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  1. #141
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    Default Will the Iraq Conference Bring Peace?

    Will the Iraq Conference Bring Peace?
    In one week's time, regional and world powers will meet for the first time to discuss the Iraqi disaster. Patrick Seale offers a six point agenda.


    The international conference to be held in Baghdad next Saturday, 10 March, is a welcome first step towards curbing the horrendous violence in Iraq, which risks destabilising the whole region. It will provide an opportunity to judge whether the political will exists - inside and outside the country - to check the slide towards anarchy and partition and rebuild Iraq as a unitary state, able to take its rightful place in the Arab and regional system.

    Four bloody years after the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States and Britain - a criminal neo-colonial aggression by any standards - we are at the start of a healing process.

    The Baghdad conference will bring together Iraq’s neighbours as well as Egypt and other members of the Arab League and of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, as well as the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France.

    It was preceded a week earlier, on 4 March, by an important bilateral meeting in Riyadh between King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz of Saudi Arabia and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, signalling the determination of these two political heavyweights to take the destiny of the region in their own hands, rather than leave it to the interventions of external powers.

    The fact that representatives of Iran, Syria and the United States -probably at ambassador level - will be sitting at the same conference table in Baghdad is a sign that realism is beginning to prevail in Washington, after years of ideological blindness.

    No one should expect the road ahead to be easy. There are bound to be setbacks. A group like Al-Qaida - which hopes to acquire a base in Iraq from which to pursue its wider agenda - will certainly seek to sabotage the peace process. Others, too, may have unsatisfied ambitions and may wish to continue fighting. But the convening of the conference means that the world has at last woken up to the dangers of allowing Iraq to rot.

    In my view, there are at least six requirements for peace to take hold.

    1. First is a recognition by all Iraq’s neighbours that they have nothing to gain - and a good deal to lose - from further conflict. This will surely be one of the prime aims of the Baghdad conference and of the meetings which are expected to follow in the coming weeks, possibly at foreign minister level. As all these neighbours have different ambitions and different vital interests, agreement will not be easy.

    2. Equally necessary will be an agreement between the various factions and militias inside Iraq that the time has come to put away their guns. A lot will depend on whether a formula for power-sharing and revenue-sharing can be negotiated between Shi‘is, Sunnis and Kurds, and whether enough pressure can be brought to bear on these communities by Iraq’s neighbours and by outside powers to make an agreement stick. This, again, will not be an easy task. Some extremists may want to pursue the programme of ethnic cleansing, which has already begun but which is by no means complete. There are prize localities in Iraq which both Shi‘is and Sunnis would like to hold. Others may seek revenge for blood already spilled. For all, a spirit of compromise - and a faith in Iraq as a unitary state - will be necessary.

    3. The Kurds, who have so far enjoyed considerable immunity from violence, will need to be persuaded that their best future will lie, not in full independence, but in a wide measure of autonomy within a reborn Iraqi state. The Kurds aim to annex Kirkuk and hold a referendum to determine whether this oil-rich city should be governed by Baghdad or by the local Kurdish government. Such a referendum would be a mistake. It will provoke the violent opposition not only of Iraqi Shi‘is and Sunnis, but also of Turkey. The Kurds should be prudent and reflect that the best is sometimes the enemy of the good.

    4. Another requirement for peace to take hold in Iraq would be for the United States to announce a firm date for the total withdrawal of its military forces. Robert Gates, America’s new Defence Secretary, has recently suggested that Washington would like to keep long-term bases in Iraq, on the model of its bases in Germany, Japan and elsewhere.

    But, after the terrible destruction the United States has inflicted on Iraq, any such bases would be targets for hostile forces. The United States does not need military bases in Iraq to protect its interests. In fact, the only way to recover U.S. authority and credibility with Iraqis is for it to declare that it has no ambition to stay in Iraq or to dominate the country or its oil in the future.

    5. A fifth requirement for peace and security in Iraq is the rebuilding of a national army strong enough to tame the militias, but not so strong as to alarm neighbours such as Iran and Kuwait who have suffered from Iraqi aggression in the past. The United States is putting a great deal of effort into training Iraqi troops and police. But this task would be better done by the Iraqis themselves. The daily brutal killing of conscripts and policemen is proof of the danger of too close links with the occupying power.

    6. Finally, a major international programme will be needed to help resettle the four million Iraqis - exiles and displaced persons - who have fled their homes and, in many cases, now live in great distress. No time should be wasted in raising funds for such a programme, with the United States providing the bulk of the money.

    Evidently, years of effort will be needed to efface the ghastly legacy of the Iraq war, one of the greatest crimes in recent history.

