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    Al-Dulaimi : Iran offered $ 100 million for silence

    (صوت العراق) - 09-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 09-01-2007
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    الدليمي : إيران عرضت 100 مليون دولار مقابل السكوت عن 'حلبجة 09/01/2007 الجزائر - د.ب.أ - أكد خليل الدليمي رئيس هيئة الدفاع عن الرئيس العراقي السابق صدام حسين ان السلطات الايرانية التقت المحامي حاتم شاهين وبعض اعضاء هيئة الدفاع وعرضت عليهم مبلغ 100 مليون دولار مقابل عدم التحدث عن قضية حلبجة.Al-Dulaimi : Iran offered $ 100 million for the silence on the 'Halabja 09 / 01 / 2007 Algeria-d. B. A stressed-Khalil Dulaimi Head of the Defense of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein met with the Iranian authorities lawyer Hatem Shaheen, and some members of the defense and offered them $ 100 million for not talk about the issue of Halabja.
    وقال الدليمي في حوار نشرته صحيفة 'الشروق اليومي' الجزائرية امس ان 'عضوين من هيئة الدفاع عندما كانا في زيارة الى باريس التقيا عضوا ثالثا من الهيئة وهو محام لبناني فرنسي الجنسية.. وبعد عودتهم اخبروني ان ممثلا عن السفارة الايرانية في فرنسا قد عرض عليهم مبلغ 100 مليون دولار مقابل عدم الحديث عن علاقة ايران بمذبحة حلبجة وإنما يجب عليهم ان يقولوا ان مجاهدي خلق هم من ضربوا حلبجة بالسلاح الكياوي'. وأكد الدليمي انه يمتلك وثائق وأدلة قاطعة تثبت ان الذي ضرب حلبجة هو الجيش الايراني بغاز 'السانيت' الذي لا تملكه اي دولة في الشرق الاوسط والتي قتل فيها اكثر من 5 آلاف كردي عراقي.Dulaimi said in an interview published in the 'sunrise daily' Algerian yesterday that 'members of the defense when they were on a visit to Paris, met members of the III, a lawyer for the Lebanese French nationality. After their return told me that the representatives of the Iranian embassy in France had offered $ 100 million in exchange for not talking about the relationship of Iran Halabja massacre, but they must not say that the MKO were beaten Halabja weapons Alciaoui '. The Al-Dulaimi said he owned documents and evidence which prove that the strike is the Iranian army Halabja gas' Alcanet 'which is not owned by any state in the Middle East, which killed more than five thousand Iraqi Kurds.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  2. #36982
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    are we back up now??
    NO, were are all up and your not!
    The answer is always NO, unless you ask?
    GO DINAR GO!!!

  3. #36983
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    Scarce petroleum products with the intensification of the cold

    (صوت العراق) - 09-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 09-01-2007
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    بغداد/ غازي المنشداويBaghdad / Ghazi Almansdawi
    شهدت اسعار النفط الابيض والغاز السائل ارتفاعا كبيرا عن معدلاتها الطبيعية التي كانت عليها قبل بداية فصل الشتاء حيث رافق هذا الارتفاع حدوث شحة في هاتين المادتين في بغداد والمحافظات الامر الذي زاد من حجم الازمة التي يشهدها الشارع العراقي في الوقود فقد وصل سعر العبوة ذات ال(20) لترا من النفط (25) الف دينار فيما وصل سعر الاسطوانة الواحدة من الغازPrices have kerosene and liquid gas rose significantly from its normal rates of the period before the onset of winter in this increase was accompanied by a scarcity in those articles in Baghdad and other governorates, which has increased the size of the crisis confronting the Iraqi street in the price of fuel had arrived with the box of (20) liters of oil (25) thousand dinars, while the price of one gas cylinder
    السائل الى (30) الف دينار في الكثير من مناطق بغداد.Liquid - (30) thousand dinars in many areas of Baghdad.
    وعن اسباب الارتفاع الحالي في أسعار هاتين المادتين واسباب الشحة الحالية التي تشهدها الكثير من مناطق العراق من مادتي النفط والغاز ودور الوزارة في معالجة هذه الازمةAs for the reasons behind the current rise in the prices of these articles and the reasons for the current scarcity, which witnessed a lot of areas in Iraq and potatoes from the oil and gas and the role of the ministry in dealing with this crisis
    التقينا السيد عامر عبد الجليل وكيل مدير عام شركة توزيع المنتجات النفطية والذي تحدث عن الأزمة قائلا:We met Mr. Amer Abdul Jalil, deputy director-general of the distribution of oil products, which talked about the crisis, saying :

