PIPS is clearly on the move. Over the last two weeks they have taken more steps to insure the longevity of the program than they took in the two months prior to that. They've closed the transfer option at PicPay, they've begun an internal audit of funds, they've closed the forum, they've instituted the news page in the back office, they've given the websight a new look with new features, and they've finalized talks with VAT and seem to have several banks lined up as partners. It seems to me that a decision has been made to take action that will rectify some of the PIPS problems.

Let me speculate about those decisions.

1. The forum is closed, and news is posted in the members only back office.

It seems to me that Bryan must have known that members only information would be posted at TG and other places. In fact, it may be that he was counting on it. While abusive language and name calling by PIPS haters is annoying it isn't a crime. However, disclosing internal memos, and sensitive financial documents is a crime. Those in the TG forum who have leaked this information are engaging in criminal activity. If PIPS can determine that they posted this material with malicious intent for the purpose of hindering PIPS ability to conduct business or make a profit then they will be, not only liable for lost revenue, but also guilty of breaking several criminal codes of conduct. As such they can be arrested, detained, prosecuted, and (if found guilty) incarcerated.

2. It also seems to me that this is an attempt by PIPS to get its' house in order. The internal audit will determine specifically and completely: where funds have come from, what members have been trafficking in fraudulent picpay, what funds are legitimate and liquid, and exactly how much is invested by which member. This will then make PIPS ready to begin the large wave of payouts that should begin sometime next month. in addition, the new fee structure proposed by PIPS will probably fund more staff so that all areas of the business remain current.

3. It seems to me that all of this activity is good news. Action is finally being taken, and hopefully this will mean that PIPS will once again be able to keep up with withdrawal requests, while at the same time being able to invest funds faithfully. There has been so much negative speculation it's nice to be able to engage in some positive speculation for once.

If these changes do come about then it would certainly be appropriate for us to start a thread commending Bryan and all the hard work that he has done. I, for one, am very grateful for his vision of the future. And, God willing, will be able to buy my own private island because of him.

- TwiceWise