    Patrick Seale is a leading British writer on the Middle East, and the author of The Struggle for Syria; also, Asad of Syria: The Struggle for the Middle East; and Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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  2. #142
    Senior Investor Hardwood's Avatar
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    Smile Wait for the News Media to pick it up...

    If the FIL has been passed and enacted, then the local Media and the National Media will be feasting on the story today and in the coming days for sure!

    I appreciate the find and now I am waiting for confirmation from the usual sources (worldwide media outlets). Something this BIG will not go un-noticed!

    This week is going to be a wild ride folks! Hold on TIGHT!!!

    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  3. #143
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Default U.S. moves to aid Iraqi small businesses

    U.S. moves to aid Iraqi small businesses

    By Oren Dorell, USA TODAY
    BAGHDAD — Mohamed Raheem saw fliers posted all over his neighborhood offering money to Iraqis who wanted to expand their small businesses.
    He called a phone number listed on the flier and set up an appointment with the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry. "I explained to them that I have a shop and I want to expand my work," said Raheem, 44, who owns a small grocery store in the Kadhamiya district of Baghdad. He applied for a $10,000 grant.

    As U.S. military and civilian officials try to help Iraq's economy rebuild, they are placing a new emphasis on small businesses like Raheem's. Through grants and loans — often for a few hundred dollars each — they're trying to stimulate job growth and eventually improve Iraq's security.

    So-called microfinance projects have proved more efficient at creating jobs than large-scale, multibillion-dollar reconstruction efforts, says Eric Nigh, executive director of the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

    Large infrastructure projects, such as power plants, required enormous spending on workers' security, says Ra'ad Omar, chief executive of the chamber. He said Iraqi contractors tended to invest their profits in real estate abroad rather than reinvest them at home. Many owners of larger Iraqi companies eventually left the country because of security issues.

    "The American government has learned from their mistakes in Iraq," Nigh says. "Now, instead of the big contracts with big companies, we are working on giving small grants for ordinary people."

    The chamber's program, called "Najah," Arabic for "success," is funded through the U.S. Agency for International Development.

    Small-business owners must match at least 25% of the grant's value with their own money and commit to hiring new employees. The grants are distributed in the form of equipment and services, such as construction, instead of cash. USAID has also offered small loans through other programs in Iraq.

    Raheem says that if he receives his grant, he will hire two workers and get new refrigerators, a generator, shelves and carts. "I could bring (customers) everything they need so they do their shopping from me only," he says.

    The chamber follows businesses for a year to ensure they continue to operate. Recipients have included barbers, grocers, mobile phone sellers, mechanics and cooks.

    In a year, the program is projected to distribute $6 million and create about 2,000 jobs, according to the chamber.

    Iraq's unemployment rate was 17.6% last year, according to a draft report released by the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. U.S. military officials hope that if more young Iraqi men have jobs, they will be less tempted to join sectarian militias.

    "Security improves the economy. And improvement in economic conditions reduces dissatisfaction," says Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, a deputy commander of coalition forces in Baghdad. "Reducing dissatisfaction makes it more difficult for the insurgents to influence the actions of the people."

    Other U.S.-sponsored economic projects include:

    •Renovation of a building near Sadr City, a major stronghold of Shiite militia, that will become a trade school for young men. Armed with skills, a new army of electricians, plumbers and mechanics will go to work for themselves and "not be tempted to place IEDs (improvised explosive devices)," says Lt. Col. Bob Ruch, deputy team leader of the Baghdad Provincial Reconstruction Team.

    •Construction of small power generators to produce electricity for small-scale industry.

    •Changes in traffic patterns in commercial districts to make them safer from car bombing attacks.

    Iraq's economy grew about 3% in 2006, according to the World Bank. Growth was flat in the oil sector, which has been damaged by insurgent attacks on pipelines and low foreign investment. The non-oil economy, composed largely of small businesses, grew 10%, the Bank said.

    The biggest obstacle to economic growth continues to be security, says Frank Lavin, U.S. undersecretary of Commerce, who traveled to Iraq last month. Security expenses account for about one-third of most companies' operating budgets, he says.

    For some, even the unrest in Iraq could bring business opportunities. "Because of the difficulties that people are facing, they prefer to do their shopping from just one place," said Raheem, who hopes his expanded store will offer more products. "That is what I am trying to achieve."

    Contributing: Omar Salih
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  4. #144
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    If your going by Mr I - does that mean you believe the Dinar will be 1000-1 by the end of the year? Because he does. Or are you going to pick and choose which suits?

