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  1. #8061
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    Ok enough is enough. I will ask you all to get it together and back to the topic please. As soon as the new server reconizes my Mod here I will move and delete all these post that have nothing to do with what need the energy for. This is a very "KIND" ask please. No More $hit past this post. Thanks.

  2. #8062
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    IIF forum is a crazy place. The last couple of days some of the cancers that lurk over there have really tried to rain on the whole r/v thing. Even bringing up the "L" word again. Now as I have said before I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But as I was thinking about this.... and let me apologize up front for even bringing this up as I know it has been discussed to death. But let's say for the sake of argument Iraqi Joe gets paid for a job 25,000 dinar he gets paid in one nice crisp note. His neighbor Iraqi Jack does the same job, but he gets paid 100 of the 250 notes (25,000 dinar) then they do like the cancers say and whack 3 zeros fro the big bills, and r/v 1:1 Iraqi Jack now has 25,000 dollars (as you can't take 3 zeros off if there is only 1) but Iraqi Joe is left holding 25 dollars. Now if I was Iraqi Joe, I would be a bit outraged at Iraqi Jack.

    I know this seems very "grade school" but sometimes it is the best way for me to wrap my brain around it. Again I am sorry if this was an unneeded post.


  3. #8063
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    I ask for this to stop once already. If you want listen I will Ban you. Move this crap Off of ROLCLUB NOW!!!

    Last WARNING...Nothing past this Post. Unless it is on TOPIC!!!!

    Thank you.

  4. #8064
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    IIF forum is a crazy place. The last couple of days some of the cancers that lurk over there have really tried to rain on the whole r/v thing. Even bringing up the "L" word again. Now as I have said before I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But as I was thinking about this.... and let me apologize up front for even bringing this up as I know it has been discussed to death. But let's say for the sake of argument Iraqi Joe gets paid for a job 25,000 dinar he gets paid in one nice crisp note. His neighbor Iraqi Jack does the same job, but he gets paid 100 of the 250 notes (25,000 dinar) then they do like the cancers say and whack 3 zeros fro the big bills, and r/v 1:1 Iraqi Jack now has 25,000 dollars (as you can't take 3 zeros off if there is only 1) but Iraqi Joe is left holding 25 dollars. Now if I was Iraqi Joe, I would be a bit outraged at Iraqi Jack.

    I know this seems very "grade school" but sometimes it is the best way for me to wrap my brain around it. Again I am sorry if this was an unneeded post.

    the thing i saw that stuck out in your example, is that lopping the currency wouldn't just be for the big bills, it would be for all of the currency meaning they would have to reprint ALL new notes. in the example you have, 25k dinar would be worth 25 dinar after a 3 zero lop, no matter what bills you are holding. if you had a 25k dinar note, after the lop would be worth 25 "new" dinar. if you had a 250 dinar note, after the lop it would be worth .25 "new" dinar.

    hope that helps a little.

  5. #8065
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    Cool Iraq Extends State of Emergency a Month

    Iraq Extends State of Emergency a Month


    BAGHDAD, Iraq
    (Sept. 5) - The Iraqi parliament voted Tuesday to extend a state of emergency for a month, and Britain's foreign secretary emphasized the importance of transferring control of security from the U.S.-led coalition to the Iraqi government.

    Meanwhile, the U.S. military command said two Marines and a sailor had been killed in fighting in Iraq's restive Anbar province, raising to eight the number of American troops killed in fighting in Iraq over the past two days.

    The state of emergency has been in place for almost two years and covers every region except the autonomous Kurdish region in the north. It grants security forces greater powers such as implementing curfews and making arrests without warrants.

    It has been renewed every month since it was first imposed in November 2005, hours before U.S. and Iraqi troops launched a major offensive to drive insurgents out of the city of Fallujah, west of Baghdad.

    British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, on her first trip to Iraq since taking her post in May, met with Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh and discussed the transfer of security control from the U.S.-led coalition to Iraqi authorities.

    "There has been responsibility that has been transferred already and we hope and believe that that is a process that will continue," Beckett said. It is "absolutely key that we see that responsibility being able to be exercised by the representatives of the elected government of Iraq."

