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  1. #621
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    Kurds laying the foundation for a strong lobby in Washington to make it an ally
    (Voice of Iraq) - 24-04-2007

    Try two Kurdish Co founding pressure group or "lobby" in the heart of the American capital, with the aim of promoting the mega investment projects in the three northern governorates, and to ensure that Washington remains a strong link to the Kurds of Iraq.

    And an article for the Washington Post newspaper in its edition of Monday, Qubad Talabani, son of Iraqi President, who is leading a campaign crowd of Kurdish lobby in Washington, armed with fluent English language, and the influence of his father, political and community Kurdish estimated 40 thousand people residing in the United States.

    Qubad says that the Kurds want strong links with the American administration, regardless of which party controlled the White House, along the lines of what do Taiwan and Israel.

    Began a publicity campaign this lobby broadcast spots in the television stations show American children are waving their hands of soldiers or Americans, men and women dancing rings Kurdish.

    The Kurds insist on the promotion of the region as a safe haven for foreign investment using the services of Eyal Frank, the former staff member in Congress, and advisor to the Israeli embassy in Washington, in an attempt to induce the Foreign Ministry to remove the Kurdistan region of wave warning for Americans not to visit Iraq as an unsafe place.

    He adds that there Qubad mistaken belief in some circles that American foreign assistance Kurds necessarily mean damage to Arabs, pointing out that the Ministry of Trade and different point of view says that the promotion of stability in one of Iraq does not mean damage in other areas.

    With external received a memo on the 13 of last month confirm that nothing has changed in Iraq, it is still a very serious, the Kabad insists that "closes the door in your face can enter from the nets", and is now planning to mobilize prominent members of Congress, businessmen and gangs to submit a petition to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the American exception of the Kurdistan list of these places unsafe. - صوت العراق

  2. #622
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    Mahmoud Othman : cabinet reshuffle after the return of al-Maliki and
    (Voice of Iraq) - 24-04-2007

    Mahmoud Othman : cabinet reshuffle after the return Maliki not share Kurdish bloc bags Chest
    Baghdad (April 24) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A leading figure in the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman, that the "cabinet reshuffle expected in the Iraqi government following the withdrawal of the ministers will be announced bloc chest Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, following his return from his Arab tour current, and the Kurdistan Alliance has no share in those ministries though he has earned the portfolios commensurate with the weight and the percentage of votes obtained in parliamentary elections. " Osman, in a telephone conversation with the agency (Lucky) Italian News, Tuesday, said that "there are certain names for nomination, but certainly the blanks filled in by the independent members of the Shiite bloc, the United Iraqi Alliance, and probably will be a number of independent on the amendment next 6 new ministers."

    He added : "Anyway, the ministers bloc chest poorly efficiency despite the fact that their ministries were service, and expect to be the next candidates to fill those voids owners competencies and expertise in order to strengthen the government's performance." Regarding the effects of withdrawal from the bloc Chest ministry on the political balances within the parliament, he said the Kurdish leadership "from the political coalition bloc will remain unchanged, and suspended members can block attacks inside the Parliament criticized the practice of the government in full freedom."

    His "I think if there were political reasons for the withdrawal of mass chest from the government and withdraw their support, the latter will face many problems." The leadership in Kurdistan Alliance to amend the electoral law currently in force, saying "I think it is now time for the Kurdish leadership to demand to amend the electoral law in order not to lose other votes in the coming elections, as happened in the past, happened in the last elections, the Kurdistan Alliance is equivalent to a half of the votes of the Iraqi Coalition Bloc which got 130 parliamentary seats, or was supposed to get 66 seats on the alliance, but allocated only 53 seats, under the election law should have been on the coalition to obtain 50 thousand to win a single seat in the number of 39 thousand Iraqi Alliance. " - صوت العراق

  3. #623
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    Default Mismanaging Iraq: Stealing From the Poor and Giving to the Rich

    Mismanaging Iraq: Stealing From the Poor and Giving to the Rich
    Ramzy Baroud, English. Locating Dartmouth House, where Hans von Sponeck, former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq was scheduled to speak in London on April 18, was a challenge.

