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  1. #591
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    Default Tuesday May 1, 2007

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    NO AUCTION TODAY. If they had one it has not been posted

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    9.2 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

  2. #592
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    Default Todays Auction

    Hi, Thanks for that Socata, its difficult to guess whether they had an auction today or not as their site has been down since yesterday, is it not possible to find out from other sources, i.e. the news sources in Iraq.

  3. #593
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Riyadh abolished in Sharm el-Sheikh 80% of Iraqi debt
    (صوت العراق) - 01-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 01-05-2007
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    واشنطن (ا ف ب) - اعلن مسؤول اميركي كبير الاثنين في واشنطن ان السعودية ستعلن خلال مؤتمر شرم الشيخ في مصر الغاء 80% من الدين العراقي.
    Washington (AFP) - A senior U.S. official in Washington on Monday that Saudi Arabia will announce in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in Egypt cancel 80% of Iraqi debt.

    وقال مستشار وزيرة الخارجية الاميركية كوندوليزا رايس لشؤون العراق ديفيد ساترفيلد ان "السعوديين اصدروا في الاسبوعين الماضيين اعلانا بالغ الايجابية ذكروا فيه انهم سيتعهدون فعليا بخفض 80% من الدين العراقي وهو مستوى يعادل مستوى الغاء الدين الذي قرره نادي باريس".
    The adviser and American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Iraq's affairs David Satterfield that "the Saudis issued in the past two weeks a declaration stating very positive when they Setituton effectively reduce 80% of Iraqi debt, a level equivalent to the level of debt cancellation was decided by the Paris Club."

    واضاف ساترفيلد في مؤتمر صحافي خصص للمؤتمر الدولي المقرر في الثالث والرابع من ايار/مايو في شرم الشيخ في حضور البلدان المجاورة للعراق واعضاء مجموعة الثماني والاتحاد الاوروبي والامم المتحدة "انه قرار كبير. وهو قرار نرحب به كامل الترحيب".
    Satterfield added in a press conference devoted to the International Conference scheduled on the third and fourth of May in Sharm el-Sheikh in the presence of Iraq's neighboring countries, members of the G8, the European Union and the United Nations "that major decision. We welcome a decision by the full welcome. "

    واوضح المسؤول الاميركي ان قيمة الدين نفسه ستتحدد في ختام مفاوضات منفصلة كما يحصل دائما في اوضاع مماثلة "لكن ايا تكن قيمة الدين الذي سيتحدد ثنائيا فان مستوى الالغاء سيكون 80%".
    The American official said that the value of the debt itself will be determined at the conclusion of separate negotiations has always been in similar situations, "But whatever the value of the debt, which determined the level of bilateral cancellation will be 80%."

    وكانت صحيفة واشنطن بوست تحدثت في منتصف نيسان/ابريل عن اتفاق بين السعودية والعراق على الغاء 80% من الدين العراقي الذي خلفه نظام صدام حسين لكن هذه المعلومة لم تتأكد رسميا.
    The Washington Post newspaper spoke in mid April agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iraq to cancel 80% of Iraqi debt left by Saddam Hussein's regime, but this information was not confirmed officially.

    واضافت الصحيفة ان الرياض تقدر بما بين 15 و18 مليار دولار الدين العراقي المستحق لها.
    The newspaper added that Riyadh estimated to be between 15 and 18 billion dollars of Iraqi debt owed to it.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #594
    Senior Member bluedangle's Avatar
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    Did you find a secret CBI site we dont know about?
    do you have the link I would like to see it, the regular"normal" site has been down

  5. #595
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    And not forgetting this from yesterday. Kuwait......

    Iraq Conference Aims to Relieve Debt, Improve Security Updated Apr.30,2007

    International efforts to stabilize Iraq continue later this week when regional and international leaders meet in Egypt to discuss how Iraq's neighbors and the international community can help bring peace to the war-torn country.

    The meetings will be two-fold. On Thursday, the Iraqi government, in conjunction with the United Nations, will launch an initiative known as the Iraq Compact, which will deal with mostly economic issues. On Friday, foreign ministers and other high level officials will discuss Iraq's internal security and efforts to unify the country's political factions.