    ان الازمة الحالية التي تشهدها الكثير من محافظات القطر في مادتي الغاز والنفط تعود لشحة ضخ وتوزيع هاتين المادتين فالغاز السائل يعتمد على انتاج معمل غاز الجنوب والذي توقف عمله لوجود اعمال صيانة فيه حيث كانت بغداد ومحافظات القطر تتسلم هذه المادة من المعمل المذكور بالاضافة الى مايتم استيراده من الدول المجاورة كايران وتركيا وبسبب حدوث شحة في الاستيراد من هذه الدول فقد ولد ذلك تلكؤا في الاستيراد وخاصة الغاز السائل كما ان الظروف الجوية الحالية لعبت دورا في عملية اعاقة وصول بعض من شحنات البواخر الى الموانى العراقية مضيفاً: ان الشركة تقوم حاليا بتوزيع المنتجات النفطية بالتنسيق مع شركة المصافي العراقية التي تعالي من عجز مالي في الانتاج بنسبة 35% من مادة النفط الابيض كما ان مصفى الجنوب يشهد عجزا واضحا في انتاجه بسبب الانقطاعات الكثيرة التي تحدث في التيار الكهربائي.That the current crisis that many from the governorates of the country agonist for gas and oil returns to the the scarcity of pumping and the distribution of these two articles Natural the liquid depends on the production of LAB South Gas and, which has been suspended for the presence of maintenance work as it were Baghdad and the governorates of the country receive such article from the lab-mentioned addition to the-conceited hypocrisy, of wheat imported from neighboring States like Iran and Turkey and because of the incidence of a dearth of import of these States were born therefore a reluctance to import and especially liquid gas also that the weather conditions the current played a role in the process of to hinder the arrival of some of the shipments steamship to Iraqi ports adding : that the company is currently the distribution of petroleum products in coordination with the Company the refineries the Iraqi which Almighty financial deficit in the production a rate of 35% of the article paraffin also that the liquidator the south attests impotence and clear in its production because of power outages Migratory that occur in electrical current.
    واضاف قائلاً: ينبغي التحرك باتجاه استيراد الكميات المخطط لها لتسد جزءا من الحاجة المحلية لهذه المادة. حيث ان ان العراق يستورد يوميا من ايران اكثر من مليوني لترمن النفط الابيض وقال: اننا نعتمد حاليا على المنتج اليومي والمستورد اليومي في النوزيع وهذا التوزيع قد تاثر بشكل كبير نتيجة عجز المنتوج اليومي عن توفير الكمية وقلة وصول المستورد اليومي بسبب الاوضاع الامنية المتردية التي تشهدها الكثير من مناطق العراق والتي كان لها تاثير مباشر في اعاقة عمل الاستيراد.He added : should move towards import quantities planned to fill part of the local need for this article. Since the day that Iraq imports from Iran more than 2 million Termin kerosene He said : "We now rely on the product daily and imported daily Alnozia This distribution was heavily influenced by the inability of the product to provide daily quantity and the lack of access for imported daily because of the security situation deteriorating in the many parts of Iraq, which had a direct effect of impeding the work of imports.
