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  1. #30521
    Senior Member Texas_Tea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    Here is a versionof the article published yesterday - IN PLAIN ENGLISH, for God's sake! If already posted, please ignore it.

    Dropping of the dollar agianst iraqi dinar caused by low interest rates

    December 05, 2006

    Dr. Taha Fakhri, member of the Iraqi Institute for developing the economy, said: "The decline in interest rates is the reason behind the slight decline in the dollar in governmental auctions and commercial transactions". He added: "This decline is also caused by the weak consumers demand on imported goods due to the deteriorating security situation, which compelled the State to finance some important deals".

    He pointed out that: "The slight rise or decline of the dollar does not obstruct the growth or value of the iraqi dinar which is expected to become stronger than before with the introduction of the balance of 2007 and the strategic application of the new monetary policy announced by the government last year". He explained: "The decline will be reflected on the value of the precious metals whose prices will rise as a result of the fall in the dollar, which gives an opportunity for those who hold commercial transactions, such as automobiles and heavy equipment, to invest them". Fakhri said: in some cases the decline in the dollar rate is linked to America itself through the entry of imported goods and the exit of funds from it.(Source)AlSabah

    So here, my friends, that's one more reason to wait for the days around Dec 15, 06. THA NEW 2007 BUDGEEETTTT!!
    Is there a link for this please?

  2. #30522
    Member ErelisLT's Avatar
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    Couldn't just someone call Central Bank of Iraq and ask abot RV?! At least see what the person will say. Common, I am sure everyone here would love to hear the news from that phone call. (Myself, I am not great BSer so I would not last long).


  3. #30523
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErelisLT View Post
    Couldn't just someone call Central Bank of Iraq and ask abot RV?! At least see what the person will say. Common, I am sure everyone here would love to hear the news from that phone call. (Myself, I am not great BSer so I would not last long).

    Sounds like a job for phiberoptik.......Yikes ....

  4. #30524
    Senior Member Texas_Tea's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by Jola
    Here is a versionof the article published yesterday - IN PLAIN ENGLISH, for God's sake! If already posted, please ignore it.

    Dropping of the dollar agianst iraqi dinar caused by low interest rates

    December 05, 2006

    Dr. Taha Fakhri, member of the Iraqi Institute for developing the economy, said: "The decline in interest rates is the reason behind the slight decline in the dollar in governmental auctions and commercial transactions". He added: "This decline is also caused by the weak consumers demand on imported goods due to the deteriorating security situation, which compelled the State to finance some important deals".

    He pointed out that: "The slight rise or decline of the dollar does not obstruct the growth or value of the iraqi dinar which is expected to become stronger than before with the introduction of the balance of 2007 and the strategic application of the new monetary policy announced by the government last year". He explained: "The decline will be reflected on the value of the precious metals whose prices will rise as a result of the fall in the dollar, which gives an opportunity for those who hold commercial transactions, such as automobiles and heavy equipment, to invest them". Fakhri said: in some cases the decline in the dollar rate is linked to America itself through the entry of imported goods and the exit of funds from it.(Source)AlSabah

    So here, my friends, that's one more reason to wait for the days around Dec 15, 06. THA NEW 2007 BUDGEEETTTT!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Texas_Tea View Post
    Is there a link for this please?
    Nevermind. I found something similar in my news hangout.

    An Iraqi economic expert attributed the recent decline in the value of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the lowe interest rate. Dr. Taha Fakhri, member of the Iraqi Institute for developing the economy, said: "The decline in interest rates is the reason behind the slight decline in the dollar in governmental auctions and commercial transactions". He added: "This decline is also caused by the weak consumers demand on imported goods due to the deteriorating security situation, which compelled the State to finance some important deals".

