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    Saudi not to take sides in Iraq faction fighting

    Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister denied yesterday allegations his country was supporting Sunni Muslims against Shias in Iraq, insisting the kingdom is impartial and hoping to reconcile the two sides. The minister’s comment came after a Saudi consultant warned in Washington that his kingdom would intervene to support Sunnis in Iraq if the US pulled out from the war-torn nation.
    “Since the beginning of the crisis in Iraq over the government formation, the kingdom has announced ... that it stands impartial among all factions,” Prince Saud Al Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, said. Prince Faisal’s comments were the first official denial to recent reports that Saudis are favouring and supporting Sunnis over Shias in Iraq.
    “The bleeding in Iraq is a source of deep pain and concern for us,” Al Faisal said. “Efforts should be directed at achieving its (Iraq’s) security and reinforcing its national unity away from foreign intervention,” he said.
    Some foreign intervention in Iraq “aims at reinforcing divisions, ethnicity, and destabilising the whole region,” said the Prince, who seemed to be referring to Iran, the Shia regional heavyweight and a key player in Iraq.
    The foreign minister’s brother, Prince Turki Al Faisal, resigned earlier this month from his position as ambassador in Washington after a Saudi security consultant, Nawaf Obaid, wrote in an American newspaper that one of the first consequences of any US troop pullout from Iraq would be a “massive Saudi intervention.”
    The consultant said Saudis would intervene in Iraq “to stop Iranian-backed Shia militias from butchering Iraqi Sunnis.” Saudi Arabia denied Obaid was speaking on its behalf and has since fired the consultant.
    Saud Al Faisal said the ambassador, his brother, had quit “for personal reasons” and that the king, their uncle, had accepted his resignation.
    Several Saudi royals have family ties with leading Iraqi tribes, and government leaders are deeply divided over how to handle the growing crisis in Iraq and other looming Mideast issues, such as Iran. Some royals favour strong aid to fellow Sunnis while others remain more cautious and closer to the US, their traditional ally.
    Last update on: 20-12-2006

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    During his reception of the Prime Minister of Poland, Poland Maliki demanding reduction of the debt Iraq

    Source : Zawra
    20 / 12 / 06

    Prime Minister Nuri Kamel al-Maliki in his office in Baghdad this morning, the official Polish Prime Minister Mr. Yarosoav Kajiniski and the delegation accompanying him, were reviewed during the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of developing them.

    And Mr. Prime Minister commended the role played by the Polish government through its contribution to topple the dictatorial regime sovereignty also praised the efforts made by Polish troops stationed in the city of Diwaniyah through its continued support of the Iraqi forces as the graduation of a batch of trainees from the band in five Iraqi army is now ready to take over the security file in the province.

    He asked Mr. Prime Minister, the Polish government debt reduction implications of the race because of the policies of the former regime as triggered by some States in line with the policy of the Paris Club.

    For his part, the Polish Prime Minister to support the government and people of Poland to the government and people of Iraq in all fields, especially the economic aspect, and the contribution of his country in the process of reconstructing Iraq, as Poland was ready to set up training courses for Iraqi security forces in Poland and the processing of the Iraqi army with weapons and modern equipment.

  3. #34273
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    didnt sgs pass the word that ici was to happen on the 20th? thats today! or yest for iraq if it occurred there... maybe we'll hear something shortly...
    unless its good news in which case we might not!

    Can remember that one to on the 20th mentioned by Susie.

    Now with HCL before parliament, I think ICI will also be adopted.

    As I remember:

    ICI = Aid in return for economic reforms (HCL)

  4. #34274
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    got 'im, coach! i will invent a new product called... the Levitator! (sp?)
    When you do proceed with your invention of 'The Levitator' please ensure that it incorporates the German design criteria so masterfully enunciated by that legendary German writer, Goethe, who penned the timeless adage "Kuerze ist des Witzens Seele" (Brevity is the soul of wit). It would cost but a few 100 IQD after Jan 01/07 to build your first 'Levitator".