    وعن آلية التوزيع الحالية قال: ان هذه الآلية تتأثر بنسبة 75% من الاسباب التي تم ذكرها اعلاه اما ال25% الاخرى فتعود الى عمليات النسرب والفساد الاداري والتوزيع العشوائي التي لعبت دورا بارزا في هذا التلكؤ. مبينا ان الشركة كانت في السابق المسؤول الوحيد عن عمليات التوزيع الا ان المشاكل الكثيرة التي حدثت ادت الى قيامنا بمنح مجالس المحافظات صلاحيات التوزيع والاشراف الا ان المشكلة لم تحل وبقي المواطن يعاني من صعوبة الحصول على هاتين المادتين حيث ان الوزارة اعدت آلية جديدة لتوزيع النفط الابيض والغاز على المواطنين والتي ستعمل على تجاوز هذه المشكلة نهائيا وهذه الالية سيتم تطبيقها في بداية العام الجديد في محافظة النجف وحال نجاحها ستطبق في محافظة بغداد ومحافظات القطر الاخرى واشارالى ان هذه الآلية تتضمن وجود وكيل لتوزيع مادتي النفط الابيض والغاز السائل قرب وكيل توزيع المواد الغذائية والطحين في كل منطقة وبالاعتماد على اسماء العوائل التي هي ضمن قوائم الحصة التموينية حيث سيكون هناك تنسيق مباشر بين وكيل المواد الغذائية ووكيل المنتجات النفطية لتطبيق هذه الالية الجديدة والتي سميت بآلية (oil shop)والتي ستحل ازمة الوقود الحالية انشاء الله وبشكل نهائي.Regarding the current distribution mechanism, he said : that this mechanism affected by the 75% of the reasons that have been mentioned above, the remaining 25% will go to Alenserp operations and administrative corruption and random distribution, which has played a prominent role in this foot-dragging. Conveying that the company was in the past the only one responsible for the operations distribution However, the the many problems that have occurred led to the doing the granting of governorate councils the powers of distribution and supervision only that the problem had not been resolved and remained the citizen suffers from the difficulty of obtaining these two articles where that the ministry prepared a new mechanism for the distribution of paraffin and gas on the citizens, which will work to surmount this problem once and this mechanism will be applied in the beginning of the new year in Najaf governorate and the state of success will apply in the province of Baghdad and the governorates of the country and other Acharali that this mechanism containing the presence of an agent for the distribution of and potatoes. Paraffin and liquid gas near the Under-distribution of foodstuffs and flour in each region, relying on the names of the families that is part lists of ration where there will be direct coordination between the Under-materials, foodstuffs and the Under-petroleum products for the application of this new mechanism, which were designated as obsolete (oil shop) which will fuel crisis the current the establishment of God and definitive.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  4. #36984
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    deleted... wrong article