    He pointed out that: "The slight rise or decline of the dollar does not obstruct the growth or value of the dinar which is expected to become stronger than before with the introduction of the balance of 2007 and the strategic application of the new monetary policy announced by the government last year". He explained: "The decline will be reflected on the value of the precious metals whose prices will rise as a result of the fall in the dollar, which gives an opportunity for those who hold commercial transactions, such as automobiles and heavy equipment, to invest them". Fakhri said: in some cases the decline in the dollar rate is linked to America itself through the entry of imported goods and the exit of funds from it.

    I cannot believe i overlooked this. Great find Jola

  5. #30525
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seaview View Post
    Sounds like a job for phiberoptik.......Yikes ....
    If I remember correctly. Phiberoptik didn't last long either. Turned out that the place was reading the rolclub forum

  6. #30526
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    Iraqi politicians differ in their assessment of the report Barham Salih :

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-12-2006
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    Barham Salih : «the recommendations of the report - Mlzimahlena

    London : contagious Fayadh
    Dr. Barham Salih, Vice President of the Iraqi government that the report of Baker Hamilton «consistent with our national interests». He said Saleh who was with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, have talked with James Baker, former Foreign Minister of the United States through the neighborhood via video yesterday after the announcement directly from the recommendations that «Baker explained to the prime minister the basics of the report and the Crown stepped». He told the Middle East «» by phone from his office in Baghdad yesterday, «The recommendations came in line with the national interest of Iraq, especially with regard to the themes of national reconciliation and delivery of the security file to the Iraqis, pointing out that «the recommendations also came in line with our vision of the question of achieving international consensus and to support regional stability in Iraq».
    Saleh emphasized that «the report's recommendations are not binding on the Iraqi government as it is not binding on the American government, as was stated by President Bush and the results of this report are merely recommendations», alluding to «We are talking here about an Iraqi is the focus of international attention and the impact of the consequences of the American and Iraqi people who».

    Saleh added, saying «We as Iraqis, Before exiting this report recommendations, we must recognize the seriousness of the situation and the importance of achieving national reconciliation and national support stand to defeat the terrorists and to prevent regional interventions that wants to turn Iraq into a regional and international heats and the need for Iraqi decision supported by regional and international communities ».

    For his part, Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's Iraqi National List and former President of the Iraqi government, told the Middle East »« the recommendations of the report as «Baker Hamilton came late and the public did not take into account the strategic picture of the full». Allawi believes that the report «The positions taken and the results were basically in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit more than two and a half years when I was head of the Iraqi government, where we have notes and asked the Iraqi initiative to support the forces of moderation in Iraq and the region in general», He pointed out that he had talked with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Anan before the necessity of the «sponsors of the Security Council meeting to discuss the issue of security in Iraq and the importance of dialogue with Syria and Iran in the region fully engage in this dialogue».

    He described political independent Kurdish Dr. Mahmoud Othman report is not just that «». He said Othman told Agence France Presse that the «United States called it the same forces occupied territory, according to the Geneva Convention, If I will be taking charge of the country ». The MP added to the Kurdistan Alliance «do not have the right this is not just».

    For his part, signed on behalf of al-Maliki adviser Reza not abandon the American administration for its role in Iraq and said «I do not think they even military support space by completing their mission here, we need to support the progress».

    So, it Haider Abadi, deputy Dawa Party, near Al-Maliki that «expected recommendations include a dialogue with Iran and Syria and increased training of Iraqi security forces». And put that claim to cut off support for the government «nothing new. We have been told that there will be no similar pressure. In our dialogue with the American administration repeatedly said that we want to work together ».

    Middle East

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    Quote Originally Posted by Texas_Tea View Post
    Is there a link for this please?
    It was from a dinar dealer web site. I recognized however the article that we were listing all day long yesterday.
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  8. #30528
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The "Gates" are wide open! Maybe the Iraqis will take the "Hint!"

    Gates confirmed as Secretary of Defense

    Gates confirmed as secretary of defense - Yahoo! News
    By ANNE PLUMMER FLAHERTY, Associated Press Writer
    25 minutes ago
    WASHINGTON - The Senate voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to confirm Robert Gates as defense secretary, with Democrats and Republicans portraying him as the man who will help overhaul President Bush's Iraq policies.

