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  1. #141
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    The International Initiative envisages the needs of Iraq in 10 years
    (Voice of Iraq) - 21-04-2007

    Declares May 3 in neighboring countries before the meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh
    Cairo : «Middle East»

    Arab diplomatic sources in Cairo yesterday that the document which will be launched «initiative of the International Covenant Iraq» on May 3 (May) resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, contains an integrated plan to overcome the serious challenges facing Iraq «including helped him to achieve his vision of national».

    Participate in the launch «initiative of the International Covenant of Iraq», about 50 countries and several international organizations and international and regional bodies and that the presence of so Mon Secretary General of the United Nations. The outline of «document» Senior officials of the concerned bodies stability of the situation in Iraq over the past few weeks at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, a partnership aimed at the international community and with multilateral organizations to help Iraq achieve stability and economic integration with the region and the world over the coming years.

    The sources said that the document «political, security, social and economic achievement of national goals for Iraq», as well as «financial prospects of the Iraqi state, including the major investment needs during the next ten years, as well as perceptions of the mechanisms, procedures and implementation steps, and the role of the Iraqi government, the international community and its obligations» to the proposed document.

    And the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on 4 also from next month for further meetings expanded to the neighboring countries of Iraq, involving the five permanent members of the Security Council, and the G8 Africa.

    The complexity of the neighboring countries of Iraq and Egypt and the five permanent members of the Security Council, and the G8 Africa, a meeting the following day of the month, to discuss how to achieve stability in the Iraqi state and protection of division and violence. - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

  2. #142
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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    New Findings Peg Iraq's Oil Reserves At 200 billion Barrels
    AHN - [21/04/2007]

    Iraq may have untapped oil reserves of over 100 billion barrels on top of a known reserve base of 116 billion barrels, making Iraq the world's potential top oil producer, says an IHS Inc. report. According to IHS's rankings, Iraq ranks third in known oil reserves, behind Saudi Arabia and Iran.

    The consulting firm in a comprehensive report released Wednesday said the untapped oil reserves mainly lie in the western part of the country.

    Describing the oil reserves a "gold star opportunity," president and chief operating officer of IHS Ron Mobed told reporters the security situations need to improve drastically to let the country exploit the potential. "Obviously the security side is a big question," Mobed remarked.

    According to the IHS report Iraq's two main oilfields, at Kirkuk in the north of the country and Rumaila in the south, were operating below capacity due to damage caused by the war and previous sanction regimes.

    Iraqi's highest oil production was in 1979 at an average of 3 million barrels a day. The country could not realize its target of pumping 3.5 million barrels a day set back in mid-2006. So now the daily output stands at two million barrels per day, down from three million barrels in early 2003. "It could rise to four million barrels by 2012 if the conflict subsides and new investments in oil infrastructure are made," the IHS report said. It also said the output could be raised to six million barrels in the future.

    IHS said its experts conducted a field-by-field analysis of Iraqi oil prospects and the finding would be released next month in full detail.

    All of a sudden the truth of the oil reserves are leaking out after years the insiders knew and were keeping it quiet, especially during Saddam's rule. Just goes to show you how little we really know about oil and gas in Iraq given only 10% has even been explored for oil. the reserves will likely triple in the next couple years from what I hear. All good for the dinar and us, so hang in there all you dinarholics. (g)

    Good luck and health to all, Mike

  3. #143
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Default thank you

    alot of great news being posted, thanks everyone!!!
    we seem to be seeing alot of leaks, Iraq seems to be opening up their doors more and information is being released... I sure hope all goes well and we stay on track wit the dates that NENO posted and info..



  4. #144
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    Dana Gas, Kurdish PSA plan
    Iraq: 3 hours, 5 minutes ago
    A contract between the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government and Sharjah's Dana Gas could become a production sharing agreement once the Iraqi oil law is passed, reported Reuters. The arrangement would not only be dependent on Iraq's parliament approving the law, but also if Dana Gas finds sufficient gas reserves in the region, according to Ashti Hawrami, the KRG's Minister of Natural Resources.

    Gert, there's always a backdoor.

  5. #145
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    every Iraqi citizen housing


    .The Cabinet decided to provide decent housing for every Iraqi citizen across new housing policy in general throughout the country. .The shape of the Council in its latest last week, a committee headed by advisor of the State Consultative Council and Edeuermozafin senior from the ministries of Municipalities and Public Works, Housing and Construction, Defense, Environment and Planning and Development Cooperation and the Secretariat of Baghdad.

    .He asked the Cabinet Committee lifting detailed recommendations in a maximum period of one month, and this represents the most significant action against government measures housing crisis worsen in Iraq because of the difficulty in obtaining houses or buildings. .According to the Ministry of Planning : that the need for Iraq to housing units of about seven million units.

