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  1. #29591
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    okay, let me try to earn my keep here....looks like the tribal chiefs are getting impatient with the gov'mint....

    Voices of Iraq: Karbala-Tribes
    Posted by: saleem on Sunday, December 03, 2006 - 02:06 PM

    Karbala tribal chiefs urge exclusive state possession of arms
    By Ali al-Nashi'
    Karbala, Dec 3, (VOI) – Tribal chiefs in Karbala on Sunday called for removing all armed appearances in the city and acknowledging the state's right to have exclusive possession of all weapons in Karbala.
    The chiefs demanded more efforts from the government to enhance the rule of law and rid the province of killings and assassinations.
    "More than 250 tribal chiefs in Karbala have met to consider the tribes' position regarding developments on the Iraqi arena," Hamid al-Sherifi, the deputy secretary general of the Islamic Congress for Iraq's Tribal Chiefs, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Sherifi said the leaders have recommended coordination among all blocs and parties in power to have a vision that is clear to all in a way to improve security conditions in the province.

    "Karbala is witnessing numerous cases of murders and assassinations without any clear motives or reasons, which badly affect security in the province," Sherifi added.
    He pointed out that tribal leaders demanded to have a role in this mission by sanctioning them to participate in security-maintaining operations.

    Karbala-Tribes :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  2. #29592
    Banned panhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Yeah, my sweet husband got his ('04 dyna wide glide--we should get all the biker dinarholics together for a ride sometime!) just after his psycho ex served him papers....I am soooo lucky she didn't know a good thing!!

    Last week I ordered and received 2mil from safedinar, and tonight I ordered another .5 more for my dad's very conservative friend...kind of scary, gettting other people in to this--but I jsut remember the facts and all the recent quotes...parity with the rest of the region, everybody and his uncle saying they have to increase the value to reduce inflation and give the people more buying power, etc, etc, etc...

    It's going to happen!!! Like Oz says the train has left the station...and OUR STOP IS NEXT!!!

    Cheers from the roller coaster, OSWoman
    I'm just trying to figure which bike to take to the Caymans, then how to carry dive gear on it......

  3. #29593
    Senior Member Cyberkhan's Avatar
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    Translated version of

    The exchange rate of the dinar is a remarkable rise of the dollar against the American.
    اعداد و تقديم: حسن راشد - بغدادPreparation and submission : Rashid Hassan-Baghdad
    شهد سعر صرف الدينار العراقي في بغداد ارتفاعا ملحوظا مقابل صرف الدولار الأمريكي, لمعرفة أسباب هذا الارتفاع التقى مراسل إذاعة العراق الحر حسن راشد بعدد من الخبراء الاقتصاديين رأوا بان رفع القيمة الشرائية للدينار العراقي سيعيد الثقة بالدينار العراقي وسيساعد على معالجة التضخم ..The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in Baghdad, a remarkable increase of exchange against the dollar, to know the reasons for this rise met with Radio Free Iraq correspondent Hassan Rashid, a number of economists believed that lifting the purchasing value of the Iraqi dinar will restore confidence in Iraqi dinars and will help to address inflation.
    I just need $1.47.

  4. #29594
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile "We have not failed in Iraq,"

    WASHINGTON - While President Bush acknowledges the need for major changes in Iraq, he will not use this week's Iraq Study Group report as political cover for bringing troops home, his national security adviser said Sunday.

    "We have not failed in Iraq," Stephen Hadley said as he made the talk show rounds. "We will fail in Iraq if we pull out our troops before we're in a position to help the Iraqis succeed."

    But he added: "The president understands that we need to have a way forward in Iraq that is more successful."

    The White House readied for an important week in the debate over Iraq: Bush planned a meeting Monday with Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, the Shiite leader of the largest bloc in Iraq's parliament, and awaited the recommendations Wednesday from the bipartisan commission.

    Yet his administration, hoping to find a new way ahead in Iraq, found itself on the defensive from the second recent leak of an insider's memo on Iraq in a week.

    The latest, first reported in Sunday's New York Times, showed that Donald H. Rumsfeld called for a "major adjustment" in U.S. tactics on Nov. 6 — the day before an election that cost Republicans the Congress and Rumsfeld his job as defense secretary.

    Hadley played down the memo as simply a laundry list of ideas rather than a call for a new course of action.

    He said that Bush — just before a pivotal election — was not portraying a different sense of the war to the public than his own defense secretary was giving him in private.