    Yet the moment I slipped quietly into the lecture hall, getting lost for an hour in the ever confusing and yet expanding city of London was the least of my concerns. His statements were shocking as were his many statistics: Iraq was simply and shamelessly robbed blind during the US-led UN sanctions. Sadly, the robbery and mismanagement continue until this day, but this time the figures are much more staggering.

    As von Sponeck spoke, I reflected on my lengthy interview with Iraq’s former ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Mohammed Al-Duri. Al Duri, being interviewed for the first time by English speaking media since claiming his post at the UN, revealed to me in early 2001, in equally shocking details, what sanctions had done to his country and people.

    He claimed that the UN was part of the problem. Led by two countries, the US and Britain, the UN Oil for Food Program and the “humanitarian” mission it established in Iraq was, he said, robbing the country blind and mismanaging funds, with needy Iraqi families receiving next to nothing.

    He spoke of the manipulation of Iraq’s wealth for political purposes and alleged that the UN was a tool in the hands of the United States government aimed at encouraging widespread popular disatisfaction with Saddam’s government before the country was dragged off to war.

    In hindsight, Al-Duri’s assessment was very accurate. Promoting his new book: “A Different Kind of War,” von Sponeck reiterated in essence and substance Al-Duri’s claims; the only difference is that von Sponeck was an insider; his numbers and stories were impeccable and could hardly be contested.

    It’s no wonder that one and a half years after assuming his post in Baghdad in 1998, he resigned. Even at such uncongenial bureaucracy like the UN, some people still possess a living conscience; von Sponeck was and remains a man of great qualities.

    By March 2003, when Iraq was invaded by American forces, the UN was generating $64 billion in sales of Iraqi oil, according to von Sponeck. But, scandalously, only $28 billion reached the Iraqi people.

    Around 70 percent of the Iraqi people benefited from the program.

    If distributed evenly, each Iraqi received half a US dollar per day.

    According to UN figures, an individual living under one dollar per day is classified as living in “abject poverty”.

    Even during the most destructive phases of war with Iran, Iraq has managed to provide relatively high living standards. Its hospitals were neither dilapidated, nor did its oil industry lie in ruins.

    Only after the UN sanctions in 1991 did the Iraqis suffer at such an appalling magnitude. Alas, the tyranny of Saddam expanded to become the tyranny of the international community as well.

    “Neither the welfare of the Iraqi people nor the sovereignty of the Iraqis was respected,” by the UN and its two main benefactors, asserted von Sponeck. The UN Security Council’s “elected 10 or veto-wielding five” had nothing for Iraq but “empty words,” but there were “deliberate efforts to make life uncomfortable (for the Iraqis) through the Oil for Food program.”

    All efforts to modernize Iraq’s oil industry were blocked, said von Sponeck, all at the behest of “two governments that blocked all sorts of items,” which could’ve made that possible: Again, the United States and Britain, coincidently the same two countries that invaded and currently occupy Iraq. The logic in all of this is clear; the “preemptive” war on Iraq was factored into the sanctions from its early days.

    The assessments of Al-Duri and von Sponeck converge, revealing the disagreeable intents of the US government and its followers many years before the horror of 9/11 polarized public opinion and allowed Washington’s political elites, the neoconservatives and contractors to make their case for war.

    But where did the money go, during the sanctions and now, four years after the invasion?

    Von Sponeck reported that a large chunk of the money generated from Iraq’s oil, 55 percent, went to fund the UN’s own inadequate “humanitarian” programs.

    Much of the rest was taken by the UN compensation commission, entrusted in handling claims of damages made by those allegedly harmed by the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

    According to von Sponeck, the Iraqi oil pie was so large, there was plenty for everyone: Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, and all the rest.

    But most ironically, the commission awarded a large sum of money to two Israeli kibbutzim in the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights, for allegedly losing some of their income due to the fact that the war damaged the tourism industry in Israel.