    The 95-2 vote was a victory of sorts for Bush, who named Gates to replace Donald H. Rumsfeld at the Pentagon on Nov. 8, a day after voters gave Democrats control of Congress for next year.

    Even so, much of Gates' support stemmed from his pledges to consider new options in Iraq. Overshadowing the vote was the release of an independent study lambasting Bush's approach to the war, increasing pressure on the White House to change course.

    "I am confident that his leadership and capabilities will help our country meet its current military challenges and prepare for emerging threats of the 21st century," Bush said in a statement after the Senate vote.

    He said Gates had shown during his confirmation hearing this week before the Senate Armed Services Committee that he is "an experienced, qualified, and thoughtful man who is well respected by members of both parties and is committed to winning the war on terror."

    Overall, 52 Republicans, 42 Democrats and one independent voted for Gates. Three lawmakers — Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., Evan Bayh, D-Ind., and Elizabeth Dole, R-N.C. — did not vote.

    Two Bush allies, Sens. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., and Jim Bunning, R-Ky., voted against Gates, citing his criticism of the war and his view that the U.S. should engage Iran as part of a solution.

    "Mr. Gates has repeatedly criticized our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan without providing any viable solutions to the problems our troops currently face," Bunning said. "We need a secretary of defense to think forward with solutions and not backward on history we cannot change."

    Santorum, who lost his re-election bid last month, mocked the idea of engaging dictators and talked at length of the evils of "radical Islamic fascism." When it comes to reaching out to Iran to discuss the security of Iraq, Santorum said of Gates, "I think he is in error."

    The White House said Gates would be sworn in Dec. 18. Explaining the delay, spokeswoman Dana Perino said Gates had commitments he had to fulfill at Texas A&M University, where he is the president. Bush called Gates with congratulations.

    Gates said at the Senate hearing he did not think the U.S. was winning the war and that all options for changing the administration's approach must remain on the table.

    "It seems to me that the United States is going to have to have some kind of presence in Iraq for a long time ... but it could be with a dramatically smaller number of U.S. forces than are there today," Gates testified.

    The committee voted 24-0 to support Gates to succeed Rumsfeld, who became a symbol of the unpopular war and often sparred with Democrats.

    Committee Democrats said they decided to endorse Gates because of his frank assessment of the Iraq war and his openness to change. Many of them said they saw the Iraq Study Group's report and the change in leadership at the Defense Department as the necessary impetus for a different approach to Iraq.

    Sen. Edward Kennedy (news, bio, voting record), D-Mass., said he thought Gates "recognized the high price that our troops are paying for the current policy."

    GOP Senate leaders also hailed the confirmation.

    "The position of secretary of defense is more important than ever, and I believe the President has made an outstanding choice," said Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

    Gates' swift approval contrasted with his experience 15 years ago when he was picked to head the CIA.

    In 1991, 31 Democrats voted against confirming Gates, citing charges he had pressured intelligence analysts to develop conclusions that fit President Reagan's policies and turned a blind eye to the Iran-Contra scandal — when arms were sold to the Iranians and the cash used to supply the Nicaraguan Contra rebels.

    Twelve of the senators who rejected Gates 15 years ago remain in the Senate today, including Biden, Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va.

    Despite Gates' popularity with lawmakers during this confirmation process, he has not said what should be done in Iraq, promising to consult first with military commanders.

    Gates won political points with Democrats when he said he did not think the U.S. was winning in Iraq. That response appeared to contradict Bush, who said at an Oct. 25 news conference, "Absolutely, we're winning."

    Gates later said he believes the U.S. is neither winning nor losing "at this point."

    Levin said Wednesday he was pleased that Gates agreed with Democrats that "only a political settlement by the Iraqis can end the violence in Iraq and that the military force that we have there cannot do that for the Iraqis."

    How about a "HINT?"

