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  1. #61
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    I do not believe what I see here. Guys still defending that lying SOB.
    BM betrayed us all. I appaud you admin for doing what you did. A man has got to do what a man's got to do. Great guy.
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  2. #62
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckydog View Post
    The stupidity of Merek and his pals Yogi, TG Brian and Mike amazes me.
    They have had their own agenda all along.
    ROLCLUB membership is disappearing as it is.

    No one with any real Pips knowledge will ever post it here again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trapper t View Post
    So, I am a little confused.
    Would like to have some good input on the whole think less all the bashing
    There is basically. no need nor rise nor any bashing to be expected with the rare exception of dogs getting bitten and felt THEY ARE bitten bad and painful... but thats the (un)luckydog's butt that gets the bite...

    Stupidity??? sheesh....that DOG being MORE STUPID is a greater understatement than his return just to bark off this truth that shrouds his true person all along...

    Most of us members are not as STUPID as you would like to think and while you have decided to stay elsewhere in another forum (for the obvious reasons for this is NOT your place or kennel) to feel at home... we DON'T WANT your likes either to return for all that you had been barking off and stand on... well, we now know just how much you perhaps actually knew and tried to bes[oke us with the opposites.... this very owning up of Bryan, eventually, has more courage and audacity than you were all along...the cowardice to prevent and face the facts of truth...and to mock the membership here with your past and delirious comments and inputs...they are all BARKS of a stupid dog if you want to know...

    You stay away Doggie...stay in the kennel where dogs are best housed and perhaps, the best place for being quarantine and sanitize those teeth... you can now remove those shades... we know where you are coming from too....

    the air is cleared, the uncertainty is lifted and diminishing the illusions for many more that were treading on the line of sincere hope... it is now a vivid morining to wake up to... a j year long or moore has gripped many with a dream of "wishful thginking" all along
    ...what would we make out of BN's Investigation???? You tell me, tell yOURSelf and there lies the answer, more truth is in there than to be bothered by another attempt at withholding what most of you had simply sought for, and denied by it.... and you don't need more bad medicine coming off the barkings from another such as this other unluckydog brings....

    Can you trust thgis sort of willing supporters of deception a day longer after you have now been faced a simple truth that could not be more compelling than all the rest since August last year when BN moved in and stopped whatever is linked to PI Inc?

    There is and there was, NEVER any Agenda behind all the claims and accusations... there was indeed no need to begin with... for it was yet another that rose, with good goals and plans and driven with a dedication which I believe in it myself and times have since then changed that decided the course of events.... ROLClub came about...with or without the consequences PI inc or BM is being confronted was already in its tracks to meet and face what we are all facing....

    ROLClub is simply alongside watching with you but we were able to recognise the fallout that will someday take place and the initiative to suppress the defeat for a lesser pain and revive with confidence and better prospects with clearer perspectives....this is NOT to be regarded as another or hidden agenda as some would like you to believe in.

    YB. - Cheers to the RC CARE Grroup...

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  3. #63
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    MY old Grandpaw,rest his soul,told me a long time ago....a fool and his money are soon parted.....i pity those who after all this,still,refuse to open their eyes and see what Bryan i stated a long time ago...some here on this forum would be surprised by the ending....and some not even be able to accept it...thank you Marek for exposing Bryan for what he really is....IMHO...Pat

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by flmnco View Post
    I do not believe what I see here. Guys still defending that lying SOB.
    BM betrayed us all. I appaud you admin for doing what you did. A man has got to do what a man's got to do. Great guy.
    "Live life to the full" - Foxella

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by nej View Post
    I'm not totally condemming BM until the BNM investigation is over. As I said, I do understand why he did what he did (although I don't really condone it).

    But why are people attacking the person who is telling the truth, over the person who told the lies?

    This makes no sense to me.

    Thats VERY true indeed...

    NO one should be condemning BM for what he tried and did... he did as he a man clutching straw... and yet, I won't compare it to the case of one caught and surrounded by waters....

    BM as I know, has the goodness in him and is driven by a conviction he only knows...where the other end is... and that is his right and we should respect that from him.

    The fact that he also did what most of you would consider as LIES... thats a matter of interpretation.

    Although the damage of his part is felt and is still trickling through to many more, his actions is his right to defend and not for us to continue or even proceed any further in pursuit of wanting to hear, know, see the truth... what came about as the consequence of what took place more than a year back...has evolved from what is possible, manageable and delivering as agreed or expected....those were the issues that caused the consequences and it all stems from various aspects that led to this current day.