    The robbery in Iraq hardly discontinued after the “liberation.”

    To the contrary, it intensified beyond belief.

    The US Government Accountability Office uncovered awesome discrepancies in the US military administration’s handling of the money: Billions went missing, hundreds of contractors fully compensated but whose work was never accounted for, layers upon layers of shady companies, contractors and sub-contractors (of which Halliburton and its subsidiary firm Kellogg, Brown & Root are just a mere illustration), in partnership with the new rulers of Iraq, are stealing the wealth of the once prosperous nation, leaving it in shambles.

    And now, the Iraqis are facing enormous pressure to approve the new Iraqi oil and gas law.

    The draft bill, according to Iraqi MP Nur Al-Din Al-Hayyali, would give “50 percent of the Iraqi people’s oil wealth to foreign investing oil firms.”

    The nationalization of the country’s oil industry in 1972 is being reversed. The robbery that began in the early 1990s continues unabated.

    Shameful as it is, Iraq’s new rulers are stealing from the poor and giving the spoils to the rich.

  4. #624
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    Default too far is 2$USD?

    Quote Originally Posted by funwit View Post
    Garthstar, I think you have gone TOO FAR!.
    ha ha. thats what i was born to do.

    im sure conservative people said the same of jimi hendrix!!!

  5. #625
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    Prince and the Crown Prince and Nasser Muhammad gave Maliki
    (Voice of Iraq) - 25-04-2007

    Prince and the Crown Prince and Nasser Muhammad gave Iraqi Prime Minister
    Al-Maliki editors : the nation will be in toppling Pkhila debt
    His Highness the Emir met at Bayan Palace yesterday in the presence of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad, His Highness the Prime Minister Nasser Al-Mohammad Nouri al-Maliki accompanied Prime Minister and the delegation accompanying him on the occasion of his visit to the country.

    It was during the meeting exchanged friendly greetings, which reflect the depth of brotherly relations between the two brotherly countries, also discussed ways to strengthen relations between the State of Kuwait and the Republic of Iraq in all areas sister.

    The meeting was attended by Chief of Mission of Honor accompanying the governor of the capital, Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmed and a number of senior officials in the State.

    Then holding the Prime Minister's meeting held talks with Al-Maliki, on the Kuwaiti side was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior and Minister of Defense Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammad Al-Sabah, Minister of Finance Badr Al-Humaidi and Director of National Security Apparatus Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahd and Sheikh Ali Al-Jaber and advisers in the Diwan of His Highness the Prime Minister, Sheikh Salem Al-Shatti, Ismail, the head of the citizen service and performance evaluation governmental bodies Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Mosque.

    Also attending the talks agent Diwan Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Khalid, the adoption director general of the Kuwaiti Fund for Arab Economic Development Abdel Wahab Al-Bader, the Solicitor General in the office of His Highness the Prime Minister, Sheikh Fahd Jaber Mubarak.

    An official source said the talks between the two sides permeated by a spirit of cordiality and frankness Turning to the overall themes of common interest and bilateral relations in various fields between the two brotherly countries.
    In his meeting with chief editors of daily newspapers after he arrived in Kuwait yesterday, Iraqi Prime Minister talked about the situation in Iraq, and the challenges facing it, and the conditions that prevail territory.

    Maliki began by saying that Iraq is passing through a lot of challenges, mostly behind the ousted regime, which the Iraqi people pay the price now, pointing out that the careless political and uncalculated adventures undertaken by the regime of Saddam took trouble to Iraq and its people.

    One of the most notable of those adventures aggression against neighboring countries, and especially for him sister's invasion of Kuwait, and the consequent invasion of tragedies and heinous practices against the fraternal people, and thus be controlled by the world when Juggernaut Igber and deviant values, and not against its people, brothers, brothers and the world a lot of problems.
    Maliki added : Madaraltarej plagued the United oppressors without let or hindrance, citing the example of this, Hitler, Mussolini and at the side of Saddam Hussein.

