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  1. #35171
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    Supply and Demand

    I have been watching the dinar auctions on eBay for some time. Since the rise in value, the dealers have really driven prices up. The main dealers now charge between $900- $1,000 per million. But thats just the Buy It Now .. .the real interesting story are the actual "auctions" where the demand drives prices. There have been feeding frenzies where people have run up the price over $1000 in one auction I was watching. The free market economy raises its little green head. I cant wait to watch the fireworks as more people realize they waited too long to get on the bandwagon and start trying to buy in a panic.

    The real story will be when it hits the big show and is truely free traded on the international exchange . . .and not the just eBay. I would just love to see my 11 mill be worth $40 USD in a few years when they hit 10 million bpd oil output or beyond!!!

    As supply decreases demand increases . . .ECON 101 . . .a real life application of my college education- Gee MOM look at me!!!

  2. #35172
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    Default The high demand for dollar auction Central Bank

    The high demand for dollar auction Central Bank
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The demand for dollar in the auction the Central Bank of Iraq today, Wednesday, recording seven million and 300 thousand dollars for two million and 700 thousand dollars yesterday.

    Such procurement requests today by one million dollars in cash and six million and 300 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country, the Bank has full coverage at the exchange rate amounted to 1325 dinars significantly reduced the ability of low 13 points on the rate of exchange of 1328 dinars yesterday.

    With advanced six banks participating in the auction, offers to sell the dollar hit 995 thousand dollars bought by the bank in full at the exchange rate reached 1323 dinars.

    دولار- ( إقتصاد) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  3. #35173
    Senior Investor snottynose's Avatar
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    Default Bush's Plan Gets Big Buildup

    Bush's Iraq plan gets big build-up By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer
    Tue Dec 26, 10:18 PM ET

    WASHINGTON - Determined not to be rushed, President Bush has spent weeks figuring out a new war plan in Iraq. All the while, the American public's expectations have been headed in one direction — up.


    Anticipation is high not just because people are weary of war, but also because of the way Bush has gone about deciding his next move.

    Saddled with a reputation for stubbornness, Bush has gone the other direction. He has made a visible effort to seek advice — from the military, diplomats, academics, retired generals, a special study commission, Iraqi officials, Republican leaders, even Democrats he once ridiculed.

    By the time he announces his Iraq plan in January, roughly two months will have passed since a humbling election for Republicans brought a promise of a "new way forward."

    There might as well be a drum roll.

    "He has built up expectations," said David Gergen, a former White House adviser in the administrations of presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton. "People are saying, 'OK, if you've spent all this time and effort on it, you better have a pretty darn good plan.'"

    The ostensible goal of that plan will be to get Iraq on a path to govern itself and help the United States fight terrorism. Bush is also out to win back some of the American people, who want to know the war has an end in sight.

    Recent history shows the trouble with high expectations.

    The Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan commission of Washington elders, this month offered Bush a stark, comprehensive plan to change course. It was so highly anticipated that when it was not embraced by the White House in toto, it seemed to fall flat and fade from view.

    Bush now faces his own test of great expectations, largely of his own doing. He's promised a new approach, yet even his new defense secretary, Robert Gates, has acknowledged that "there are no new ideas in Iraq."

    Indeed, some of the main ideas under consideration — sending in more troops, embedding more U.S. advisers in Iraqi units, engaging in more aggressive diplomacy — aren't novel. And if Bush does come up with a remarkably fresh approach after nearly four years of war, that will raise the question of why he hadn't thought of it before.

    Even with that seemingly no-win set of expectations, the president does have room to succeed, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.

    "It doesn't have to be new. It has to be new for him," said Jamieson, who specializes in presidential rhetoric.

    Bush and his defense team set the expectations in the first place, assuring that Iraq had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and promising that U.S. troops would be viewed as liberators. Now the president can reset the expectations.

    What people want is to hear Bush explain a clear route to an honorable outcome — one in which it is clear that the war left Iraq and the U.S. better off, Jamieson said.

