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  1. #10271
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    Iraq The legitimacy of achievement :
    Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp
    No one gives any government, in a democratic system, a blank check. But democratic governments that have the legitimacy of representation by virtue of being elected and nuclear confidence through democratic means, the remaining hostage another kind of legitimacy, the legitimacy of achievement, achieved only through the work of the government can accomplish book on the satisfaction of people indulging needs.
    And the legitimacy of representation ERODE if not accompanied by the legitimacy of achievement, which has lagged far behind if the government will face large popular anger and lack of confidence in parliament, the Chamber of Deputies, It will end up, within democratic mechanisms sound, to topple the government, and withdraw confidence from them.
    Democratic mechanisms we have is not sound, it was beset by more than a defect since the beginning of the political process. so that it is no longer possible to say that democracy is taking root, or expand here, but it can be said that the financial and administrative corruption expands, The acts of violence and growing. This means that the matter is now possible to question the legitimacy of the volume of achievement that is now owned by the government.
    The achievements to the mutual satisfaction of the people and the parliaments of the democratic world is not in the nature of metaphysical or mysterious, but are things the average citizen as a member of Parliament that can detect achievements and feel their effects. In our case, the legitimacy of achievement that can be felt by Iraqi citizens and corruption related to security services. , Maybe slogans in calming passions, but it is not useful at the end of the day the legitimacy of achievement in building solid boost the legitimacy of representation. Citizens need to feel tangible improvement in the security situation. I do not want decreed that the matter. But a premiership or specialized bodies to conduct an opinion poll about this issue and see how many citizens really feel that security has improved. This can be measured with it is through the analysis of the acts of violence and the nature and number of victims, including the preparation of bodies that may be found. U.S. military commanders say that the situation has further deteriorated with the fasting month of Ramadan. I do not want to rush government spokesman denied statements by General William Caldwell this regard. We tend to think William!
    At the same level, the citizen needs to be a sense of a shrinking circle of corruption in the State. I do not think that government, any government, is the appropriate party to really fight against corruption, especially in our situation in Iraq. Why look for other mechanisms to combat rampant corruption.
    The remaining services; What can I say on it but ... "Awesome God
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  2. #10272
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    Default Iraqi Shi'ite politicians demand cabinet reshuffle

    Sun 1 Oct 2006 6:32 AM ET

    BAGHDAD, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Leading members of Iraq's Shi'ite Alliance demanded a major cabinet reshuffle on Sunday as Nuri al-Maliki's Shi'ite-led government struggles to quell communal violence and improve basic services.

    "We demand the prime minister ... carry out a broad cabinet reshuffle, especially in the security and services portfolios," Bahaa al-Araji, a member of the United Iraqi Alliance, parliament's largest bloc, told a news conference.

    Several other prominent figures from the Alliance said the government needed an overhaul.

    The demand is likely to increase political tension between Iraq's parliamentary blocs, which struggled for months to agree on the allocation of cabinet posts.

    Another senior Alliance member, from Maliki's Dawa party, said he expected Maliki to announce a reshuffle within a month.

    "There is large support for a change to the cabinet from the Alliance. We believe the prime minister is strong but his cabinet is weak. He will find our full support if he plans to make changes," said the member, who declined to be quoted by name.

  3. #10273
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    Iraq : : Al-Maliki stressed the need to ensure full protection of citizens
    He met with leaders of the security agencies competent
    Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Nuri Al-Malki need to ensure full protection of the citizens by the security forces, praising the hard men of the armed forces who are performing great in dealing with terrorist elements and SATISFACTION, during a meeting in his office with Al-Maliki and Minister of Defense, Interior and Security Hello national Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and military commanders difference
    Discussed developments in the security situation and discuss the problems faced by the security organs of the Ministries of Defense, Interior and develop appropriate solutions that would improve our security and improve the level of military actors According to the statement a copy of which was received Sabah issued by the Public Relations Council, headed Hello ministers.
