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  1. #32581
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    اIraq : Ayatollah Hussein al-Sadr demanded the formation of a national reference for the success of reconciliation

    Park achievements of the government and the Maliki denounced sectarian killings

    Park Ayatollah Hussein Ismail al-Sadr national achievements achieved by the Prime Minister during his meeting with American President condemned the sectarian killings in Baghdad and Diyala, calling for the formation of a unified national reference for the success of the draft national reconciliation and an end to the deterioration in security.

    And Mr. Park Samaha Ayatollah Hussein Ismail al-Sadr during a press statement issued from his office yesterday national achievements achieved by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki after meeting with the American President in his recent visit, he said : "congratulate him Iraqi national achievements by returned."

    And Ayatollah al-Sadr denounced the killings sectarian against the people of Iraq in Baghdad, Diyala, said : "When the killings on the basis of identity and purpose that is not sectarian faith in national and inhuman" and called on Iraqis to be united in one heart to the enemies attempts to divide Iraq and sow sectarian sedition.

    He called on the government and the bodies responsible parties and the formation of an Iraqi national reference standard for the success of the national reconciliation put Iraq in mind and will address the security situation and stability, pointing out the importance of activating the role of religious leaders in consolidation of political, religious Iraqi.

    He denied Ayatollah al-Sadr to be fighting this in the country is between the Iraqi people and said : that the fighting is a reflection of the conflict occurred between the politicians, said : "The Sunnis are protecting now the Shiites, as well as the sons of the Shiites are protecting their fellow Sunnis and the problem is not between the Iraqi people Bmzahbh and nationalities, but they are among the politicians themselves and between terrorists and people Bshiagh and enacted, Moslems and Christians, and other religions and sects)).

    جريدة الصباح - آية الله حسين الصدر يطالب بتشكيل مرجعية وطنية لإنجاح المصالحة

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #32582
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    Al Sabaah...

    A number of heads of major international companies to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq, the second exhibition in Sulaymaniyah :
    السليمانية: ((موفد الصباح))ياسر المتوليSulaymaniyah : ((envoy morning)) Yasser incumbent
    معرض كوردستان DBX الدولي الثاني الذي اقيم في مدينة السليمانية الشهر المنصرم انتج واقعاً اقتصادياً متطوراً على مستوى الاقليم نتيجة المشاركة الواسعة والفاعلة لكبريات الشركات العالمية فيه.Fair Cordstan DBX Second International held in the city of Sulaymaniyah last month produced a reality at the level of economically advanced province and the result of broad participation of the major players in global companies.