    The Stability Pact
    He said : that we in the new Iraq are trying to create an era of stability and calm, extending bridges relationship with the brothers and neighbors and the entire international community, and we seek to erase the effects of all the bad adventures of the former regime, and we are making intensive efforts to heal the wounds and rifts caused by the, which hit the body of the Arab nation, and the texture of Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations in particular.

    He added : that the Kuwaiti-Iraqi relations were previously known only every harmony, and intermarriage between tribes and clans in the two brotherly peoples, the friendly relations and love.

    His : Following the demise of the former regime managed through short time to rebuild Iraq slowly rehabilitating infrastructure, and consolidate political stability, and achieved this election free and democratic foundations of multilateralism and the principles of the Constitution, stressing that the Iraqi government are the first was from the outset to be Iraq's new constitution governs, and it is based standards, although administered by the national government.

    He pointed out that the Constitution is subject to review and amendment as required by circumstances and developments.
    He said we have to consolidate democracy in Parliament, and an absolute powers to run the country's affairs, for the first time allowing for Iraqi citizen, he says, and this process needs to deepen and streamline the process of democracy, but we have come a long way on the road to freedom the help of allies and friends and brothers assistance.

    The Maliki talking about the security aspect, he said that you are aware of what is happening in Iraq disruptions and unrest, because what the terrorists aim destabilization and chaos, pointing out that the hands of Al-Qaida members involved in the sabotage of Iraq.

    He added : There have been heinous crimes was meant to foment sedition and communal strife, such as the bombing of a cafe Samarra, and actually succeeded in bringing about the reaction of sectarian infatuated with the country slip into a devastating civil war and the wisdom of the Iraqis, whose solidity and awareness of the seriousness of the situation.

    His Maliki : able in a short time to consolidate popular cohesion, and control the things to bury any dissension, and now we no longer have the fear of discord among the Iraqi people, but we are suspicious moves by the two leading personalities involved in terrorism, the first Al Qaeda that allowed bloodletting, and Kafr Shiites, and the year who involved in the peace process as apostates, a deviant ideas destabilize and undermine the security of innocent people, stressing that many of the blood spilled at the hands of terrorists, in the town of Ramadi, killing only 225 imams and preachers, and then issued a fatwa to kill all involved in the Iraq reconstruction and nation-building engineers, doctors, teachers and others, and this I mean, they ruled on all the Iraqi people kill.

    He added that the second category is the remnants of the Baath Party, who are also involved in terrorism, in addition to the remnants of Saddam's regime, they do not differentiate between Sunnis and Shiites in the murder, who kill simply to add new numbers of dead, but simply foment discord and foment Iraq, and still cherished dreams of the imagination to return some of the provision, Valhaked rooted in the hearts of Baathists, and their only subversion and destabilization.

    Maliki expressed regret for the continuation of the series of bloody saying : that the terrorists aim to undermine all mobile and static in Iraq despite what happened those divisions and problems with the general people by the crimes they committed.

    He wondered : How beating Drudge rights to the summit live on the streets? How vigilante attack hospitals and schools?
    He confirmed that the weapons and their means of killing permissible for them, as they were permissible days of Saddam's regime, as it was impossible that the blood and kill innocent people, they swarm brothers Invades the sinners, and some of these remnants of the former officers and have the weapons and explosives, but we lookout for them, and now the Iraqis will they unite in the way more than wonderful,

    You can see what is going on now in Al Anbar and Salahaddin, north of Baghdad, Mosul and the concerted efforts of citizens and security forces, and the cooperation of everyone in the detection of the remnants of the terrorists, and now also falling lairs thanks to cooperation initiatives by the clan, leaving only a few who think the mentality of Saddam Hussein.
    He has formed groups of scientists Sunnis and the Shiites in order to nip the sectarian sedition and consolidate popular cohesion.

    He explained that this has coincided with the security efforts of the raid centers of manufacturing explosives and Altevkhikh and arrest the terrorists, which is open battle with the saboteurs who were barricaded in entire regions, who previously declared that Iraq is an Islamic Emirate, which means that its operations out of 'jihad' and so disturbing allegations of laughter.

