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  1. #4071
    Senior Member eric69's Avatar
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    this just in ...........sorce ....ROL sorces high up in ROL have given me Info. soported by gov. anouncments , new repoters, and intervews with top gov. offices THIS IS IT we are looking at .68 to 1.00 to happen around 7/12 to8/21 this info. is reliable and given by people of high credability

  2. #4072
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    Cool Iraqi Investment Club

    Quote Originally Posted by eric69
    this just in ...........sorce ....ROL sorces high up in ROL have given me Info. soported by gov. anouncments , new repoters, and intervews with top gov. offices THIS IS IT we are looking at .68 to 1.00 to happen around 7/12 to8/21 this info. is reliable and given by people of high credability
    Remember to cash in slowly as it will rise as it strenghtens. Also their New Government Goals are the value before post Sadam Eara of 3.4 to the USD by 2010. Play it smart. Exspecially those of us with smaller amounts. A third here and then a third there will not hurt, then another third later. Just my 2 dinar thought. Great post!!

  3. #4073
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    Remember to cash in slowly as it will rise as it strenghtens. Also their New Government Goals are the value before post Sadam Eara of 3.4 to the USD by 2010. Play it smart. Exspecially those of us with smaller amounts. A third here and then a third there will not hurt, then another third later. Just my 2 dinar thought. Great post!!
    Thanks for the most excellent advice Neno...good for all of us!!

  4. #4074
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Adoption of electronic trading project in Baghdad Stock Exchange

    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange Taha Ahmad Abid Al-Salam is optimistic about future of the financial market despite the deteriorating security in Iraq, pointing to positive developments, like registration the Stock Exchange late last year in the European-Asian Union stock, headquartered in Turkey, and as a member in Arab stock Union, headquartered in Kuwait.

    He expected that Major Iraqi investors in Arab bourses, especially in Gulf countries, will sell a portion of their investments and invest in Iraqi Stock Exchange market when observing signs of positive change in Iraq. The same is true for the Arab investors, "especially after the issuance of a legislation that enables them to invest", He pointed out that prices of shares on Iraqi Stock Exchange is much lower than other markets, which is the most appropriate investment opportunities for non-Iraqis.

    Regarding stock exchange electronic trading, he said that they have plans related to trading, cooperation and openness to the world. He pointed out that a committee from the Board of Market Governors Bourses visited Dubai and Bahrain and submitted a report to the Council about market needs of electronic transactions and deposit center systems. He added that the Swedish company "OMX" was chosen to apply and update these systems for five years starting from the date of application and operation.Just had to bold that, go sweden lol

    And Abid Al-Salam expected that the application of electronic trading will improve performance of stock exchange dramatically and qualitatively. He said : "We are currently holding two sessions a week for two hours each, but with the help of electronic trading we'll have two sessions a day : morning, evening sessions, so ten sessions per week. Then the buyer can buy in morning session and sell in the evening or vice versa. And electronic trading will also enable us to be connected electronically with three banks to enable investors to obtain financial clearance after the sale. "
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  5. #4075
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Iraq to open deals for Big Oil

    Oil minister says multinational firms will be invited to develop country's oilfields.
    July 4 2006: 2:04 PM EDT

    KUWAIT (Reuters) -- Iraq plans to invite international oil companies to help develop its giant oilfields before the end of this year, Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani told Reuters on Tuesday.

    "These are major projects, giant oilfields," Shahristani said in an interview on his arrival in Kuwait.

    Iraq, home to the world's third biggest oil reserves which are estimated at 115 billion barrels, needs up to $20 billion in foreign investment to boost production.

    But multinationals have been waiting for a new investment law, expected to be approved later this year, and for security to improve.

    Asked if oil majors are slated to take part in big oil projects in Iraq, Shahristani said: "Yes, definitely. It's going to be public tendering. We'll declare which oilfields will go first and then the oil company is free to apply."

    The minister was asked when the tendering process would start. "Before the end of this year ... We have to decide on the types of contracts that we will be interested in."

    Shahristani repeated that Iraq is now exporting up to 1.9 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil, its highest level since the war, after the army took over security of the vital northern pipeline to the port of Ceyhan in Turkey.

    State marketer SOMO this month issued three sell tenders of Kirkuk crude after nearly a year-long halt due to repeated sabotage. SOMO aims to secure long term supply deals as it maintains the flow of Kirkuk.

    "Iraq is currently producing about 2.5 million barrels a day and exporting 1.8 to 1.9 million barrels ... It will all be sold by contracts, long-term contracts," said Shahristani, who is visiting Kuwait as part of an Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
    Term contract invitation

    "The basic norm of selling Iraqi oil is long-term contracts from the north and the south," he added.

    "We only started two or three spot sales from Ceyhan port because we had problems pumping through the pipeline and now that we have fixed it and we are pumping normally, we will be selling it in long-term contracts."

    "We have already invited oil companies to declare their requirements; just before we left (Iraq) a couple of days ago," the minister said.

    The sabotage-plagued northern line had been mostly idle since the invasion and Iraq had been relying almost solely on southern exports of Basra Light crude.

    Decades of wars, sanctions and underinvestment have left Iraq struggling to boost oil production, which had been stuck since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion at some 2 million bpd, with exports of 1.5 million bpd. This compared with pre-war output of just under 3 million bpd and exports of around 2 million.

  6. #4076
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    Default Iraq Says Oil Exports At High As Army Guards Pipe

    ABU DHABI (Reuters) -- Iraq is exporting up to 1.9 million barrels per day of crude oil, its highest level since the war, after the army took over security of the vital northern pipeline to Turkey, the oil minister said on Tuesday.

