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  1. #61
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    [edited. You clearly need to cooldown as you said in your reply to my PM. thats all for now. admin]
    Last edited by Admin; 06-06-2007 at 06:59 AM.
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    Well . . . Hmmm . . . as one of Skiier's so called LIARS . . . with all due respect / you, he & his mob might want to remember . . .

    To me & I think a lot of others the word LIAR causes blood to boil . . . [ intent to deceive / imputing dishonesty ] . . . maybe, as you are in Poland, you don't know this . . . and I have no idea where he is from . . .

    Certainly . . . food for thought . . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .
    We in poland do also look at things openly. I didnt call anyone a liar. All i said was that this is how he presented it to me, as a voice for his group.

    To be honest, nor do you present your main view of the conflict in this post. Nor do you show to any easy figured conclusion. What is then your purpose with such a post?

    I will not ask you again to chose your words right in this thread again, with his MOB comments of yours.. you clearly need to refrain form use of such wording and keep a open mind here mate..

    If anyone is the first one to bring any bad attention due to your choice of wording in this thread resulting in its caos, then your out!

    Lets keep an open mind and on the track please..


  3. #63
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    Another PM i have from a member of RC. I will not use his/her name to protect this person from any harm

    The rumor sections are the same on all the boards.
    Here’s how it breaks down.
    First… there are two types of rumors.
    If someone post a rumor like this… My brother works at a bank and talked to a middle eastern coworker who claims he herd from reliable sources that the dinar would revalue on such and such date at such and such value. This is third or forth hand information and I have no way to verify it… it’s just a rumor.
    A rumor like that cause very little stir and very few attacts.
    Now then… the problem comes in when a few of the more prominent rumor posters post rumors like this.
    Multiple sources (who I will not divulge) know for a fact that Maliki has signed off on the Revalue and it will be announced on this date… take it to the bank, it’s a done deal, 110%, I TOLD YOU SO!
    That is not presented as a rumor but as a fact and that’s what irks some here.
    The arguments come in because there is a large group that believe that just because something is posted in the rumor section no one should be allowed to challenge the rumor or the poster about the validity of the rumor. They see any questioning of the rumor as an attack and they immediately start attacking what they see as the attacker. That’s how and why both side truly believe the other side starts it.
    Good luck...
    I like your way of keeping an open mind like in your last sentence..

  4. #64
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    as per your request, i unfortunately have nothing to add.. i like SGS,s posts and her enthusiasm. ive never even seen a post from MRSCK, but ive read that she is a real nice lady. ive also read that SGS is a real nice lady .
    i think we should make them drive from New York, to California and back, with no radio. they would have plenty of time to hash out there differences, and with any luck become BFF.
    money cant buy happiness, but you can rent it for a few days.

    2 wrongs dont make a right, but 3 rights make a left.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    We in poland do also look at things openly. I didnt call anyone a liar. All i said was that this is how he presented it to me, as a voice for his group.

    To be honest, nor do you present your main view of the conflict in this post. Nor do you show to any easy figured conclusion. What is then your purpose with such a post?

    I will not ask you again to chose your words right in this thread again, with his MOB comments of yours.. you clearly need to refrain form use of such wording and keep a open mind here mate..

    If anyone is the first one to bring any bad attention due to your choice of wording in this thread resulting in its caos, then your out!

    Lets keep an open mind and on the track please..

    Okay . . . he's calling me a liar . . . and mob simply means group to me . . . not a crime family . . . but if you wish change it to family / or group . . .

    As I mentioned in my PM / I'm steamed . . . To me / being called a liar / is / worse than being called any curse word . . .

    I don't think it's gonna be possible for you / or anyone to legislate / here without removing the personal part & therefore / the soul of your forum . . . it will revert to a bunch of dry news articles . . . But maybe that's what you and he want . . .

    As I'm slowly cooling down = there is always the ignore button . . .

    Best . . . RR . . .
    Last edited by RollsRoyce; 06-06-2007 at 08:19 AM.
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  6. #66
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    Another great poster explaining his/her view in PM to me. Name will not be posted here...

    Originally Posted by XXX
    I very rarely post on the boards but I'm on here usually for hours a day reading everything and I have not created relationships with anyone. So I feel like I can give you an honest observation of what I see here. The fighting on the board was going on prior to the "SGS/MrsCK" stuff.

    In my honest opinion alot of the issues root from the way that SGS presents her rumors as being fact and if you don't believe them then something is wrong with you. After a rumor is posted it seems that alot of pointless posting goes on with people either expressing their approval or disapproval of the rumor and then fireworks explode.