    British forces handed over control of the southern Muthanna province to their Iraqi counterparts in July, and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said another southern province, Dhi Qar, would follow in September.

    "I recognize that at the end of the day, security in this country must be a prime responsibility for the Iraqi government and the Iraqi security services," Saleh said.

    Handing over control from the coalition to Iraqi authorities is a key part of any eventual drawdown of U.S.-led international troops.

    In the past week, a disagreement emerged over the handover of Iraq's armed forces command and a highly anticipated ceremony on Saturday marking the transfer was called off at the last minute.

    The two sides still had to complete "some legal and protocol procedures that will lead to a complete understanding between the Iraqi government and the multinational troops," the Defense Ministry said. Neither Iraqi nor U.S. officials would comment further on the nature of the disagreement.

    On Tuesday, Ali al-Dabbagh, spokesman for the prime minister, said in an interview with the BBC that the ceremony would be held on Thursday.

    Beckett, whose visit came after two British soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in southern Iraq on Monday, was to meet with al-Maliki later in the day.

    After meeting with the British foreign secretary, Saleh left on a four-day trip to Iran to develop ties and prepare a forthcoming visit to Tehran by al-Maliki, the deputy prime minister's office said. It did not release any details on when al-Maliki would visit Iran.

    Iraq's new Shiite leaders have close ties to Tehran, and U.S. officials have encouraged Iraq to have good relations with all of its neighbors, including Iran, despite accusing the Islamic Republic of not doing enough to stop militants from infiltrating Iraq across the nearly 1,000-mile-long porous border.

    Since Saddam Hussein's ouster in 2003, Iraq has tried to build closer ties with Iran and heal scars left by the 1980-88 war that killed more than 1 million people on both sides.

    In Baghdad, Sunni Arab lawmaker Saleh al-Mutlaq held a conference with the heads of Iraqi tribes and called upon the leader of the Kurds in the north to reconsider their decision to replace the Iraqi flag with the Kurdish one.

    The decision by Massoud Barzani, president of the Kurdish region, last week has angered many in Baghdad. The Kurdish region gradually has been gaining more autonomy since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, a worrying development to many Iraqi leaders, especially Sunni Arabs.

    The three slain U.S. troops, all assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5, died on Monday "due to enemy action," the military said in a statement. It did not provide any further details. Their identities were not released pending notification of their families.

    Anbar province, to the west of Baghdad, is one of the country's most volatile. It includes cities such as Ramadi and Fallujah, part of the so-called Sunni Triangle where the insurgency has been at its worst.

    Police found five unidentified blindfolded bodies dumped in Saweria, about 30 miles south of Baghdad. All had been shot in the head and chest and bore signs of torture, said Mamoun Ajeel al-Rubaie at the Kut hospital morgue.

    In Baqouba, 35 miles northeast of Baghdad, where a series of violent incidents have taken place in recent days, at least eight people were killed, police said.

    Gunmen fired on a police patrol, killing three policemen, and two civilians died in separate drive-by shootings, Diyala province police said. Mortar attacks on two areas of a town south of the city killed a total of three people and wounded 21.

    In Samarra, 60 miles north of Baghdad, a car bomb parked near a house exploded, injuring a family of five. When people nearby ran to help the family, another bomb exploded within minutes, killing three people.

    In eastern Mosul, about 225 miles northwest of Baghdad, two people were wounded by an explosion in a house about midnight. Police said that when they arrived at the scene, they found weapons including hand grenades, mortar rounds and rocket-propelled grenades.

    AP-ES-09-05-06 1543EDT

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  6. #8066
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    Cool Another blow to Al Qaeda in Iraq

    Another blow to Al Qaeda in Iraq


    By Dan Murphy, Staff writer of The Christian Science MonitorTue Sep 5, 4:00 AM ET

    An Iraqi man
    who officials say planned an attack on a Shiite shrine last February that pushed sectarian fighting to its highest pitch since the war began has been captured. He was the second in command of Al Qaeda in Iraq, say Iraqi officials.

    Hamid Juma Faris al-Saeedi, described as a former member of Saddam Hussein's feared domestic intelligence service was arrested a few days ago, north of Baqubah. In June, the founder of the Iraq-based group, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was killed by a US airstrike in Baqubah.