    وكذا الحال فان بناء المعرض هناك اشر البداية الصحيحة لانطلاق حملة البناء الكبرى التي يشهدها الاقليم مطلع عام 2007 حيث ان لهذا المعلم الحضاري تأثيرات كبيرة في جذب الاستثمارات العالمية بعد ان وجدت الشركات ضالتها في اختيار البيئة الاستثمارية والاستقرار الامني والاقتصادي المتوفر.The case, as well as the construction of the exhibition there Asher initially valid for the start of major construction campaign in the Territory early in 2007 as the teacher of this great cultural influences in attracting international investments after the companies found insignificance in the selection of the investment environment and security stability and economic available.
    واللافت للنظر ان كبار رجال الاعمال واصحاب الاعمال واصحاب الشركات العالمية المشاركين في المعرض يتوقعون ان العراق سيصبح السوق المستقبلي للمنطقة (بحسب تعبيرهم) لما يتمتع به من مساحات كبيرة ومتنوعة جغرافياً، والاهم الثروة المكنونة التي يمتلكها فضلا عن انه سوق مغلق وغير منفتح على العالم مذ ما يقارب عن 15 عاما.ً رجال اعمال تحدثوا لـ ((الصباح)) عن امكانية ان يكون اقليم كردستان مركزاً لاستقطاب الاستثمارات الاجنبية ومنطلقاً لامتداداتها الى باقي محافظات العراق عند تحسن الوضع الامني والاستقرار السياسي والاقتصادي.What is remarkable is that senior businessmen and entrepreneurs and owners of companies participating in the exhibition, expecting that Iraq will be the future of the market (according to the expression) with its large and geographically diverse, and, most importantly wealth enshrined owned as well as a closed market and is open to the world since nearly 15 years. Businessmen who talked to Al ((morning)) on the possibility that the Kurdistan region a center for attracting foreign investments and the gateway to spread to the rest of the governorates of Iraq when the security situation improved and political and economic stability.
    رئيس غرفة التجارة والصناعة العراقية الاميركية د. رعد عمر كشف عن ان عام 2007 سيشهد نشاطات اقتصادية حيث سيقام معرضاً ثالثاً ولكن هذه المرة في اربيل لاستكمال تنفيذ الاهداف المرسومة في الشروع بحملات البناء والاعمار في اقليم كردستان ومن ثم دراسة امكانية التنفيذ في المحافظات الجنوبية التي تتمتع هي الاخرى بنوع جيد من الاستقرار على حد وصفه .Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Dr. Iraqi American. Raad Omar revealed that 2007 would witness economic activities will be held as an exhibition III, but this time in Arbil to complete the implementation of the objectives set out in launching campaigns construction and reconstruction in the Kurdistan region and then studying the possibility of implementation in the southern governorates with the other type of good stability, according to the recipe.
    وقال رعد ايضاً: ان هناك مؤسسات داعمة ومشجعة للشركات المستثمرة في كردستان إذ من المفيد ان تكون هناك شركة عراقية بريطانية تتولى مهام التأمين على الشركات العالمية لضمان اموالها حيث تقوم بالتأمين على المشاريع والاشخاص، فضلاً عن توفر شركة عراقية للكفالات المصرفية والتي ستسهم في ضمان القروض للمؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة عبر المنح المقدمة لاصحاب المشاريع هذه المؤسسات مشجعة ودافعة للاستثمار في حقيقة الامر.Rad said : also there are institutions that supportive and encouraging companies investing in Kurdistan as useful to be an Iraqi British assume the functions of insurance companies to ensure their money where insurance enterprises and persons, as well as provide the Iraqi company for bank guarantees, which will contribute to ensuring that loans to small and medium enterprises through grants to entrepreneurs these institutions and encouraging impetus to invest in the reality of the situation.