    Maliki denounced media focus on the negative side in Iraq and to highlight the killings and bombings without highlighting the construction and reconstruction, we have good political work, and viewpoints interact, and visions for the reconstruction of the country, and these are the pillars of democracy universally recognized.

    He said : We draw our attention of the international community, even wondered how many people leave the country from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein to achieve what he achieved in a short time, the actual television discussing issues great freedom, which was not never happened in the former regime.

    He said that the achievements of the partnership in the government of national unity in which all the sects of the people, and successful elections free and fair, based on democracy, yes, there is talk of claiming a personal, and we say that we are against it, but the first step is a must, and the political process stable, but now there are steps to dismantle those quotas to go towards professionalism and efficiency in all business away from factional or partisan.

    He added : We also have future plans to rebuild Iraq, after we found broken in all its aspects, has been parked all state institutions, and factories destroyed, in addition to service institutions and oil derivatives.
    He pointed out that the manpower drain and Iraq is capable of rebuilding and reconstruction despite Migration many of them.

    Maliki talked about aspects of investment in Iraq.
    Replying to a question about the discussion with the Kuwaiti government on compensation, and the debt owed by Iraq after the overthrow of the Saudi high percentage of them, said : Kuwait is less generous on Saudi Arabia, which wants to provide for the Iraqi people creed fits the reality painful, yes, I talked with His Highness the Crown Prince and Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammad, and the response was good in this regard, but we are also told that the Kuwait state of institutions and the Parliament must be.

    This topic was presented to representatives of the nation, but in general the atmosphere positive and I do not think that the nation will stand in the face of dropping the debt did not learn anything from the Iraqi people, but debt expenses of adventures started the regime of Saddam regime, in the maze of policy treachery, a huge debt and the consequences of the great Iraqi people, and not no doubt the Kuwaiti government and people sympathize with Iraq, and the Kuwaiti Parliament will reign in the past to support their Iraqi brethren.

    And about the size of the debt, which is expected to topple said that the Paris Club to reduce 80% of the total debt on Iraq, and some States committed to this figure, while other states dropped the entire debt is sympathizing with Iraq, and we call on all our brothers to follow the example of other countries with us. As for damages, some people really see issued by the international resolution from the United Nations, an issue which needed further dialogue, but I feel for the position after Kuwaiti reputation talk Highness Prince and senior officials who our enemy better.

    Arabism of Iraq
    Is the recent tour in Arab countries, especially Egypt sister came after rumors in some media that Iraq tends away from the Arab reunion and follow a certain policy in this matter? Do your part to the return of Iraqi policy to engage middle sister States?

    Maliki said : it saddened to hear that Iraq distance himself from the Arabs and I pledged previously, and I still do pledge that Iraq is an Arab country and the Arab world will remain and will remain in its Arab fold, and I am assuming the first two rounds of the responsibility to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt and the UAE such as rounds of the current Iraqi people part of the Arab nation, despite Kjelh history of the Saddam regime, which has left Arab state not harm them, Iraq will bear the responsibility as part of the Arab countries, but a new Iraq based on democracy and good relations.

    In response to another question about the reason for not abandon the Iraqi government on the system of quotas as demanded trend Sadri said Maliki Let us be realistic What happened to the division can pass quickly, Valmahasseh now unnecessary under these circumstances, we hear from elected representatives say the quotas on the basis of lumps, I assure all that we formed a government of national partnership, but Iraq does not stabilize the majority must be the participation of all communities.

    We must give the prime minister greater powers has been a good step Sadri trend and will be followed by steps, but the considerable work necessary to make it a success carefully, and we respect the Shiites and Sunnis, Turkomen and Christians and all people, the government is a government of all Iraqis.

    The martyrs and POWs
    Maliki recalled what happened crimes of the former regime against Kuwaiti martyrs who fell them, or unseen, many of whom had hoped for a happy ending prisoners, and said that this is one of the tribulations of Kuwait has paid the price.