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    Minister of Kurdistan : three brigades, which will move towards Baghdad

    (صوت العراق) - 09-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 09-01-2007
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    وزير كردستاني: الألوية الثلاثة التي ستتحرك نحو بغداد لا تخضع لسيطرة الاقليم..خطة أمن بغداد بانتظار الأوامر من المالكي .. ولا صحة لتحرك البيشمركة باتجاه كركوكMinister of Kurdistan : three brigades, which will move towards Baghdad is not under the control of the territory. Baghdad security plan awaiting orders from al-Maliki. The validity of the s move towards Kirkuk

    بغداد / المدىBaghdad / long
    أكد الناطق الرسمي باسم وزارة الدفاع أن الخطة الامنية الجديدة بانتظار الامر من القائد العام للقوات المسلحة نافيا مشاركة قوات البيشمركة أو فيلق بدر فيها ، في الوقت الذي اكد فيه وزير الاقليم لشؤون البيشمركة ان الالوية الثلاثة التي تم الحديث عنها في وسائل الاعلام والمزمع تحريكها من الاقليم الى بغداد للمشاركة في خطة الامن الجديدة، تابعة للجيش العراقي وليس للبيشمركة.A spokesman for the Defense Ministry said that the new security pending matter from the General Commander of the Armed Forces denied involvement s forces or the Badr Corps, which, in time, in which the Minister of Territory for PESHMARGA that three brigades that have been talked about in the media and to be moved from the Territory to Baghdad to take part in the new security plan, units of the Iraqi army, not the Bishmaraka.
    وقال الناطق الرسمي باسم وزارة الدفاع أن الخطة الامنية الجديدة لم تطبق بعد وانها بانتظارالامر من القائد العام للقوات المسلحة، نافيا مشاركة البيشمركة أو فيلق بدر فيها، وقال محمد العسكري في الايجاز الصحفي الاسبوعي لوزارة الدفاع امس " ان من يقوم بالخطة هي وحدات وفرق وزارة الدفاع والداخلية بمساندة القوة متعددة الجنسية ومايشاع عن مشاركة البيشمركة وفيلق بدر التابع للمجلس الاعلى للثورة الاسلامية غير صحيح, لكن المناورة بالقطاعات وتحريكها من مكان لآخر ضمن حدود الدولة أمر مألوف"، وامتنع العسكري الحديث عن تفاصيل الخطة غير انه قال بأنها "تختلف عن الخطط السابقة في الاسلوب والاشراف والانتشار وحجم القوات المشاركة فيها والتي تم تدريبها وتجهيزها جيدا ". وتابع "الخطة تقوم على فكرة عامة وهي الاعتماد على دراسة وتقييم السلبيات من الخطط السابقة والمعوقات التي منعت الاجهزة الامنية من تحقيق اهداف تلك الخطة ".The spokesman said official spokesman of the Ministry of Defense that the plan the new security not yet applied and that it Bantzaralammer by the Commander-in of the armed forces, dismissing the participation of the Bishmirgah or the Badr Corps, and said Mohamed military presence in brevity the journalist Weekly for the Ministry of Defense yesterday that "those who carry out the the Medium are units and task the Ministry of Defense and the Interior backing the multinational force and Maichao on the participation of the Bishmirgah, the Badr Corps affiliated of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution not true, but the Maneuver Sectors and moved from one place to another within the limits of the State was commonplace", and abstained in the military the talk about details of the plan He said, however, as "different from its predecessors in style and supervision, proliferation and the volume of the participating forces, which had been training and equipping well known." He continued, "the plan based on the general idea is to rely on the study and evaluation of the negative aspects of the previous plans and the constraints that prevented the security services to achieve the goals of that plan."

