crusader's coalition is passing through in Iraq especially after the calls for withdrawal that were released by the British army."

    The group was referring to Britain's top soldier, Gen. Richard Dannatt, who said Thursday that British troops should withdraw from Iraq. On Friday, he backpedaled from the comments, saying he meant troops should leave within years.
    LOL The terrorists are getting a taste of the MSA...... I have always been fascinated by the way these guys get together and form little clubs like we all did in grade school. Like we are now the 54th Street Jihad......

    OSOK Crazy Thread Please.-neno
    Last edited by neno; 15-10-2006 at 02:57 AM.

  8. #13668
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    Quote Originally Posted by ezcash View Post
    Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    "Here's a thought. Dinar 3 years old tomorrow. Ration cards being distributed 16th. Add this to a big announcement the Republicans are meant to be coming out with tomorrow/16th."

    Did anyone ever clarify what the "big announcement" the Republicans are coming out with on the 16th? Lots of attention focussed on the 15 & 16th... too much to ignore .. :) ez :)

    Add to that the delay of Maliki's trip to Turkey till the 16th, and the WTO's report embargo'd until the 16th.

  9. #13669
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    (MENAFN) The Iraqi minister of Foreign Affairs stated that Iraq would shortly sign a trade agreement with the European Union (EU). He said that in a recent briefing he gave at the ministry headquarters, Portal Iraq reported.

    According to the Ministry, The agreement would allow Iraq to establish friendly relationships with the EU, and introduce the country to the EU and give it priority in commercial exchanges.

    It's worth mentioning that the minister met the European Commission's Delegate to Iraq. During the meeting, he emphasized the Iraqi government's pursuit of an agreement on political dialogue between Iraq and the EU, as well as the free trade agreement between them and the United Nations International Compact for Economic Partnership with Iraq.

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: Iraq, EU to sign trade agreement

    Their already trying to sign agreements I think this is very positive news.

    BIG RV COMING!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  10. #13670
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    Default :)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jetsa View Post
    Add to that the delay of Maliki's trip to Turkey till the 16th, and the WTO's report embargo'd until the 16th.
    Exactly! I'm trying hard to keep it under control... but my excitement & hope gauge is rising..... ez :)

    Crazy Thread Please.-neno
    Last edited by neno; 15-10-2006 at 02:55 AM.

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