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  4. #10274
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    Iraq : Building new power stations in Baghdad and the Central Euphrates provinces to generate energy
    The scarcity of spare production and power outages due to the continuing acts of vandalism
    Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji
    The Ministry of Electricity to build new power stations in the city of Baghdad and other governorates Furat productivity of different cards for the elimination of the scarcity of production and the targeting of power transmission lines by terrorist elements as presented to the Council of Ministers drafts contracts for the construction of a gas station and Wasit capacity of 1320 megawatts and build united Yen of the Najaf electrical and four units of Hilla electric station for ratification.
    An official source in the Ministry of Electricity to the "morning" : The ministry and the aim of preventing terrorist elements that try and continually targeting the electric grid power transmission lines, studying the process of building a power station to supply the city of Baghdad and a number of governorates Furat continuously without relying on the national grid so as spare Baghdad and recognized in some Fadat outages result of the targeting of transmission lines and scarcity of energy production.
    He added that the ministry presented to the Cabinet a number of contracts with a number of companies to build power stations in various regions of the country to Msadeghaliha Among these contracts held with a Chinese company to build a power plant in the Wasit governorate, with production capacity of 1320 megawatts in addition to contracts for the addition of two units in the m Hatta electricity Najaf and 4 units of the power station Hilla appealing the Cabinet speed up the approval of these contracts after the examination of the completed during the coming period to increase the electrical system cards and additional source confirmed that the production of electric power from all power stations in the whole country reached 4500 megawatts noting that the Agan told that the power transmission lines to sabotage the operations of these quantities would rise significantly because the Ministry of deliberately extinguishing units of the Baiji power plant to the lack of lines for the transmission of energy produced to the city of Baghdad and the Central Euphrates provinces, which led to the loss of 400 megawatts fed by the city of Baghdad to stop a power station offerings south to work as a result of sabotage operations.
    He pointed out that the technical and engineering capabilities of the Ministry's process of re-operation of the station over the next two days to contribute to the increase of electric power with an additional 350 megawatts had been denied because of sabotage operations targeting the electric grid in the whole country, especially in the hot spots.
    It is noteworthy that the electric grid lines are subjected daily to more than three attacks by subversive elements in different regions of the country, which prevents citizens improved processing power supply throughout Iraq.
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  5. #10275
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    Iraq : Kurdistan Parliament ratified the Law of the Ministry of Transport
    Moscow agrees to open a consulate in Erbil
    Parliament ratified the Kurdistan region in its recent special law to the Ministry of Transportation, was postponed discussion of the law of the Ministry of Environment and endorsing it because of power outages.
    Taher said the essence of Media Advisor to the parliament told the (morning) : The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Adnan Mufti, Deputy Speaker Kamal Karagoki to discuss legal and Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Environment has been discussed and the first law was approved by the Council, With the legal committee in the Parliament a draft law, the Ministry of Environment in order to be discussed and endorsed but the power outages in Erbil from the President in Sulaymaniyah full caused the postponement of the parliamentary session and adjournment to a later date.
    Meanwhile Achroafqat Russian government to open a consulate in the city of Irbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan. This was announced yesterday by Russian Ambassador to Iraq during a meeting with the representative of the government of the Kurdistan region in Russia Shorsh Khalid Said.
    The ambassador said : The worsening of the security of the Russian embassy in Baghdad, especially after the abduction and murder of five Russian diplomats by armed groups make it difficult to return the diplomatic mission to the capital, Baghdad, prompting Moscow to agree to open consulate in Erbil. Turning to the two sides historical bilateral relations between Russia and Iraq, on the one hand, and between Russia and the Kurdistan region, on the other hand.
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  6. #10276
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    Translations : American official : Iraq parties grabbing ministries and wasted opportunities for progress
    Days will be forced to storm the problem ourselves
    Interpretation Murtada Salah
    American military officials warned senior from the lack of time available for the Iraqis to eliminate the danger of militias from within and outside the Iraqi government as well as to purge corrupt officials from the ministries who transmitting large sums from the State to the benefit of their political parties.
