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    BP sees opportunity in commitment to Iraq

    Davos "BP has committed to Iraq despite the oil law not being finalised, and we are confident that we have a great opportunity," Tony Hayward, Group CEO of BP told Gulf News at the World Economic Forum.

    "It was made very clear to us by the Iraqi government that we had to choose between investing in the main part of Iraq, or in Kurdistan. We chose Iraq," said Hayward.

    Earlier he spoke to a session on sustainable energy supply of the importance of BP 's plans in Iraq, which he expects will grow from one million barrels a day (bpd) to three million bpd in the next ten years.

    "We expect total production from Iraq to increase to 10 million bpd by 2020. All the current plans show more is possible, but 10 million bpd is realistic," he said.

    The importance of Iraq as a source of new supply is in the context of world demand for energy growing from the present 85 million bpd to 100 million bpd by 2050, and in an industry which thinks in 20 to 30 year projects, this does not leave much time.

    Peter Vosser, CEO of Royal Dutch Shell agreed with these global numbers and said that to achieve this target, the combined oil industry will need to invest $27 trillion (Dh99 trillion) (roughly the sum that all the governments of the world have spent to save the world's financial system).

    Commenting on Iraq, where Shell has two large projects underway, Vosser made the point that Iraq has had no investment for 20 years and the oil industry needs to upgrade a huge amount.

    Khalid Al Falih, President and CEO of Saudi Aramco, welcomed the likelihood of increased output from Iraq, saying that Saudi Arabia was seen as the producer that would fill the energy gap between growing demand and supply over the next 20 years. "Some predictions showed us producing as much as 15 to 20 million bpd, which would have been impossible," he said.

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    Warning to the citizens of the promoters of counterfeit currency and how recognition and reporting of

    Forgery, counterfeiting, forgery, promotion, smuggling ... Names long numerous types of currencies from the dollar and the euro down to the local currency, this situation is a source of constant concern for those who do not have the ability to distinguish between wheat from the chaff of them! ..

    Activity and promote the phenomenon of counterfeit currency amid growing service sectors of transport and bakeries, restaurants and private fuel stations which are fertile ground for fake currency dealers taking advantage of the workers work pressure and the limited experience of discrimination.

    Are petrol stations and rural areas fertile ground for the activity of promoters of counterfeit currency and always exposed workers in this sector to successive losses Being outspoken has some experience in the detection of fraud.

    The counterfeit currency, economic loss by all standards and if we do not know the exact figures of money for the counterfeit cash block circulation.

    However, we stress that the promotion of causes that try to counterfeit currency to weaken confidence in the economy, especially in terms of commercial transactions of all kinds.

    Since counterfeiters are making huge profits because they sell the fakes at less than its true value and that it was subject to fraud and counterfeiting currency, it loses its real value and economic loss to be recorded, let alone be used to finance terrorist operations of the owners of vulnerable souls to use the destruction of vital installations and killing of innocent people of our people throughout Iraq.

    And we see the development of simple mechanisms to find out counterfeit currency than others as shown in the photos attached to this report and in cooperation with multinational forces, and the Report on the pushers of counterfeit currency call the numbers listed.

  3. #243
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    Raundozi confirms the existence of regional countries want to overthrow the regime in Iraq

    Exclusion of a member of the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary Faryad Raundozi stop the violence in the foreseeable future, the presence of intent by the regional countries to overthrow the new regime in Iraq, he said.

    Raundozi said in a radio interview Friday that he is not expected to stop operations "terrorist" as soon as the security situation improves, noting that he believed that such operations will continue in the near future and long term, the existence of a plot to overthrow the new regime in Iraq.

    The Raundozi continued retention of those States to the armed groups which carried out car bomb attacks, as well as logistical support and training elements within its territory.

  4. #244
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    Iran withdraws from disputed oil field in Iraq

    After more than a month, Iran has ended a border standoff with Iraq.

    Officials said Iran has withdrawn its military forces from all Iraqi territory. They said the pullout from the disputed Fakaa oil field in eastern Iraq took place on Jan. 27.

    "The Iranians returned to their original posts," Iraqi government spokesman Ali Al Dabbagh said.

    The Iranian pullout ended a six-week standoff that did not threaten to flare into violence. Officials said the Baghdad government maintained diplomatic contact with Teheran to defuse the situation and ensure an Iranian withdrawal.