    من جهته قال وزير الاقليم لشؤون البيشمركة الشيخ جعفر الشيخ مصطفى ان ثلاثة الوية من الجيش العراقي تابعة لوزارة الدفاع متواجدة في كردستان، وهي الوية السليمانية واربيل ودهوك. وتقوم وزارة دفاع حكومة المركز بتوفير مستلزماتها من ناحية المأكل والملبس والرواتب والتدريب وهي الوحيدة التي تمتلك صلاحية تحريك الالوية الثلاثة حسب المهام التي توكل اليها والضرورة التي تتطلب تواجدها في اية منطقة من العراق.For his part, Minister of Territory for PESHMARGA Sheikh Jaafar Sheikh Mustafa said that three brigades of the Iraqi army of the Ministry of Defense, are present in Kurdistan, the brigades Sulaymaniyah, Irbil and Dohuk. The Ministry of Defense to provide the state of the government in terms of food, clothing, salaries, training and the only one that possesses the power to move three brigades according to the tasks entrusted to it and the need to require their presence in any region of Iraq.
    واشار الوزير الى ان هذه الالوية هي خارج تشكيلات قوات البيشمركة وغير خاضعة لسيطرة حكومة الاقليم، كما ان هذه الالوية هي القوات الوحيدة التي تستطيع وزارة الدفاع تحريكها والتحكم بها في اقليم كردستان، مؤكداً في الوقت ذاته على ان البشمركة لن تشارك في اية عملية امنية وعسكرية في اية منطقة كانت.The minister pointed out that these brigades are outside forces formations s and is not controlled by the territorial government, and that these brigades are the only forces that can galvanize the Ministry of Defense and control in the Kurdistan region, stressing at the same time that the Peshmergas will not participate in any military and security in any region were.
    فيما قال نائب رئيس برلمان إقليم كردستان كمال كركوكي يوم الأحد إن البيشمركة قوة نظامية تأسست منذ بدايتها لحماية الديمقراطية في العراق ،مشددا على أنها لن تكون طرفا في أي حرب في البلاد. ونوه المسؤول الكردي بأن البيشمركة على استعداد "لحماية الديمقراطية في العراق"، وقال "إذا لزم الأمر... ستقرر قيادة كردستان مشاركة البيشمركة، والأماكن التي ستتوجه إليها." لكن كركوكي لفت إلى أن الحكومة المركزية لم تطلب من القيادات العسكرية مشاركة البيشمركة في الحفاظ على أمن مدينة بغداد، وقال "حتى الآن لم نسمع عن وجود مطالبة من قبل الحكومة المركزية بهذا الخصوص".Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Kurdistan Kamal Karagoki on Sunday that the order founded s strength since its inception to protect democracy in Iraq, stressing that it would not be a party to any war in the country. He noted that the Kurdish official s ready "to protect democracy in Iraq", and said "if necessary ... The leadership will decide Kurdistan s participation, and the places where they will travel to it. " But Karagoki pointed out that the central government did not ask for military leaderships s participation in maintaining the security of Baghdad, said, "Until now we have not heard about the existence of a claim by the central government in this regard."
    وعلى صعيد متصل نفى محافظ كركوك ما تناقلته وسائل الاعلام التركية عن تحرك اعداد كبيرة من قوات البيشمركة صوب مدينة كركوك، وقال عبد الرحمن مصطفى في تصريح صحفي امس ان لا صحة لتوجه 400 ألف عنصر من البشمركة الى المحافظة لـ "ضرب مصالح التركمان في كركوك" مؤكداً على ان الارهابيين بمساعدة جهات اخرى يسعون الى جعل الاوضاع في المدينة مضطربة لخلق الفتنة فيها.And in relation denied governor of Kirkuk what the Turkish media on the move large numbers of troops PESHMARGA towards the city of Kirkuk, said Abdel-Rahman Mustafa in a press statement yesterday that there is no truth to guide 400 thousand component of the Peshmergas to the preservation of the "attack the interests of Turkomans in Kirkuk," affirming that the terrorists help others trying to make the situation in the troubled city to create sedition them.
    وكان رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي قد اعلن قبل ايام ان خطة امن بغداد ستستهدف التصدي لكل الجماعات المسلحة في العاصمة ولن تستثني احداً مهما كان انتماؤه السياسي او الطائفي.The Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had announced a few days ago that the security plan would target the Baghdad confront all armed groups in the capital will not exclude anyone regardless of political affiliation or ethnicity.
    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  6. #36986
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    The United States refused to deal with Iraqi passports (Voice of Iraq) - 08-01-2007
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    Damascus life-08 / 01 / 07 / /

    The American embassy in Damascus that Iraqi passports «» x category will not be valid for entry into the United States, as of today, even if she is carrying a visa legitimacy. A statement issued by the embassy received «life» copy of the passengers on the Iraqis to the United States in the future to obtain a passport of the «c» category prior to the application date for the interview to get the visa.

    The resolution exempted Iraqi refugees who have been approved for resettlement in the United States, where they can enter the United States without passports.

