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  1. #231
    Senior Investor Spoiledred's Avatar
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    Karin, I believe in what Dave said to you. But something I was brought up in believing, You stated you believe in God and the son of God, Jesus, you are a Christian because you believe. It's in your heart. Reguardless of how you practice your denomination, you believe in Jesus Christ the only son of God. It is great to believe!

  2. #232
    Member ttree98's Avatar
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    I am just amazed at the way all this came to be. First your post David then came all the believers. And look how it has grown. I can't wait till it revals to see what everyone does and says and gives thanks to our Lord.
    The whole process of all this has me in awe of how one thing leads into another, after all these years, leading into the day of the reval and of His promise.

    I was walking past the living room today and the tv caught my attention, there was a movie on about a little boy who looked like an Iraqi child who was crying and begging this man (this was the last day and the time was over for registering for a big race the next day) to give him a chance to be in this eventful race.) The little boy went on to tell him why he must be in this race.
    The man felt sorry for this boy and said lets go outside and see what you got. They went out to the track and he ran for all that he was worth, the man said ok I will let you be in this race, then the next scene showed the little boy running up to this little girl as he was so excited he could barely speak, and it turned out to be his sister. He told her that he had been accepted in the race. He told her that he knew he wouldn't win first place but in fact he wanted to win third place. First place would be in the hall of fame , and sorry but I didn't catch what second place was (was crying at this point) but the third place winner would win a new pair of shoes. She said but maybe you can't win third place and he said I must and I will.You see he had borrowed his sisters shoes to go to the track to see if he was even fast enough to qualify to enter the race. They had to share these shoes on a daily basis. This was all they had. He thanked her for letting him use her shoes (( they were hardly wearable, holes all over them and I couldn't even tell what color they were)) and told her when I win I will give you the new shoes..... AND HE DID JUST THAT.
    I sat and cryed my eyes out, this was so touching it broke my heart, then I thought of the dinar and what it could do for people like this.. Here we don't think about something as small as our shoes, and then we have those that are so poor that a pair of shoes means more to them than anything else in their lives. "One mans junk is anothers mans gold."
    I will give to all in need, so help me God.
    Last edited by ttree98; 05-04-2007 at 02:13 AM.

  3. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocDave View Post
    Interesting perspective on life YB.

    I too believe that God made man to have a free will. He wonderfully made us so we can choose and decide what we believe, what we do and who or what we want to call our god… or to have no god at all if we choose.

    And I believe that a good man or woman can have a good life on this earth simply by being a good person. Proverbs 12:2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD, but the LORD condemns a crafty man. It is God’s law of sowing and reaping.

    I don’t know about others, but the reason I quote God’s Word is to explain why I believe the way I do, not to beat anyone down with it, God forbid. I know it has been done a lot and it is wrong. No one has to believe as I do, but I believe that the whole Bible is the infallible Word of God, written by men inspired by the Holy Spirit. True, some things in the Bible are open to interpretation but most things are very clear and precise.

    For example, John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    There’s no two ways to interpret that one and it doesn’t matter if we as humans like it or not. Does anyone have to believe it? No. But I am a Christian and I believe.

    Should I hate someone and throw rocks at them because they don’t believe? No.
    Luke 10:25-37 says:
    25. One day an authority on the law stood up to put Jesus to the test. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to receive eternal life?"
    26. "What is written in the Law?" Jesus replied. "How do you understand it?"
    27. He answered, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.'—(Deuteronomy 6:5) And, 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself.' "—(Leviticus 19:18)
    28. "You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do that, and you will live."
    29. But the man wanted to make himself look good. So he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"
    30. Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Robbers attacked him. They stripped off his clothes and beat him. Then they went away, leaving him almost dead.
    31. A priest happened to be going down that same road. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.
    32. A Levite also came by. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side too.
    33. But a Samaritan came to the place where the man was. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him.
    34. He went to him, poured olive oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey. He took him to an inn and took care of him.
    35. The next day he took out two silver coins. He gave them to the owner of the inn. 'Take care of him,' he said. 'When I return, I will pay you back for any extra expense you may have.'
    36. "Which of the three do you think was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by robbers?"
    37. The authority on the law replied, "The one who felt sorry for him."
    Jesus told him, "Go and do as he did."

    Who is my neighbor? Everyone.

    So, my job as a Christian is to love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength and to love all of God’s creation as myself. Speak the truth concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ and leave the judging to the Lord on judgment day.
    God bless you Yogi, you are a good fella!

    Your servant in Christ,
    Awsome Post Dave. As I Have Stated Before It Is A Blessing To
    Read Your Posts. No Matter What Happens I Feel That You Are
    Reaching Folks With Your Words Of Insiration.
    Just Waitin!!!!!!

  4. #234
    Senior Member DocDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttree98 View Post
    I am just amazed at the way all this came to be. First your post David then came all the believers. And look how it has grown. I can't wait till it revals to see what everyone does and says and gives thanks to our Lord.
    The whole process of all this has me in awe of how one thing leads into another, after all these years, leading into the day of the reval and of His promise.