  5. #245
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    Iraq could make up global oil shortfall
    New data indicates Iraq has huge reserves

    By now anyone who has ventured out of the office to an industry conference has heard the predictions for a sizable global hydrocarbon shortfall by 2030. Estimates vary, but by and large, projections indicate the world will use more than 100 MMb/d of oil in 2030, up from around 86 MMb/d today.

    Meeting this growing demand is going to be a huge challenge. As Steven Kopits, managing director of Douglas-Westwood LLC in New York, told participants at the Society for Underwater Technology in January 2010, oil companies will need to find and get into production “one new Saudi Arabia every three years.”

    Given that Saudi Arabia produces approximately 9.5 MMb/d, that is a very tall order. And it is not very likely to happen.

    Part of the problem in meeting this enormous demand is finding the reserves – or at least, that was the problem before geologists reassessed Iraq’s potential. According to experts, the country’s oil reserves could be the biggest in the world, exceeding 400 Bbbl.

    Though some remain skeptical, the fact is that Iraq awarded leases in 2009 that could account for nearly 10 MMb/d incremental capacity.
    Of course, the fact that the reserves are in the ground does not mean getting them into production will be easy. According to Jim Burkhard, managing director of IHS CERA’s global oil group, Iraq will be a huge player over the next decade, but operators will have their work cut out for them.

    Burkhard told attendees of the Microsoft Global Energy Forum in Houston on January 21 that Iraq’s reserves could change the world balance, explaining that between 1998 and 2009, “The entire world saw oil production increase by 10 MMb/d.” Now, he said, “One country has the potential to increase global oil supply by the same amount.”

    For Iraq to actually add more than 9 MMb/d to world supply would be astronomical.

    “There is an enormous amount of potential,” Burkhard said, but there are a lot of challenges. These include political instability, dubious security, and a lack of infrastructure. “Long-term potential is enormous,” he said, “but it’s not going to be easy.”

    A “Wall Street Journal” report on the most recent licensing round says that supermajors, including Royal Dutch Shell, France’s Total SA, and Chevron Corp. are among the companies interested in Iraq acreage.

    These heavy hitters have worked in many inhospitable places around the globe in the past and have managed to turn a profit. They have strong track records, and given the reserves estimates and the demand projections, they have enormous incentive as well. Shell and Petronas Carigali have already hit the ground running.

    In late January 2010, Shell and Petronas signed a 20-year contract with the Ministry of Oil of the Republic of Iraq to provide technical assistance in the development of the Majnoon oil field in southern Iraq, one of the largest oil fields in the world. The consortium is targeting a production plateau of 1.8 MMb/d of oil, up from a current level of approximately 45,000 b/d.

    “Iraq’s oil and gas reserves are among the largest in the world and we look forward to applying our experience and technology to support ongoing efforts to rebuild the country’s energy infrastructure,” said Shell CEO Peter Voser.

    Shell, as lead operator, will hold a 45% share, with partner Petronas holding 30%. The Iraqi state holds 25% of the participating interests in all licenses. The signing of this agreement follows the contract award on Dec. 11, 2009, and the approval of the Iraqi Council of Ministers on Jan. 5, 2010.

    So it seems the race has begun.

    According to Douglas-Westwood’s Kopits, “Iraq can be a game changer if expectations are materially met.”

    Time will tell if the optimism and quick entry of operating companies will allow them to meet those expectations

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    Is Iraq's Oil Strategy Too Abitious?

    The chief E.xecutives of two of the world's oil giants have been waxing lyrical about helping Iraq quadruple its oil production over the next decade, but questions linger about whether it can be done. Some energy industry experts believe that given the plethora of problems that the Iraqi government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is having to deal with, Baghdad is being way too ambitious. Others are less sanguine about the prospects of Iraq raising its production level from the current 2 million barrels a day to 12 million bpd by 2020.

    Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, is confident it can be done. He said during the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that even though Iraq has yet to finalize a long-delayed oil law, he believes that aided by foreign oil companies and their state-of-the-art technology Baghdad will hit its target. BP and the China National Petroleum Corp. were awarded a 20-year production contract for the huge Rumaila field, with reserves estimated at 17.8 billion barrels, in southern Iraq in leasing auctions held in Baghdad in 2009. Hayward, speaking at a Davos session on sustainable energy supply, reckons that BP will be able to boost Rumaila's current output of 1 million barrels a day to 3 million bpd by 2020.

