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  1. #371
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    UPDATE 1-Iraq delays gas bidding round to Oct 1

    Iraq has pushed back by a month the date of an auction for international firms that want to develop three of its gas fields, company executives and Iraqi oil officials said on Sunday.

    Baghdad had said it will invite all 45 international companies which were prequalified in the two oil auctions last year to bid for Akkas field in the western desert, Siba in the southern hub of Basra and Mansuriyah in eastern Iraq.

    The auction was to have taken place on Sept. 1 but will now be on Oct. 1.

    "It's such a short delay, it's not really a problem," Ahmad Haidar Ahmad, business development manager at Kuwait Energy, a privately held company, told Reuters on the sidelines of a gas workshop in Istanbul.

    The Iraqi Oil Ministry is holding the workshop in Istanbul on Sunday and Monday to discuss details of the gas bidding round and contract terms with interested bidders. The ministry had said it was considering postponing the gas auction to give companies more time.

    Ahmad said the delay in forming a new Iraqi government has not deterred his company from taking part in the bidding round.

    Iraq has had no new government since a March election produced no outright winner. Many Iraqi politicians have said it could be mid-September or later before a government is formed.

    One of the main contract points under discussion is allowing companies to export half of the gas produced from the fields, said Murat Yazici, an executive from state-run Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) who attended the workshop.

    An Iraqi oil official speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed the tender had been delayed until Oct. 1. When asked about the reason for the delay, he said companies may need more time now that they can sell the gas.

    Foreign companies will not need to pay the Iraqi government signature bonuses for the gas fields, the official said, as Iraq is trying to lure international companies to bid by sweetening its contract terms.

    The contracts for the gas fields are expected to be service agreements similar to those given in the oil auctions last year but the terms have yet to be finalised.

    In addition to Kuwait Energy and TPAO, officials from Italy's Edison, South Korea's KOGAS, India's Oil & Natural Gas Corp, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp (JOGMEC) and Itochu Corp were also seen at the workshop in Istanbul.

    Two of the gas fields to be tendered -- the 2.1 trillion cubic feet Akkas field, and Mansuriyah with estimated reserves of 3.3 trillion cubic feet of gas -- were unsuccessfully put on the auction block last year.

    The third field -- Siba -- had initially been included in Iraq's second oilfield auction but was taken off the list of reservoirs on offer because the ministry decided it was small enough for Iraq to develop on its own.

    Iraq has said companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, Total and KOGAS were favoured because of their experience in the industry. In May, Italy's Edison said it was planning to take part in the gas auction.

    Starved of electricity after years of war, sanctions and economic decline, Iraq hopes opening its gas sector to foreign investment and sealing a gas capture deal with Shell will boost its power capacity. Seven years after the U.S.-led invasion the national grid only supplies a few hours of power each day.

  2. #372
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    Launch Naraly house's central bank Governor in central Baghdad

    By unidentified gunmen Tuesday evening Opened fire on the governor's house Central Bank of Iraq Shabibi in Jadriya central Baghdad.

    A security source said to the reporter that the gunmen were riding in an unidentified car numbers They opened fire on a house the governor said then fled to an unknown destination.

    Almsdraly He said that the incident Injuring a member of the house to protect various injuries on the track was taken to hospital for treatment.

  3. #373
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    Work discusses the reality of foreign labor and Iraq's accession to the WTO

    Chaired by Eng Mahmoud al-Sheikh Radhi Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the fourteenth meeting of the Supreme National Committee to run for the discussion of the realities of foreign labor and Iraq's accession to the WTO and reflected the reality of work in Iraq.

    A media source in the ministry to the reporter That during the meeting which was attended by deputy ministers and members of the Commission and representatives of ministries and the General Federation of Trade Unions in Iraq and the Iraqi Industries Federation to clarify the laws and regulations relating to the recruitment of foreign workers and procedures in the ministry for the organization of work under the presence of non-formal education for foreign workers in many sectors of work, and have been heard To the views and proposals on the study and the organization of this phenomenon and to agree on a broad conference for employers in the various unions to a questionnaire opinion and prepare recommendations pay attention to this area.

    On the other hand, the meeting discussed the subject of Iraq's accession to the WTO and the consequences of hazardous join Because of the limited activity sectors of the country and the inability to compete with foreign goods that would turn Iraq into a consumer industry and destroying the national and contribute to raising unemployment

  4. #374
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    Legal Expert : the absence of strong oversight in Iraq, opening the door to corruption and lack of integrity

    Legal expert said Tariq Harb said the lack of strong oversight in Iraq, opening the door to corruption and dishonesty. He said the war in a special statement for NOAA Radio.

    We confirm to the NOAA and a great deal of corruption eating away at the body of the Iraqi state
    Prime block Iraq Kanna on the existence of significant corruption eating away at the body of the Iraqi state and government and the country, noting that corruption is equivalent to the destruction of terrorism in the country. He said we were in a statement to the NOAA radio.

