I am one of those people who would get mad at all the rich people who have all this money that they know they do not need but fail to contribute what ever they can for their community. It is not only up to our govenrment to take care of our community, but it is ours to.

In my community, I notice that their is alot of homeless people floating about so this is what I plan to concentrate on.

Right now, i do not give money to all the countless number of those with picket signs saying "will work for food" or the such. I was always scared of what they may do with the cash i give them )buy drugs, beer, etc.)
but i do take the time to buy them food or water and hand them out.

After the reval, I will have more money to do more.

I pledge to offer free supper for the homeless and try and have this supper every saturday and also buy a 20 or 40 ft container of used grade A clothing and offer these to homeless for free once a month.

What is your pledge to your community or to any area you feel needs attention?