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Thread: A Place for Doc

  1. #51
    Member ttree98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill View Post
    Hey Dave just on here reading. Glad to see you have found some peace on this. Never give up for he always knows our hearts. I to feel that its done. I felt it that night I was praying. I hope that the Lord will soon bless us with this so we can give it to his kingdom here on earth. How many people will recieve this blessing is going to be awsome to see. I know a few people that are in need and all I can tell them just keep praying. These folks don't know about the dinar but one day they will. I can't wait to use this blessing for them. Any way didn't mean to be lond winded.



    I know what you mean about knowing others that are in need and them not knowing about the dinar, I have a few in mind that I am going to give to as well, I am going to knock on their door soon and say:surprise, surprise the Lord has answered your prayers.
    Haven't been online all week, been doing double shifts to pay bills, so nice to catch up today and wanted to say hello to all.........


  2. #52
    Senior Member DocDave's Avatar
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    Thanks Bro Bill,

    God’s will be done! It will be a glorious time advancing God’s Kingdom and helping the less fortunate when it does come in.

    Hey Sis Terry, welcome back, we’ve missed you!

    God bless,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  3. #53
    Member ttree98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocDave View Post
    Thanks Bro Bill,

    God’s will be done! It will be a glorious time advancing God’s Kingdom and helping the less fortunate when it does come in.

    Hey Sis Terry, welcome back, we’ve missed you!

    God bless,
    Hi Brother Dave,

    Thanks and I will be gone all this week as well... I will try to find time to log on to say hello to all. Keeping my hopes hi and waiting for that big day of the reval!!!!!

    Glory be to God!


  4. #54
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    Cool Im just came Over to Read Before Bed. Awsome.

    Quote Originally Posted by DocDave View Post
    A friend sent this to me in an email tonight, I thought it was good and want to share it with other believers.

    God bless,


    A man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to Push against the rock with all his might...

    So, this the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sundown, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock, pushing with all his might!

    Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, Feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Since the man was showing discouragement, the Adversary (Satan) decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the weary mind: (He will do it every time)!

    You have been pushing against that rock for a long time and it hasn't
    moved." Thus, he gave the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and
    disheartened the man.

    Satan said, "Why kill yourself over this? Just put in your time, giving
    just the minimum effort; and that will be good enough."

    That's what the weary man planned to do, but decided to make it a matter of Prayer and to take his troubled thoughts to The Lord.

    Lord," he said, "I have labored long and hard in Your Service, putting
    all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this
    time,I have not even budged that rock by half a millimeter.What is
    wrong? Why am I failing?"

    The Lord responded compassionately, "My friend, when I asked you to
    serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all of your strength, which you have done.

    Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your
    task was to push. And now you come to Me with your strength spent,
    thinking that you have failed.

    But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and
    muscled, your back shiny and brown; your hands are callused from
    constant pressure, your legs have become massive and hard.

    Through opposition you have grown much,and your abilities now surpass
    that which you used to have. True, you haven't moved the rock. But your
    calling was to be Obedient and to push and to exercise your Faith and
    trust in My Wisdom. That you have done. Now I, my friend, will move the

    At times, when we hear a word from God, we tend to use our own intellect to decipher what He Wants, when actually what God wants is just simple obedience and faith in Him.

    By all means, exercise the Faith that moves mountains,but know that it
    is still God Who moves The Mountains.

    When everything seems to go wrong..........................Just

    When the job gets you down...........................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Just

    When people don't do as you think they should...............Just

    When your money is "gone" and the bills are due...............Just

    When people just don't understand you.........................Just

    P = Pray
    U = Until
    S = Something
    H = Happens
    Just what I needed to Hear. Thanks Doc. Your are a true Blessing to others. This is just what I needed to go to that DayJob in the Morning. "PUSH" That is my New Word. I liked the Story, and agree whole heartedly.

  5. #55
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    Just dropped by to say "Hi!"

    Hope everything is ok...was just thinking about you a while ago...everyone is now saying "done deal!" You should have copyrighted the phrase!