    Kuwaiti role
    Maliki praised the efforts of the Arab countries which stood by Iraq to get rid of the dictatorship, also praised the positions of international and multinational companies, which supported the Iraqis in the face of the gravest Juggernaut in the region.
    His oldest special thanks to sisterly Kuwait, which bore a heavy burden in order to free the Iraqi people from the tyrant and allowed cooperation with the international forces to topple Saddam Hussein, dead - and-buried.
    Kuwaiti Al-Qabas - صوت العراق

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    Hello, it's me again, can you believe it people?

    I'm back after almost two months, I mean I'm back to posting, I didn't get back to Baghdad, anyways, as we all know and see on TV, some stuff in Baghdad are getting better in somehow, but the funny thing is when you talk to anyone live in Baghdad he'll tell you everything is same old shit, nothing is changing, the security is bad like it was before 3 months, the electricity even worse comes just for 2 hours a day, one hour in the morning and one hour at night, who needs electricity anyway, we are just in the 21 century, people still can live like cave men, you know its kind of an adventure for the people whole live in Baghdad.

    I think the security and peace and all this kind of stuff will back to Baghdad in umm let's say 3 years, I don't know, that's what I think, because there's more troops are coming to Baghdad, and that must help in someway, and the prime minister is doing a good job too, first he's not supporting the militia right now, second he's doing some tours in Baghdad's streets, and I'm not sure he's this much a hero to go out of the Green Zone if he wasn't 100% sure that the streets are kind of safer. because he would never do such a thing like this last year, so its kind of a clue that's stuff are getting better, but it's getting better just like a turtle, you know it's getting better so damn slow.

    About me, I'm not so much better than Baghdad, yes, I'm away from Baghdad and away from any kind of explosions but I'm still going threw the same hell I was going threw in Baghdad, and even worse, let me tell you why it's worse, we live in an apartment as large as the guests room in the our house back in Baghdad, I don't really have a problem with the apartment size if I was live alone or with like other guys, or with 2 or 3 people from my family, but I've been sleeping over a coach since 3 months, of course the coach is in semi-individual room, I was kind of living alone in Baghdad, I know, I was living with the same people, but I wasn't see them as much as I do now, I see them 24/7, and hearing talking 24/7, and they are talking to me 24/7, even that I'm sleeping during the day because I'm trying to avoid having conversations with them, but it's still something driving me crazy and suffocating me, since I was a kid I always had this dream that when I'll be 18 I'll just take my cloths and leave the house and go to some other country, to start a whole new a life, and I still have this dream, and I'm suppose to live in the dream during these days, but I'm not, and I still live with my family that's controlling my life, they just don't give me any space, each time I wanted to get a job they were just like you are still young why you want to work, and I'll be 20 years old next month and I still live with them, I don't even know what I'm talking about right now...

    I'm still suppose to go to UK, you know my brother got something for me to get me there, but he was suppose to get me there in December 2006, even before he was suppose to get me there on august 2006, but since august till this day all he's saying: Just wait man, next month you'll be in UK, just wait, why you are being pain in the ***.

    I don't know what he really mean about being pain in the ***, I guess he should remember how much he was pain in the ass before he went to UK. so now I have other plans for me, you know, if my brother going to do something for me soon it will be OK, but I guess I shouldn't count on him and I should try to do something by myself since I'm almost 20, so I applied for the UN, you know this refugee thing, and I'm sure this wont help me at all, because at least 500,000 Iraqis applied for the UN too, and they just want 20,000 now, so I don't think that they going to pick me I'm not that much lucky, so the other thing I'm trying to do is going to the UAE, and its not so easy to go there, but you know its easier than the other places the only thing I need is to get a job so that's what I'm doing now, and hopefully I'll get there sometime soon.

    I guess I better shut up and leave, because I didn't talk about anything good here, but you know people I'm so close to kill myself, but I just wanted to post something so, anyone reads my blog will know that I'm still alive, so you know now that I'm alive. and in the end I just want to say THANKS to my girl for being there for me and listening to me whining all the time even that she's miles away from me, and I'm trying to do my best to talk with her almost everyday, I love you sweetie .