    "All the current plans show more is possible, but 10 million barrels per day is realistic," he said.

    Peter Vosser, Hayward's opposite number at Royal Dutch Shell, which has two large oil projects now under way in Iraq, was equally confident that the country is on track to rival Saudi Arabia's production level. Shell, along with Exxon Mobil, completed a deal on Monday to develop the vast West Qurna Phase 1 field, which holds 7 billion barrels of recoverable oil. Shell also is part of a consortium with Malaysia's state-owned oil company Petronas that won the Majnoon field in eastern Iraq. It contains an estimated 12.8 billion barrels of oil. Shell has pledged to boost production there from a paltry 46,000 barrels a day to 1.8 million.

    If Iraq gets anywhere near its production target, it will provide a new supply of oil at a period when world demand for energy is expected to swell from the current level of 85 million barrels a day to 100 million by 2030. In that context, Iraq will have to pull out all the stops to boost production in an industry that has been battered by war and international sanctions over two decades and which has had no investment in that time.

    Hayward stressed, "We're cautiously optimistic about the potential that Iraq can play in providing a new source of supply to global oil markets."

    But he admitted that this could be jeopardized by what transpires in Iraq, where violence has surged recently as the country heads toward critical parliamentary election on March 7.

    "The realities of the challenges of e.xecution on the ground and the need to build capability on the grounds mean things will happen a little slower than all of us are perhaps planning for today," Hayward said.

    "The resources there are relatively easy to bring on stream and there is no reason to believe that Iraq can't be producing 10 million barrels per day by 2020 or so."

    Iraq's ambitions could be snarled if the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries imposes a new production quota. Iraq, a member of OPEC, has not had a quota since the 1990 invasion of Kuwait. But in the meantime, the experts seem split on Iraq's prospects as outlined by its go-get-em oil minister, Hussain al-Shahristani, who spent years in Saddam Hussein's torture gulag.

    "A major, rapid production increase, as envisioned by Dr. al-Shahristani, is not entirely unprecedented -- Russia managed something comparable in the 1990s although that was a recovery to previous levels, not a new high," according to energy analysts Richard Savage and Alex Martinos at Mirabaud Securities.

    "However, in the case of Iraq, it must be seen as highly unlikely. Even though the worst of the post-invasion strife seems, thankfully, to have passed, Iraq still faces a raft of challenges."

    Savage and Martinos concluded: "The 12 million barrels per day target is, arguably, inflated after a licensing process that encouraged competing companies to set high production targets for each field, with limited economic penalties if these are subsequently missed."

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    Iraq sees extra 100,000 bpd from Rumaila by July

    Iraq's supergiant Rumaila oilfield will begin producing an extra 100,000 barrels per day (bpd) by the beginning of July, the head of the State Oil Marketing Organisation (SOMO) said on Saturday.

    "I expect we will get 100,000 barrels additional production from Rumaila field at the beginning of July," Falah Alamri told an economic conference in the Iraqi capital.

    British Petroleum Plc and China's CNPC signed a 20-year development contract last year for Rumaila, which was agreed to have have a baseline production of 1.066 million bpd.

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    Baghdad to Invite Bids for USD 3bn railway project

    The Iraqi Transport Ministry is expected to invite foreign companies to bid for the contract to build a $3bn rail network in Baghdad later this month, as part of plans to improve the country’s freight and passenger transport system.

    Further details are due to be released within days. The plan is expected to involve a line looping around the capital that will link to lines connecting Baghdad to other provinces and neighbouring countries, according to local media reports.

    The project is expected to take four years to complete.

    The winning contractor will also build two main passenger stations, one in the west and one in the east of Baghdad.

    The network will be able to transport 23 million passengers each year and 46 million tonnes of freight.

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    Oil ministry signs contract over Qarna oilfield

    The Iraqi oil ministry will wrap up on Sunday a series of oil contracts announced earlier by signing a final contract over West al-Qarna-2 oilfield as part of the two rounds of tenders with Russia’s Lukoil and Norway’s Statoil, a ministry spokesman said on Saturday.

    “The two companies pledged to up production to a peak of 1.800 million barrels per day at a rate of 1.15 dollars per barrel of additional produced barrel. The contract would offer a chance for Russian companies to have presence in Iraq after 2003 in one of the most important southern oilfields,” Assem Jihad told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

    Qarna-2 has a huge reserve estimated to reach 13 billion barrels. The field lies in southern Iraq, west of the Majnoon oilfield, whose reserves are equal to Qarna-2.