    National Security Adviser Mowaffak al-Rubaie said on Sunday the arrest was a major blow for the group. "I can say Al Qaeda in Iraq is severely wounded,'' he told reporters.

    The Iraqi government said information obtained from Mr. Saeedi's arrest has led them to a number of other Al Qaeda-linked insurgent cells. In a statement on Monday, the government said it has since killed 14 alleged members of the group, arrested a further 98 alleged Al Qaeda operatives, and taken in an additional 95 people described as suspects.

    It's too soon to know precisely what impact the arrest of Saeedi will have on the war in Iraq. The three months after Mr. Zarqawi's killing were the most violent on record for Iraq, largely because of the proliferation of sectarian death squads.

    "Even if this guy was the No. 2 in Al Qaeda, take the example of Zarqawi,'' says Evan Kohlmann, a counterterrorism consultant and author who tracks the propaganda and operations of jihad groups in Iraq. "We killed the No. 1 guy, and it was a great victory, but it did nothing to stop the violence in Iraq."

    Al Qaeda is just one of many Iraqi insurgent groups. US and Iraqi officials say insurgent operations are largely decentralized, with nothing approaching unified command and control. And in the past two years, the ideological underpinnings of Al Qaeda have spread among Sunni Arab insurgent groups, which means that its methods and goals are likely to survive the demise of leaders within the organizations nucleus.

    That's largely due to the fact that the meaning of "Al Qaeda" has shifted. What was once a specific terrorist group, led by Osama bin Laden and his Egyptian lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahiri, has evolved into a school of thought and operations.

    On Saturday, Mr. Zawahiri made a brief appearance on a 48-minute Al Qaeda video which seemed aimed at softening the group's terrorist image. Most of the tape featured Adam Yehiye Gadahn, a 28-year-old American, who urged US soldiers to switch sides in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and called on Americans to convert to Islam.

    Some Muslim religious figures criticized Al Qaeda after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, saying the group violated directives in the Koran that require potential victims be warned that conversion to Islam could save them.

    Terrorist attacks in line with the traditional goals of Al Qaeda have been carried out in cities like Amman, London, and Madrid with little evidence of direct involvement for the organization's traditional core of operatives, now believed to be holed up in Afghanistan and northern Pakistan.

    That international evolution has been mirrored in Iraq as well. Hundreds of Al Qaeda in Iraq members have been captured and killed there in recent years, while suicide tactics and indiscriminate attacks on civilians have proliferated. The latest example was the murder of 14 South Asian Shiites traveling to a shrine in southern Iraq last Friday. They were killed by gunmen presumed to be Sunni Arab jihadis.

    To be sure, Al Qaeda in Iraq has been linked to some of the most devastating attacks inside Iraq, none more damaging perhaps than the Feb. 22 bombings of the Askariyah Shrine in Samarra. That bombing, which killed few, indirectly led to the deaths of thousands in the weeks and months afterwards, as local Sunni and Shiite militias participated in reprisal killings.

    Mr. Rubaie said that Saeedi was the direct supervisor of Haitham al-Badri, the man who Iraqi officials say led the attack on the shrine. .

    Mr. Kohlmann says he doubts the capture of Saeedi - an operative he said he'd never heard of before - is likely to have much impact on Iraq's fighting. "The seeds that Zarqawi planted in Iraq have grown and sprouted their own local, sectarian extremists,'' he says. "In 2004, the only insurgent group that was promoting sectarian violence was Al Qaeda - the rest were focused on the occupation. Now, if you read their propaganda, they're all focused on the [Shiite militias such as] Mahdi Army and Badr [Brigade]. Al Qaeda was trying to provoke a cycle of sectarian revenge, and after Askariyah they got what they'd been working for."

    Al Qaeda's ideology is virulently anti-Shiite - viewing non-Sunni Muslims as apostates.

    Al Qaeda in Iraq was also directly involved in suicide attacks on three hotels in Amman, Jordan, last November. On Monday, the Associated Press reported the first terrorist attack in the country since then - the shooting death of a British man, and the wounding of five other foreigners and a Jordanian policeman at a tourist site. Early wire reports said the assailant was an Iraqi. "This operation is considered a terrorist act unless the man is found to be deranged," said Jordan's Interior Minister Eid al-Fayez.