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    The Iraqi Accord Front : oil law is not in conformity with the Constitution
    Baghdad Haidar Najm : described the Iraqi Accord Front third largest bloc in the House of Representatives (Parliament), the Iraqi oil and gas project new hope to put to the parliament soon, as one of the solutions fragile and non-binding for the provinces and federal governments as well as being legally not compatible with Iraqi constitution.

    وقالت الجبهة في بيان لها تلقت «الشرق الأوسط» نسخة منه امس «ان مشروع قانون النفط الجديد أثير الكثير من الجدل والاهتمام حوله سواء داخل العراق او خارجه، ونحن في جبهة التوافق آثرنا عدم التسرع في ابداء الرأي الاخير لكي تتاح لنا الفرصة الكافية للاستماع إلى آراء الخبراء العراقيين والأجانب حوله، واليوم نحدد موقفنا منه وفق عاملين».

    She Front in a statement received «Middle East» copy yesterday «that the new oil bill raised a lot of controversy and interest around either inside or outside Iraq, and we in the Accord Front chose not to be hasty in their opinion the latter so that we have an adequate opportunity to hear the views of experts Iraqis and foreigners around, Today determine our position according to which workers ».

    الشرق الاوسط

    Middle East
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 25-04-2007 at 07:51 AM.

  8. #628
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    Despite denials lead in Accord Front

    (صوت العراق) - 25-04-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 25-04-2007

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    العليان: الإعلان عن كتلة برلمانيـة جديـدة قبـــل مؤتمــر شــرم الشـــيخ
    Alyan : announcement of the new parliamentary bloc before the Sharm El-Sheikh

    بغداد-متابعة الصباح
    Baghdad-up morning

    ألمحت بعض المصادر السياسية الى احتمال اجراء تغييرات في الخارطة البرلمانية قبل مؤتمر شرم الشيخ بداية الشهر المقبل.
    Some sources hinted at the possibility of political changes in the parliamentary map before the Sharm El-Sheikh early next month.

    ونسبت وسائل اعلام للشيخ خلف العليان النائب عن جبهة التوافق قوله: ان التفاهمات السياسية لاعلان كتلة برلمانية (عابرة للطوائف) انتهت الى الاتفاق على برنامج موحد سيتم اعلانه قبيل مؤتمر شرم الشيخ.واضاف العليان ان كتلا مثل العراقية والتوافق والحوار والمصالحة والتحرير وقعت اعلان التكتل السياسي الجديد، وان احزاباً مثل الفضيلة والاتحاد الاسلامي الكردستاني ستكون مساندة للكتلة الجديدة وربما تعلن انضمامها اليها حال اعلانها.
    The media quoted Sheikh Khalaf Alyan deputy Accord Front as saying : The political understandings of the Declaration of the parliamentary bloc (across communities) had to agree on a unified program will be announced as the Sharm El-Sheikh conference. He added that Alyan clumps as Iraqi and consensus, dialogue and reconciliation, liberation and signed the Declaration of the new political bloc, and Virtue parties such as the Islamic Union of Kurdistan, will be in support of the new bloc, and perhaps declare accession event announced.

    وكان قيادي في جبهة التوافق عن الحزب الاسلامي نفى وجود مثل هكذا اتفاق، قائلا: ان كل هذه الامور مجرد طروحات وافكار مازالت حبرا على ورق.
    The Accord Front leadership in the Islamic Party, denied the existence of such an agreement Thus, says : "All these things simply thoughts and ideas are still ink on paper.

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  9. #629
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    KUNA : Maliki hopes to write off Iraq's debts Kuwait

    (صوت العراق) - 25-04-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 25-04-2007

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    الكويت (رويترز) - قالت وكالة الانباء الكويتية الرسمية (كونا) يوم الثلاثاء ان رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي عبر عن أمله في أن تلغي الكويت الديون التي اقرضتها للعراق في عهد صدام حسين.
    KUWAIT (Reuters) - said the official Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) on Tuesday that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki expressed hope that Kuwait cancel debt borrowed to Iraq in the era of Saddam Hussein.