    Bryan is not alone on this...and deserves no condemnation...he is a fellow human who did what his vision guided him to... and we have and will respect him among us, for trying to manifest that light of hope....

    No one esp. ROLClub and the membership should condemn him...we forgive him to a point where compassion is but he has to face the consequences nonetheless for the events that are linked to the BN investigations and the halt of PIPS as a whole, temporary or otherwise... I personally view it as a case against the setup...the founder is only a branch of it and we should NOT be demanding answers from that lone branch alone!

    I don't in light of the circumstances now or has been since after Hawaii... I don't expect Bryan to take the tab, I'll take the tab when I buy him the next round of his favourite Jameson, he is still a buddy by the bar... for that I am for ... despite the loss, one can still get over it, some may NEVER, but I can and I know most of you in your hearts...can also!

    The truth is an integral source of the human suffering but it also rejoices when compassion is aired and delivered... abeer is a good beginning...

    Cheers to the RC CARE Group....
    Last edited by YogiBrood; 15-08-2006 at 12:42 PM.

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  6. #66
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    Correct Yogi.

    I believe BM was acting more out of desperation than a deliberate attempt to deceive people. He knew if he launched 10x5 under his own name it would be torn apart by those who wish to destroy him.

    Ethically, however, he has made a mistake here and I don't think he was right to deceive. It seems to be obtaining money by deception and that's probably illegal. I also do not think he was right with his criticisms of Marek and the way he handled the situation.

    But I do not think his entire character can be judged by these acts. It is when BNM return with their answer that we will know the real story. I will sit on the fence until that time as I like to have proper proof either way.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Admin View Post
    I just dont see how our leader has a license to lie.
    Cant deal with such stuff.


    You were correct Marek in the way you handled it, and I know it was a tough decision, but a correct one. One thing I have learned over the years is still true to this very day. Once a liar, always a liar, and what we have all seen is in fact true.

    What I draw from this is the same as many, Bryan is a very poor communicator, and if you just stop to think and evaluate all that has happened, you will come to the same conclusion I have. If he would have apologized for HA fiasco, and returned people money, no matter how few were impacted, it would have justified hiding under a rock with his next deal, but sorry, to ignore those who put money into HA was dead wrong.

    This one action, or should I say inaction convinced me of his true character, or lack there of. It all comes down to trust, and the way he handled this destroyed that last thread of trust, as well as hope that he had ever been honest with us. Sad to say, but true, his last post said it all, and he had to know what a difficult position you were in with FBI questioning you. You did the right thing Marek, so you have my respect and thanks.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  8. #68
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    I thank Marek for standing up as a man and for plainly giving a fact that was appropriate to give. Bryan has no basis for his character assassination of Marek. Could he be so naive to think that the BNM or such investigative branches interested in him such as the F.B.I. couldn't do a simple IP check? No, he is not that naive; he simply chose to attack Marek in order to fleece himself, to distract his base of followers away from the context of his own behavior. This is, indeed, a severe character flaw where Bryan is concerned; but, in contrast, Marek stood as a man, character intact and ethically sound. Bryan's morals in this behavior are repugnant: he attacks the one man who, specifically, has consistently and faithfully served the Pips population since the demise of the Pip's forum. Bryan pitched a fit like a little childish punk and his display was nauseating. I know you have taken a low hit on this Marek, but you are not alone; your friends stand with you.


  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caroline View Post
    I made some money with PIPS...not a lot. I did not lose any, if that's what you're getting at.

    But my observation is not influenced by my experience with PIPS.

    If you study history or economics or sociology, or whatever, you will find that the person who makes a revolutionary mark on society is NOT the person who is "nice" and who follows the rules. They are the people who set their own rules and have the guts to follow throught no matter what other people think. But this applies not just to revolutionaries in the sense of society as a whole, but to people who "revolutionize" their own personal life. You have to be willing to be "on the edge," so to speak, to take see beyond the "obvious" and the mundane.

    Bryan M. is in a position that NO ONE else is in, in regard to PIPS. He has a perspective that NO ONE else can possibly have, except perhaps his wife...(depending on their relationship.)
    He wants to help people...isn't that obvious? He is the kind of person who will find a way to do

    It would help if people would stop getting in his way.

    The question is will he be able to do it from a prison cell.

  10. #70
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    After reading Mareks response to BM final post, my respect for Marek has increased 1000%

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