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    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    Peace with God Through Faith Romans 5: 1-19

    1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. 3 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

    6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— 8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. 11 More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. 12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned— 13 for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. 14 Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come. 15 But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man's trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. 16 And the free gift is not like the result of that one man's sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. 17 If, because of one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. 18 Therefore, as one trespass F15 led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness F16 leads to justification and life for all men. 19 For as by the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1: 16
    Very nicely put boomcreek.

  2. #29542
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  3. #29543
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    President Talabani : the ongoing talks between Iraqi leaders to support the task of the government, there is a written actors to ensure security

    December 3, 2006December 3, 2006

    The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, The ongoing talks between Iraqi leaders in the task of supporting the government and the pace of its efforts in enforcing security and stability in the country. declaring that there is the pace of new players in this area after a successful meeting between Prime Minister Al-Maliki and President George Bush. This came during a joint press conference with a member of the American Congress, the Chairman of the Armed Forces Christopher Shaez. today, Sunday, 12-3-2006 at the residence of the President of the Republic.
    President Talabani added, "We have agreed the Prime Minister during his meeting with President Bush on a number of issues, the task will enable to allow the government to increase the effectiveness of the army and police to confront terrorist operations, and promote stability," adding "we are going to amend the government to improve the performance of government and the launching of the actors to enhance security, and we will be able for the first time under this plan to mobilize hundreds of thousands of security forces to confront terrorism. "
    And on the subject of militias in Iraq. The President of the Republic, "We do not look to single topics There terrorist forces and militias, First, we focus on attacking terrorism in parallel with the opening of a dialogue to reject the forces of the political process, As for the militias there a law that regulates how to resolve them. "
    And in response to the question on the position of the Democrats in the United States of America to withdraw troops from Iraq. the President said that "today called on the former American President Bill Clinton to the need for the American forces will stay in Iraq until the completion of its mission and that what most Democrats in the United States. and they underscore the need for survival forces until the Iraqi government after the completion of the training and readiness of Iraqi forces. "
    As for the call of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan to set up an international conference on Iraq. President Jalal Talabani rejected that call, , said that "there is an ongoing political process and the House of Representatives there is the best in the region and we have become a sovereign and independent State, we will decide the fate of the country."
    In contrast, Christopher said Shaez "I personally voted with the decision to topple Saddam, but I think we have made them solve the Iraqi armed forces and are tolerated, the processes that led to the deterioration of security as an occupation force our disposal and therefore Sabena things, but we are beginning to see progress when the dissolution of the Coalition and the start of the political process in Iraq in 2004 "and praised the progress achieved by the Iraqis in 2005 of holding elections and writing and adoption of the Iraqi Constitution, He added, "Despite the progress you are making in Iraq. However, we are saddened at the growing sectarian violence in Iraq and we in Congress should provide assistance to the Iraqis in order to achieve reconciliation and mitigation procedures uprooting the Baath. " He pointed out that the claim Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his meeting with President Bush was a clear need for the Iraqi government to take over the functions of control over the security situation, We are in the American Congress support this approach, because it was in the same purpose. "
    And Christopher said Shaez Iraq is a sovereign and independent of his efforts to understand and carry on its neighbors to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    The preparation for a coup Iraqi imminent arranged by the Jordanian intelligence and Saudi Arabia in the capital Prague
    من: الدكتور عبد الأمير الموسويFrom : Dr. Abdul Amir al-Musawi
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  5. #29545
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #29546
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    Iraqi source denies killing Muqtada al-Sadr
    GMT 18:00:00 2006 الأحد 3 ديسمبر18:00:00 GMT 2006 Sunday, December 3

    Osama Mahdi from London : denied a source close to the trend Sadri news of the death of leader Moqtada Sadr trend, pointing out that this is part of the campaign of anti-Shiite young leader of the impact of the attack launched against the American forces and their supporters after the suspension of his deputies in the parliament and ministers in the government of their membership of the two last Thursday in protest against the Ajtma p Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with the American President George Bush in Amman.
    The source added that talked with him, "posted" night in Baghdad that it was in contact with al-Sadr in the city of Najaf today on some public affairs and told him to continue his chest in a natural and was in a meeting with a group of his aides. The source pointed out that the Iraqi scene and due to the repercussions of the political and security situation there is a lot of inaccurate rumors that spread rapidly spreading.

    A source from within the Sadri trend reported to be posted tonight Sadr City now very quiet and so if the news is true for the emerging city were wiped out in the streets. He said that the radio of the Sadri trend broadcast programs now routine.