  5. #34275
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    Maliki intervene to find a solution to the pilgrims caught in desert Arar

    Source : Sabah
    20 / 12 / 06

    Enter Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to solve the problem of pilgrims caught in desert Arar after Saudi authorities with the introduction of a large number of them. A source in the Prime Minister's Office : that the Al-Maliki, the Minister of Foreign Affairs to move quickly and take advantage of all channels for this purpose.

    The source believes that the problem will end very quickly. Saudi authorities had closed the crossing points in the face of a large number of pilgrims destined for overland House of God,

    According to government sources : that the Saudi side to bear the consequences of the problem that arose without acceptable justification. The pilgrims caught appeal to find a solution and warned Mr. Akram Naeem Atwan, the director general at the Ministry of Youth, the risk of waiting in an atmosphere of extreme cold led to the death of three pilgrims until the evening of yesterday, Tuesday, Mtkhna other deaths if the situation as it is. He says the Saudi party : that the agreement with the Iraqi pilgrims allowed to 12.800 land has been brought up to on Monday morning.

    Because of that suspended a convoy of pilgrims in 1050 after refusing to enter, and the effect Haji Akram Naeem Atwan making direct telephone that there were still convoys on the road Arar did not go beyond the Iraqi borders, and this means that it would be prevented from entering Saudi territory as well. He added that the pilgrims are caught in difficult circumstances, especially after the near depletion of their food and because of the cold climate, pointing out that no one not related to them or ask them, and told "Assabah" : We are in the midst of a serious problem. Directed appeal to the Prime Minister, Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki to find a quick solution and the urgent dispatch of subsidies.

    Envoy says "morning" to the holy places of Islam Tawfiq al-Tamimi : that the officials of the Haj and Umrah pilgrims who accompany Mtabathm continue to overcome any difficulties facing Iraqi pilgrims, al-Tamimi was speaking by telephone during a visit of the delegation from the Iraqi pilgrims at the hospital yesterday. He says the media spokesman for the delegation of the pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam Zahid Bayati : The pilgrims caught appealing His Majesty King Abdullah to intervene immediately to find an appropriate solution after the death of Alhaji IV.

    The mission issued a statement saying : that this number could rise because of severe cold in the desert Arar although the legal status of the pilgrims. Al-Bayati said in a telephone conversation with the (morning) : The Sheikh Mohamed Taqi Al Mawla continue to maintain Saudi officials to end the crisis and to allow the pilgrims to enter explaining that Alarbakat in air transport led to the addition of numbers of pilgrims to Alkovl land, in agreement with the Saudi side. The statement voiced surprise that the authorities of the border to these procedures, although they govern so for the thousands of pilgrims serious threat.

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    Baghdad, 20 Dec. (AKI) - Iraqi Minister of National Security Shirwan al-Waili says the last visit to Syria of an Iraqi government delegation led by Interior Minister Jawad al-Bulani has been a great success. In an interview to Adnkronos International (AKI), al-Waili stressed that among the successes of the trip over the weekend are "the signing of agreements on the analysis and solution of key security issues, including the fight against terrorism, sharing information and border patrols."
    Waili also said in the interview that "among the issues discussed was the creation of joint commissions with security officials from both countries."

    The minister stressed that the Iraqi delegation "perceived the credibility and good intentions of the Syrian counterpart," adding that "Damascus is serious in monitoring its borders and has vowed to provide us with all the information we request."

    US and Iraqi officials have been trying for years to crack down on foreign fighters and funds moving across the border from Syria. However, training efforts for Iraqi Border Patrol officers have gained momentum only in the past year.

    Iraq reportedly still lacks the resources and personnel to adequately patrol this stretch of desert and farmland.

    In the interview with AKI, al-Waili also spoke about the handover by US forces of Najaf, 150 kilometres south of Baghdad, expressing the hope that "the handover of security in southern provinces, first of all Basra, by British forces will take place at the beginning of next year.

    The US military handed over security of Iraq's Najaf province to government forces on Wednesday. Najaf is the third province to come under Iraqi security control.

    British forces handed over In July southern Muthana province, and neighbouring Dhi Qar province was transferred to Iraqi control in September.

    Britain has announced it will hand over Basra province in the first half of 2007.