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    Cool President says Iraq will have a new flag

    President says Iraq will have a new flag


    Tue Sep 5, 11:55 AM ET

    Iraq's President Jalal Talabani
    has vowed that Iraq would soon get a new national flag, amid a fierce dispute between Kurds and Arabs over the current banner.

    "It's a Saddamist flag," Talabani said, standing before the red, white, black and green flag used under ousted leader Saddam Hussein's regime, at a joint news conference with British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett on Tuesday.

    "A lot of crimes have been committed under this flag in the south, in the north and against our neighbours," he said, referring to Saddam's repression of Kurds and Shiite Arabs and his invasions of Iran and Kuwait.

    "Iraq will have a new flag and the national assembly will discuss the new flag," he said, speaking on the same day Iraqi lawmakers returned to parliament after a month-long recess.

    "There is no idea of a separate Kurdistan, we are not for separatism, there is no truth in these reports," the Kurdish president said, in an attempt to play down Arab fears of any northern breakaway destroying Iraq.

    Talabani said no decision had been made on the design of a new national flag, but that he personally favoured the banner used between 1959 and 1963 under the republic which succeeded the former monarchy.

    Controversy erupted over the continuing use of the Saddam-era flag last week, when the president of the autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq, Massud Barzani, banned it from his area.

    Sunni Arabs reacted with fury, accusing Barzani of insulting the nation and fanning the flames of separatism.

    Sunni Arab politician Saleh al-Mutlak struck back angrily on Tuesday against Kurdish justifications for not flying the national flag.

    "We regret that some politicians have kept silent about this issue, which is one of the biggest violations of the sanctity of the Iraqi constitution," Mutlak said at the headquarters of his National Dialogue Front Party.

    "This is also a message for the president to keep his word, because when we elected him he recited his oath with the Iraqi flag behind him and swore to protect the sovereignty of Iraq," he added.

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    Cool Iraq Extends Nationwide State of Emergency

    Iraq Extends Nationwide State of Emergency


    BAGHDAD, Iraq
    , Sept. 5 - The Iraqi Parliament voted today to extend by a month a state of emergency across the country that allows the government broad powers to combat the raging insurgency, including declaring curfews, detaining suspects and conducting cordon-and-search operations.

    The state of emergency has been extended several times since it was first imposed by former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi in 2004. There has been no serious move to roll it back.

    The Iraqi government has been liberal in its use of the powers. For example, it has imposed a curfew every Friday afternoon since June in some cities to try to curb violence at mosques on the day of prayer. Last month, it banned vehicle traffic in Baghdad for nearly three days to foil attacks during a Shiite pilgrimage holiday.

    The Parliament held its vote during its first meeting since taking a recess in August.

    Despite the affirmation of the government’s emergency powers, violence continued to roil Iraq. The American military announced today that two Marines and a sailor were killed on Monday “due to enemy action” in Anbar Province, the fiery desert region of western Iraq that is home to the Sunni-led insurgency. At least 2,656 American troops have died since the invasion of 2003, according to the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, a Web site that tracks deaths and casualties.

    The pace of deaths at the start of September has quickened compared to that of the summer months. At least 14 American troops and two British troops have died in the first five days of this month, according to the Web site. At least 63 American and foreign troops died in June, 46 in July and 66 in August.

    The toll of Iraqi civilians has been much higher, with nearly 3,500 killed in July alone. Murders of Iraqis continued today. The worst incident took place in Baquba, the volatile capital of Diyala Province, where gunmen killed 11 people, including three policemen, and wounded 22 others in several attacks, police officials said.

    In Baghdad, gunmen killed three pilgrims in the neighborhood of Dora as the pilgrims were on their way to the southern Shiite city of Karbala, an Interior Ministry official said. Violence in Dora has dropped since American and Iraqi forces swept the area in early August, but incidents continue to plague the neighborhood and residents still live in fear.

    The police discovered seven bodies in two separate locations in Baghdad.

    Clashes between gunmen and police erupted in western Mosul, resulting in the death of a gunman and the wounding of two policemen.