    I don't know SGS' motivation behind her posts. I don't know if she is pulling people's legs or honestly thinks she is getting good information, but her track record isn't very good at all and other forums that I visit consider her a joke. The IIF even banned members from posting her rumors on their site.

    Another thing that I believe adds fuel to the fire is that it seems many times that the moderators are too personally involved with the members. It's like one of those things in operating a business where you shouldn't get too close to your employees. I think that causes favortism whether it is purposely done or not.

    I believe there are many other members out there like myself who do not post their opinions for the reason of not wanting to cause more havoc. If it was possible for the moderators to cut out the meaningless posts that don't relate to the actual topic itself, I believe alot of this would be avoided. But it hasn't seemed that anyone has really wanted to stop it in an unbias fashion.

    I hope this viewpoint helps out and I really do enjoy visiting your site.

    Reply to this above post by the member that sent this PM
    This was very well put. I wish I could have written this.

    Let me explain things a little more clearly the way I see them. (Now I'm not a very good writer so be patient with me.)

    I see a lot of problems with how SGS does her rumor posts. It's a done deal, it's a for sure thing etc. Now before I go on she is a great news poster. I give her credit for that and enjoy her news posts. You don't want to question what SGS has said. Lets put it that way.
    She was banned over from IIF for doing the same thing. Now her name isn't even allowed to be mentioned on that site. Since then IIF hasn't had any major problems.
    I know this is your site and I do not want to tell you how to run it but you asked what the problem is. That is how I see it. It seems that trouble follows SGS. I just try ever once in awhile to let individuals know that all of her rumors have never turned out so don't get overly excited about them. Yes I have been called a naysayer and I got banned for a week. I probably deserved it and like I said earlier excepted it. Any how you have a good day and thank you for letting me express myself.

    All has the right to express themself as long as its done with respect for others.

    Just waiting for more views here...But for all: "please try to keep your views"

    1. not one sided.
    2. posted with an open mind of what you think happend.
    3. What happened on IIF has nothing to do with us, nor will we follow them. We need to find our own conclusion for this matter.
    4. I will not ban anyone for expressing their views.
    5. Please also focus more on what you think could help to solve this problem of groups, so all are happy, or accept what to be concluded in your postings--


  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    Okay . . . he's calling me a liar . . . and mob simply means group to me . . . not a crime family . . . but if you wish change it to family . . .

    As I mentioned in my PM / I'm steamed . . . I don't think it's gonna be possible for you / or anyone to legislate / here without removing the personal part & sole of your forum . . . it will revert to a bunch of dry news articles . . . But maybe that's what you want . . .

    Best . . . RR . . .
    When once part of your post goes well, why does it feel like the next part of your post now is out after biting me mate? or am i wrong?

    As I mentioned in my PM / I'm steamed . . . I don't think it's gonna be possible for you / or anyone to legislate / here without removing the personal part & sole of your forum . . . it will revert to a bunch of dry news articles . . . But maybe that's what you want . . .
    if you read my posts in this thread. I try to keep an open mind for all.
    I did not say i will take away the rumor section, did i? Then what is this " BUT MAYBE THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT?"

    I suggest you go and take a cold shower mate.. and then come back to present your views without the "pre-juged part" maybe this is what you want.. and also go back a few posts and see for yourself that i didn't make any conclusions at all.
    Keep an open mind..


  8. #68
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    Am i the only person concerned that PM's without the posters names are being posted here but the content and names are still being posted with in the PM ?

    who is protecting the people who the PMs are talking about ?

    I though a PM was something between 2 ??
    Last edited by H2O_Lover; 06-06-2007 at 07:25 AM.
    Oh the drama....

  9. #69
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    A member asked me, why i don't post the peoples names when they bash sgs (and i would add to it also mrsCK').

    That is because its not suppose to feel that way. We did not start a new war thread here. All we do now is to understand why things went wrong. If member think that these names are attached to the story, then i will not edit it... We are not kids here, so i am sure people in the center would not mind listening to other members real views...

    Both sides present their views here. I suggest that you all keep calm, with an open mind and present your views in a continues respectable manner with some sort of soloution to it all.

    And by the way, i dont know what sgs and mrsCK will think. I am just letting members post what went wrong... And for sure will not stop this to i get this solved in the long run.


  10. #70
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    Another member in PM to me

    Just a comment aout the news section I really appreciate the hard work that goes into research, but it takes so much more time than it should to get through the news because people post articles without reading the thread. I think that its egos and trying to get a large post count. If people would post articles that have yet to be posted it would be a big improvement. Sure an occasional double post is OK, but it has become ridiculous.
    okay and what sort of solution to it do you suggest here? you can send me a pm with quoting this post, and i will add it to this post.


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