    I was walking past the living room today and the tv caught my attention, there was a movie on about a little boy who looked like an Iraqi child who was crying and begging this man (this was the last day and the time was over for registering for a big race the next day) to give him a chance to be in this eventful race.) The little boy went on to tell him why he must be in this race.
    The man felt sorry for this boy and said lets go outside and see what you got. They went out to the track and he ran for all that he was worth, the man said ok I will let you be in this race, then the next scene showed the little boy running up to this little girl as he was so excited he could barely speak, and it turned out to be his sister. He told her that he had been accepted in the race. He told her that he knew he wouldn't win first place but in fact he wanted to win third place. First place would be in the hall of fame , and sorry but I didn't catch what second place was (was crying at this point) but the third place winner would win a new pair of shoes. She said but maybe you can't win third place and he said I must and I will.You see he had borrowed his sisters shoes to go to the track to see if he was even fast enough to qualify to enter the race. They had to share these shoes on a daily basis. This was all they had. He thanked her for letting him use her shoes (( they were hardly wearable, holes all over them and I couldn't even tell what color they were)) and told her when I win I will give you the new shoes..... AND HE DID JUST THAT.
    I sat and cryed my eyes out, this was so touching it broke my heart, then I thought of the dinar and what it could do for people like this.. Here we don't think about something as small as our shoes, and then we have those that are so poor that a pair of shoes means more to them than anything else in their lives. "One mans junk is anothers mans gold."
    I will give to all in need, so help me God.
    Amen, God is awesome!

    Thanks for sharing that story it really tugs at the heart and yes we do forget how blessed we already are.

    God bless,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  5. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill View Post
    Awsome Post Dave. As I Have Stated Before It Is A Blessing To
    Read Your Posts. No Matter What Happens I Feel That You Are
    Reaching Folks With Your Words Of Insiration.
    Thanks brother Bill,

    To God be all the glory!

    I get lots of PM's about what the Lord is doing, He is stiring the hearts of a lot of people.

    I don't believe anything will show up on the CBI this morning, I believe it will be announced Suddenly Fri., Sat. maybe Sun.

    Keep the faith,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  6. #236
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocDave View Post
    Thanks brother Bill,

    To God be all the glory!

    I get lots of PM's about what the Lord is doing, He is stiring the hearts of a lot of people.

    I don't believe anything will show up on the CBI this morning, I believe it will be announced Suddenly Fri., Sat. maybe Sun.

    Keep the faith,

    Just wanted to share a quick story. I took my tithe of dinar to church on Sunday and my wife was going to write a check for her tithe. When she got her checkbook out she realized she was out of checks so I gave her mine and told her to write a check for whatever she was going to give. Long story short, I had no money in my account to cover it and wasn't expecting a check until at least Thursday but I knew it would be okay and it was as my check showed up 2 days early, just barely enough time to cover the tithe.... It was no where near a million dollar check but it just goes to show that when you do the right things for His glory, you will be taken care of...

  7. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill View Post
    Awsome Post Dave. As I Have Stated Before It Is A Blessing To
    Read Your Posts. No Matter What Happens I Feel That You Are
    Reaching Folks With Your Words Of Insiration.
    And that is what truly matters the most. Thanks
    Give God the glory in all things!!!

  8. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by lndmn_01 View Post
    Just wanted to share a quick story. I took my tithe of dinar to church on Sunday and my wife was going to write a check for her tithe. When she got her checkbook out she realized she was out of checks so I gave her mine and told her to write a check for whatever she was going to give. Long story short, I had no money in my account to cover it and wasn't expecting a check until at least Thursday but I knew it would be okay and it was as my check showed up 2 days early, just barely enough time to cover the tithe.... It was no where near a million dollar check but it just goes to show that when you do the right things for His glory, you will be taken care of...
    Thank you for sharing God is so wonderful and amazing and always on time

  9. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by ttree98 View Post
    I am just amazed at the way all this came to be. First your post David then came all the believers. And look how it has grown. I can't wait till it revals to see what everyone does and says and gives thanks to our Lord.
    The whole process of all this has me in awe of how one thing leads into another, after all these years, leading into the day of the reval and of His promise.

    I was walking past the living room today and the tv caught my attention, there was a movie on about a little boy who looked like an Iraqi child who was crying and begging this man (this was the last day and the time was over for registering for a big race the next day) to give him a chance to be in this eventful race.) The little boy went on to tell him why he must be in this race.
    The man felt sorry for this boy and said lets go outside and see what you got. They went out to the track and he ran for all that he was worth, the man said ok I will let you be in this race, then the next scene showed the little boy running up to this little girl as he was so excited he could barely speak, and it turned out to be his sister. He told her that he had been accepted in the race. He told her that he knew he wouldn't win first place but in fact he wanted to win third place. First place would be in the hall of fame , and sorry but I didn't catch what second place was (was crying at this point) but the third place winner would win a new pair of shoes. She said but maybe you can't win third place and he said I must and I will.You see he had borrowed his sisters shoes to go to the track to see if he was even fast enough to qualify to enter the race. They had to share these shoes on a daily basis. This was all they had. He thanked her for letting him use her shoes (( they were hardly wearable, holes all over them and I couldn't even tell what color they were)) and told her when I win I will give you the new shoes..... AND HE DID JUST THAT.
    I sat and cryed my eyes out, this was so touching it broke my heart, then I thought of the dinar and what it could do for people like this.. Here we don't think about something as small as our shoes, and then we have those that are so poor that a pair of shoes means more to them than anything else in their lives. "One mans junk is anothers mans gold."
    I will give to all in need, so help me God.
    This made me cry! We are getting there people. It is all about Love!

  10. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocDave View Post
    Thanks brother Bill,

    To God be all the glory!

    I get lots of PM's about what the Lord is doing, He is stiring the hearts of a lot of people.

    I don't believe anything will show up on the CBI this morning, I believe it will be announced Suddenly Fri., Sat. maybe Sun.

    Keep the faith,
    We are keeping the faith, Bro Dave, we are keeping the faith. I JUST LOVE SUDDENLIES! PRAISE GOD AND ALL GLORY BE TO HIM!

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