    The Islamic Army in Iraq, an insurgent group founded by former Baath Party members, issued an Internet statement saying it had not entered into any negotiations with the Iraqi government, contrary to rumors and some news media reports, according to the SITE Institute, a Washington group that tracks jihadist messages.

    American and Iraqi forces detained 30 confirmed insurgents and 38 suspected insurgents over the weekend throughout western Anbar Province, the American military said. The biggest series of arrests took place in the towns of Haditha, Barwanah and Haqlaniyah, where Marines and Iraqi forces captured 27 known insurgents and four suspected insurgents, the military said.

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  9. #8069
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I ask for this to stop once already. If you want listen I will Ban you. Move this crap Off of ROLCLUB NOW!!!

    Last WARNING...Nothing past this Post. Unless it is on TOPIC!!!!

    Thank you.
    Yes i have deleted over 20 messages now that were rubbish!
    Like neno says, posts regarding news from Iraq is what should be posted here, not how tall someone are or how strong the dinar girls are. You can keep that for the crazy forum or the shoutbox!
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  10. #8070
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    Thumbs up Short news for today 6th of september

    Parliament opened the second dismissal and the extension of the emergency resumes today

    The House resumes today, Wednesday, the separation of the second meeting is held first session after the dismissal opened yesterday's meeting said President Mahmoud Almshahadani replaced him on the need to work to complete the project of national reconciliation and called on the deputies to work on the completion of the requirements of the daily life of its citizens and improve the situation but Mona better.

    the postponement of the vote on the import and sale of oil derivatives by the private sector for 24 hours only added in a press We asked to postpone the vote on the law for a long time but the Presidency agreed to be postponed for twenty-four hours only. Pointing out that the Commission's request to postpone the vote came due to discuss the decision of the government to increase the amounts of import because it is incompatible with the law, which aims to reduce the expenditure incurred by the Iraqi budget.

    Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp
    Thank God we can now speak about tangible improvement in security. The media have been able to carry people to be good news after months of bad news that "arrests" spirit, as we say.

    Regardless of the statements of officials and commanders, wrote to the serious reader wrote :
    "The security situation has become much better and even American forces were not present in the street but rarely is no terrorist operations only slightly and the situation in the stability of the street people and working normally and returned to the market movement again but at the closing date eight and pedestrians walking in the streets until nine p.m. worsened. But within the movement and beyond the normal ten. "
    The citizen certificate, which is not expected that I would Anchrha him, to give credibility to the statement by the Minister of Defense Abdul Qader Mohammed Jassim al-Ubaydi, who said that the terrorist operations in Baghdad has become less than it was. " It also gives more credibility to the statements of General Abi Zeid, which he said "everyone notes the improved security in the capital during the past weeks because of the military operations carried out by security forces"
    Good news including electricity, too, has said the citizen : "The electricity is also improved as it is about four to five hours in the day and continue ongoing in the night".
    One might ask : Do we need a certificate of citizen unknown even believe the statements of leaders and officials? The answer : Yes. because the goal Supreme citizens will feel that the improvement in the security situation, because he is on the security file, and the citizen has not felt secure, there is no security. Unless coincide with the testimony of citizen's health is responsible for the recent talk.
    For this to be listening to the testimony of citizen to the end, where he says : "The fuel crisis is no longer dominant Vsoagh vehicles no longer sleep at the stations since seven p.m. until the date of sale the morning as it was a few days. The price of a bottle of gas has declined significantly ...

    Stay Sunni calls for end to bloodshed in Ramadan
    The large gathering of clerics will meet to support the draft Maliki
    Baghdad Samurai

    The President of the Court of stay Sunni Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Ghafur al-Samarra'i all Iraqis to seize the opportunity of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, to stop the bloodshed and to forget the differences affirming support for the initiative of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of national reconciliation, pointing to a conference with the head of the Shiite stay in support of the initiative shortly, With the Minister of State for civil society participation in 1000 just Assadi personalities representing civil society institutions in the middle of this month.

    The armed forces yesterday arrested 32 terrorist suspects and 95 in the framework of the security plan in the town of Baghdad and other cities, at a time when the multinational forces arrested 30 terrorist suspects and 38 since last Friday in cooperation with Iraqi police forces in the western province of Anbar,
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

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