    An American official said refrained from his name told the New York Times : We are now at a time when we have little influence on the Iraqis, in a reference to the militia problem, He added that he would come a time when we insist on the storm this problem ourselves.
    The official said that the Iraqi political parties grabbing ministries and wasted opportunities to provide end sectarian violence in the country.
    The New York Times in its issue last Friday on the charge saying that it could detect every ministry and the financial transfers that go to the party, including the minister, who occupied. He added that those doing the same work, which was done by Saddam, as quoted by the newspaper for the San American official.
    The American official described the events of the last week as the worst weeks for the security three years ago with many cases of killings of citizens that take the form of penalty.
    The official said the military government Maliki suffer from the pressure of militias backed by political parties in government and bureaucratic pressures that dominate the government.
    Another official said that the government should get rid Maliki officials from the ministries covering the work of the militias and death squads because they Aqaba Chairperson before his departure to address the terrorism of Al Qaeda and others. He pointed out that the people's despair turns out to be an additional problem if the dollar amok.
    So, Quoting the adviser Muwaffaq Rubaie National Security in Iraq as saying that the problem of government-Maliki is the lack of support given to him to carry out his mission, pointing to the psychological problem and the lack of coherence among the members of the government to provide the necessary support to the owners, which needs to be seen several departments into consideration when he wants to make a decision. He said : There will double to stop the violence between politicians.
    American officials said that the problem of American forces which is the duty to protect the city of Baghdad, lies in the fact that banned greatly from the face of the militias, which permeate officials within the Iraqi government, as reported by the Los Angeles Times in a number of American officials on Friday did not mention names.
    The American Commander in the day-to-day operations in Baghdad, General Peter Cherali directing more pressure on the Iraqi government to move against the influence of the militias, and get rid of the poor performance which is controlled by, he said.
    The newspaper said that some units of the Iraqi forces refused orders to move from the south of Baghdad to Diyala province, which caused upheaval for the American forces associated with the Iraqi forces heading towards the preservation, She said that the incident had created tension between the American forces and the Iraqi government, which faced a similar crisis in the period before the transfer of Iraqi forces north of Baghdad, to the middle.
    He said another official who wished to remain anonymous Maliki that the government refused to American forces and the Iraqi joint raid in Sadr City, such as the fasting month of Ramadan, He pointed to the sectarian and political considerations which bear the weight Iraqi government in the implementation of any military action.
    Skinner defended the government spokesman for the Prime Minister's decision to refuse a process of the raid, saying that it would create political problems for the government, It added that there are political realities in Iraq that can not be ignored as it might raise the seriousness of the Prime Minister because of the negative reactions that may slip with the security situation in Baghdad. according to Skinner.
    Skinner said that is not fair to deal with the militias, which treated the same way by rebels and other armed groups because the moves came only come in reaction to the killings and bombings occur first, He said that Altkverein and Sadamiin bombers and the killing of Iraqi citizens, Although we recognize the existence of the reaction of retaliatory located here or there it does not occur in the same way in which the Sadamion, He pointed out that the deal strongly with the cause of the problem they are booby-trapped cars and suicide bombers attacking the Iraqis every day
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  7. #10277
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Intends to form a strong political front, including opposition parties and armed groups
    She added that she invest climate of reconciliation to put its strongly
    Al (morning) that the political forces working on forming a front with an expanded Iraqi parties and groups adopt the armed opposition, Sources particular : that these forces are trying investment climate of national reconciliation to the emergence of public political line project and developments carried out by al-Maliki initiative in the Iraqi political landscape.
    This coincides with the progress made by the government with the armed groups, which it is hoped that the show heralds in the parties to be held in October which is the third of the reconciliation and dialogue after clan and civil society institutions.
    The sources told (morning) that the armed groups feel reassured in its dialogue with the government, which encouraged them to accede to the front facade of the emergence of the public gathered in the framework of the program with radical ideas of patriotic and nationalistic and religious.
