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  1. #11011
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - للمرة الأولى.. كردستان العراق تشارك في جلسات الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة
    For the first time. Iraqi Kurdistan participate in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations
    Source : AFP
    04 / 10 / 06
    The coordinator of the government of the Kurdistan of Iraq to the United Nations Dindar Zebari said yesterday that he would travel to New York to participate in meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations as the representative of the government of the province. He said Zebari told the French Press Company for the first time, will his government of Iraq's Kurdistan region in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations and we consider an important step for Iraq at all levels, federal ».

    He pointed out that the representative of the government of the province will take part in the meetings of the General Assembly within the Iraqi delegation, he said "this matter will reflect positively on the developments and the political aspirations of the Kurds, who are partners in the political process in Iraq».
    Zebari said Al we will have an effective role in the secondary meetings of the General Assembly as well as during the day-to-day involvement and will work to highlight the fact, the human rights situation and needs of the region and other matters ». He said that this step comes reflection of the reality in Iraq and respect for the internal sovereignty by the United Nations and international recognition of the new entity, including (...) The government of the Kurdistan of Iraq ».

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11012
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - افتتاح أكاديمية للأدلة الجنائية الجديدة للشرطة في بغداد
    The opening of the Academy of Criminal Evidence of the new police station in Baghdad
    Source : Middle East
    04 / 10 / 06
    Opened Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad, who is the British Ambassador in Iraq Dominique Ascoith first National Academy of Criminal Evidence in Iraq. after the British experts overseeing the academic and the trainees.
    The British Ambassador said that the academy will help to Al training of the next generation of police investigators

    Who will provide the murderers and criminals who are trying to tear the fabric of Iraqi society to justice », He said "the right of Iraqis to be proud of, and I am proud of the contribution of the United Kingdom, which has worked for this achievement».
    The ambassador said in a statement criminal investigations Al gained new momentum today inaugurated the first National Academy of Criminal Evidence, especially that the academy will provide training for investigators of the crime scene and the development potential of the investigative police in all parts of Iraq ». The ambassador said that the academy will support the efforts of the criminal evidence the six laboratories throughout the country, also get the first batch of students to basic training on the management of the crime scene », He pointed out that the academy will work to modernize the techniques used by forensic specialists in Iraq.

    The Ambassador said that the use of evidence, especially for the criminal conviction of those responsible for committing murders and the hideous bombings that occur in Baghdad and on a daily basis is a major factor in ensuring that justice is swift and definitive ». It pointed out that, despite the possession of the police forces and for a long time a section of the Criminal Evidence effectively contains elements with extensive experience, he would need support through investment and provide the latest techniques to work.

    The British Ambassador, General Patrios, who held the post of Chairman of the training and assistance of the civil police, "FIRST illustrious person in his mind the idea of establishing a sophisticated criminal evidence in Iraq».

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #11013
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    $70m credit line granted to Iraqi bank - | Middle East Business News
    $70m credit line granted to Iraqi bank
    Wednesday, Oct 04, 2006

    Gulf News

    Dubai: Citigroup, in cooperation with US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), yesterday announced the launching of a $70 million structured credit facility for the benefit of the Trade Bank of iraq (TBI).

    The move allows it to issue Letters of Credit which would be confirmed by leading financial institutions.

    The $70 million structured facility was arranged, structured and coordinated by Citigroup's Export and Agency Finance group.

    By supporting the bank's reimbursement obligations to confirming banks via a special trust, the trust will facilitate the provision of goods and services vital to iraq's reconstruction after decades of international isolation.

    Specifically, the trust will only guaranty reimbursement obligations on TBI letters of credit that are not, or not entirely, supported by export credit agency cover.

    This unique facility represents the first time commercial lenders such as Citigroup and others are able to extend letters of credit in iraq that are not fully cash collateralised.

    Consequently, the project is designed to increase the availability of financing for Iraqi trade transactions and to enable iraq to increase its funding capacity and allow it to re-enter the global financial community.

    "Provision of trade finance for companies seeking to contribute to iraq's reintegration into the global economy will be key to iraq's reconstruction.

    By supporting the new Trade Bank of iraq, which was created for precisely that purpose, OPIC's financing will accelerate iraq's reconstruction and involve an increasing number of international companies in the process," said OPIC president and CEO Ross Connelly.

    The Trade Bank of iraq is an independent Iraqi government entity created to facilitate the reconstruction of iraq by providing trade finance services that Iraqi financial institutions are currently unable to offer.

