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  1. #32921
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    Quote Originally Posted by JLO's_Bubba View Post
    Just a thought, if you were going to RV to .66 would you wait till Sunday to announce it? All the speculators would be buying up the Dinar waiting for the Sunday announcement. Thoughts?
    Not from CBI. But from Dealers and other resourses that already have it in circulation away from CBI.

  2. #32922
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Not from CBI. But from Dealers and other resourses that already have it in circulation away from CBI.
    Well good grief! I promise someone is home up inside my head I get it now

  3. #32923
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    I found the contact information.

    I sent my e-mail and I'll post back anu responses I Receive. Since it is a London based paper, I should hear back in a few hours. It is now 5AM in London.

    Wow wouldn't this be COOL?

    I'll believe it more when I see it picked up by other news agencies and thoroughly confirmed this story.....WOW.
    Hey Hardwood,

    Your about a couple of hours off - I'm sitting in London right now - it's 4.53am at time of posting.

  4. #32924
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    Talking Thanks...

    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    Hey Hardwood,

    Your about a couple of hours off - I'm sitting in London right now - it's 4.53am at time of posting.
    I posted that at around 9PM my time (CST in the US). Thought it was 8 hours to London... maybe I was off...Thanks for the correction though.

    Hey, how 'bout knocking on the door of that newspaper's headquarters? That would be a hoot!

    I'll give you the address....PM me.
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  5. #32925
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsCK View Post

    Executive Committee
    [ADOPTED by Executive Committee – 3 Sep 2006]
    Co-chaired by the Government of Iraq (GOI) and the United Nations, the Executive Committee will:
    • Work from Iraq National Development Strategy (NDS)’s key economic priorities (which will include consideration of key sectors), to help the GOI to develop reforms and commitments (within the National Development Strategy) that address specific priorities or key sectors.
    • Develop from these strategies specific action and investment plans that will highlight reform and restructuring actions and investment plans for the priority sectors. These will be designed to take Iraq towards financial self-sufficiency with wider economic base, and will be detailed against a medium term fiscal framework and timeline for implementation.

    • Interact with Government’s Sector Working Groups, chaired by the relevant line Minister, in the preparation of policy, strategy, action and investment plans particular to that sector.

    • Identify areas of required donor/international assistance. These will include both technical assistance in the implementation of reform, restructuring and key policy initiatives, and financial assistance where Iraq has made a clear commitment to reform.

    • Develop a framework of commitments, both on behalf of the Government and the international community, which will enable the government to work towards economic targets set up in accordance to the reform, restructuring and investment plans mentioned above.

    • Develop for the approval of the Co-Chairs draft and final Resolution documents based on the commitments mentioned above.

    • Develop the mechanisms by which the Compact Resolution will be implemented after the Compact conference.

    1 2
    Technical Committee
    [ADOPTED by Executive Committee – 3 Sep 2006]
    Co-chaired by the Government of Iraq and the World Bank, the Technical Committee will:
    • Provide technical inputs for the development of the Compact Resolution

    • Draw on the technical resources of the Government of Iraq, the World Bank, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, and the Islamic Development Bank in fulfillment of its mandate.

    • Establish sector and inter-ministerial working groups (where they are not already in existence under the donor coordination structure outlined in the National Development Strategy), to address key policy issues, reforms and commitments within key sectors.

    • Facilitate for the Government of Iraq to access technical support from the sector and inter-ministerial working groups as well as the Preparatory Group and other Institutions

    • Report on progress and achievements to the Executive Committee
    well lookie here. back in september they passed it. i could have sworn thats exactly what i said back in september over at iif when everyone ripped me to shreads.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #32926
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    Hey, where in the world is CHARMED PIPER? She wouldn't want to miss this one I'm sure!!! She's probably worn out with all of the hours she puts on here and has decided to take a day off. COME ON REVAL!!!!!!!!! We won't be able to to contain her when she reads this information.

  7. #32927
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    McCain Asks Iraq PM to Break With Cleric

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Sen. John McCain took his controversial proposal for curbing Iraq's sectarian violence to Baghdad on Thursday, calling for an additional 15,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops and joining a congressional delegation in telling Iraq's prime minister he must break his close ties with a radical Shiite cleric.

