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  1. #11131
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    I don't think that they are playing with us. The FIL is done and passed. I just don't think they have told us yet as they won't until everything is done. although the HCL isn't going to be signed until the 12th I will be looking for the reval this week some time. probably over the weekend.
    I agree with ya z. It would seem a bit presumptuous (in my opinion) for the government to be moving forward with deal discussions with their neighboring countries and others such as China if they were still working on the FIL. I say it's already done and they are just keeping it under wraps until their other "laws" are complete.

  2. #11132
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    Quote Originally Posted by JetJockey View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Dont' want to depart too far from the "latest news" theme, but since we are talking about banks where we can purchase, I thought someone might be able to help me out with a specific issue.

    I have successfully purchased several times at a Chase Bank branch in the Denver Metro area, but I have a friend in the Phoenix area who would like to make a purchase also. I know that Bank One was big in AZ, and they merged with Chase, so I am assuming that Chase is also pretty big down there now as well. My friend went to a local branch in Phoenix, and was told that they are not dealing with the IQD due to instability, etc., etc.

    I am wondering if there is anyone on the forum who might be located in the Phoenix area who has successfully made a IQD purchase at a Chase branch there, and if so, what branch was it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Try searching for penn native....aka PAN8TV and justpraying for their posts of phx chase banks that deal in dinar.

    edit: looks like PAn8tv and others already answered. I will try the east valley AZ branches and report back
    Last edited by mrquattro; 04-10-2006 at 07:56 PM. Reason: to edit of course

  3. #11133
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    Don't Experiment, Fix The Economy
    Tehran, Iran -- America must understand Iraq before advocating devolution. No plan will succeed if it ignores Iraq's economic problems. 50% are jobless. With many more in exile, the dignity of its people must be restored.

    Without the involvement of regional powers, federalization will be futile and dangerous. Remember while Shiites and Kurds participated in the political process of the unity government, the Sunnis boycotted the elections. Iraq's Sunni neighbours and their proxy militia are encouraging this Sunni-Shiite skirmish, postponing America's hopes for the region. This is much like funding provided to Ba'athists in the Iran-Iraq war. The rump of Saddam's army and other unemployables have joined foreign thugs in this insurgency. They have full approval and funding from big players in no mood for democracy (or regime change) from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to Yemen and other Arab states.

    America and its narrow analysis of the region must be blamed for external interference in Iraq's affairs. Washington is intensely lobbied by Sunni regimes in the region that falsely label themselves "moderates and allies". The pro-Israel lobby and its anti-Iran voice is even stronger. Alas, the United States has no direct contact with Iran, the main regional Shiite power in the region. America cannot make an independent assessment. After 27 years, there is no one in Washington with experience in Iran.

    So Washington simplifies the substance of it all, lumping Iran and Iraqi Shiite politics together. The U.S. capitol is permanently skewed with an anti-Shiite and anti-Iran bias. This works against he U.S.'s objective of achieving democracy in Iraq. More than 65% of Iraqis are Shiites, after all, and they cannot be avoided.

    Devolution or not, Iraq cannot be stabilised on the cheap. A partition will be futile if the desperate economy of Iraq is not fixed. This chronic problem dates back to mid-1980s and the Iran-Iraq war, when Iraq incurred around $100 billion debt and received $60 billion in aid from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to keep its economy on life support.

    High oil prices and debt forgiveness plans leave $4 per day for every Iraqi in oil income -- a paltry sum on par with income in African banana republics. This pays for most basic foods, gasoline, cars, power plants, cement, steel, refineries and machinery. But just to put this in comparison, the Pentagon spends about $6 a day per Iraqi on its operations.

    Meanwhile, Iran presently accounts for at least half of all Kurdish trade. Iranian Shiite pilgrims provide the second largest source of earnings for Iraq. Tourism directly affects more than 37 sectors in the value-added chain and it creates more employment than any other sector. This explains the calm in Karbala or Najaf; the fighting is concentrated in Baghdad.

    This conflict is not about Sunni vs. Shiite or Kurds. A crude partitioning of Iraq will only serve as a cheap diversion from the economic disaster in progress. A failed state in Iraq -- be it in one or three pieces with lots of oil in the ground -- will always harm America, which will be blamed for blundering this war of choice.

  4. #11134
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwhatimsaying View Post
    I don't think that they are playing with us. The FIL is done and passed. I just don't think they have told us yet as they won't until everything is done. although the HCL isn't going to be signed until the 12th I will be looking for the reval this week some time. probably over the weekend.
    This statement brings up a question for me, and it's not necessarily directed at you, Z, but nonetheless, I'm piggybacking off of your statement to pose my question: For the last three weekends, people (myself, included) have speculated that the dinar would revalue during each of those weekends. What news, or information, or even sources, point to this weekend as one more possibility of a revalue? If the FIL is signed and is a done-deal, then supposedly, it has been for a few weeks now. So nothing on that front has changed to make me think that yeah, this weekend could be it. The Hydrocarbon Law isn't due to be signed until the 12th. If their politics run in any fashion of similarity to ours (The United States), then even after signing a law, there's usually a grace period before it goes into effect. Is Iraq a bit different, in that once a law is signed, then it's considered enacted immediately?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, I would love to believe that this week (or this weekend at the latest) could be it - But having believed that for the previous three weekends (and frankly, annoying the heck out of my wife for spending every free five minutes I had, in front of the computer, checking this forum, and other sites), I think I am looking for something that would actually point to this weekend as probable.

