Perhaps...and thats not a bad idea but track history and records have shown and proven....time and time again, with the Muslim Faith... better leave it to themselves, they NEED ALOT more to come to a common concensus about their own thousand-fold interpretations on their understandings with their Koran...the least I'd like to see is BM being hunted down like Salman Rushdi and as you know, there are enuf whackos out there that would blow you up just to see you shit all over while you sit on yr potty...and they enjoy doing just that so some virgins are promised on their perverted minds for such acts!

Ok, BM and Tom down there below, are NOT obligated to make movies to suit this religious torn planet over religious beliefs, animated or otherwise.

Creativeness is born out of the freedom of speech...we are lucky within the Christian world and we don't need to exercise that right just to accomodate the other religions... they have their equal rights but if they choose to deprive themselves of it...let them be for we are better off to leave them and respect them at that...and even on that, innocent people are frontline targets to thaeir bombing idiocies.... you can't please everyone, so sit back while you can and at times, it pays off to be a little selfish with such humility... we are above all, only humans with all sorts of do's & don'ts! :lol: :lol:

The animated movies is for Everyone....who wants to feel free to watch, if those who wish to air negative thoughts about it, so what about them? Leave them and their religion to themselves... and most of them don't even pray as a matter of fact, so why bother talk a "devil" out of it?

His beef is already BBCued to "well-done" and ready to be served when his/her time is up.....sizzling away....! :lol: :lol: