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  1. #61
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    I have been a silent reader-member of RC for over a year now. Just cruising along the pages, learning as much as I can about this mysterious world called HYIP.

    All investigations will have to one day come to an end, including BNM. Whichever way it will turn out (and I still beleive that PIPS is alive somewhere), $70000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 is very difficult to just sweep under a rug. Who will end up with all the investers' money if BNM demolition the program for good?
    And does anyone know of the whereabouts and situations of the other PIPS executive members? I have pages full of names of some very important persons who made up the executive order of PIPS. What has or will become of them? If it falls, will it all fall on BM alone? Not very fair.
    As for Bryan: I find it so very difficult to beleive that I man with his talents and intelligence has to live in a 12x12 room. There are jobs out there for everyone (Singapore or Malaysia), even if its not in the profession we are accustomed to. A man who's suppose to create the PIPS members' financial "freedom" should not brag about his inability to manage his own.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by babika View Post
    Who will end up with all the investers' money if BNM demolition the program for good?
    Babika, more than likely there isn't much, if any, of the investors' money left. It has been reported by those who used to work with Bryan that he was never making those kinds of returns and that litte actual trading was ever going on. Sure, most of us did not want to believe that initially, but as time has gone on, I believe those were very accurate reports. But, hey, I'd love to be wrong and still see some of the 6 figures I had in pending withdrawals, but I think it is extremely unlikely and I certainly am not holding my breath. I wrote this off as a loss long ago and now am just mostly curious as to what BNM reports in the end as to their findings.

  3. #63
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    Default Get Facts from the Source....

    ...instead of the horses' mouths.

    People have their different points of view but if you REALLY want to know what's up with PIPS, run the silly bank through Google and CALL the nearest branch to you. They have satellite sites in London and in New York.

    When I spoke with the office in New York, the individual familiar with PIPS said all were anxious for this to come to a "satisfactory conclusion for all". The investigation, from the beginning, was ludicrous. The nuttiness continued with everyone pointing the finger. Let's keep that finger pointed where it belongs. It DOESN'T MATTER, who says what under a pseudonym or whatever. We would just like to see some sort of resolution from THE BANK ITSELF. THEY got the money! Our money! And they take THEIR sweet time trying to reconcile this matter.

    I had posted information earlier as to who to email to at that Bank. I'll see if I can find it or maybe you will if you search these posts. The BANK is keeping track of emails in a database and ALL will be informed FROM THEM when a resolution is achieved. They are, unfortunately, notoriously slow. NOT BRIAN, NOT ANYONE ELSE, HAS CONTROL OVER THIS MESS.

    If you want to holler for at least your initial investment back, holler at the BANK. The more we holler at THEM, the quicker they might get with it and get it done. THAT is where the concentration should be; not in an online forum except to impart information as to what to do to speed things are that are EFFECTIVE. The pro's and con's of what was is no longer a point - except that this BANK decided to figure out, from my guess, why THEY weren't getting money for transactions and felt THEY were due money.

    Again, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF BRYAN OR JOE BLOW posts whatever. Your money and investment is your responsibility - NOT THEIRS.

    In rebuttal to an earlier post, "You risked your money as stated on the website" - okay, I buy that to a point. It said, basically, outside of the whole financial world turning upside down, everything was intact. This was NOT the case although any money invested in anything is a risk.

    The "maybe failure" of PIPS had nothing to do with it's principals nor investments. I fully believe it had EVERYTHING to do with a greedy little bank who wanted a cut of the action and seized everything - and takes its sweet time to find fault while the rest of us lost. Of course this was unforeseen by Bryan and everyone else. Who would ever imagine THAT?

    Please HOLLER at the Bank. The more and louder we holler, the faster there might be a resolution. To surmise in this forum is fruitless at this point.


  4. #64
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    Default Get Facts from the Source....

    ...instead of the horses' mouths.

    People have their different points of view but if you REALLY want to know what's up with PIPS, run the silly bank through Google and CALL the nearest branch to you. They have satellite sites in London and in New York.

    When I spoke with the office in New York, the individual familiar with PIPS said all were anxious for this to come to a "satisfactory conclusion for all". The investigation, from the beginning, was ludicrous. The nuttiness continued with everyone pointing the finger. Let's keep that finger pointed where it belongs. It DOESN'T MATTER, who says what under a pseudonym or whatever. We would just like to see some sort of resolution from THE BANK ITSELF. THEY got the money! Our money! And they take THEIR sweet time trying to reconcile this matter.