    Hint = RV IQD

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    Saudi Arabia will host the Second Islamic Conference of Ministers of the Environment

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-12-2006
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    Saudi Arabia will host the Second Islamic Conference of Ministers of the Environment

    Continue for two days Jeddah Governorate

    Jeddah : «» Middle East
    Approval issued Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud. Kingdom to host the second of the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers from 13 December 15 (in December) this month, the Palais des Congrès in Jeddah Governorate Mecca.
    The lifting of Prince Turki bin Nasser bin Abdul Aziz, General President of Meteorology and Environmental Protection, Convener of the Conference, my sincere thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz on his approval to host the Kingdom of the conference. He added that the second Islamic Conference of Ministers of the Environment has been issued on the 30th session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, which was held in Tehran, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the environment from an Islamic perspective.

    The General Presidency of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in collaboration with the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (Asesco) is organizing this conference, which lasts for two days. And Prince Turki said that the Kingdom leads the way in everything that can raise the level of work the Islamic world in general. The Environmental Action in particular. The Kingdom of hosting this conference is the result of the considerable effort towards the issues of the Arab and Islamic nation in various fields, The completion of the pre-eminent role in issues concerning the environment of the Muslim world and of the importance of sensors and preservation of the environment for sustainable development, including the integration of the vision of the environment from an Islamic perspective.

    He explained that the projects will be put on the table meetings of the Conference, establishment of a draft environmental information and the establishment of a network of Islamic environment, in addition to the establishment of a draft environmental Islami. It should be noted that the Kingdom hosted the First Islamic Conference of Ministers of the Environment Islamic world, , which he left a united vision of the Muslim world towards the environment and sustainable development, held at the Earth Summit in Johannesburg. He highlighted the first specifics of the Islamic Conference and the Islamic world's rich culture and civilization of expanding the areas of applications to include all rights and the environment facing the issues of the present and future.

    Participated in the 50th Conference of the Ministers and Ministers of the Environment in the Islamic world. and more than 200 scientists and experts from around the world. She also called the Kingdom in 1421 e, the first Global Forum was held from an Islamic perspective, , in which scholars, scientists and representatives of Islamic countries and international organizations, who taste of responsibility from an Islamic perspective must play their part in protecting the environment.

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    This is a little confusing but I think overall offers some good info.

    Translated version of

    Economic: Economic reform and the role of the private sector

    While Irikhbrae economy that the political management has been instrumental in influencing the methodology and timing of the orientations of economic reform policies and the form in which the plans determine the course and conduct of a democratic society and the features of different frameworks Thus, the question in societies emerging in the reform presents itself to whether that policy% pw State define away the axes of economic reform, or that the latter is the way to develop a country and promote a democracy? The policy of reform currently required based on the adoption of a comprehensive reduction of public spending and tightening control over the size and financial behavior and the manner in which lead to making public spending represents percentages contradictory to the GNP may be possible funding in the face of the normal circumstances of the country but this downsizing Under the current circumstances of Iraq could cast a shadow on the ground twilight conditions of the poor and middle-income countries and translated into other deteriorating level of service, including education, health, which are aimed at increasing the unemployment rate and growing unit Alafqarali addition, the adoption of the principle of trade liberalization and to work according to rules Wa the international standards require Stop the damage to the principle of non-national industry and undermine the role of the local private sector and the trend towards liberalization of commercial banks requires only lead to a breach of the exchange rate by subjugating those banks adopting the legal reserve requirement and open the doors wide open to capital flows are not consistent with the size of Alasti game domestic capital market and the nature and extent of Iraqi effectiveness.

    According to submit the package of economic reforms needed to put foresight responsibility and transparency in information and freedom of expression and to create a legal environment far from routine and complex and the development of the role of civil society organizations and that the economic reform policies to be activated if not studied well that might lead to economic crises undermine the legitimacy of the government if it did not examine carefully and dimensions of poverty and unemployment is one of the most important elements that would destroy the fruits of transformation and hinder all the good efforts made to build a new Iraq.

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