    Commission on Public Integrity reveals the existence of several corruption cases in U.S. projects in Iraq

    Commission on Public Integrity said that the U.S. side did not provide them with any information about the funds disbursed to projects that fall under the fund reconstruction of Iraq.

    The deputy head of the judge attributed Tawfiq Jaafar told IRNA quoted by news Tuesday that this type of projects were not the Iraqi government knew about it because it was managed and implemented by the U.S. side without reference to the Iraqi government, noting that there were several cases of corruption surrounding these Operations through the inclusion of projects and imaginary part of the projects implemented.

    He explained that the Conciliation Commission on Public Integrity has to transmit the information and ask the American side Pauliat projects carried out within the fund reconstruction of Iraq without any response from him.

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  6. #375
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    Stopped Iraqi oil exports to Turkey because of the bombing of the carrier pipe inside Turkish territory

    A source in Iraq's North Oil Company, on Wednesday, that the process of pumping oil from northern oil fields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan pipeline was stopped because the main carrier oil into Turkish territory to an act of sabotage led to a hole in the pipe.

    The source said in an interview with "Alsumaria News", "The process of pumping oil from the fields of Kirkuk and the northern fields to Turkey's Ceyhan halted the morning, due to the exposure tube carrier to the process of detonating an IED inside Turkish territory, leading to a hole in the pipe" Noting that "the export process was stable by 650 to 700 thousand barrels a day."

    The carrier oil pipeline from Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan exposure, in an early hour yesterday evening, to the improvised explosive devices planted by unknown gunmen inside Turkish territory, resulting in a large fire in the area of the bombing.

    The source, who requested anonymity, that "a team of experts from the North Oil started since the morning, working to divert exports from the main line to the alternative Line No. 40," expected "re-export during the coming hours," he says.

    The source continued that the "new attack in Turkey, the export process confusing, especially after the stability of oil exports from Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan," stressing at the same time that "the diversion of export to a second line takes time and effort."

    The source pointed out that the "force to protect oil installations have succeeded in the past to prevent any bombings targeting line carrier inside Iraqi territory, according to a security plan developed by the coordination with the army to secure the line in areas where the activities of al Qaeda, especially in the areas of Baiji and Shirqat, Qaiyara as areas Facilitate the implementation of open desert sabotage it."

    The North Oil Company, confirmed on 24 July that the export of oil from the Kirkuk oilfields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan resumed after 24 hours of interruption owing to a technical glitch hit the line, after a power outage for a number of sub-stations along the line export, leading to For crashes pumping stations.

    The company has announced that on 23 July, the rates of pumping oil from northern oil fields to the Turkish port of Ceyhan rose to 700 thousand barrels per day after it was between 400 and 450 thousand per day during last June.

    The font Iraq-Turkey oil export, has seen over the past year, 2009, nine attacks by armed groups signed a majority in the area from Baiji , through spending Shirqat access to the area of Ain Zala in the vicinity of Nineveh province, the North Oil Company, about 996 oil wells, Wells and 18 gas wells divided by eight field Ajeel, 120 km southwest of Kirkuk, and six within the fields Jambour, 30 km south of Kirkuk, four within the field of Akash in Anbar province.

    Previously, the North Oil Company announced that suspend the export of Iraqi oil from Kirkuk to Ceyhan port in the second week of July due to a technical fault was followed by the Declaration of the Turkish side was the line to the armed attack, revisiting the company to resume exports to Turkey in the seventeenth of July last after a 15 Days due to an armed attack on the pipeline in Turkish territory.

  7. #376
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    Censor banking offices in Karbala

    Chairman of the Economic Committee in the Karbala Provincial Council : The Council decided to place banking offices in the province to control after an outbreak of the phenomenon of money laundering through fake currency, calling on the owners of banking offices to obtaining leave from official bodies responsible for the exercise of the profession.

    He said Tariq Ktevp Kikhany, the local government in Karbala, "made a decision will be which to place all banking offices across the province to continuous monitoring by security agencies and the Economic Crime Office in addition to the Economic Committee in the provincial council," pointing out that the decision came against the backdrop of "increasing Circulation of counterfeit currency phenomenon of money laundering in the city of Karbala as a magnet for visitors and dozens of banking offices." He Kikhany, local police "managed during the last months of the arrest of many of the bands, which include a gang of women are the sale and promotion of counterfeit currency in the offices of Banking, retail gold", noting that the resolution "will reinforce the follow-up office work for fear of entering into agreements with counterfeiters as well as ensure their safety and protect them. "The Kikhany that the provincial council" decided to seek the owners of banking offices on public holidays from the concerned authorities as part of the exercise Profession and like any other profession can not work for their owners only after obtaining an official holiday.