    The new facility comes at the heels of several other landmark transactions that Citigroup has lead in iraq including the launch of a $130 million OPIC partial guaranteed loan to support small and medium term enterprises in the Iraqi private sector.

    © Gulf News 2006. All rights reserved

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  4. #11014
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The employee on his health
    D. Allawi thanked President Talabani and Abdel-Mahdi, Al-Maliki

    Dr. Iyad Allawi thanked the President of the existing Iraqi National Secretary General of the Iraqi National Accord Movement His Excellency President Jalal Talabani President of the Republic, Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Vice-President and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, professor of questioning on his health and the resumption of the stages of treatment outside Ara s wish for all to enjoy good health and durability Iraqna security and stability. The following is the text of a statement, spokesman of the Iraqi National Accord and the Iraqi National List :
    An official spokesman for the Iraqi National Accord Movement and the Iraqi National List, including :
    Like Dr. Iyad Allawi to thank His Excellency President Jalal Talabani President of the Iraqi Republic, and Professor Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Vice-President and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, professor of questioning on his health and the resumption of the stages of treatment outside Iraq. He wished all the best of health and wellness and Iraqna Aziz and Security Division, stability and prosperity.
    On this occasion we would like to reassure our people that Aziz Dr. Ayad Allawi will be among his people, once the period of medical treatment outside Iraq.
    Information Office of Dr. Iyad Allawi
    The Baghdad newspaper

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  5. #11015
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    What is behind the military coup "alleged"?!

    From time to time they learn from media leaks depends Alfberkat misrepresentation and fabrication of news reports and rumors spreading malicious Out of this medium, or those between what is promoted by some sites for electronic newsletter transmitted on citizens that speak to the alleged intentions of the (coup d'etat) is being arranged abroad, to overthrow the existing government. and then some of the forces and personalities within the government is bragging about the praise such Altroijat which weave of the patient's imagination that there is a "conspiracy" allegedly being prepared, The involvement of these actors name of Dr. Iyad Allawi unjustly Vberkat within this "conspiracy" alleged woven propaganda organs and between the folds to the participation of military and political figures within the Iraqi government is trying as much as possible harm to the relationship of Dr. Allawi these figures, and to date, pure white and who knows the details of every honorable Iraqis. Although Dr. Allawi has not had the opportunity to meet with these figures, and not too long time now have been reviewed names unfairly falsely Out balloons blow blatant propaganda and disinformation. affirms false accusations invalidate these trumpets wage and purposes unfair harm to others.
    In the context of the completion of the assault against the existing Iraqi National Accord Movement and the Iraqi National has the security agencies arrested a militant of the Iraqi List, and movement in one of the cities in the Euphrates East in an attempt to extract confessions and fabrications against the backdrop of malicious accusations. These accusations mean not find a counterpart to the political lexicon as promoted by these devices fabricated from Vberkat of attacks and assassinations of political and religious authorities have been administering the Iraqi Accord Movement and all appreciation and respect, confirming the validity of what we have to warn him that there are circles and within the government and outside of it Atrouk offers existing Iraqi National Movement and the Iraqi National Accord to end the series of killings and assassinations, quotas and marginalization, chopping, which struck as causing millions of innocent Iraqis. The tax paid to its commitment to these demands that have been targeting its leadership and activists, and even for their purposes in the Nile from the list, movement and framing false charges by God alone knows what the Sultan.
    Iyad Allawi has proved that over the years and days that the guardian of Iraq and the Iraqis will be, brothers in the political leadership of the Iraqi List and Reconciliation Movement struggling for the establishment of modern Iraq based on the advanced state of institutions and the respect of law and the renunciation of chaos and fighting between people and Ekomo n each of his part in the various conditions played a major role player in order to save the Iraqi situation, which will see several tensions almost led to the collapse and disintegration.
    And remember trying to play in the fire, emphasizing that pouring fuel on an already incendiary situation in Iraq is increasing the risk of the people of Iraq through the fabrication Vberkat abusive and harmful depends lies and disinformation way to its spiteful, will extinguished the will of Iraqis who have experienced the good guys any points behind the financing so cheap propaganda mouthpieces and despicable, It is the right of the Iraqi National List and the Iraqi National Accord Movement to evaluate the extent and by the legal accountability, in order to cut bad year and mute mouthpieces of evil and depravity, In order to Atjra again fabrication and fabricate lies to archaic methods of time, since the time of coups has gone for good. We have made this position very clear on numerous occasions, but those who know who lost their way and stood up empty lot, The rope lying short, as they say, and their misrepresentations and Abatiham must be exposed and refuted good will of Iraqis, as long as they have taken from the falsification of facts and distort the positions of their propaganda cheap way to inflict harm and damage our people and their national endeavors, Sun could not be covered with a bright flare sieve. Government agreed to do the same to fall in the trap of the enemies of Iraq and Iraqis.
    The Baghdad newspaper

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #11016
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    UN agency renews alarm about Palestinian refugees trapped in Iraq
    3 October 2006 – The United Nations refugee agency expressed fresh concern today about the plight of an estimated 20,000 Palestinian refugees in Iraq as deteriorating security forces an increasing number to try to flee the country.