    "There are times when a country roots for a leader. I think that's what happening with this," Jamieson said. "A lot of people who voted for Democrats want the president to succeed. I think he has some advantage coming in, because the public so desperately wants success."

    Desperate, and skeptical.

    Bush's approval for handling the situation in Iraq was at 27 percent in an AP-Ipsos poll this month — his lowest-ever approval level on Iraq in that poll. Only a third of Americans said Iraq would end up as a stable, democratic nation.

    "I think the American people understand this war perhaps better than anybody gives them credit for," said Leon Panetta, who was President Clinton's chief of staff and a member of the Iraq Study Group. "If they believe that the president has approached this with what he calls 'fresh eyes' — if he takes a comprehensive approach — then they're going to give him some room."

    Bush used a year-end news conference last week to help frame the expectations.

    He promised to work with Democrats and be flexible about war tactics. But his only prediction for 2007 in Iraq was sober: "It's going to require difficult choices and additional sacrifices, because the enemy is merciless and violent."

    The president also braced America to think long-term. His goals aren't changing. He talks of the war on terror as the calling of a generation, one that "is going to require a sustained commitment from the American people. "

    That's a world away for those looking for a firm date when U.S. troops will come home.

    Gergen, the former White House adviser, said it's unrealistic to expect Bush to come up with a plan so dazzling it will rally the country. But it may extend the nation's patience.

    "That has to be his goal, from a political perspective," Gergen said. "For a president, buying time to try something new is often the most important thing you can do in a crisis."

    The White House puts some of the blame on the media for rising expectations. Spokesman Tony Snow, who spends every briefing fending off requests for details about Bush's plan, told reporters this week to "take a deep, cleansing breath."

    Even the timing of Bush's Iraq speech has been sucked into the expectations game.

    First, word emerged that his Iraq address would occur by Christmas. When the date then was set for sometime after the new year, the White House said it never had locked in the timing, but still had to answer questions about a "delay."

    Asked whether the president felt a sense of urgency to announce his strategy sooner, rather than later, given the rising death toll in Iraq, White House deputy press secretary Scott Stanzel told reporters on Tuesday: "He's wanting to make sure that we give all consideration to all the options. ... Coalition forces in Iraq are continuing to take the fight to the enemy, and the president will announce a new way forward when he's comfortable announcing that."


  4. #35174
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    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    Iraqi gov''t distributes 22 billion Iraqi dinars to victims of Saddam''s

    Iraqi gov't distributes 22 billion Iraqi dinars to victims of Saddam's

    regime (with photos) BAGHDAD, Dec 27 (KUNA) -- The Iraqi government on Tuesday distributed 22 billion Iraqi dinars (approximately USD 16.6 million) in compensations to Iraqis who had their properties seized by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's regime.

    Wow! Doesn't that seem like alot of money if the dinar is expected to rise to a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar??????
    Last edited by Pippyman; 27-12-2006 at 05:06 PM.
    "The expert at the "Central", Majid Assuri, expected a remarkable improvement in the rate of the dinar, due to the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months."

  5. #35175
    Senior Member PaulieThaGreat's Avatar
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    Default Nope

    Quote Originally Posted by Pippyman View Post
    Wow! Doesn't that seem like alot of money if the dinar is expected to rise to a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar??????
    Its probably around 250,000-500,00 dinar/dollar per family. Which is a kind gesture.

  6. #35176
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    Default Safe Dinar Not Taking Orders

    I spoke with a representative of Safe Dinar this morning who said that they
    are not currently taking orders because of inventory problems.

    I take this as very good news in that, as far as I know, Safe Dinar has historically been able to ship basically what people have ordered on time
    without any interruptions. I asked the representative if this was the first time they have had to stop taking orders, and he said yes.

    Just to confirm I went to the website and hit "Buy Dinar." Instead of the normal "buy" screen some other non-functional screen appeared.