    في هذه الاثناء تشهد محافظة السليمانية حركة عمران وتطور سريع على مستوى تنفيذ مشاريع البنى التحتية والخدمية وبما يؤهلها للانطلاق الى تنفيذ كبريات المشاريع المنتظرة، واللافت ان حركة السوق التجارية هناك ناجحة بالفعل والسبب يعود الى ان اقليم كردستان ينتج نظام السوق الحر ويعمل على دعم وتشجيع القطاع الخاص الذي توج باصدار قانون الاستثمار الاجنبي في الاقليم الى ذلك نبه الخبير السياحي عمر علي حبيب في اثناء لقائه بالصباح من خلال فترات عرض معرض السليمانية الى ان المهم ان يأخذ القطاع السياحي نصيبه من الاستثمار الاجنبي... لافتا الى ان المردود الاقتصادي الناجم عن السياحة يغطي ميزانيات الكثير من الدول السياحية.In the meantime witness Sulaymaniyah governorate movement Omran and rapid evolution at the level of implementation of infrastructure projects, service, including position to springboard to the implementation of major projects ahead, and is interesting that the movement of the commercial market there is successful already, the reason for that is that the Kurdistan province produces free-market system and is working to support and encourage the private sector, which culminated in the foreign investment law in the province so warned tourist expert Omar Ali Habib during a meeting Basubah through periods presentation exhibition Sulaymaniyah to be important to take the tourism sector's share of foreign investment ... He pointed out that the economic returns from tourism covers the budgets of many tourist country.
    ويرى ضرورة ان تقوم حكومة الاقليم بالتخطيط لانعاش السياحة ومشاريعها جنبا الى جنب مع المشاريع الاستراتيجية والبنى التحتية.. مشيرا الى اهمية ايجاد مواقع ومشاريع سياحية جديدة وفقا لتصاميم عالمية وكي لايقتصر الدعم على تأهيل وتطوير المشاريع السياحية القائمة.The need for the territorial government plans to revive tourism and projects together with strategic projects and infrastructure. He pointed out the importance of finding sites and new tourist projects in accordance with the designs of the global order involving not only support for the rehabilitation and development of tourist projects list.
    وبينما كانت ((الصباح)) تتجول في اروقة واجنحة المعرض، لفت انتباهها جناح يرفع العلم العراقي كتب عليه الشركة العراقية لتصنيع ونصب البيوت الجاهزة ((البصرة)). ووجدنا من المناسب ان نتعرف عن انطباعات البصريين عما ما شاهدوه في كردستان وعن امكانية الاستفادة من التجربة الكردستانية... فكان لنا هذا اللقاء مع مدير الجناح عمار عبد الرضا مرتضى وسألناه:And while ((morning)) moving in the corridors of the wings of the exhibition, the booth drew attention raises the Iraqi flag books by the Iraqi company for manufacturing and erecting prefabricated houses ((Basra)). We found it appropriate to hear the impressions Chiropractic asked what they witnessed in Kurdistan and on the possibility of making use of the Kurdish experiment ... We had this meeting with the Director-wing Ammar Abd al-Rida Murtada, and asked him :
    ـ كيف تقيم هذا المعرض وما الذي جلب انتباهك؟..How do you assess this exhibition, and what brought your attention?
    قال ان مجرد مشاركة اكثر من 300 شركة عالمية في هذا المعرض تعكس مدى نجاح اقليم كردستان في جذب الاستثمارات الاجنبية. وبذات الاعتزاز العراقي البصراوي قال: نحن شعب جاد وبامكانه فعل الكثير لكن ينقصنا الاستقرار.The mere participation of more than 300 international companies in the exhibition reflect the success of the Kurdistan region in attracting foreign investments. At the same pride Iraqi Albasserawi said : We are serious people and can be done but do we need stability.
    ـ مرتضى قد كرر القول في ان العقول العراقية المخلصة قادرة على اعادة اعمار العراق وبنائه... لكننا بحاجة الى الدعم الدولي في هذه المرحلة ولا يمكن ان نعمل بمعزل عن التطور الكبير الذي يشهده العالم..Murtada has reiterated that the Iraqi sincere minds capable of reconstructing Iraq and constructive ... But we need international support at this stage can not work in isolation from the great development witnessed by the world.
    ويعتقد جازماً انه بالامكان تجسيد التجربة الكردستانية في البصرة التي تمتلك من الموانىء العالمية والمطار الدولي والمساحات المتنوعة جغرافياً والاستقرار الجزئي والذي يتحسن يوماً بعد يوم يمتلك القدرة على اقامة معرض بهذا الحجم ليكون رسالة البصريين الى الشركات العالمية الاستثمارية بان النجاح موجود هناك في البصرة بعد ذلك تحدث عن الانشطة التي قدمتها الشركة في تنفيذ مشاريع سكنية في منطقة الرميلة الشمالية، وبواقع 60 وحدة سكنية لمنتسبي شركة نفط الجنوب فضلاً عن تنفيذ 25 وحدة سكنية بيوت جاهزة لسكن اساتذة الجامعة لحساب وزارة التعليم العالي.And firmly believed that it was possible to reflect the experience Kurdistan in Basra, which owns ports global and the international