    I had posted information earlier as to who to email to at that Bank. I'll see if I can find it or maybe you will if you search these posts. The BANK is keeping track of emails in a database and ALL will be informed FROM THEM when a resolution is achieved. They are, unfortunately, notoriously slow. NOT BRIAN, NOT ANYONE ELSE, HAS CONTROL OVER THIS MESS.

    If you want to holler for at least your initial investment back, holler at the BANK. The more we holler at THEM, the quicker they might get with it and get it done. THAT is where the concentration should be; not in an online forum except to impart information as to what to do to speed things are that are EFFECTIVE. The pro's and con's of what was is no longer a point - except that this BANK decided to figure out, from my guess, why THEY weren't getting money for transactions and felt THEY were due money.

    Again, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF BRYAN OR JOE BLOW posts whatever. Your money and investment is your responsibility - NOT THEIRS.

    In rebuttal to an earlier post, "You risked your money as stated on the website" - okay, I buy that to a point. It said, basically, outside of the whole financial world turning upside down, everything was intact. This was NOT the case although any money invested in anything is a risk.

    The "maybe failure" of PIPS had nothing to do with it's principals nor investments. I fully believe it had EVERYTHING to do with a greedy little bank who wanted a cut of the action and seized everything - and takes its sweet time to find fault while the rest of us lost. Of course this was unforeseen by Bryan and everyone else. Who would ever imagine THAT?

    Please HOLLER at the Bank. The more and louder we holler, the faster there might be a resolution. To surmise in this forum is fruitless at this point.


  5. #65
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    I have a quick question:

    EMO, a financial institution that helped many, including Pipsters, to do transactions. THEY, too, were brought under investigation and, basically, shut down by the State of Texas. The STATE OF TEXAS is releasing money back to EMO's subscribers. If the State of Texas took over THAT investigation, found wrong-doing, and the TREASURER from Texas is releasing funds, WHY aren't PROPER, LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITIES, involved with the investigation with PIPS, either in the US or abroad? Why is THE BANK allowed to do their own investigation?

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakara View Post
    I have a quick question:

    EMO, a financial institution that helped many, including Pipsters, to do transactions. THEY, too, were brought under investigation and, basically, shut down by the State of Texas. The STATE OF TEXAS is releasing money back to EMO's subscribers. If the State of Texas took over THAT investigation, found wrong-doing, and the TREASURER from Texas is releasing funds, WHY aren't PROPER, LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITIES, involved with the investigation with PIPS, either in the US or abroad? Why is THE BANK allowed to do their own investigation?
    Ever hear of the Mylaysian law? Its how they do things there. Nothing anyone can do exept wait. They havn't stole anyones $$ and I doubt if they will. They just need time.

  7. #67
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    Re 10x5
    Latest news: Bryan changed rules. Now everyone must pay $10.oo or $50.oo monthly! No more one time fee.
    Curious, will it save 10x5?
    I am sure a lot of people won't accept this rule.

  8. #68
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    yep and SFIpay have dumped him too.

  9. #69
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    Not sounding to good for the long term Another bad day for BM

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreamer View Post
    Not sounding to good for the long term Another bad day for BM
    It also goes to prove, now that RC has distanced from Cycler since day of his own admission, that the spillovers and downliner's being managed by manipulation favouring those immediate lieutenants who btw, his (diehard) core team of individuals, some being pretty close to you members for some time... they are scooping up the new sign ups and all those still unaware of how it "actually should cycle systematically"!!!

    If that all was untrue...the available sum in both levels sitting in the Admins drawers for those at Cycle 2 and 3 should automatically be paid out as the system is set up to do so but that is still not paid if, one must request for it when it should be by default...unless...yes, the BIG UNLESS, remains as... there isn't any or enough to hand out but only to his goons, some of your close member-friend ranters are still campaigning in full swing...but the gears have been shifted from smooth cruising in 6th gear is now at a crawling snail speed at perhaps on 2nd gear and dragging....!

    The days are numbered I'm afraid...and I hope, those that we had to ban for mocking us...are GONE...vamoose... and will NOT try to return... they should have done with defeat and acceptance as dumb fools and we can accept them back...but they stood firm LET THEM stay where they should...

    The golden eyes and second mouses to many more can delight and feast on whatever there's left on the leftover plates Bryan will need to spread and ration among his selected pick of so-called pioneers!!!

    YB. - cheers to the RC CARE Group...

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