    Iraq's Ambassador to Washington, Samir Sumaida'ie tells VOA that Baghdad hopes to elicit broad support from the international community.

    "Of course we want everybody's help in this," he said. "We want people to be engaged positively, to give support to the Iraqi government, public support, political support, financial support, if possible."

    Iraq hopes some of its major creditors will write off billions of dollars in debt dating back to the Saddam Hussein regime. Some countries, such as Kuwait, which Saddam invaded in 1990, have been reluctant, saying Iraq is an oil-rich nation that can afford to repay. But an announcement of significant debt relief is expected at the conference.

    The Sharm El-Sheikh meetings are really two separate conferences.

    The first day will launch the Iraq Compact initiative. Iraq and the United Nations conceived the initiative more than a year ago. It lays out economic and political tasks, with deadlines, for the Iraqi government. If achieved, they would lead to specific supports from the international community.

    Thick smoke billows from the site of an explosion in central Baghdad
    The second day will bring together regional foreign ministers and the five permanent Security Council members to discuss Iraq's internal security and political reconciliation. the U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey says Washington hopes to see active engagement from all participants.

    "Certainly we want to see all countries that are there come to the table with not only positive words, but with the willingness to take positive actions to help Iraq deal with its very difficult situation right now," he said.

    The United States wants to see Iran and Syria increase control over their borders and end their support of militias and insurgents.

    "We have been very frank in the previous round at the envoy level in airing our concerns both about Iranian support for militias, about their provision of some of these very deadly IEDs [improvised explosive devices] that are having a serious impact on our troops," said Casey. "And I certainly expect that under discussions of those kinds of issues. The Secretary [Rice] will be equally forceful in making our case on those and I expect that others will also raise their concerns with Iranian behavior as well as Syrian behavior."

    Iraq's government is also struggling to reconcile its Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds. What was initially a domestic problem has taken on regional overtones, as some neighbors try to further their own interests by supporting specific political and ethnic groups inside Iraq. Ambassador Sumaida'ie says the best thing neighbors can do is to let Iraq solve its problems by itself.

    "We are not seeking that our neighbors will devise a solution for us in Iraq," he said. "That has to be done by Iraqis. But we ask them to step back and reduce their interference."

    The Ambassador says Iraq does not expect a miracle from the conference, but rather a real commitment of support from its neighbors as it works toward peace and stability.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #596
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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Currency being transferred from the Rafidain Bank to other banks..........We know a load of dinars has been bought back by the banks in the last 2 to 3 weeks from the auctions. Before that nothing at all for several months. One could take an educated guess (as we know there are 5 denominations unaccounted for) that considering all the other news etc it may well be the new lower denominations that would be needed before a reval.
    Hey Adam,

    Yes, it would be an educated guess, and that is what scares me, it makes too much common sense, after all, they don't need anymore large notes being brought in, it wouldn't make sense given they have sucked over 9 trillion out already. Sure makes it interesting, doesn't it. lol

    Good luck and health to all, Mike

  7. #597
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hey Adam,

    Yes, it would be an educated guess, and that is what scares me, it makes too much common sense, after all, they don't need anymore large notes being brought in, it wouldn't make sense given they have sucked over 9 trillion out already. Sure makes it interesting, doesn't it. lol

    Good luck and health to all, Mike
    Perhaps they are putting the idea out there Mike by making it look as if it is being done now when maybe the lower denoms have been in for a while, who'd have thought...... Not like all of this wasn't planned from way back IMO. LOL.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #598
    Senior Member cashNsoon's Avatar
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    has anyone been able to get into the Iraqi Newspaper sites. I just tried going thru the IRAQ GOV site and none of the paper sites opened, the same response as the CBI..............................
    ITS TIME!!!!!
    Enjoying the thoughts of early retirement

  9. #599
    Senior Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post

    Tuesday 01 May 2007
    Flights to transfer currency from the Rafidain Bank to a number of banks

    Luna / Baghdad / The Iraqi company for banking services several trips to the transfer of currency to the Rafidain bank branches all over in Baghdad during the third week of April.