    The ministry had signed last week a final contract to develop the first stage of West Qarna oilfield with a conglomeration of Exxon Mobil and Shell companies, hopefully to up production by more than two million barrels and offer 100,000 jobs, as stated by Iraqi Minister of Oil Hussein al-Shahrestani.

  10. #250
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    Interview - Minister of Finance Baqir al-Zubaidi economic

    Iraq is heading towards the write-off the remaining debts and Denmark the first countries to begin to
    Interview conducted by: Yasser incumbent

    Dialogue, openness and transparency in the title chosen by the Economic Department in the morning newspaper to be the work of the economic program of the morning in the new year 2010. The first choice and the impact on the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of why, exactly?. The answer is, you'll see at the end of the dialogue or Tschwouna between the lines, but will not be the end of the dialogue but we will follow up as promised by the Finance Minister in this dialogue through the dialogue to come.

    That our knowledge of the background information to the Minister, where he worked as chief editor of a newspaper Mazadna rush to get out of the time that we have identified by the Director of the minister's office half an hour, where the minister had cut an extra hour of his time graciously accepted.

    While the minister was busy in the receptivity Bmdolp official with one of two activists, where managers instructed His Excellency the Director General Implementation of the proposals to expand the branches of the bank where he works outside and travel to Iraq to complete the negotiations on the qualification of the bank.

    By the Director-General is Hussein Azri, which achieved great success in developing the performance of Trade Bank of Iraq, according to the minister and the development indicators were put on the table of the Minister and his briefing Baprzha.

    This scene made the minister recalled how the banking sector and where things stand it, was the first axis in the dialogue is the banking sector

    We asked the Minister:

    Q: How do you evaluate the performance of the banking sector?
    - If you want to set up your performance of the banking sector, I must give you some idea as to what it was when we receive the banks of the ministry, where, and arrived at that Stgmon yourselves to sector performance.

    As we receive the Ministry of Finance there was a study requires the closure of the Rafidain and rational and real estate, agricultural, industrial, because of many problems there is no room to go into right now I do not there is the possibility of promoting these banks.

    Already and I have my team to re-activate the Rafidain and Rashid to provide traditional banking services.

    We have visited the Land Bank too and found it to hang in full .. It was a dust-caked files, we decided to bank lending to real estate (200) million dinars from the Rafidain and Rasheed banks, however, as students of the benefits of commercial banks Vdfna the benefits of financial and bank appeared to have been active real estate professional and is now one of the best banks operating at the level Alt_khasisi.

    The Agricultural Bank has done well until he was able in 2008 to continue lending to 80 thousand of the draft and we expect to grow the number of loans in 2009, the past and we are now awaiting the reports of the Agricultural Bank which we expect that it will mark an increase in the proportion of loans. In the intervention whether those loans within the agricultural minister said the initiative: it is not outside the initiative of agricultural loans.

    Universal banking system.
    As for the Rafidain and Rashid, the minister added, follows: After having completed the use of the universal banking at the Bank of Iraq, we would expect to see Rasheed Bank this year, and soon the application of the universal banking system .. Thus, we will enable citizen access to banking services with ease as he can from the account at the Bank of governance in Iraq or Baghdad. Withdrawals and deposits in all branches of banks in all parts of Iraq as well as abroad cross-********* system, this development will contribute to significant growth in the banks, and as reflected on the development of financial resources as well as the friendly service to the citizen.

    He explained that this system has brought him to Iraq, and cost (10) million dollars and is a dedicated team of trained staff equipped with the company's banks to work in this advanced technology.

    - What about the private banking sector?
    We addressed the need to support private banks to give each bank has a market capitalization of $ (100) billion dinars, or over which credits of (4) gives millions of dollars in banks whose capital under this provision limits the number (2) million dollars,

    We believe that this support would make is trying to develop their capital in order to rise to the level of private and foreign banks compete in the future.

    Iraq's debt

    * Iraq's debt and haunted by the suffering of the citizen Where did your efforts on them?
    The truth is that talk about the debt with Concerns After that we were able to write off 80% of the debt we are now trying to extinguish the remaining 20% owed by Iraq.

    Zubaidi, recalling the efforts made in this field and culminated in the dim (120) billion dollars out of (140) billion dollars that are owed by Iraq, according to Paris Club rules, which ruled to turn off the 80% remained 20% waiting for solutions.