    ولم.Neither could the Ministry of Housing and Construction to achieve progress in their compounds, which was announced in earlier times because of the security situation. .Notes citizens that the actions of the State to help them build houses is proceeding very slowly and said : The Land Bank is suffering from routine procedures, as well as the penetration of mediation and bribes. ".The housing crisis prompted thousands of Iraqis to housing on state land in the revival of unregulated and sometimes tin which became known as "Alhawwasm."
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #146
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    There is a global vision to see Iraq as a force for peace and economy

    ذو الفقار علي - 21/04/2007م - 11:30 ص | مرات القراءة: 41Zulfiqar Ali-21 / 04 / 2007-11:30 | times reading : 41


    قال .Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Satterfield that there is a universal desire to see Iraq as a force for peace and the economy in the region.

    ".He added Satterfield said in a press statement following his meeting with Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Egyptian foreign minister on the importance of the meetings of the Iraqi neighboring states with the many international and regional players in the economic framework of the initiative of the International Covenant. "

    ومن .For its part, sources close to the World Trade Organization that a meeting of the organization was to be held Friday in Geneva to discuss Iraq's accession to this organization has been postponed to a later date.

    .The sources added that no official reason was not put to justify the postponement. .Also did not specify a date for a new meeting.

    .Iraq has put an official candidate to enter the World Trade Organization in October 2004. .The meeting Friday will mark the beginning of negotiations for the accession of Iraq to the World Trade Organization.
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  7. #147
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    The Secretary-General said the United Nations Ban Ki Moon that will be launched formally with the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Sharm el-Sheikh 3 of the month in May next decade international initiative with Iraq. .He added that in his reply to a question by reporters on the sidelines of his visit to Switzerland to officially launch the initiative will be the culmination of preparations for the march, which began in the month of July last.

    ".He announced that the ministerial-level meeting will be held after the official launching of the initiative with neighboring countries and a number of world countries and went on to say : "I hope that the present events caused dominated prompted the Iraqi government to help achieve peace and security in the country, and I urge the Iraqi government to be launched in parallel with international support inclusive political process, to achieve reconciliation in Iraq and neighboring countries should be ready to assist in the success of this process."

    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #148
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Gates holds a threat to the government and the masses of parliamentary approval of the Baathists and Adoption Act of oil and gas until the end of the summer .. والا ؟ !!!Otherwise? !

    Knowledgeable sources said in the House that the visit of the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates of Baghdad, aimed at putting pressure on the government and the Maliki political blocs participating in the political process to move forward passage of the Oil and Gas Act, the amendment abolishing the Baath Party, which has been termed the law of accountability and reconciliation!
    .The sources voiced fears that American pressure to pass these laws, which it saw this as one of the most dangerous sources of laws on the present and future of Iraq. ة"They were surprised these sources of hurrying government spokesman Dr. Skinner denied pressure portable Gates in his visit to Baghdad in order to pass these laws, and said that Skinner "sell himself to the promotion of blatant lies in the time agreed American newspapers say Gates to carry message of pressure and threat to the government of Maliki and political blocs in the matter "
    " .The Western sources in Brussels commenting on the visit of the American Secretary of Defense for Baghdad "that Washington has an open and clear threat to the government of Maliki and political blocs participating in government that works for everyone passage of legislation amending the law abolishing the Baath Party and allowing the military and security leaders Baathists participate in the governance and the law of oil and gas it will allow companies Bastthmarhama will of the American and British companies priority in the award, according to these sources, Washington will in the event of non-confirmation of these laws show support for Maliki and the government will reinforce the political and security developments tend to the situation worse than it is a prelude to ground to pass a national government rescue or allowed to generals to control the situation in Baghdad, American support. "
    ،.This has urged Gates and publicly on his first visit to Iraq since the start of a campaign to impose security law Baghdad last February, officials at the retreat from the ban on former members of the Baath Party leadership positions in the government, and accepted a bill accountability and reconciliation, which began politicians and officials Shiite parties such as the Supreme Council and advocacy organizations, also promoted, in a step reveal Rezvkhahm to American pressure. .While opposed the Sadri movement for the unity and opposed by prominent religious leaders such as al-Sistani, reference and school-Shirazi and hospitality.
    ."He returned and repeated the American Defense Minister Mogolh American known which deposed predecessor Rumsfeld and Ambassador Zalmay, said in a press conference that "a constantly patrolling by our youth and our women in the streets of Iraq does not mean we continue to be endless."
    .Gates said : "Progress in achieving reconciliation, ie the re-Baath Party to power-an important element in our assessment of the role of government-Maliki - at the end of the summer," referring to the time frame they said American leaders they will assess the progress of ongoing security campaign in Baghdad for nine weeks and assess response to American demands Maliki the accelerated implementation of the so-called national reconciliation.
    ."When asked what would happen if the Iraqis had not decided to amend the legislation abolishing the Baath-by that time Gates said, "I think we will wait to see where this process would devolve end of the summer." !!!