    And you had it right after all...just took longer to soften the hearts of the Iraqi leadership..but, it seem that they have been really trying now!

    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 25-04-2007 at 12:07 AM.

  6. #56
    Senior Member DocDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post
    Just dropped by to say "Hi!"

    Hope everything is ok...was just thinking about you a while ago...everyone is now saying "done deal!" You should have copyrighted the phrase!

    And you had it right after all...just took longer to soften the hearts of the Iraqi leadership..but, it seem that they have been really trying now!

    Hey Bro Fred,

    Always good to hear from you! Things are looking good, looks like you & family will be getting your new home soon.

    Thanks for your friendship, maybe we can get together for a day or two after the reval for a little R&R.

    God bless you my faithful friend,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Just what I needed to Hear. Thanks Doc. Your are a true Blessing to others. This is just what I needed to go to that DayJob in the Morning. "PUSH" That is my New Word. I liked the Story, and agree whole heartedly.
    You too Bro!

    God bless,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

  8. #58
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    Thanks for the kind words...I really am not concerned for the money myself other than it freeing me to go and help others...I really did care about the Blind man that I work with the even in his seventies needs to work till he dies because he still owed $200,000 on his mortgage and to finish sending his grandkids to college (they live with him), for the several women who would be able to pay off their mortgages and send their kids to college, the veteran who will be able to quite to follow his dream of campaigning for John Edwards in New Hampshire, another vet who will be able to move himself and his wife to Atlanta so she can continuw her nursing education, another lady who just needed a car to get to work, my mom and my family could have a home to all live together...the future care of my daughters and son with trust funds so they will never be without; not to mention the church in a slum area of Thailand dedicated to the Mother Mary...we plan to split one million dollars towards a trust fund for the maintenance of the church and the rest to offer free scholarships to the local slum children...and since it is paid with the interest, it will go on for ever...I also plan to do the same with the rural schools where my wife and I taught when we were in the Peace Corps...the same scholarship program and hopefully convince local businesses to match the funds...then, we plan to pay for the education and college for the two children of her counsin whom is in jail and whom their mother left...I could go on but, you have had a lot to read from me...
    This was why the rate was important to me as it would make all this and more each of the people that we have already helped by giving them dinar plan to in turn help others...My blind friend will pay off his mortgage, pay for his grandkids college and the he may go help other blind children learn to play golf like he does, one lady will use some of her money to build the meeting center her church needed...on and on...
    I hope that it is done...this up and down of waiting has aged me greatly as I worry that first they will be able to fulfill their dreams and plans and more importantly that I have not filled them with false hope...allowed them to dream of the possibilities only to have them dashed upon the cruel realities of this failure to achieve...this tears at me greatly...I feel powerless to help them achieve the dreams that I inspired them to dream...It's not an ego thing but, rather a real sadness that sinks deep into my soul that I have let them down, mislead them and in the end made their plight in life worse not better...
    Sorry, it's late and I know that I have lost faith that this will actually happen
    I know that I always seem up on this but, as I watch these last days...I truly start to question that maybe I have been blinded into a collective, madness of sorts or by the greed of it all...then, the ego of it that who am I? Who am I to deserve the winfall...I'm just tried and I wish that I could will this to end!

    Sorry's late and I don't have a good feel about this after all the research that I've done...I"m sorry if it's not done...So in different ways, we share much in how we feel...

    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 26-04-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  9. #59
    Member ttree98's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post