    He pointed out that Iraq's first oil country, I got this 80% to allow any other countries because the poor do not get only a percentage to allow about 50 - 60% of the total debt.

    And we have made strenuous efforts, "said the Minister, by seeking to extinguish the remaining debt amounts to 20% have responded to our first country, namely Denmark.

    The move was made after the signing of the Danish ambassador in front of us but make us the responsibility to give priority in investment, construction and reconstruction, all States that follow the example of Denmark.

    He noted that the amount owed by Iraq for Denmark is (250) million initiated Denmark kindly write off the debt, what makes us the responsibility to be rewarded by giving them priority in all the fields available in Iraq.


    * All eyes are directed towards what it means to delay the budget approval?
    - In this regard, says Finance Minister Baqir Jabr Al-Zubaidi: For me as Minister of Finance does not mean anything because I have a financial management law, which allows me the money shot that since 1 / 1 / 2010
    And actually fired salaries, pensions, and launched social protection network and fired the ration card, and we have stayed ongoing projects, launching projects and aspects through the "morning," My plea to the Governors and the Ministers to submit requests for the delivery of 20% of the investment allocations. However, the minister said: The only remaining which I can not spend it until after the ratification of the budget is the new project in 2010.

    I would like to delay approving the budget does not occur for the first time, in the past year were approved by the end of the fourth month and the year before that were approved in the third month.

    - But Mr. Minister, people are concerned about the lack Agheraralmoisnp because the election period close?
    Yes, this is true, but the Minister of Finance as I said has the potential to use the validity under the law of the previous budget and the law can be repealed only by law.

    On that basis, things are moving in the right direction in accordance with the law.

    * Where point of disagreement between Parliament and the Council of Ministers, which has delayed approving the budget?
    - Summed up the difference that the parliament wants to reallocate 20% of the investment allocations for ministries to the provinces. But the minister wants to keep the ministries take their role and believe that the ministries more efficient to provide services, either the House of Representatives wants to get rid of the central direction of decentralization.

    This means that the House wants to increase the allocations from the provincial share of ministries and the Council of Ministers wants to keep the assignments as they are. But the decision in the end, the House of Representatives in accordance with the Constitution according to Article 62 thereof.

    - You agreed with an opinion?
    I represent the opinion of the government now, but have my own opinion I can not speak it.

    - When you returned the budget amendment was it?
    Yes, we discussed the proposed amendment and the general framework but did not get approval of the Council of Ministers and this is the essence of the dispute.

    Chapter VII

    * Where did the government's efforts on chapter VII?
    - An important question and I think that the government is working on several tracks: the first file ending debt and second to end the file of complaints and lawsuits filed against Iraq by the citizens of the United States because of the practices of the former regime, the file number specifically assigned to Iraq as scary up compensation to a trillion dollars.

    The minister said that there is a committee formed under the chairmanship of Adviser to the Prime Minister of Legal Affairs Dr Fadhil Mohammed Jawad was in negotiations with the State Department were on the way to settle things Libyan, ie to pay a specified amount to the U.S. government and you are to settle compensation with the citizens, and the amount in this case does not exceed ( 400) million dollars in the case of giving him solve the problem file complaints.

    The other topic is that Iraq is to find an alternate account of the Development Fund to be protected by the United Nations and the U.S. president.

    The other important thing that Iraq will guarantee the payment of compensation to Kuwait because the United Nations deduct 5% of Iraq's revenues that is required to settle the matter with Kuwait because it has debts and reparations owed by Iraq.

    There is a problem the total remaining debt owed by Iraq from the private sector estimated in the range (7) billions of dollars and Landry to their health or not, as some companies refused to disclose the debts and some of them is lying and we will respond to them by international law where the lawyer's response was a lot of lawsuits.

    These funds if Iraq could have settled and to ensure the payment of compensation to Kuwait, when that goal will be achieved out of Iraq's Chapter VII.

    Iraq and the International Monetary Fund

    Q: What about Iraq's relationship with the IMF?
    - That our relationship with the International Monetary Fund, a distinctive and characterized by fruitful cooperation and constructive .. We have managed to convince them that Iraq does not impose on the requirements and standards imposed on other countries, and now we're not in dire need of IMF, but a ministry with us, financial and central bank and the Oil Ministry as members of the ministerial delegation negotiating with the IMF, we believe it important to keep our relationship with the Fund and sustain in order to benefit from the expertise and techniques useful in particular that Iraq had been cut off from the world for more than 40 years.