    In this context, the reports pointed to the death of one of the assistants of Sadr in Sadr City in Baghdad and called Abu shield testimony, which a lot of news and rumors about his influence and leadership of death squads armed score of the year, and the Americans, and it was like this when gunmen from the Islamic Army in the city of Samarra north of Baghdad three days ago. The American forces raided the Sadr City several times last month in search of Abu shield impact accused of abducting an American soldier of Iraqi origin, but failed to arrest him. He denies Officials in the Sadri trend of such personal and emphasize that it figments of the imagination of the Americans to justify their operations against the tide, which insist on their withdrawal from Iraq and prepare for a broad front in the House of Representatives to demand so.
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    Default interesting

    I didn't try to verify the information in this article (maybe a little biased and not completely accurate) but it's interesting just the same....Pogo

    New Iraqi Currency / New Iraqi Dinar

    New Iraqi Currency

    Iraq has a cash driven society where banks are seldom viewed as places to store consumer wealth and communications between branches of even the same bank are often difficult to conduct and rely mostly on face-to-face meetings to update account balances rather than the use of automated networks. The flow of funds in Iraq’s economy in general is more often than not, one of funds flowing out from banks with very little recirculation as is experienced in other societies.

    Why does this happen? It’s a result of “learned behavior” including consumer experiences dating back to the end of the first Iran-Iraq war. During this timeframe, the former dictator found the country nearly broke and faced with making millions in stipend payments to returning soldiers. To generate cash, he instructed all banks to stop making payments other than those needed to pay government workers. Most who stored their wealth in the banking system lost everything. Accordingly, the current distrust in the banking system will take time and consumer education to overcome.

    The population of any type of currency in banks given the current security situation makes such movements risky to the extent that it is often difficult for Iraq’s own Ministries to keep current on payments to its own workforces. It’s not an uncommon event for the State owned banks to simply run out of cash to make payrolls, and then call for special Coalition assistance to arrange transports of cash to them.

    When officially introduced at the end of the British mandate (1932), the dinar [consisting of 1,000 fils or 20 dirhams] was equal to, and was linked to, the British pound sterling, which at that time was equal to US$4.86. Iraqi dinar (ID) equaled US$4.86 between 1932 and 1949 and after devaluation in 1949, equaled US$2.80 between 1949 and 1971. Iraq officially uncoupled the dinar from the pound sterling as a gesture of independence in 1959, but the dinar remained at parity with the pound until the British unit of currency was again devalued in 1967.

    One Iraqi dinar remained equal to US$2.80 until December 1971, when major realignments of world currencies began. Upon the devaluation of the United States dollar in 1973, the Iraqi dinar appreciated to US$3.39. It remained at this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. In 1982 Iraq devalued the dinar by 5 percent, to a value equal to US$3.22, and sustained this official exchange rate without additional devaluation despite mounting debt. In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation's inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar's real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-- only about half the 1986 official rate.

    The Iraqi dinar was worth $US3.20 before the United Nations embargo that followed Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. By August 2002 it was trading at just below 2000 to the US dollar, and by mid-April 2003 it had slipped to anywhere between 3500 and 4000 against the dollar. In July 2003 one US dollar equaled about 1,500 Iraqi dinars. Nearly all the bank notes issued after the 1991 Gulf War were without watermark or metal line due to technical difficulties, which is why so many forgeries took place.

    In April 2003, following the end of major combat operations, the Iraqi economy was in distress because of closure of oil sales, imposition of UN sanctions. At that time, United States officials said that a new currency was needed, to introduce some stability. Without a proper currency in circulation there was a fear of inflation. The US decided to distribute $20 bills to the civil servents to boost the economy. This was not an issue of "dollarizing" the economy, but to get money that had real value into people's hands.

    As Brad Setser, former acting director of the US Treasury Office of International Monetary Policy, noted, "A currency that is tightly linked to the dollar would ... make it harder for the government of Iraq to manage its dependence on oil revenues. The dollar revenue from oil sales is highly volatile, so the government would have trouble paying the same dollar salary when oil is at $10 a barrel and when oil is at $30 a barrel. Rather than matching expenses and revenues by paying dollar salaries that vary in line with global oil prices, it is far easier to pay salaries in a local currency and let the value of the local currency fluctuate against the dollar."

    By the end of April 2003 the economic life and conditions in Kirkuk city were becoming increasingly difficult due to the severe shortage of fuel, the increase in market prices and the non-payment of salaries to the civil servants in Kirkuk. The produce in the market had become increasingly expensive due to the significant rise in the number of people from Erbil and Sulaymaniyah who traveled to Kirkuk for shopping purposes. These shopping trips by people from the northern governorates were a result of the more attractive prices at which products were available in Kirkuk compared to the north, due to the low value of the 'new' Iraqi Dinar used in Government of Iraq [GOI] areas as against the 'old' Iraqi Dinar in use in the north.

    In the long run, Washington wanted a new Iraqi government to pick its own currency, much as Afghanistan adopted a new one after the fall of the Taliban. As of May 2003 the US reportedly estimated that it was unlikely that a new government would be formed in Iraq in less than a year, and it would take at least three months after that to design a new currency. Until then, the Iraqis would have to use the various currencies floating in the market.