    The president "has said publicly what Rumsfeld said, that things are not proceeding well enough or fast enough in Iraq," Hadley said.

    Democrats did not buy that.

    "The Rumsfeld memo makes it quite clear that one of the greatest concerns is the political fallout from changing course here in the United States," said Sen. Joseph Biden (news, bio, voting record), D-Del., the incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "The bottom line is there is no one, including the former secretary, who thought the policy the president continues to pursue makes any sense."

    Bush has nominated Robert Gates to replace Rumsfeld. His confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee is on Tuesday.

    As pressure builds for a new strategy, the report from the Iraq Study Group increasingly is viewed as perhaps clearing the way for a U.S. exit strategy in Iraq. Hadley, though, said the review will be just one factor the White House considers, along with views of congressional leaders, U.S. military commanders and the Iraqi government.

    Once the president is comfortable on how to proceed, he will spell out his plan publicly in the coming weeks, Hadley said.

    Bush repeatedly has rejected a wholesale pullout or what he calls artificial deadlines, saying Thursday, "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all."

    Hadley said Bush was trying to address those who contend the commission "was just going to be cover for an American withdrawal, almost regardless of what was happening on the ground. And the president needed, and felt he needed to stop that right there. That isn't graceful withdrawal, that's cut and run. And, of course, as the president's said, cut and run is not his cup of tea."

    Hadley said the goal remains to shift responsibility to Iraqi forces, an increasing point of emphasis as the unpopular war rolls on.

    Bush, after a meeting last week in Jordan, expressed confidence that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and his government can lead the country toward peace with support from the United States.

    Yet Hadley was left Sunday to defend his own memo that called that very point into question.

    Written on Nov. 8 but disclosed just before Bush's meeting with the Iraqi leader, the memo described al-Maliki as "either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action."

    Hadley said Sunday about the memo: "I made an assessment, raised a number of questions, hard questions that should have been raised. But if you look at that memo and if you look at what the president said in the press conference after the meeting with Prime Minister Maliki, it is clear that this government shares our objective for Iraq and has the will and desire to take responsibility."

    The White House maintains that, taken as a whole, the memo was an expression of support for al-Maliki. Hadley rejected the suggestion that Bush administration hadn't shown much displeasure about the leak — or even that it had been authorized to pressure al-Maliki.

    "It's unconscionable," he said. "It's an effort to embarrass those two leaders. It could have cast a pall over this meeting."

    In Congress, Democrats and Republican continue to wrestle with how and when to withdraw troops without leaving a mess in Iraq, the kind of instability that could jeopardize the region and the United States.

    The outgoing Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John Warner, R-Va., said Bush is "listening, learning, and he's open to take a change in course."

    Bush says the U.S. will stay in Iraq as long as it takes to get the job done. That is the wrong message to Iraqis, said Sen. Carl Levin (news, bio, voting record), D-Mich., the incoming chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

    "It tells them that it's not their responsibility, it's ours," said Levin, pushing for the start of a phased troop withdrawal.

    "Nothing has changed," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., about the president. "He said he'll continue to be flexible. But he hasn't been flexible. He doesn't listen. And that's just a fact."

    Hadley appeared on ABC's "This Week," NBC's "Meet the Press," and `Face the Nation" on CBS. Warner and Levin were on NBC, Biden was on "Fox News Sunday" while Feinstein appeared on "Late Edition" on CNN.

    White House on defensive over Iraq memos - Yahoo! News

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  5. #29595
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    I just posted a new thread entitled:

    Frightening News Every American Should Read

    Please, if you have any down time take a few minutes to read this, you'll never look at this war in the same way again.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #29596
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Translated version of

    The exchange rate of the dinar is a remarkable rise of the dollar against the American.
    اعداد و تقديم: حسن راشد - بغدادPreparation and submission : Rashid Hassan-Baghdad
    شهد سعر صرف الدينار العراقي في بغداد ارتفاعا ملحوظا مقابل صرف الدولار الأمريكي, لمعرفة أسباب هذا الارتفاع التقى مراسل إذاعة العراق الحر حسن راشد بعدد من الخبراء الاقتصاديين رأوا بان رفع القيمة الشرائية للدينار العراقي سيعيد الثقة بالدينار العراقي وسيساعد على معالجة التضخم ..The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in Baghdad, a remarkable increase of exchange against the dollar, to know the reasons for this rise met with Radio Free Iraq correspondent Hassan Rashid, a number of economists believed that lifting the purchasing value of the Iraqi dinar will restore confidence in Iraqi dinars and will help to address inflation.