    I am not in any way speaking, or even thinking, negatively of those who have posted rumors saying it would happen during the previous three weekends, when it didn't. That is not at all what I am trying to say here, so please understand this is not an attempt to bash or to convey ill thoughts towards others. It's simply a matter that unlike the past three weekends where there were articles that seemed to point towards an impending reval, I've not seen anything like that for anytime within the next four days. What have I missed, because I have heard from a few people that say they expect something to happen this weekend. What is fueling those expectations? Thanks so much...
    Last edited by WebGuy75903; 04-10-2006 at 08:03 PM.
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

    Own the Internet! Join AGLOCO(TM)

  5. #11135
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    Congress Approves $20M to Celebrate End of Iraq, Afghanistan Wars
    Wednesday, October 04, 2006

    WASHINGTON — The military's top generals have warned Iraq is on the cusp of a civil war and that U.S. troops must remain in large numbers until at least next spring. But if the winds suddenly blow a different direction, Congress is ready to celebrate with a $20 million victory party.

    Lawmakers included language in this year's defense spending bill, approved last week, allowing them to spend the money. The funds for "commemoration of success" in Iraq and Afghanistan were originally tucked into last year's defense measure, but went unspent amid an uptick in violence in both countries that forced the Pentagon to extend tours of duty for thousands of troops.

    Republicans have yet to claim responsibility for the provision. Democrats say it was likely added by the Senate's majority Republicans, and less than five weeks from congressional elections are pointing to it as another example of where the GOP has gone astray handling the war in Iraq.

    "If the Bush administration is planning victory celebrations, Americans deserve to know what their plan is to get us to a victory in Iraq," said Rebecca Kirszner, spokeswoman for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

    Carolyn Weyforth, spokeswoman for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said, "Republicans are confident we will be victorious in the ongoing war in terror, and we look forward to a time when those funds can be used to honor the men and women who have risked and given their lives." - Congress Approves $20M to Celebrate End of Iraq, Afghanistan Wars - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum

  6. #11136
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    Quote Originally Posted by WebGuy75903 View Post
    This statement brings up a question for me, and it's not necessarily directed at you, Z, but nonetheless, I'm piggybacking off of your statement to pose my question: For the last three weekends, people (myself, included) have speculated that the dinar would revalue during each of those weekends. What news, or information, or even sources, point to this weekend as one more possibility of a revalue? If the FIL is signed and is a done-deal, then supposedly, it has been for a few weeks now. So nothing on that front has changed to make me think that yeah, this weekend could be it. The Hydrocarbon Law isn't due to be signed until the 12th. If their politics run in any fashion of similarity to ours (The United States), then even after signing a law, there's usually a grace period before it goes into effect. Is Iraq a bit different, in that once a law is signed, then it's considered enacted?

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, I would love to believe that this weekend could be it - But having believed that for the previous three weekends (and frankly, annoying the heck out of my wife for spending every free five minutes I had, in front of the computer, checking this forum, and other sites), I think I am looking for something that would actually point to this weekend as probable.

    I am not in any way speaking, or even thinking, negatively of those who have posted rumors saying it would happen during the previous three weekends, when it didn't. That is not at all what I am trying to say here, so please understand this is not an attempt to bash or to convey ill thoughts towards others. It's simply a matter that unlike the past three weekends where there were articles that seemed to point towards an impending reval, I've not seen anything like that for this weekend. What have I missed, because I have heard from a few people that say they expect something to happen this weekend. What is fueling those expectations? Thanks so much...

    Well...we can try 3rd time is a charm. Or we could say if the good info pointing to an rv didn't work, then maybe no info will work.

    I completely understand your question, and maybe someone can give us the scoop

  7. #11137
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    Quote Originally Posted by JetJockey View Post
    Hey Guys,

    Dont' want to depart too far from the "latest news" theme, but since we are talking about banks where we can purchase, I thought someone might be able to help me out with a specific issue.

    I have successfully purchased several times at a Chase Bank branch in the Denver Metro area, but I have a friend in the Phoenix area who would like to make a purchase also. I know that Bank One was big in AZ, and they merged with Chase, so I am assuming that Chase is also pretty big down there now as well. My friend went to a local branch in Phoenix, and was told that they are not dealing with the IQD due to instability, etc., etc.

    I am wondering if there is anyone on the forum who might be located in the Phoenix area who has successfully made a IQD purchase at a Chase branch there, and if so, what branch was it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    I live in LA, and there are no Chase banks here so I am SOL. I heard that in Arizona, M&I bank sold Dinar.

  8. #11138
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    I can't see it being this weekend personally. Not with the big meeting on 12th.........

    People should stop looking at every weekend and hanging onto the hope of it being the right one otherwise it'll drive them mad. This could happen anytime this year, possibly even into the first quarter of next year. Best not live from day to day expecting it, it'll happen when it happens. I believe an announcement will come when everything has been passed.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #11139
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    Just read elsewhere another confirmation of Chase exchanging dinars! Chase Chicago. Excellent, more banks that exchange it the better. Also makes a reprint even more unlikely.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #11140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    I can't see it being this weekend personally. Not with the big meeting on 12th.........

    People should stop looking at every weekend and hanging onto the hope of it being the right one otherwise it'll drive them mad. This could happen anytime this year, possibly even into the first quarter of next year. Best not live from day to day expecting it, it'll happen when it happens. I believe an announcement will come when everything has been passed.
    Good advice as ever from you Adster. The reason for the weekends being so prominent with hope was because of the hype that surrounded them for the past 3 weeks. Like you said, it will happen when it will.

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