    In June 2003 the Iraqi central bank once again began printing Dinars, with fallen leader Saddam Hussein's image on them. The 250 dinar denominated banknotes were printed by the Baghdad mint, under the supervision of the manager of the central bank. This was an effort to overcome a severe shortage of Iraqi dinars and to offset fears of counterfeit currency. The new 250-dinar bills -- worth less than US$0.20 each, were issued because of a shortage that caused a liquidity crisis in the country.

    The administrator for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, Paul Bremer, outlined in an address to the Iraqi people 07 July 2003 the key spending priorities for the Iraqi national budget over the coming six months. These included commitments to improve the water, electrical, public health and telecommunications systems.

    Bremer announced that the Coalition would print and distribute new banknotes for Iraq. In response to this press announcement in Baghdad, De La Rue confirmed that it was in discussions to assist in the production of banknotes for Iraq. The Company led a consortium of global currency specialists to manufacture the banknotes. De La Rue is the world 's largest commercial security printer and papermaker, involved in the production of over 150 national currencies and a wide range of security documents such as travellers cheques and vouchers. Thomas de la Rue began printing British postage stamps in 1855, and obtained the contract for all Indian postal requirements.

    Banknote Corporation of America, Inc. (BCA) is the largest high security printer in the United States, with headquarters in New York City and a manufacturing plant in North Carolina. Banknote Corporation specializes in intaglio printing, producing stamps for the United States Postal Service as well as for foreign postal administrations.

    American Banknote Corporation (formerly United States Banknote Corporation) is primarily concerned with the engraving and printing of corporate and government securities and other secure documents, including the production of holograms. The American Bank Note Company, the first security printing company in the United States, can trace it origin over 200 years ago to the father of security printing, Paul Revere. The American Bank Note Company traces its beginning back to 1795, with the formal creation of the American Bank Note Company in 1858. On August 8, 2003, a jury found that Morris Weissman, former chairman and CEO of American Banknote, had inflated his company's earnings in 1996 and 1997. Based on the false numbers, the 1998 public offering of the company's subsidiary, American Banknote Holographics, was a success, netting the company $115 million. When the accounting fraud was uncovered in early 1999, the spinoff's shares dropped from about $16 a share to $1.80 a share. The stock was delisted in August 1999. American Bank Note Holographics ("ABNH") is in many ways a new company today, with new management that started in 1999.

    Bremer stated that the so-called "print" dinars in circulation in most of Iraq, nor the formal national currency (or "Swiss" dinar) still used in some parts of the Kurdish North were suitable for the new Iraq. "Print dinars" were poor quality, and in practice circulated widely in only two denominations -- the 250 dinar note, and the 10,000 dinar note [and no coins]. This made Saddam dinar notes very inconvenient to use. The "Swiss" dinars, while of higher quality, were so old that they were literally falling apart in people's hands. The former national ("Swiss") dinar notes were used throughout Iraq until the early 1990's, and this national currency still circulated in the Kurdish north. The bills nicknamed "Swiss dinar" either because of their relative stability and strength or because it was made in Europe, depending on the account. The Swiss dinar was trading at about 6.7 to the dollar in early July 2003.

    Bremer stated that a new currency had not been designed by the United States as only a sovereign Iraqi government could take that decision. The new currency would not depict Saddam Hussein. The design for the new currency, which was not been released in advance to the public, was taken from the designs of the "Swiss" dinar, though the new notes had different colors and denominations. The new dinars were printed in a full range of denominations: in 50s; 250s; 1,000s; 5,000s; 10,000s; and 25,000s. The new banknotes were much better protected against counterfeiting, they were much more durable and suffer less "wear and tear".

    The new currency was made available to the Iraqi people on 15 October 2003. They replaced the existing Iraqi "print" dinars at parity: one new Iraqi dinar was worth the same as one "print" dinar. The new dinar replaced the "Swiss" dinar at the rate of 150 new dinars to one Swiss dinar. These different rates reflected the different prices, expressed in local currency, in different parts of the country.

    Currency could be exchanged at branches of the Rafidain and Rasheed banks, and Iraqis had three months in which to make the exchanges. On 18 August 2003 the Central Bank of Iraq advised Iraqis to deposit all their dinars in local banks to facilitate their change into the new currency. The Bank's governor, Faleh Dawood Salman, said the UK firm charged with printing the new Iraqi money intended to ferry the first shipments to the country in a few days. "The process of changing the money has started and I call on all Iraqis to open accounts in both government and private banks and deposit the amounts they are willing to swap," Salman said.