  8. #377
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    Property disputes Iraqi laws do to speed up the check claims

    The Iraqi Property Claims Commission, Tuesday, on the activation code would permit the development of subsidiary Tmiizitin audit and resolve decisions on the ownership of land to the Iraqis, which was confiscated by the former regime of them.

    The chief conflict property Alaa Jawad told the Kurdistan News (Akaniwz) on the sidelines of a press conference held today in Baghdad, "This resolution will be the work of the conflicts of ownership and would overcome the obstacles facing the work of cadres of the Board in the coming period, after surviving numerous problems and obstacles to non-natural".

    He explained, "it was the activation code 13 for the year 2010 after ratification by the Presidency of the Republic, where committees have been formed from the Supreme Judicial Council and the bill includes property disputes as well Tmiizatin bodies each having three judges to consider the lawsuits to the tendencies of property".

    "The 84 000 case two new bodies will later deducted if Bacherta their work during the coming days and within a timetable that includes all Iraqi provinces, which would help to restore the right of many citizens who have violated their rights during the former regime."

    The Authority was established to resolve property disputes, real estate in July 2005, an independent body to resolve cases of unfair expropriation of real estate property through expropriation, seizure, expropriation or forced sale, or any other illegal by the former regime after July 17, 1968.

    The Iraqi constitution in Article (61) relating to independent bodies, and Article (136) on the body of property claims to the property disputes under the Presidency of Council of Representatives and not to the presidency of the Council of Ministers.

  9. #378
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    International companies showing interest in participating in the Baghdad International Fair

    The Iraqi Ministry of Trade today, Monday, that a large group of international companies have shown interest in participating exhibition Baghdad International Fair of the 37, which is expected to take place in the Iraqi capital Baghdad in November next.

    A source in Ministry of Commerce of the Kurdistan News Agency (Akaniwz) "The Ministry of Trade and extended invitations to a number of countries in the world to participate the exhibition of Baghdad, 37 which will be held in the month of November next."

    The source said that "several countries, including France, Turkey, Iran, Japan, India and agreed to participate, as well as the participation of private sector companies in Iraq and the world, as well as companies Kurdistan region of Iraq."

    He said the "Preparations for the exhibition started since the beginning of this year," expected, "the participation of a large number of international companies."

    He pointed out that "the Baghdad International Fair stopped for two years because of the deteriorating security situation facing the country, where she was held in neighboring countries such as Turkey and Iran, but now with the security and stability, the exhibition opened its doors again."

    Iraq is seeking to attract investment into the country to contribute to the reconstruction of the country that suffered from neglect and vandalism throughout the long years of siege and war.

    But these efforts collide with reality precarious security in the country , which raises the fears of investment companies to enter the Iraqi market.

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  11. #379
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    Syrian president and Iranian Foreign Minister discuss a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki situations Iraq and Lebanon, mainly, in addition to the regional situation and the prospects for stability. the one hand and the two sides stressed "the necessity of forming a government of national unity as soon as possible enjoy the support of the Iraqi people and guarantees the return of security and stability to Iraq and preserve The unity of its territories." The Iranian and Syrian sources said that Assad and the rest of the Mottaki Monographs hot notably the Iranian nuclear file and the relationship with the international community as well as the withdrawal of U.S. military anticipated the end of this month from Iraq. On the Palestinian issue, said al-Assad and Mottaki on "the need to intensify efforts to stop the grave Israeli violations there, and especially the issue of Judaizing Jerusalem and the expulsion of Palestinians from their lands and the importance of continuing to work to force Israel to lift its inhumane to the Gaza Strip." For his part, Syrian President "Syria's refusal to impose Sanctions on Iran" and expressed his hope that "the talks have made between Iran and the Vienna Group progress in this file." The visit Mottaki days after a visit by senior adviser to Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran for International Affairs Ali Akbar Velayati met with President Bashar al- Assad, Vice President of the Republic Faruq al-Shara and Foreign Minister Walid Moallem.

    Mottaki had arrived on Tuesday evening to Syria in the two-day visit mainly include talks with President Assad and Foreign Minister Walid Moallem.

  12. #380
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    Iraqi economic : economic relations with Iran, "advanced"

    The Iraqi economic expert, Tuesday, relations with Iran as the "advanced" and "advanced" too, despite being accused of interfering in internal Iraqi affairs.

    Said Bassem al-Amiri told the Kurdistan News (Akaniwz) that "economic relations between Iraq and Iran very sophisticated and different from the rest of the other countries due to economic openness."

    "The opening of Iran to Iraq, helped her to cope with the economic sanctions imposed by the international community."

    And that "the volume of business networking with Iran will exceed eight billion dollars a year after running more than two border crossings in this year."

    The Amery said "the next government are supposed to, among other actions to strengthen its economic relations with all regional countries."

    The Iranian ambassador to Baghdad Hassan Danaii confirmed at a conference in Baghdad today, the depth of the economic relations between Tehran and Baghdad.

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