    Thanks for the kind words...I really am not concerned for the money myself other than it freeing me to go and help others...I really did care about the Blind man that I work with the even in his seventies needs to work till he dies because he still owed $200,000 on his mortgage and to finish sending his grandkids to college (they live with him), for the several women who would be able to pay off their mortgages and send their kids to college, the veteran who will be able to quite to follow his dream of campaigning for John Edwards in New Hampshire, another vet who will be able to move himself and his wife to Atlanta so she can continuw her nursing education, another lady who just needed a car to get to work, my mom and my family could have a home to all live together...the future care of my daughters and son with trust funds so they will never be without; not to mention the church in a slum area of Thailand dedicated to the Mother Mary...we plan to split one million dollars towards a trust fund for the maintenance of the church and the rest to offer free scholarships to the local slum children...and since it is paid with the interest, it will go on for ever...I also plan to do the same with the rural schools where my wife and I taught when we were in the Peace Corps...the same scholarship program and hopefully convince local businesses to match the funds...then, we plan to pay for the education and college for the two children of her counsin whom is in jail and whom their mother left...I could go on but, you have had a lot to read from me...
    This was why the rate was important to me as it would make all this and more each of the people that we have already helped by giving them dinar plan to in turn help others...My blind friend will pay off his mortgage, pay for his grandkids college and the he may go help other blind children learn to play golf like he does, one lady will use some of her money to build the meeting center her church needed...on and on...
    I hope that it is done...this up and down of waiting has aged me greatly as I worry that first they will be able to fulfill their dreams and plans and more importantly that I have not filled them with false hope...allowed them to dream of the possibilities only to have them dashed upon the cruel realities of this failure to achieve...this tears at me greatly...I feel powerless to help them achieve the dreams that I inspired them to dream...It's not an ego thing but, rather a real sadness that sinks deep into my soul that I have let them down, mislead them and in the end made their plight in life worse not better...
    Sorry, it's late and I know that I have lost faith that this will actually happen
    I know that I always seem up on this but, as I watch these last days...I truly start to question that maybe I have been blinded into a collective, madness of sorts or by the greed of it all...then, the ego of it that who am I? Who am I to deserve the winfall...I'm just tried and I wish that I could will this to end!

    Sorry's late and I don't have a good feel about this after all the research that I've done...I"m sorry if it's not done...So in different ways, we share much in how we feel...


    I understand completely what you have said, I have many ways that I am going to help others as well. Like tonight at work I was thinking about ways that I could help others when the dinar revals...... I am going to walk thru wal- mart "everybody loves wal-mart"and have many stuffed envelopes and place them on the floor in front of me,and as some people walked past I would say: oppssss excuse me you droped something and by the way this is your lucky day... and walk away quickly so that I could turn around and watch them. And I am also going to ride a bus and have several envelopes laying in the seats, that said: Smile your on "This is my lucky day show, except this is no joke.... Enjoy, this is your lucky day!" I just can't see why all of us was led here to this place and at this time and the knowledge of the dinar for no reason at all, and I'm sure I am not the only one that came upon the dinar by some weird twist of fate (so to speak).
    Yes, you noticed that I mentioned am and not was..... I know it is easy to loose faith, but strong faith wins, believe in this until it happens or we know that 100% it didn't or it won't. Keep the faith Fred, there is no evidence that this is over or even close to being over. Look thru your eyes of faith and you shall see.
    I am a firm believer in all things happen for a reason and for each of us God has a plan already mapped out , we believe in this investment and was lead thru live to have stumbled upon this for whatever reason,then he must believe in us, we came upon it by no accident. WE HAVE BEEN CHOSEN

    Last edited by ttree98; 01-05-2007 at 07:16 PM.

  10. #60
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    Hey Buddy!

    Hang in there Brother Fred you know it is always darkest before the dawn. You did a good thing helping all those people dream again and to get their hopes up. You’ve shared an opportunity of a lifetime with these folks and they will be forever grateful.

    Proverbs 13:12 says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

    We can sure say Amen to the first part of that one, and soon we will be saying Amen, Boy Howdy to the second part. lol.

    Just keep walking by faith and not by sight.

    I bet you spent all day yesterday thinking what if it doesn’t, spend today thinking when it does.

    I still have peace in my spirit about “it’s done”. It will happen and I believe soon and very soon!

    Remember Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go

    God bless you Bro,


    Hey Terry!

    Are you back home or just checking in? Good to see your smiling face and read your good words of encouragement!

    I like your plans to go out and just bless a few people like that, it will be fun and rewarding.

    Well, it’s 1:40am way, way past my bedtime, see you around kiddo.

    God bless you Sis,
    In the old covenant God did his part, but man failed to do his part… Couldn’t do it.
    In the new covenant God did his part, then robed Himself in flesh and did man’s part too.

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