    The source added that the branches are (Rustumiyyah, Haifa, Liberals, the White Palace, paradise, Khansa, Jerusalem, Al-Mansour, Diyala bridge, in essence, Karradat Maryam, the eastern section, Azwaih, projectors, Hotel Babylon, oil compound, Waziriyah, New Dawn), has moved the company private currency Rashid Bank and its branches, some branches of private banks, adding that the company has several flights outside Baghdad governorate to the Wasit governorate, including three special Rafidain Bank branches in the (Suwayrah, Wasit, the project) and another trip to the Rasheed Bank branch in (Nu'maniyah).
    As much as I wish it to be small denominations being installed, this looks to me like this bank is moving all of their assets from the main branch to outlying branches and affiliates for protection.
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  10. #600
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    Default Iraq interior ministry says Qaeda kingpin dead

    Iraq interior ministry says Qaeda kingpin dead
    01/05/2007 09h39

    BAGHDAD (AFP) - Iraqi officials believe the alleged leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, has been killed in an internal struggle within the militant group, the interior ministry said Tuesday.

    Speaking on state television, the ministry's operations chief Brigadier General Abdel Karim Khalaf, said he had seen strong intelligence information showing that the Egyptian militant had died in a feud between militants.

    "The clashes took place among themselves. There were clashes within the groups of Al-Qaeda. He was liquidated by them. Our forces had nothing to do with it," he said.

    "Some information, you know, needs confirmation, but this information is very strong," he said, suggesting more investigations should be carried out.

    A US military spokesman could not confirm the report.

    "We can't confirm anything yet. We are seeing the reports in the media as well and are checking into this," said Lieutenant Colonel Chris Garver.

    "While I hope it is true, because of misreporting about the fate of senior leaders in the past -- we seem to capture or kill al-Masri about every month -- we are going to be doubly sure before we attempt to confirm or deny anything."

    Two months ago there were reports in the Iraqi media that Masri had been wounded in a shootout with Iraqi soldiers, but these later proved false.

    Masri's name -- which means Egyptian -- came to world attention in June 2006 when the US military claimed that he had taken over control of Al-Qaeda in Iraq after his predecessor Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was slain in a US air strike.

    The US State Department's Rewards for Justice programme as put a one million dollar bounty on Masri's head.

    Insurgent websites referred to the new Al-Qaeda leader as Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, but US spokesman Major General William Caldwell said at the time that both names refer to the same person.

    Since Zarqawi's death, devastating car bombs aimed at Iraq's Shiite population, the hallmark of Al-Qaeda's attacks, have continued unabated, despite recent US-led effort to restore stability to Baghdad.

    In February, Operation Fardh al-Qanun (Imposing Law) swamped the capital with thousands of extra US and Iraqi troops, which US officials say has cut the sectarian killings by Shiite death squads by two thirds.

    But bombings continue unabated and, if confirmed, Masri's death would be a rare piece of good news for the Iraqi government and its US allies.

    The claim was made on the fourth anniversary of US President George W. Bush's famous speech on an aircraft carrier in front of a banner reading "Mission Accomplished" in which he announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq.

    Bush is now locked in a battle with a Democratic Congress that is seeking to withdraw US troops from Iraq.

    On Tuesday, gunmen south of Baghdad ambushed a civilian bus, riddling it with bullets, killing 11 passengers, including women and children, in a region known for its sectarian tensions.

    Police in Baghdad also reported finding 27 corpses overnight, in a sign that the city's sectarian death squads have not yet been defeated.

    Nevertheless, the death toll among Iraqis was down in April, according to government figures, with only 1,689 deaths, nearly 20 percent less than in March, due to the drop in sectarian killings.

    Another four people were killed when a salvo of mortar rounds rained down on Latifiyah, a town 40 kilometres (25 miles) south of the capital, not far from Iskandiriyah.

    Another civilian was killed when a roadside bomb was triggered by an Iraqi army patrol in the same area.

    photo at linky.... | Agence France-Presse, a global news agency
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