airport and areas geographically diverse and stability partial which improves day after day, has the capability to mount an exhibition of this size to be the message Chiropractic to global companies investment that success is there in Basra after that spoke about the activities provided by the company in the implementation of housing projects in the area of the North Rumailah, and by 60 housing units to employees of the South Oil Company as well as the implementation of 25 housing units of prefabricated houses for accommodation university professors on behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education.
    في جناح اخر التقينا مدير جناح شركة جهباء للتكنولوجيا وكالة احدى الشركات الالمانية المهندس علي قحطان المتولي ـ الذي تحدث لنا عن ان هذه المشاركة الاولى في المعرض الذي وصفه بالمعرض الناجح ويلبي الطموح في جذب الاستثمارات العالمية.In another wing met the Director of the Pavilion Company Ghaba technology agency a German company, Eng Qahtan Geremek, who spoke to us on this first participation in the exhibition, which he described as successful exhibition and meet ambitious in attracting international investments.
    المهندس علي يرى ان في مثل هذه الملتقيات العالمية وسيلة كفيلة بتعجيل بناء واعادة اعمار العراق لافتا الى ان اقليم كردستان سيكون مركز اشعاع على محافظات العراق الاخرى وحتى دول الجوار في مجال التنمية المتسارعة.. لافتا الى ان معرض اربيل المقبل سيكون مكملاً لهذه التظاهرة الاقتصادية العالمية الناجحة.Ali believes that in such forums global means capable of accelerating the building and the reconstruction of Iraq, pointing out that the Kurdistan region will be the center of radiation on the other governorates of Iraq, and even neighboring countries in the area of accelerated development. Noting that the exhibition of Arbil next will be complementary to the economic success of the global demonstration.
    ولاحظت ((الصباح)) ان هناك مشاركات اخرى تتعلق بتجارة الاتصالات والمواد الغذائية ومختلف الانشطة الاخرى حيث تحدث مدراء الاجنحة فيها وهم جاوشين حسن جناح شركة كوره ك تليكوم وبيتون حمزة مدير جناح شركة بهار واسو حمو مصطفى مدير جناح شركة ميري بابان عن اهمية المشاركة في مثل هذا المعرض الذي يكتسب اهمية كبيرة في اطلاع العالم على احتياجات ومتطلبات العراق وامكانات العراق التجارية.It noted ((morning)) that there are other partnerships relating to the trade of communications, food and various other activities where managers wing where they Zhaoxin Hassan Pavilion Company Koreh k Telecom and Peyton Hamza Director Pavilion Company Bahar and Lasso Hammou Mustafa Director Pavilion Company Mary Papan about the importance of participating in such an exhibition, which was very important in communicating to the world the needs and requirements of Iraq and Iraq's potential trade.
    رئيس اتحاد رجال الاعمال العراقيين في كردستان فرع السليمانية: اشر بنجاح هذا المعرض في بلورة رؤية الاقليم لحاجاتها الاساسية من المشاريع الاستراتيجية ذات البعد الاقتصادي الذي يخدم المنطقة بشكل خاص والعراق بشكل عام، والكيفية التي نتلمس من خلالها تطوير واقع الاقليم، لافتا الى ان الحاجة تقتضي جذب مصانع ومعامل متكاملة، وعدم الاقتصار على معامل الانتاج الجزئي خصوصاً فيما يتعلق بمشاريع البناء والاعمار.Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen in Kurdistan Sulaymaniyah branch : Asher success of this exhibition with a vision for the province their basic needs of projects of strategic economic dimension, which serves the region in particular and Iraq in general, and how they feel through the development of the reality of the region, pointing out that there is a need to attract factories and labs integrated, and not only the production plants partial particularly with regard to construction projects and reconstruction.
    الاستنتاج الذي خرجت به ((الصباح)): “ان المستقبل يضم لجميع مدن العراق الكثير من آفاق التطور الرحبة لكننا بحاجة الى وقت وصبر جميل باذن الله تعالى”.The conclusion came out of ((morning)) : "The future includes all the cities of Iraq, much of the vast prospects for development, but we need time and patience beautiful God."
    Last edited by Frank Rizzo; 14-12-2006 at 08:13 AM.