    ."!!!Gates said in his meeting with al-Maliki, he expressed the hope "that the House begins summer vacation without approval of the laws relating to oil and uprooting the Baath and regional elections and other measures."!
    وقال.Gates said : that al-Maliki told him that the Iraqi parliament consisting of 275 seats, is an independent body.
    .The office of Maliki him as saying that the Prime Minister reiterated that the main problem experienced by Iraq is a political problem, not security

    ÛíÊÓ íÍãá ÊåÏíÏÇ ááÍßæãÉ æááßÊá ÇáäíÇÈíÉ ÈÇáãæÇÝÞÉ Úáì ÇÚÇÏÉ ÇáÈÚËííä æÇÞÑÇÑ ÞÇäæä ÇáäÝØ æÇáÛÇÒ ÍÊì äåÇíÉ ÇáÕíÝ .. æÇáÇ ¿ !!!
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  9. #149
    Senior Member stargate-sg13's Avatar
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    Default Need further translation

    Can anyone explain this article. The last few paragraphs talks of Article IV and meetings at the end of the month and more discussion later in May.

    If Article IV is about exchange rates then I don't see anything happening come May 3 at the ICI regarding an RV. My comprehension of these articles is very poor so some insight would be helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    Economic : Minister of Finance reviews the challenges of the economic situation in the country

    During his participation in the meeting of Governors of the World Bank

    Chaired Professor Baqir Jabr al-Zubaydi, Minister of Finance Iraqi delegation to attend a meeting of Governors of the World Bank held in Washington. The Minister of Finance speech at the beginning of the meeting in which he thanked the International Monetary Fund for hosting the Iraqi delegation, pointing out.

    Recent economic developments in Iraq, explaining the reasons for not implementing the budget to achieve ratios for 2006 which amounted to the highest implementation rates for the ministries of 50% due to the security situation which greatly impaired the Iraqi and foreign companies from entering into contracts or contracts processing, as well as a lack of flexibility and instructions to execute the contracts that The inherited from the former regime has released funds in the 2006 budget in the month of July of that same year, which means that ministries did not take enough time to implement their budgets and the lack of expertise and lack of moderation.

    Cadres capable of implementing projects thus leading to delays in the implementation of the Economic Commission chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Barham Ahmed Salih take measures to accelerate the implementation of the budget and encourage units expenditure on implementation why funds launched soon to ratify the 2007 budget at the end of the second month and that the budget of 2007 in the text of Article 14 that the ministries will implement 25% of their budgets until in July 2007 allocations will be transferred to other ministries capable of implementation has been held by the Ministry of Finance recently held a nine out of the service ministries and attended by 80% of the staff of the Ministry of Finance to discuss those ministries in the implementation of projects has surprised us by the Minister of Communications that he had carried out 90% of its budget for 2007.

    At the end of his speech Minister that the current financial year will be much better than the previous year's rate of implementation of the budget. The Minister of Finance on the subject of Iraqi debt extinguish that there are good signs from Saudi Arabia to discuss the Iraqi debt extinguishment stressing that the ratio of debt reduction to 80% instead of 100% is the percentage unacceptable to the Iraqis because these debt and spin on the phrase amounts to support a war with Iran, Saddam DISCORD a point and a very important point for us and the Iraqi citizen.

    He Sinan Shabibi governor of the Central Bank of Iraq one of the members of the Iraqi delegation that there are good developments such as the inflation rate, which is currently 23%, stressing that there is a difference in the level of interaction with debts of Iraq and asked the Iraqi Central Bank governor says that the International Monetary Fund to exempt Iraq from its debts subject matter Fund and encourage and help Iraq and the Fund to complete their programs in Iraq.

    The Chief of Staff Mr. Khan IMF optimism Fund of good economic policy in Iraq and here that Iraq's record of achievements, stressing the need to reduce inflation and economic implementation of the budget and raising rates, especially the implementation of the investment budget for the oil sector to increase production rates, pointing out that next September will Iraq the Convention (SBA) from September 2007 to December 2008 in order to enjoy exemptions provided by the Paris Club comes this Convention after the first agreement and the implementation of each of Iraq requires.

    The IMF suggested that there be a brief meeting in Amman end of this month and another meeting in mid-May to discuss Article IV of the Convention and the completion of the current program, promised the International Monetary Fund announced that the economic developments in Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh meeting, where support Iraq's economic confident steps despite all the challenges facing Iraqi and economic policy is working smoothly with the Fund reported that the World Bank.

    The meeting was attended by Sinan Shabibi governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and advisor to the Vice-President and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and advisor of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and senior officials from the International Monetary Fund.


  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by notazbad2000 View Post
    Did anyone happen to catch the program discussing all the man-made islands in Dubai? An amazing look at how they have built several islands off the coast and building commercial resorts and residential areas on islands that resemble a palm tree and the earth...etc. just a little side-bar because I always see Susie and others talking about it. Now I see why! of and by the way, thanks for all the great articles you all provide.
    I checked out one of the completed projects called "The Palm Jumeirah" about a year ago when the forum was all hyped up about the dinar r/v'ing at anytime, LOL!! It was cool until I looked on the map out over the body of water to the East and saw IRAN looming up on the horizon a few miles out. Too close to those whackos for me especially when Israel nukes their brains out. Now I am looking toward Portugal or maybe the Caribbean.

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