    The parties in the Iraqi arena are not participating in the government or the parliament general framework of the front, but according to those sources have no objection to alliance with the political parties and armed groups, as long as approaching them in the directions and principles as quoted by the atmosphere of reconciliation and as long as allow them to do so. It seems that the series of meetings and the meetings were held between the parties for the purpose of completing the state and declared in a period not exceeding month. The sources said : Front view that the forces in the coming months before significant challenges associated Balstratejeh American presence in Iraq and to be a degree of balance required, according to the plan. They revealed that Arab countries notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, endorsed and supported. I went out that front will be charged by the representatives in the d AIPAC Arab, European, pointing out that it is according to its assertions, have the support of Islamic Iraqi communities known for its reject the presence of the multinational forces and supporting military action. She said : Some blocs participating in the political process before accession. The same political forces that the dialogue between the government and the armed groups had reached an advanced rank and these groups find sufficient guarantees of payment to participate peacefully the political process and lay down their arms in accordance with the principles of reconciliation, She said : The 28 armed factions reached with government agreement on most of the demands, continues to search in and saw two functions, namely former army and uprooting the Baath revealed that among the components of the Baath party to be formed believes in the democratic process and hopes to contribute the political process away from the ideas of the Baath and its conduct rejected in the era of the Principles.
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  8. #10278
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    The first political Ramadi clans : the start of the war against Al Qaeda and kill a number of terrorists
    The restructuring of the security system and maintain receive the first batch of allocations ages
    Anbar - Sabah
    The governor of Anbar, Mamoun Sami Al-start the formation of the police brigades in the province, with the receipt of the first batch of maintaining allocations of 43 billion dinars in the development and the work of the Territories, This comes at a time in which there was a reported armed clashes took place between the sons of the clan and members of the Al-Qaida organization on the other hand.
    The governor told the "morning" that the process of establishing the police brigades actually began after the visit of the delegation of tribal chieftains of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and expressing its full readiness to protect the conservation effort to consolidate security and stability.
    He added that the new plan will begin in the next few weeks include the opening of the headquarters of the police in places where there are clans and areas of influence, These zones clans Po Po and the Dhiab al-Jasim, and the Po Po Farrag, brushes, This step comes after the formation of police forces in the areas of Saqlawiyah, Habbaniyah and saw him and others. Sami Al maintain that seeks to restore the situation to normal in all the cities, as well as supporting and activating the role of the courts and the judiciary and to strengthen the role of the state in providing services to citizens. Meanwhile, the Iraqi channel revealed yesterday, quoting the rescue that the sons of the Anbar tribes hunted down members of al-Qaeda armed clashes in several areas of the province, referring to the death of two terrorists and arrested eight others, including six Saudis and two Yemenis. For his part, the official spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Brigadier General Qasim al-Musawi, commenting on the clashes, the government was determined to save the attribution of Anbar in the war against Al Qaeda, according to the directives of the Prime Minister. It is noteworthy that the recent rescue of Anbar are from senior leaders of the clans in the province and assumed the task of chasing Al Qaeda in Anbar.
    In a related development, it was announced clan source told Agence France-Presse the arrest of three Saudis and Syrians, three teenagers Iraqis from al-Qaeda, in the city of Ramadi. Said Sheikh Abdul Sattar Bazi Aftikhan clan leader Po Richier : Members of the tribes were able to apprehend them and handed over to the police in Ramadi. On the other hand, Speaker of the House of Anbar province, Abdul Salam Al-Ani told "Sabah" received the first batch of funds allocated for the development of territories and Construction of 43 billion dollars, pointing out that the formation of local committees in each district and hand the Declaration and refer the bids for the implementation of projects as percentages of population and the security situation in those areas
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  9. #10279
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    The first political : Ninety million for the services of Baghdad during the third phase of the plan forward together
    70 terrorists entering through Syria month and 380 detainees from 25 to the multi-state
    A spokesman for the Multi-National Force-70 to 50 foreign terrorists crossing the Syrian border into Iraq a month while the introduction of explosives smuggled across the Iraqi-Iranian border into Iraq.