    Let me give you an example of the importance of the relationship, when the House of Representatives to change some aspects of the budget, we need more than two weeks to make adjustments in the figures used primitive way, but the International Monetary Fund is now providing us with an elaborate system of budget preparation, staff training budget on this system where the system the necessary adjustments electronically, the time is very short.

    Also, the accounting system in place is very old and not commensurate with the global developments, and works Alsndq currently developing this system .. These and other services makes us hold on to this relationship, but the only condition that almost caused us problems is to bring Iraq to work standards system price of petroleum products has convinced us not to fund the implementation of this requirement, which forced it on other countries.

    Q: What is the meaning of a system of norms price of petroleum products and what risk
    Standard price of petroleum products to Iraq means the division of the world oil price and extraction rate of oil derivatives, according to the dollar .. Any raise or lower prices of oil derivatives, according to the vagaries of the dollar, and this change is causing us many problems putting pressure on us to negotiate and sign the agreement not to chock the Fund, assuming this condition, and convinced them of the futility of this condition Fastjaboa us.

    Other than that, all the conditions and requirements that want the Fund are beneficial for Iraq and to promote economic reform, and conditions of using modern technology in the preparation of the budget and rehabilitation of banks and other All of these systems, we really need nothing more than international requirements.

    World Trade Organization

    * Do you think, Mr. Minister, that Iraq is eligible to join the World Trade Organization?
    - Although the subject of the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce, but we are members of the committee charged with this issue say .. Iraq needs time to organize the (WTO) and we are working in the world of the isthmus is not no socialist system is not a free market system "market economy" we are working Balatnin We need time to exit to the market economy.


    * According to international companies wishing to invest that Iraq lacks a strong insurance sector .. How do you do you evaluate the performance of insurance companies?
    - Admitted to you that the Ministry of Finance has made great efforts to develop the government insurance, but we have not achieved only 50% of success, Tlkona in completing this task because of the legacy of the heavy and restrictive laws for insurance, it is the laws of socialism and we are supposed to work the laws of market economy and here lies the flaw .. .

    He adds: We need to change the laws .. And change the laws at this stage take years to accomplish as a long transition, where he drafts to the Cabinet and then the General Secretariat of the Council and the Council of State and then to the House of Representatives .. These stages take time, but we're going to find the required legislation.

    However, the minister pointed to the success of private insurance companies as they try to strongly enter the Iraqi market, adding: Yesterday, I received a request from one of the leading investors to set up a private insurance company and would agree to his request and always call for partnership with global companies because we believe that the private sector must take its due role in supporting the investment programs, construction, reconstruction and development.

    He added saying: We have proposed to the state-owned enterprises affiliated to the ministry a partnership with international companies and has taken some steps but departments have failed so far to reconcile and to hold such deals.

    Smart Card

    * It is said that the smart card has put their hands on a lot of cases of corruption, how do you view this issue?
    - At the outset I would like to make one thing clear is that the smart card has been chosen by and dealt with the company's global smart card system in order to participate with the Rafidain and good after conviction usefulness in the fight against corruption and fraud.

    Has faced significant challenges this mechanism, disrupt and combat by the "thieves" in the words of the minister, any of those affected by advanced technology.

    Let me give you one example in order to perceive the importance of the card, I discovered this card for fake people (7) the identities of any of seven receives a monthly salary, and an old woman received five salaries And so on, why not fight.

    And summarize the minister said .. What we have achieved for 50% of retirees in this regard, namely that the million retirees now receive their salaries for the way you can imagine the time required for the completion of all identities, We have introduced the salaries of social protection network after strenuous efforts by some who fought for this card, now things are going as delineated by them. In the application of faith in the distribution of salaries of government departments according to need and desire after the department discovered the importance of this card and the multiple advantages.

    This openness and transparency, Finance Minister ended his speech by an interview with the economic the morning but did not hide his threshold on the media in dealing with economic affairs and highlight the shortcomings of the positive decisions and successes achieved during the period, calling on the observance of professional standards in the facts, view, and the country's need to strengthen the bonds of trust between citizens and government through the responsibility of "Her Majesty".

    He promised a lot of good and the good achievements in the budget coming from the year 2011 up any governing Iraq after the Scheduling and cancel the remaining debt

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