  3. #32583
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    االاولىThe first political : American forces withdraw from Baghdad early next year

    Spring reveals the security plan, discussed by the Amman summit, Bush postpones announcement of the strategy
    Baghdad-Washington-up morning

    The New York Times quoted a high-ranking Iraqi official that the American President George Bush received during the joint top with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Amman new security plan provides for the extradition of Iraqi forces responsibility for security in Baghdad early next year at a time when the movement of American forces to the area of the capital.

    Meanwhile, the White House announced that President Bush for the announcement of the new strategy in Iraq until after the first of January next.

    He said Tony Snow spokesman for the White House : Bush announces that the changes he intends to make his policy in Iraq will not happen before the new year, and we do not know when? And although fix a date for this.

    The White House hopes that the American President of the Declaration of strategy by the end of the year, but he did not rule out the postponement despite the pressure exerted.

    The Sno the difficulty and complexity of the task He denied that this situation reflects a failure in the work of the President saying : the issue is not that he does not know what he wants to do, but it will not jumps under pressure he wants to do very well.

    American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice agreed with Snow went and expressed the conviction that the Bush Sitrith for a reasonable period of time to feel that he had consulted fully and charted the path of trust to move forward. So The New York Times quoted National Security Advisor Dr. Muwaffaq Rubaie as saying : that it is very important to reduce the presence of the American forces to remain stationed presence in the suburbs of Baghdad region.

    The newspaper pointed out that the spokesman for the commander of the American forces in Iraq, confirmed that Gordon Jondro General George Phen is currently studying a plan to evaluate it, adding that the plan may be an attraction factor for the administration of President Bush is currently engaged in studying the future of the situation in Iraq, but it may involve Mekhatergdidh.

    The plan to withdraw American forces from inside the city of Baghdad and redeployed outside the city of any metropolitan area which harbors totals from al-Qaeda and other organizations, with busy Iraqi forces in charge of two working in the capital as the plan provides for a reduction in the number of checkpoints and increasing the protection and prosecution of the leaders of death squads in the seven alive not by name, while the role of American forces to control the outskirts of the city and Tmshith and preventing the penetration of booby-trapped cars and explosive belts inside the city.

    The plan did not overlook the role of American advisers in Iraqi units and requested that the supportive role of such units, rather than advisory.

    He said : spring that the plan put American forces in a difficult position because it would leave the Iraqi forces address mistakes themselves after American forces would avoid those mistakes.

    For his part, parliament Speaker Dr. Mahmoud Almshahadani security plan saying : that the Americans are not *****s to leave the capital, the scene safe for the militias.

    And political analyst sees that the problem with the Iraqi forces to address the tension inside Baghdad lies in the lack of reinforcements and late arrival at the appropriate time, has solved the problem by increasing the size of the forces but the biggest problem is the gap which succeeded the American withdrawal from the city of Baghdad.
    وغير بعيد عن ذلك قال وزير الخارجية الاسترالي الكساندر داونر امس: ان انسحاب القوات الاميركية من العراق سيؤدي الى”كارثة “.Not far from that said Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer yesterday : that the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq would lead to "catastrophe".

    The Australian Broadcasting Authority and the Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who is currently the Australian-US talks anniversary with his American Kunda Stalov in Washington as saying : that he had asked the American administration not to withdraw from Iraq quickly.

    It added that Downer stressed that the consequences of withdrawal would be a disaster for the Iraqis, but only to draw neighboring countries into military conflicts for the control of Iraq and the fight against international terrorism would also be a disaster.

    جريدة الصباح - القوات الأميركية تنسحب من بغداد مطلع العام المقبل

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Default Due to the deterioration of security conditions. Decline jobs and aggravation of unem

    Due to the deterioration of security conditions. Decline jobs and aggravation of unemployment in Iraq
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The deteriorating security situation has cast a shadow over all aspects of life in Iraq, but the economic conditions were the most affected. Where receded jobs and widespread unemployment to a large extent , One statistic that the rate of unemployment reached (40%) of the population.

    The United Nations report on human rights in Iraq, which was issued on August 31 in August 2006, had indicated that the unemployment rate rose significantly in Iraq and that more than (70%) of the Iraqi people living under the poverty line.

    He said Ahmed Hussein (construction worker) News Agency (Voices of Iraq) alone "since fifteen days and we sit on the sidewalk without work. There, we find the feed by Auwaelena. "
    Shows Hajj Saad Aladnani (businessman) to provide employment "depends on the stability of the security situation," saying that the only way out of the impasse security fence "requires the concerted efforts of the large between the citizen and security agencies."