    The operations commander, General Caldwell spokesman for the Multi-National Force that the intelligence information confirms that between 50-70 offside foreigners entering Iraq a month across its borders with Syria to feed the Al-Qaeda organization and carry out terrorist acts, pointing out that some of them enjoyed a Saudi O'sudaneh The Egyptian or Syria. Caldwell said in a statement to journalists yesterday that : 380 terrorists from 25 countries are being held now multi-national forces in Iraq and carried out joint operations with Iraqi forces resulted in the killing of 94 foreign terrorist during the months of August and September last Sunday. He added that these foreign terrorists belonging to al-Qaeda organization, employed in the implementation of the suicide attacks extenuating cars and explosive belts, pointing out that half of terrorist attacks during the month of September were suicide while the other half in the form of car bomb attacks detonated by a suicide is not an indication of a lack of p dd volunteers with the terrorists of al-Qaeda. The spokesman for the multinational Most of the weapons and explosives used in terrorist operations come through the Iraqi-Iranian border, pointing to locate the Iraqi border forces in Basra of a large cache of weapons two months before weapons were hidden in favor of some fundamentalist organizations. He faltered Iraqi security forces in some cases the arms and ammunition in the car, transportation and pregnancy are often concealed under a materials and goods. He pointed out that the funds of such weapons and materiel unmarked claims it transferred from Iran. And Caldwell revealed the willingness of the multinational force to spend $ 90 million on projects to improve the level of service and safe drinking water and paved roads in the areas of Baghdad that have been inspected and the session, Ameriya, hung, west of Al-Mansour, Ghazaliya, letter, Green, the people of Jihad. He said that his troops supported the Iraqi security forces in the implementation of the Plan of Baghdad security (forward together), which he described as successfully made much progress in the means of imposing security, He expressed his belief that the implementation of the plan until mid-March. He said that the third phase of the plan will be implemented through the use of aircraft and troops will be sent aircraft reconnaissance drone small - to-indexed areas and continuous support for the movement and the spread of the Iraqi forces and security provisions.
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  10. #10280
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    The first political Assignment : 83 administrative corruption cases and Mali in Baghdad Secretariat integrity
    BAGHDAD - Najla Al-Khalidi
    The Inspector General referred to the secretariat of Baghdad 83 administrative corruption cases to the Office of public integrity for the purpose of sentencing the right number of officials involved with various contracts and tenders in Aldowaeralbldeh of the Secretariat and the Secretary-Issawi said Aldectorsaber Baghdad told the "morning" to the Inspector General and put their finger on one 28 issue of financial and administrative corruption
    Been taken action against those involved represented by the Transport and fines. He pointed out that there is considerable interest and follow-up by the Inspector General to eradicate the phenomenon of administrative corruption, which undermines the efforts of the secretariat to upgrade the level of services offered to citizens in Baghdad.
    Elsewhere Service implemented Karadah municipality, in cooperation with the Cabinet Secretariat receivership in a wide-ranging campaign to eliminate abuses in place (903) and the Abu Nawas Street.
    The media spokesman for the secretariat of Baghdad that the campaign included the removal of seventeen transcended since been removed three kiosks and a shed for the sale of carbonated drinks "and Genber" small for the sale of cigarettes taking a written pledge from the kiosk removed in the Karadah . The spokesman added that he was against the removal of five casinos Hotel Diana and five kiosks from the Abu Nawas Street.
    At the same municipal districts torch on the other campaign to eliminate abuses included the elimination of five kiosks and excesses owners selling fuel in the Spring Street .
    Part-Karkh municipality started a massive campaign in the alleys and main streets within the geographic area it.
    Included maintain and cultivate carrots moderation and pothole-road bumps and garbage collection as well as the cleaning of drainage and surfacing pertinent number of streets and the media in the Secretariat spokesman noted that the campaign said would continue until the end of next month in order to upgrade services in the Karkh, which is the heart of the city of Baghdad.
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