    Concerning violence in the capital, Baghdad, al-Waili told AKI that "in the near future there will be a sharp improvement in the way deteriorating security in the capital is being tackled."

    "Iraqi forces will be able to confront the problem when certain aspects will be guaranteed, such as training, weapons and equipment," he said. "From a political standpoint, much will depend on the success of the national reconciliation plan."

    The national reconciliation plan of the Iraqi government, aimed at stemming sectarian tensions and violence, offers an amnesty to some insurgents, but not those from groups who have targeted civilians, outlines plans to disarm militias and beef up Iraqi security forces ahead of a complete takeover from coalition forces.

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    Iraq's vice president calls for "scheduled" pullout of U.S. troops
    Last Updated(Beijing Time):2006-12-20 12:53

    Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashemi on Tuesday called for a scheduled pullout of U.S. troops from his war-torn country.
    "I am calling for a scheduled withdrawal of American troops," the vice president told reporters at the UN headquarters after he met with outgoing UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

    But Hashemi added that the American withdrawal should come only after Iraq's security forces have become capable of taking on the country's security issues by themselves.

    "We work closely with the Americans who want their soldiers home. But withdrawal cannot come before the Iraqi forces are capable of handling the situation on their own," he said.

    Hashemi also called on the United Nations to play a greater role in promoting reconciliation between Iraq's rivalry Shiite and Sunni parties.

    The UN "should be on the front in helping Iraqis in fact to get things together, especially between the Shiite and the Sunnis," he said.

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    Published: 20/12/2006 12:00 AM (UAE)

    Al Samaraie feared assassination

    Baghdad: Former Iraqi minister Ayham Al Samaraie told a US newspaper on Tuesday that he escaped from a Baghdad jail as he was about to be killed and did not trust police to protect him, the US newspaper reported on its website.

    Al Samaraie, who holds dual American and Iraqi citizenship, said in a telephone interview with the New York Times that he fled Iraq after boarding a flight at Baghdad International Airport.

    The former Iraqi minister was being held at Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone on corruption charges. Iraqi officials said private security guards, who once protected him, helped him escape.

    Iraqi security and justice officials said it was impossible for Al Samaraie to have boarded a flight since he is well-known and a wanted man.

    However in his interview he was quoted as saying, “Those suckers who are sitting in the Green Zone, they cannot go out and see the people they are governing? This is a joke.”

    “So why I cannot take the airport? It's not because I am a smart cookie. Any Iraqi can do it, even if they have 10,000 court orders against him. This is Iraq,” he added.

    The newspaper said it had also communicated with Al Samaraie via email, but did not explain how it verified his identity.

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    So after tomorrow the CBI is closing down until 01/08/2007?

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    Former PM says ‘mafia groups’ behind violence

    By Mundher al-Shawfi

    Azzaman, December 20, 2006

    Former Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari attributed the upsurge in violence in the country to activities by what he said were ‘mafia groups’ bent to destabilize the government.

    Jaafari denied the country was in a state of civil war or on the brink of a whole-scale sectarian strife.

    “Simply there are mafia groups which are behind most of the violence,” he said.

    He said the current political rhetoric was void of references to sectarian differences because the authorities “are using patriotism as a basis for distinction.”

    However, the Iraqi government itself is built on sectarian grounds with sects, religious denominations and ethnic minorities currently using their positions to steer ministries and armed forces to their advantage.

    Jaafari’s bloc, the Dawaa Party, is part of the ruling coalition led by Shiite factions in partnership with Kurdish groups.

    “Iraq cannot coexist with sectarianism which permits the shedding of innocent Iraqi blood,” he said.

    He said he was hopeful Iraqis will eventually resolve their differences through the reconciliation meetings the government is holding currently.

    Jaafari said former Baathists were welcome to take part in reconciliation talks. However, he said there was no place for what he described as “Saddamists”. He did not elaborate.

    The former premier said neighboring countries should stop meddling in Iraqi affairs. “Their (interference) is exacerbating the problem,” he added.

    However, he said Iraq needed its neighbors and it was essential for the government to establish good relations.

    Haafari said the presence of militias was a threat to stability and they should be disbanded.

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