  7. #35177
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    in terms of 22B being 'alot' of money, thats relative. depends on how many people it was distributed to. i don't believe that it is 250K to 500K, i believe that they did the 10K per person. i will research and get back to you guys

  8. #35178
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    Default Oil is betting the future to raise the standard of living

    Oil is betting the future to raise the standard of living
    By Aliraqnews In the 27 / 12 / 2006 3:32:37

    The Inspector General in the Ministry of Oil Ali Mohsen Ilaq that recent statistics showed that the average annual per capita income reached 41 dollars, and 54% of citizens spend less than a dollar a day, so the oil is betting the future only to raise the quality of life, and service orientation and living in this country.

    He added that "Iraq ranks second in the world in oil reserves, it produces about two million barrels per day and exports less, in spite of what Iraq needs to increase its revenue to meet the requirements of building and construction and raising the standard of living of citizens, and this requires taking a host of measures to boost production and export of crude oil and natural gas.

    The most important of these measures, reinstatement of the Iraqi National Oil Company because of its positive impact in achieving a better framework for the management of actors oil and expeditious issuance of the necessary legislation in the management of wealth and investment so as to ensure the entry of international companies specialized in order to expand and develop productive capacities and increasing exports within the system balances the objectives of the State and investors and to achieve better conditions for investment, competition and the provision of financial system in particular is flexible in the area of financial allocations and funding system so as to achieve facilitate the task of completing projects and equipment.

    So as to achieving higher rates of production and discharge and also provide the necessary protection for oil-sector installations and pipelines of what incurred by Iraq from losses goods worth billions of dollars due to suspension of export operations from Kirkuk to Turkey or to the the refineries of Iraq, while giving topic utmost importance and the adoption of the modern techniques and keeping abreast of developments in the petroleum industry and the replacement of old practices which was adopted the continuity of the extraction, pumping at the expense of standards and measurements to maintain and safeguard the wells and fields, and accelerate the implementation of drilling programs and the reclamation of old wells and the repair and maintenance and protection Ballistic export North, South and Western including achieves the necessary flexibility for export.

    Reconsider markets

    Ilaq also stressed the importance of reviewing in detail the global markets as to achieve the maximum benefit and better returns in oil exports from Iraq is done by reconsidering the markets, oil purchasers with the expansion of dealing with the Middle Market as it is in better returns.

    The matter requires an expansion of the activity of research and study in the company of marketing oil through the market research deactivated currently providing a base of information and follow up scientific to the market to serve the access to estimates and forecasts serve the purposes of sale prices and work on gas investment and to stop the waste of gas combustion, which is about 60% of gas production This investment will add important for Iraq stop hemorrhaging import of liquid gas to meet local demand as well as the real potential of export.

    Procedures should be met

    The procedures that should be implemented in the short term are summarized in the speedy implementation of the United meters and metering in all locations oil and reconciliation procedures quantity, quality and speed up the implementation of projects related to the export system at ports and other sites and the development of ports and Khazneh building and the provision of advanced crew, and the establishment of a new export and study of the causes of non-implementation of investment plans to increase production and increase export capacity to work on them.

    شبكة أخبار العراق - الأخبار
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  9. #35179
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TerryTate View Post
    Sorry although I like Peter Boyle alot he died on the 12th. James Brown was the 25th, while 26th was the day of President Ford's death.

    So, I would say that Joseph Barbera of Hanna-Barbera cartoon fame is closer to the trifecta as he died on the 18th.

    Dec. 18th - Joseph Barbera, 95, American cartoonist and co-founder of Hanna-Barbera Productions, natural causes.

    So, if we wanna get technical, the first trifecta would have been Boyle, Barbera, Brown, hmm three B's and all entertainers.

    The second trifecta would have begun with Ford. Hmm, Ford former country President and world leader...

    Saddam a former country President and world league a#@#le.

    Anyone got a guess for the third? I would say Pinochet (ex-Chilean President, Dictator) is out as he was on the 10th, but what the hey maybe he is #1, and Ford was #2.

    Too bad Saddam guess you shoulda been a nicer guy....

    oh i forgot about barbera, i stand corrected

  10. #35180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pippyman View Post
    Wow! Doesn't that seem like alot of money if the dinar is expected to rise to a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar??????
    Look at the USD amount, it's 16.6 Million. To me this seems reasonable.
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