    Good find Cyber!! Do you know when this article was written?
    Last edited by hightide3016; 04-12-2006 at 04:16 AM.

  7. #29597
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    Quote Originally Posted by garthstar View Post
    patience is a virtue. so is moderation. we have collectively had an overdose of patience.

    time to bring this baby home.

    so, does anyone have an arabic speaking friend who can call all the banks who buy off the CBI, email them the relevant info pointing to the extremly imminent reval that we have, so they have 2 or more zero auctions, then reval because it has totally dried up.

    7 mil, anyway, thats peanuts.

    give up CBI, you not gona get anymore back in. just do it. now!

    and dont go low, we wont budge. go high today. allah is getting restless. and allah is great. dont fack with him......!

    if you dont cough up NOW there will be no virgins, not for anybody in your crew anyway ... theyll all be allocated to rolclubbers - and , without a revalue, y'all got an imminent civil war, then a bunch of borat clones waiting for you in the afterlife when you die a boring death.
    not much fun!!

    c'mon people of rolclub, let us collectively send our intention to these slowcoaches. help them to prosper so we can too. create peace where its most needed TODAY.

    PRAYER/MEDITATION: imagine stepping with your imagination, the gateway to your god-self, INSIDE the bodies of all those with the power to sign the reval (and its only a few) and from inside their bodies BE WITH THEM encouraging and helping them with the signing of the paper pr whatever you want to imagine, taking over from ther egos if they resist. this is divine will. dont be shy! this one way to do it they didnt put in "the secret", but how its gota be done if they drag the chain. if we dont see this by mid december, their country is toast, and so is our investment, and world peace is a thing of the past.


    together we can do this.

    stop reading the news and waiting for them to tell us when it happen.




  8. #29598
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    Default The Arab League calls for the cessation interventions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-12-2006

    This issue was sent to a friend
    The Arab League calls for an end to interference in the internal affairs of Iraq

    The Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari arrived in Cairo yesterday on an official visit lasting several days to participate in the meeting of the ministerial committee on Iraq, which will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, at the headquarters of the Arab League.
    The conferees discussed the developments of the situation and stop the violence on the Iraqi arena where special ministerial committee comprising Iraq, including the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Algeria, Sudan, Syria, in addition to Iraq and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States.

    The source said that the Arab League Council which called for the convening of the meeting was confirmed at a meeting held on the 25th of last month at the level of delegates support for the invitation to this meeting to discuss developments on the Iraqi arena and the assessment of Arab politics and take a clear Arab stance on the Iraqi issue and the resulting Ama l violence, the killing of hundreds of innocent people.
    Calling all foreign forces to stop foreign intervention in the Iraqi, which contribute to foment sectarian sedition. He called for a timetable to end the presence of the multinational force and expressed concern at the recent developments aimed at devote discord between the composition of the Iraqi people, calling the Iraqi government and the political and religious leaders of Iraq to take immediate action to halt all acts of violence and to spare the Iraqi people the tragedies T endanger the unity, security and stability.
    At the same head of the Office of the Arab League Secretary General Hisham Youssef told the meeting that the discussions will focus on the single issue developments of the situation in Iraq, in all its details and complexities in the light of the report will be submitted to the Arab League ministerial meeting.

    He added that the university wants to get out of the meeting a comprehensive Arab vision on how to deal Arab and help Iraq out of this impasse, which threatens all chances of a political settlement, the chances of achieving the Iraqi National Accord.
    The invitation to the meeting had started on 25 of last month after consultations of the Secretary-General of the League with the foreign ministers of Arab countries that are members of the Committee.

    Translated version of

  9. #29599
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    I have never understood where there numbers come from. Where are these people getting these levels? Thank You
    dont think that everybody isnt trying to 'get theirs' along the way here, including these currency exchanges. i see it coming from all directions. the only dinar related place i dont get that from is right here and in fact, adster gives dinar away here! lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #29600
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    Now this is very interesting. The report says that the unsanctioned street market is buying up dinars at a better exchange rate than the CBI, which is partly to blame for the low auction numbers. Those guys must have a heck of a lot of capital.....and they are betting on the Dinar and are intending to hold out for a much better rate hmmmm i wonder how much better a rate?

    franny, were almost there!!

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