    "Crude oil exports from Turkey's Ceyhan terminal have begun and the oil ministry has repaired the pipeline and is providing round-the-clock security through the Iraqi army," Hussain al-Shahristani told reporters in Abu Dhabi.

    "Iraq's production now stands at 2.5 million bpd and exports now range between 1.8 and 1.9 million bpd," he added.

    The pipeline's security had previously been assigned to a special force, distinct from the army and police, and frequent attacks continued to devastate oil infrastructure in the northern area surrounding the giant Kirkuk oilfields.

    The sabotage-plagued line had been mostly idle since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and Iraq had been relying almost solely on southern exports of Basra Light crude, sales from which are running at about 1.5 million bpd.

    The minister did not say when the army had taken on the security role.

    Exports in June rose to their highest level since October 2004 as crude from Iraq's giant Kirkuk oilfields began flowing to Ceyhan port after a break of almost a year, shippers said.

    State oil marketer SOMO is aiming to secure long term supply deals as it grows more confident that it can maintain the flow of Kirkuk crude. Oil sales provide revenue to rebuild the economy and oil sector after years of sanctions and war.

    Shahristani said he expected Iraq's oil production capacity to hit 4.3 million bpd within the next four years and to reach between 6 million and 8 million bpd by 2015.

    Since the invasion, output had been stuck at 2 million bpd, with exports of 1.5 million bpd, compared with pre-war output of just under 3 million bpd and exports of around 2 million.

    "Only 80 fields are now being utilised out of a total of 500 oil and gas fields," Shahristani said. "When all these fields are exploited, Iraq will have the world's biggest oil reserves."

    He also said Iraq's new government would provide adequate supplies of refined products to the domestic market and end the smuggling of products to neighbouring countries.

    Iraq has eight refineries, none of which were damaged during the invasion, but they are operating at only 50-75 percent of capacity, forcing Baghdad to import most of its fuel.

    The oil minister is accompanying Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on a tour of some Gulf states which has already taken him to Saudi Arabia. The delegation is expected to visit Kuwait after the United Arab Emirates.

  7. #4077
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    GOOOD STUFF PipsHurricane! I soak it up like a sponge! lol! Much appreciated!

  8. #4078
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    President of the Republic affirms that the national reconciliation initiative received significant response by many armed groups!!!

    The President Jalal Talabani that the initiative of national reconciliation announced by the Prime Minister Nouri - Maliki, recently, received considerable response from the many armed groups. , said in a joint press conference held today, Monday, 7-3 / 2006 with the delegation of the US House of Representatives headed by Republican Representative John Bohener, Following the reception of the delegation of sovereignty of the Republic headquarters in Baghdad, attended by the American ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad, "We have received two days ago dozens of organizations and the democratic nationalists and Nasserites, are supporting the initiative, and even between the gunmen did not hear from Sadamiin not rejected the initiative and a group of Al-Qaeda. " Sovereignty and added : "We explained to the delegation the dimensions of our contacts with some of the armed forces, explained the stages that have been achieved as a result of these contacts, It also discussed the matter with the delegation of the US House of Representatives on the issues of national reconciliation and terrorism, Along with a tour of the Prime Minister Nouri - Maliki current number of Gulf countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait. "
    For his part, The head of the delegation of the US House of Representatives from the John Bohener Sroh meet His Excellency President Jalal Talabani and stressed his country's continued support for the Iraqi people to be able to consolidate the democratic system in a free country.
    It also demanded Bohener patience of the Iraqi people to bring what they aspire to the security and stability.
    He also commended US Attorney Bohener visit by the current Prime Minister Nuri Maliki number of neighboring countries and considered a positive step, and added "there is no single country in the world as there is no single island in the world and relations with neighbouring countries will be paid to the democratic process in Iraq forward."
    And in response to a question about the escalating voices departure of multinational forces from Iraq. president said "I did not hear anyone calling for the immediate departure of these forces, but there are calls for the scheduling of withdrawal." sovereignty and added "for example to Sadrein do not want immediate withdrawal, but want to scheduling this withdrawal and that there is a difference between withdrawal and the scheduling of the withdrawal."
    The sovereignty and, in this context, to his meeting with US President George Bush, and the student through the Vice-President Tariq Hashemite scheduling conditional withdrawal of the multi-national forces in Iraq and after the creation of the army and other security forces of Iraq to be able to maintain security and stability in the country. He added that "the immediate withdrawal of the Americans from Iraq would lead to a major disaster."

    P.S This Guys are very happy because Maliki are just tell us then
    the RV will be done in July LOL.Just kidding :)))

  9. #4079
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    Quote Originally Posted by robmccallum01

    Well it's off to the sh***y job in retail now lol. To make things worse, my boss offered me an assistant department manager position at the grocery store I work at. I sure hope our dinars peg S**N so I don't have to resort to being a**man for too long . (how many of you actually like their jobs? probably not very many eh?)

    Cheers all,

    To tell you the truth I do like my job, (I'm a housepainter, love the big ladders...) but aside from that it keeps the muscles in shape, it gets harder and harder on the bod each year after 50. ish. I like being independent and doing "man's work" very well. After the peg we'll see if I do it for "fun"!
    PS to Tiffany, I wasn't criticizing, girlfriend, to us it is a little silly maybe to call a major meeting off because of the AC. I also have an idea that getting anything done in a REALLY REALLY hot room with a bunch of sweaty, anxious guys could be....hmmmm....explosive? At the very least aromatic.
    I think we should coin a new name for our celebratory quaffing, a PEG of beer. Loops has to buy the pegs of beer.

  10. #4080
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    don't count on that ever happening Kristin. yeah i agree we guys would get ---EXPLOISVE ---with that condition. LOL BRING ON THE PEG! WE all got Paid at SOLID INVESTMENT! If the peg holds long enough I will Have another Million dinar.

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