    Palestinians living inside Iraq “lack protection, have serious problems obtaining identity cards, and have been the target of continuing harassment, threats, kidnapping and killings,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) spokesperson Jennifer Pagonis told a media briefing in Geneva.

    Ms. Pagonis voiced particular concern about the conditions in Baghdad, noting that late last month armed men there hand-delivered written death threats to several Palestinians – a reprise of a similar episode earlier this year that led to widespread panic among the capital’s Palestinian community.

    She said UNHCR’s attempts to enlist the help of the new Iraqi Government and the multinational forces stationed inside the country “have yielded modest results” only, and now about 20,000 Palestinians remain, down from 34,000 three years ago.

    Some Palestinians received preferential treatment under the regime of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and supported his 1990 invasion of Kuwait. But they have become targets since Saddam’s overthrow in 2003. The community comprises those who fled to Iraq from their homes in newly created Israel in 1948 and others born in the country.

    Outside Baghdad, UNHCR has fears for the safety of some 330 Palestinians who tried to flee Iraq and have been stranded at the Al-Tanf border crossing with Syria for more than four months.

    Describing the humanitarian conditions in the makeshift camp at the border as deplorable, Ms. Pagonis said “winter is coming and there is no solution in sight for these men, women and children.” About 250 people are living in tents which could be flooded when upcoming rains arrive.

    Tensions are rising, she said, noting Iraqi security forces have regularly visited the site and that medical and sanitation facilities are inadequate. Last month a 14-year-old boy was hit and killed by a truck when he asked for water, while the father of a premature baby who died in hospital was not allowed to leave the area to attend the funeral.

    Syria, which admitted 300 other Palestinians from Iraq into its El Hol refugee camp in May, is refusing to admit those currently stranded at the border. UNHCR said those who made it to El Hol have only temporary status, limited freedom of movement and no clear prospects for their future.

    There is also concern about the situation in Jordan’s Ruwayshed refugee camp, where 150 Palestinians from Iraq are living, some since 2003. Ms. Pagonis said that while re-settlement is possible for about 50 of the camp members over the next year, the rest face an uncertain future as Jordan has called on other countries in the region to share the burden.
    UN agency renews alarm about Palestinian refugees trapped in Iraq

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #11017
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    Iraq: UN envoy briefed on latest government plans to stem violence

    SRSG Ashraf Qazi
    2 October 2006 – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki today briefed the top United Nations official there on various initiatives that he hopes will combat terrorism and bring down the level of sectarian violence in the war-torn country.

    Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Representative Ashraf Qazi discussed a wide range of issues with Mr. Al-Maliki, including his recent trips to Abu Dhabi, New York and Washington, as well as the high-level meetings convened by Mr. Annan on the International Compact with Iraq (ICI).

    The ICI was launched in July in an effort to end the killings and bring stability to Iraq and Mr. Annan told a high-level meeting of partner states last month that without greater global support, Iraq will fail to attain peace.

    Mr. Al-Maliki expressed to Mr. Qazi his appreciation for the UN partnership with Iraq on the ICI and looked forward to an even closer engagement with it, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) reported.

    The latest political and security developments in Iraq were also discussed.
    Iraq: UN envoy briefed on latest government plans to stem violence

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  8. #11018
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    What are you going to do after the reval Sus?

    I guess you will miss the forums and the seeking after news in iraq

    Let´s hope it won´t reval LOL

  9. #11019
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    So, the investment law (FIL) has not been passed yet, 2:nd reading??

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

  10. #11020
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 782 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Wednesday 2006 / 10/ 4 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 12 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1473 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 49.575.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 49.575.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    Cash amounts sold to the bank and its customers were USD(20.535.000) at a rate of(1473+1+10=1484)IQD\USD .
    The amount sold to make transfers abroad was USD (29.040.000) at a rate of (1473-2)+ one dinar as a bank fee and exempt the transferred amount from conversion fee.

    Exchange Rates

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