    Aladnani He pointed out that "it is the duty of the Iraqi government to create more job opportunities for all unemployed

    Her mother Ahmed, the owner of a shop, "we can no longer live safely in our country. Every day I hear
    On the migration of many Iraqis outside Iraq and between different cities, either for sectarian reasons or economic or security. "
    It went on to say, "no longer is the Iraqi citizen who chooses to place housing loves it, but it should surrender of the extent to which it will choose a place against his will."

    It was natural that generates violence, which Iraq is undergoing a feeling among most young people, especially those scientists need to migrate to the outside of Iraq and the search for an opportunity to work in other countries, which contributed greatly to unload Iraq competencies.

    He said social scientist Abdul Hamid satisfaction that "one of the most prominent reasons for which the owners certificates to the migration of Iraq is the case of ongoing violence and indiscriminate killings series, which now aims of this elite scientific community."

    Abd al-Rida added, "We believe the existence of political purposes behind targeting scientists is the first to return to Iraq early times and try to strip it of scientific content."
    He called on the Iraqi government to "stand in (this sordid conspiracy) and the protection of Iraqi minds of the serial, which is targeting the travel without mercy."

    He pointed out that Abd al-Rida "brain drain began this reflected negatively on the social conditions of the Iraqi citizen."

    But the media source in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs said, "Adoption of the House of the Investment Law, which focus on the operation of 50% of Iraqis in any of the investment projects will contribute positively to the elimination of unemployment."

    While the source declined to provide official statistic on the unemployment rate in Iraq, the expectation that "the country will witness the implementation of giant projects in the coming months and will require professional cadres and this will provide employment opportunities for the unemployed and combat unemployment."
    The source pointed out that "the ministry in connection with the financing of small enterprises in Iraq to combat unemployment."

    For his part, he said Jafar Alsaidi President of the Association of the unemployed, which is one of the institutions of civil society and take from the Baghdad-based "suffering from a major crisis due to lack of job opportunities, most of the appointments in the government departments are under the headings favoritism and partisan affiliations."

    He added, "due to the current circumstances emigrated large number of Iraqi youths outside the country to search for jobs with another number of them resorted to the dishonoring of the free sale of cigarettes, clothes and other professions might not suit the Thossilathm scientific works that qualify them for the important functions in the State."

    He pointed out that "the unemployment rate in Iraq at the preliminary statistical about 40% of the total population of the Iraqi people."

    He continued, "will continue the series of Iraqi migration to more secure areas inside and outside Iraq for security reasons, which lose their jobs and make them the latest in a list of the unemployed."

    Alsaidi said "there is a significant disparity in the percentage of unemployed between Baghdad and the other governorates, especially departments where less stable security as percentages of unemployed compared to the capital which is witnessing a wave of daily violence that is a situation of fear of going out into the street and doing business normally."

    He warned the President of the Association of the unemployed at the continued deterioration of the security situation, saying "we will be in front of a big problem difficult for the government to deal with."

    He appealed to the Iraqi government Alsaidi "opened many outlets to operate as unemployed youth and to pay them adequately," stressing that "this measure will help to reduce the wave of violence in the Iraqi street."

    أمن - بطالة ( تحقيق) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  5. #32585
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    12/14/2006 = 16 = 7

    14 = 2 X 7
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-12-2006 at 09:41 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #32586
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    Announcement No.(826)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 826 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Thursday 2006 / 12/ 14 so the results were as follows :
    Details Notes
    Number of banks 15 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1411 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1409 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 60.250.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 200.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 60.250.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 200.000 -----

    History Exchange Rates

    D.G. of Investments

    Daily price Bulletin buying and selling Thursday 2006/12/14


    Currency Code

    Selling Price In IQD

    Buying Price In IQD

    US Dollar




    European Euro




    Sterling Pound




    Canadian Dollar




    Swiss Frank




    Sweetish Krone




    Norwegian Krone




    Denmark Krone




    Japanese Yen




    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

  7. #32587
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    Default Iraq oil law stuck on contracts

    Iraq oil law stuck on contracts
    WASHINGTON, 14 December 2006 (UPI)

    The completion of Iraqi oil law negotiations now hinge on whether the central or regional government has final say on oil contracts, a roadblock negotiators don't seem willing to give on.