    The reason why the embassy that the passports «« »x category do not meet international security standards in terms of design and Release, which are at high risk of tampering and forgery and fraud».
    Translated version of

  7. #36987
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    Default This is better than what they posted

    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    Posted by: nadioshka on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 05:44 PM

    Iraqi Cenbank sells more than $9 million
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Jan 8, (VOI) – Dollar demand picked up in the Iraqi central bank daily auction on Monday to $9.305 million from $6.665 million on the last auction on December 28.
    Monday’s was the first working day for the Cenbank after a 10-day break for the Moslem Eid al-Adha (Bairam) and also the first in 2007.
    The bank said in its daily statement it covered all bids which were $3.655 million in cash and $5.650 in foreign transfers at an exchange rate of 1,320 dinars per dollar.Nine banks participated in Monday’s auction and offered to sell $1.200 which the central bank bought all at 1,318 dinars per dollar.
    Economist Abdul-Razzaq al-Abaiji told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) the 10-day break has led to relative stability in exchange rates and encouraged wide-scale and flexible buying and selling by traders.
    This is better than what they posted!

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    Council of Ministers-the Ministry of Agriculture issued instructions prevent hunting and selling
    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-01-2007
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Monday 1 - 8-2007

    The Ministry of Agriculture issued instructions prevent hunting and the sale and marketing of fish bodies of the Interior (marshes, lakes and rivers) during the season beings.

    The Public Authority for the Development of Fisheries in the Ministry of Agriculture instructions prevent hunting and the sale and marketing of fish bodies of the Interior (marshes, lakes and rivers) during the reproductive season and Mayati text instructions :

    In pursuit of the General Authority for the Development of Fisheries to conserve fish stocks, and development of fisheries and to start breeding season for fish decides to prevent fishing in the bodies of the Interior (Marsh-Lakes-river), as well as prevent the sale and marketing of between governorates except marine fish and fish farms fish (carp regular-grass carp-silver carp) and by regions and time periods, as follows : -

    1-for the duration of the February 15, 2007 until April 15, 2007 and include the provinces (Basra, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Muthanna, Diwaniyah, Najaf).
    2-for a period of April 1, 2007 until June 1, 2007 and include governorates (Baghdad, Diyala, Salahuddin, Anbar, Babil, Karbala, Wasit).
    3-for a period of from May 1, 2007 until July 1, 2007 and include governorates (Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah, Nineveh, Arbil, Dohuk).
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    The announcement of the federal oil soon
    The oil minister Hussein Shahrastani Sunday near the formation of the Federal Council of oil and gas, which would be the highest authority competent gas and oil in Iraq. He said the official spokesman of the Ministry of Oil Assem Jihad today quoting Shahrastani that the new council "headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki or his Deputy for Economic Affairs Barham Salih, the membership and Zrate oil and Finance and the Central Bank, and representatives of provincial governments." The issue of oil one of the most prominent points of contention between the central government in Baghdad and the government of the Kurdistan region, in terms of signing contracts, investment in the fields of exploration and production and exploitation with foreign companies. He explained that the Jihad functions of the Federal oil and gas 60th "plans to develop oil fields in all parts of the country, and mechanisms of negotiation and preparation of sample contracts to be concluded with foreign companies for exploration and production of oil and gas." He continued, "in addition to identifying the companies that would be contracted with, and ratification of the contracts for development and investment." The head of the government of Kurdistan Nigervan Barzani discussed with Iraqi officials in Baghdad in mid-January last, points of disagreement on the issue of oil.
    Barzani announced after those talks to reach "positive results and good" between the two sides, pointing out that the cabinet will discuss the draft law oil ... Turning to the House of Representatives for approval. And on the control of oil matters, the Kurdish Barzani that the government "has the right to discuss the issue of oil investment with foreign companies", noting that "oil imports will be distributed to the regions according to the number of population

    جريدة المواطن العراقية

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    The first political : Action begin distributing subsidies social protection network

    Baghdad-Rali sure
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs today benefit distribution network of social protection for those covered by. An official source at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs told (morning) that the ministry today embarked on the distribution of subsidies between the network covered by the

    And through postal offices of the ministry and the alphabetical pointing out that the exchange will include months (October, November, December).
    He added that the ministry continues to receive requests for coverage program network and through municipal councils deployed in Baghdad and the provinces.
    It is noteworthy that the number of the network covered by the program will double this year to include two million families.
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