    وذكرت كونا ان المالكي قال بعد محادثات مع مسؤولين كويتيين انه يأمل أن البرلمان الكويتي لن "يقف عند حدود ديون لم يستفد منها الشعب العراقي شيئا."
    KUNA reported that al-Maliki said after talks with Kuwaiti officials hoped that the Kuwaiti Parliament would "stop at the limits of the debt has not benefited from the Iraqi people something."

    واضاف قائلا "نحن نعلم بأن الكويت دولة مؤسسات وهناك حاجة تشريعية لاسقاط الديون الكويتية عن العراق لهذا الأمر."
    He added : "We know that Kuwait is a state of institutions and there is a need for legislative Kuwaiti debt forgiveness for Iraq to this matter."

    وتقدر ديون العراق للكويت بما يتراوح بين 15 مليار الي 16 مليار دولار.
    The estimated Iraq's debt to Kuwait at between 15 billion to 16 billion dollars.

    وقالت السعودية الاسبوع الماضي انها قررت الغاء 80 في المئة من أكثر من 15 مليار دولار يدين بها العراق لها.
    Saudi officials said last week they had decided to cancel 80% of the more than $ 15 billion owed by Iraq to it.

    وتحث الولايات المتحدة دائني العراق على أن يحذوا حذو واشنطن في شطب ديون العراق المستحقة لهم في اطار الجهود الهادفة الى مساعدة البلاد على اعادة الاعمار بعد ان اطيح بصدام حسين في غزو قادته الولايات المتحدة في عام 2003.
    The United States urges Iraq's creditors to follow the example of Washington in Iraq to write off the debt owed to them in the framework of the efforts to assist the country in reconstruction after Saddam Hussein was ousted in the United States-led invasion in 2003.

    وقال برلمانيون كويتون ان جارهم وهو من مصدري النفط يجب ان يدفع ديونه.
    MPs Kuitun said that a neighbor of oil exporters must pay its debts.
    والبلدان عضوان في منظمة الدول المصدرة للنفط (اوبك).
    The countries members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

    وغزا العراق الكويت اثناء حكم صدام حسين في عام 1990 واحتلها سبعة اشهر.
    Iraq invaded Kuwait and during the rule of Saddam Hussein in 1990 and occupied seven months.

    واجرى المالكي الذي يزور الكويت لمدة يومين محادثات مع الشيخ صباح الاحمد الصباح أمير الكويت ورئيس الوزراء الشيخ ناصر محمد الاحمد الصباح.
    The Al-Maliki, who is visiting Kuwait two days of talks with Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, Amir of Kuwait, Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Mohammed Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    I would also add that if you think we are the only ones watching this, giddy with each positive news article and deflated with each delay, think again. Think about the businessmen poised to make a killing on reconstruction of all imaginable kinds...infrastructure, housing, services--hospitals, schools, etc. Next we have businessmen looking to do the ol' inport/export thing. Last and certainly not least we have OIL. BIG OIL. We're hearing a lot about Oil, but the picture is so much bigger than that. And we all know that BIG OIL is ready to get started....

    I imagine there are a lot of very busy, very important people who collectively smack their palms to their foreheads and say "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" with each delay. So there are many eyes on this, many people putting pressure on the decision makers.

    I'm thinking that there are many people who are counting up the cost of these delays and saying Enough is Enough!!

    Cheers! Tracy
    tracy, i saw a veteran correspondent talking about spending 3 years in iraq and he said the reporters would all say 'you cant make this stuff up' about everything that happened there. its just as crazy for the reporters who are reporting it as it is for the ones who are reading it obviously. it was the same phrase i used when describing things that had happened in iraq to colleagues.

    good thing i was insane before i started this venture or i would be in serious trouble right about now!!!
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 25-04-2007 at 08:11 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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