    There has been some advancement on creating a federal oil law, necessary for development of and investment in the world's third-largest crude reserves, though a top Kurdish official warns compromises his side has made have not been finalized yet.

    Qubad Talabany, the Kurdistan Regional Government's representative to the United States, told United Press International Tuesday a new round of negotiations have begun in Baghdad but "we haven't made progress yet."

    Sunnis and some Shiite factions in the negotiating committee are demanding the central government have the final word on all oil contracts while the KRG is leading the push to let this aspect be a regional autonomy issue.

    Iraq has an estimated 115 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, the third largest in the world, nearly all of it located in the Shiite-controlled south or Kurdish north.

    Negotiations on an oil law mirror the fate of Iraq: Sunnis fear the federalism that could result in money from Iraq's oil being withheld. They, along with some Shiite factions, eye a deciding role in a strong central government. Kurds and competing Shiite blocs are in favor of regional rights, fearing a central government doling out money could nix their fair share.

    The current constitution is vague on control over oil, stating only existing oil is within the central government's purview and leaving all new or future oil in limbo.

    The KRG, and others, interpret this to mean everything not explicitly detailed for the federal government implicitly falls under regional control.

    Kurdistan has been semi-autonomous since 1991 and relatively free of the violence plaguing Iraq.

    Within this setting, it has begun developing its oil sector, even signing contracts for exploration and production, which the central government has said aren't valid.

    "The regions have their sovereignty," Talabany said. "Contracts must be respected by the central government."

    He blames a strong centralized government for the Kurdish suffering during much of last century.

    "The days of the Kurds being held hostage by Baghdad are over," he said. "We will not be made to feel like beggars."

    Hamid al-Bayati, Iraq's representative to the United Nations, said central control brings unanimity across the oil sector, for investors and Iraqis.

    "The compromise is the region will have a say on selecting the companies, selecting the proposals, but approval will be the central government," Bayati told UPI.

    He said negotiations will continue "until the law is approved."

    "This is the conflict you have," said Mohammed Zine, regional manager of Middle East for the energy analyst IHS.

    He said now Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is facing heat to end violence in Iraq and is in turn resting "big pressure on the government and Oil Minister" to deliver an oil law to the Parliament.

    He said he doesn't think this will happen by the end of the year, though there is no telling on daily events in Iraq.

    "I don't see what the rush is. Even if you sign a contract there is still big problems with security."

    A final oil law will have three main results:

    1 - settle internal disputes over control of and revenues from oil;
    2 - lay a groundwork for the estimated $20 billion of investments needed after years of neglect and mismanagement under Saddam Hussein, the toll of U.N. sanctions, the U.S.-led war and ongoing attacks by Sunni and Shiite militias;
    3- and both will lead to increased income that can be put toward other reconstruction and upgrade security in the country.

    News reports over the weekend claimed a deal on the oil law was close, though Talabany explained each glossed over major remaining issues.

    He said while the Kurds have compromised on oil revenue sharing and allowing the central government to be responsible for this collecting and redistributing it, "the mechanisms for distribution of revenues have not been agreed upon yet."

    He said oversight, technical and constitutional details "to ensure regions get their share of revenues" have not been finalized. This comes from the fear a central government, be it fueled by greed or a sectarian agenda, will not deliver on the money a region may be due.

    Iraq oil law stuck on contracts | Iraq Updates

  8. #32588
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    Ok, Numerologically speaking what does a five mean?

    Sorry SGS, didn't know what you were
    I love numerology and was just thinking that you were seeing something.
    7 is a power number as far as ive been told. and this is strictly relating to big money interests in the world.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #32589
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    Announcement No.(826)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 826 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Thursday 2006 / 12/ 14 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 15 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1411 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1409 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 60.250.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 200.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 60.250.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 200.000 -----

    D.G. of Investments

    Daily price Bulletin buying and selling Thursday 2006/12/14

    Currency Code
    Selling Price In IQD
    Buying Price In IQD

    US Dollar

    European Euro

    Sterling Pound

    Canadian Dollar

    Swiss Frank

    Sweetish Krone

    Norwegian Krone

    Denmark Krone

    Japanese Yen

    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

    smaller denoms goin out in them little spurts?? 200,000 ? that would be the only dinar they would be sellin at this point i would think. and them smaller denoms you can get a load of them for that price.