    The lawmakers' trip came as the bloodshed showed no signs of abating. At least 74 more people were killed or found dead, including 65 bullet-riddled bodies bearing signs of torture. And gunmen in military uniforms kidnapped as many as 70 shopkeepers and bystanders from a commercial area in central Baghdad in what was apparently an attack against Sunnis; at least 25 were later released, police said.

    McCain's position puts him at odds with American public opinion and with the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, which recommended withdrawing substantial number of U.S. troops over the coming year. The Army in recent days has been looking at how many additional troops could be sent to Iraq if President Bush decides a surge in forces would be helpful.

    Army officials say only about 10,000 to 15,000 troops could be sent and an end to the war would have to be in sight because the deployment would drain the pool of available soldiers for combat. Further, many experts warn, there is no guarantee a surge in troops would work to settle the violence.

    ``We would not surge without a purpose,'' the Army's top general, Peter J. Schoomaker, told reporters Thursday in Washington. ``And that purpose should be measurable.''

    McCain said he realizes that few Americans favor deploying more U.S. troops to Iraq, and that if such a move proved unsuccessful in the unpopular war it could hurt his presidential ambitions.

    But the Arizona Republican said Americans must realize that if U.S. troops leave Iraq in chaos, groups such as al-Qaida ``will follow us home and that we will have a large conflict and greater challenges than those that we now face here in Iraq.''

    ``The American people are confused, they're frustrated, they're disappointed by the Iraq war, but they also want us to succeed if there's any way to do that,'' McCain told reporters in Baghdad.

    He said conditions in some areas of Iraq have improved since his last visit in March, but ``I believe there is still a compelling reason to have an increase in troops herelect the findings of the Iraq Study Group, which concluded that sustained increases in U.S. troops would not solve the fundamental problem and that violence would renew once those forces left the area.

    While the senators were meeting with U.S. and Iraqi officials in Baghdad, Iraq's Sunni vice president, Tariq al-Hashemi, was in Washington, where he called on the Bush administration to set a timetable for withdrawal of U.S. troops. Al-Hashemi said the timetable should be ``flexible'' and depend on development of an Iraqi security force.

    ``You've done your job,'' al-Hashemi, who met with Bush this week, said at the United States Institute of Peace, a U.S.-financed think tank. Currently, however, ``there is across-the-board chaos in my country,'' he said.

    Graham said he was shocked by the situation in Baghdad.

    ``The first time I came here with Sen. McCain we went rug shopping. Yesterday, we moved around in a tank. It's one of the most dangerous places on the planet,'' he said.

    The congressional delegation, which also included Republicans Sen. John Thune of South Dakota and Rep. Mark Kirk from Illinois, left Baghdad on Thursday to tour the southern port city of Basra and Ramadi, the insurgent stronghold west of Baghdad.

    Lieberman said the senators met with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, a Shiite, and urged him to break his ties with Muqtada al-Sadr and disarm the anti-U.S. cleric's Mahdi Army militia, which has been blamed along with Sunni Arab insurgents for the sectarian violence and ruthless attacks on U.S. forces.

    Al-Sadr controls 30 of the 275 parliament seats and is a key figure in al-Maliki's coalition.

    Lieberman said the delegation left its meetings with al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and other Iraqi officials believing ``there is a force of moderates within the context of Iraqi politics coming together to strengthen the center here against the extremists.''

    He said the delegation was ``quite explicit'' about ``how important it is that the Iraqis themselves begin to take aggressive action to disarm the militias, to stop the sectarian violence and to involve all the people in country to governance,'' including promised provincial elections.

    But the senator also said moderates in parliament may look for another leader if al-Maliki fails to do that.

    ``What the U.S. needs and wants, and has to demand, is that in return for all that we're putting on the line here is that they take on the extremists,'' Lieberman said. ``That's what this battle is all about.''
    McCain Asks Iraq PM to Break With Cleric | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited

  8. #32928
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    Default Have you read it yet????

    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    Susie, new PM. Please respond ASAP.


    Susie, please check your pm. Gloribee has written to you and I know she's up to something and we want to know what it is don't we?????? LOL.

  9. #32929
    Banned JLO's_Bubba's Avatar
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    Quick question. Since they start their holiday now does that mean that we will have to wait until the New Year or will there be auctions over the next two weeks. Just a thought.

  10. #32930
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    Lightbulb Neno please...

    Can you please make an exception tonight and make the daily cutoff at Mike's infamous post? It would be a lot easier to follow the thread from there instead of the usual midnight cut-off.

    Thank you!
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

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