    Just trying to get to the bottom of this.
    You misunderstand Mr I's word concerning this was:

    I contacted one of the committee members and he informed me that the FIL and its clauses will be enacted in April and once implemented we will make the needed arrangements for transferring stock ownership and I will keep you updated

    So this is not an opinion of Mr. I so in this case I believe you can accept the information and at the same time not have accept Mr. I's opinion on the exchange rate. I hope that makes the point clear.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

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  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    If your going by Mr I - does that mean you believe the Dinar will be 1000-1 by the end of the year? Because he does. Or are you going to pick and choose which suits?

    Just trying to get to the bottom of this.

    Hhmmmm, not the most intelligent of comments. Mr I is hardly going to say, 'yes boys and girls, reval next week at $1.22.' is he?, more than his job is worth fueling speculation of the highest kind. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to pass on the good news about an implemented FIL.

    As I said, at this point choose as you will. I have contacted certain people and await their info on this as well as delving into recent info/articles. That will help me make my mind up, no point in building up all hopes in case of another fall.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    You misunderstand Mr I's word concerning this was:

    I contacted one of the committee members and he informed me that the FIL and its clauses will be enacted in April and once implemented we will make the needed arrangements for transferring stock ownership and I will keep you updated

    So this is not an opinion of Mr. I so in this case I believe you can accept the information and at the same time not have accept Mr. I's opinion on the exchange rate. I hope that makes the point clear.
    I haven't misunderstood anything. I know it is an opinion. I think you misunderstood what I am conveying.

  7. #147
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Default]United Press International - Energy - Iraq sets provincial oil production quotas[/url]

    World -- U.S., Turkey to talk oil exploration in northern Iraq

    Syrian Arab News Agency: SANA, Damascus Syria :: %3D38282]جريدة الصباح - خمسون ألف جندي تدربوا على حرب الشوارع لإسناد فرض القانون

    جريدة الصباح - العراق يثمن نتائج قمة إيران ـ السعودية

    جريدة الصباح - اعتـقال ابو عمـر البغـدادي في تكـريت و خطة الأمن تواصل النجاح في العاصمـة

    جريدة الصباحf%3Dinterpage%26sid%3D38279

    جريدة الصباح - سياسيون يأملون بخروج مؤتمر بغداد الدولي بنتائج تسهم في خدمة الشعب

    جريدة الصباح - الجامعة العربية تؤكد دعمها لمؤتمر بغداد الدولي

    جريدة الصباح - عــلاوي: مؤتمـر بغـداد يجـب أن يـضع آلـيات تـلزم الآخريــن باحـترام ســيادته e_c?hl=en&langpair=ar%7Cen&u= %3D38307[/url]

    جريدة الصباح - الحاجة ملحة لتفعيل القطاع الزراعي و فتح باب الاستثمار

    جريدة الصباح - 25 دولة تشارك في معرض تطوير الزراعة العراقية في عمان
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-03-2007 at 02:43 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    I believe it might be possible for a thrity day delay for enactment. Of course I'm not sure but if I use the Gas law as a model the last feature discussed is enactment :

    "This Law enters into force 30 days after publication in the Official Gazette."

    This part was struck from the gas law perhaps with the FIL it is not. It just might be a general procedure clause.

    I wanted to answer this concern. I looked up the law at

    Translated version of

    and :

    Article (36) : the law is implemented from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Hhmmmm, not the most intelligent of comments. Mr I is hardly going to say, 'yes boys and girls, reval next week at $1.22.' is he?, more than his job is worth fueling speculation of the highest kind. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to pass on the good news about an implemented FIL.

    As I said, at this point choose as you will. I have contacted certain people and await their info on this as well as delving into recent info/articles. That will help me make my mind up, no point in building up all hopes in case of another fall.
    It is a perfectly acceptable 'intelligent' comment to make. Of course he won't suggest a reval. I never suggested for a moment that he would and that is not the point that I am making - as I am sure you are intelligent enough to work out for yourself.

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    If the FIL has been passed and enacted, then the local Media and the National Media will be feasting on the story today and in the coming days for sure!

    I appreciate the find and now I am waiting for confirmation from the usual sources (worldwide media outlets). Something this BIG will not go un-noticed!

    This week is going to be a wild ride folks! Hold on TIGHT!!!

    That's what I have been looking for too! Articles...
    Nothing picked up by media?? This is least...

    Pssst, we are the only ones that know it. Now it is the best time to buy up Iraq , and call it Rol-Raq.

    hey, I just thought of something..we should put in the rumours thread!!
    Last edited by Jola; 06-03-2007 at 02:50 PM.
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