    the large auction i believe is good news too. cmon baby, GIVE US A REVAL!!!!!
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-12-2006 at 10:09 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #32590
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Global Insight // Same-Day Analysis
    Positive Signs for Award of Enhanced Iraqi Oil Contracts Before Controversial Hydrocarbon Law In Place
    Iraq's Oil Minister, Hussein al-Shahristani, has said that he believes that some oil and gas deals could be inked ahead of agreement on a framework hydrocarbons law, in the interests of moving forward more quickly on the country's energy-sector development.

    Global Insight Perspective

    The proposed use of enhanced contracts would enable Iraq to put less controversial oil and gas projects to the market in a nearer-term time-frame, rather than waiting on the political consensus necessary to conclude the long-awaited hydrocarbons legislation.

    Investors will want assurances that these contracts will be honoured in any future legislation and there are some limits to the types of project that will be suitable for this treatment, particularly if the overall regulatory and security conditions are deemed to fall short.

    With a number of major issues still to be resolved ahead of the conclusion of a framework hydrocarbons law, enhanced one-off contracts look like an expedient interim solution for the Oil Ministry. However, its tendency towards over-optimism suggests that hopes of rapid development through this approach should be moderated, although some forward progress could certainly be made given the right project choice and assurances.

    Individual Contracts

    Iraq's Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani has given his backing for a proposal to award oil and gas contracts under enhanced individual contracts, ahead of debate on a more controversial hydrocarbons law.

    The proposal was previously advanced by influential oil official, Shamkhi Faraj, currently acting as director-general of marketing and economics at the Oil Ministry, after his tenure at the head of the State Oil Marketing Organisation (SOMO, see Iraq: 24 April 2006: Iraq Considers All-in-One Oil Contracts to Overcome Political and Regulatory Uncertainty). In theory, it would enable Iraq to move forward with oil and gas development deals on less controversial projects, without the necessary legal framework in place, on the promise that any future law would not affect contracts awarded in this manner.

    Al-Shahristani said on a trip to the United States that some companies had already expressed their willingness to enter into discussions and even conclude agreements on this basis before a more far-reaching hydrocarbon law is enacted by parliament. A framework hydrocarbons law has already been drafted by parliamentary committees, but is expected to be the subject of fierce debate, concerning as it does the division of oil resources, management of existing and new acreage and the distribution of oil wealth.

    During his U.S. visit, al-Shahristani met with a number of oil companies and said that initial talks focused on technical assistance, rather than specific oilfields. He added that he hoped for Iraqi production of 3 million b/d by the end of the year, from current figures of 2.5 million b/d, with a target of 4.5 million b/d in the next three to four years.

    Outlook and Implications

    The idea of enhanced one-off contracts is a good one for Iraq, and one that has already worked well in Libya, which has moved forward with its exploration on this basis in the absence of any up-to-date hydrocarbons legislation.

    Nevertheless, the political uncertainty in Iraq, combined with atrocious security conditions in the centre of the country in particular, means that most investors are unlikely to willing to embark too far along this course, until it is clear that an overall hydrocarbons law will meet their requirements and answer outstanding concerns over ownership and management. As yet, al-Shahristani hopes that a hydrocarbons law will be in place by the end of the year, although his warmth towards these enhanced contracts suggests a more realistic streak, given the likelihood of deep-rooted divisions in the debate on an energy law and lack of consensus to date, particularly with the Kurds.

    Progress on concluding a foreign investment bill in recent weeks gives ongoing hope that foreign companies will be an important factor in Iraq's economy in the future, although on the energy side, some major obstacles remain, most notably on the federal issue, but also on the revival of a state-backed Iraqi NOC, the form of which has still to be agreed (see Iraq: 20 July 2006: Foreign Investment Law Rushed Through in Iraq; Ex-Oil Minister Says Energy Deals Some Way Off).

    franny, were almost there!!

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