    On 01 October 2003 it was disclosed that agents from the Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) and the 812th Military Police Company assisted by Iraqi police and the Ministry of Finance had broken a counterfeit printing operation in Baghdad and seized counterfeit currency worth 100 billion dinars. DCIS agents and Military Police raided two locations, seized printing presses and arrested Amar Fadil Ramadan Al-Kayse, an Iraqi national who was subsequently released to Iraqi Ministry of Interior officials for prosecutorial action by the Iraqi Ministry of Justice and Courts. The investigation leading to the arrest of Al-Kayse revealed that Al-Kayse was printing and attempting to pass counterfeit 250 Iraqi dinar notes to the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), which is funded and operated by the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). Al-Kayse owned and operated the Sarmad Company for Printing, a local Baghdad printing shop and worked as editor of Nuktat Dhaw ("Spot Light"), a newspaper in Baghdad.

    Stephen Cecchetti, Professor of International Economics and Finance at Brandeis University, noted in June 2003 that "Cultural legitimacy is the final and most important issue to confront in designing the new Central Bank of Iraqi. What any of foreigners write or say is irrelevant unless the people of Iraq are involved. Most importantly, we cannot go into Iraq and build a set of institutions that reflect American and Western European values. This will not work. The new Central Bank of Iraqi will belong to the Iraqis and so they have to set it up. While I might think it would be fitting to start printing new Iraqi currency with an image of King Hammurabi on it, I'm not going to use the currency."

    The new currency was unveiled during a press conference in the capital of Baghdad, October 4, 2003. The new Iraqi dinar is a sturdy and secure currency, imprinted with traditional Iraqi symbols -- altogether a great improvement over the flimsy bills with Saddam's face. Iraq's new banknotes include pictures of an ancient Babylonian ruler and a 10th century mathematician in place of the face of Saddam Hussein. An ancient Islamic compass, patterned on the an Astrolabe from Baghdad dated 1131 AD, on the new Iraqi 250 dinar banknote replaced the face of Saddam Hussein on the old note. This is the same Arabic Astrolabe that was used on the ½ dinar note of the 1980s issue and the 1000 Dinar note of the 2002 issue.

    The original order of 2 billion notes filled more than twenty-five 747 airplanes.

    At the time that the new dinar was introduced, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) was made independent of the Finance Ministry, which had been under the control of the Baathist Party. The CBI had suffered from a long period of domination by the Baathist regime and isolation from the international community, and needed much assistance to rebuild. The CBI's monetary policy function required special attention. It lacked a modern statute to facilitate monetary stability, a coherent framework for conducting monetary policy aimed at achieving price stability, and corresponding instruments for implementing monetary policy.

    The exchange rate of the new dinar appreciated about 25 percent in the months following its introduction in late 2003, while prices were stable and inflation low. The exchange value of the dinar was quite stable, despite further growth in quantity. The earlier strength in the dinar helped hold down prices over the first several months of this year, and it seems quite likely that inflation will end up low this year, especially compared to the double-digit or higher rates that had characterized the Saddam era. This stability provided the basis for much-needed public confidence in the management of its currency.

    Coalition Contractors did not have to be in country long to discover that there was no ability to use credit or ATM cards, and finding available bank related services was challenging given the security situation near many work sites. In order to make payments to local suppliers, vendors and sub-contractors, some resorted to carrying luggage bags of USD across borders themselves while others paid fees to international banks for the risk associated with making a physical money movement on their behalf. Nearly all contractors have had a different experience and story to share on how they have wired around the difficulties and challenges posed to them to get the currency they need when they need it, and where they need it.

    Once acquired however, payments in cash continue to be problematic for the payee. For example, Iraqi persons in their role as contractors, suppliers and employees can become easy targets for criminals and insurgents when paid in cash. There have been instances when Iraqi’s have left a coalition base with a cash payment and been robbed, often resulting in injury and at times death. Payments made in the form of a check drawn on a local bank branch and denominated in Dinar is perhaps the safest way to pay Iraqi firms and persons.

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    Sorry if this has already been posted.Hakim respond to Annan : Iraq's problems solved in Baghdad and not abroad

    قال إن حكومة المالكي هي الأقوى في المنطقة وطالب بشراكة إقليمية على غرار الاتحاد الأوروبيAl-Maliki said that the government is the strongest in the region and called for regional partnership along the lines of the European Union

    عمان: محمد الدعمةOman : Mohamed Aldamh
    وجه عبد العزيز الحكيم رئيس المجلس الاعلى للثورة الاسلامية في العراق، انتقادات لدعوة الامين العام للامم المتحدة كوفي انان لعقد مؤتمر دولي حول العراق.Abd al-Aziz al-Hakim, head of the Supreme Council of Islamic Revolution in Iraq, criticism to the invitation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, for an international conference on Iraq.
    وقال الحكيم، الذي يعد احد ابرز القيادات الشيعية في العراق، «نحن نعتقد ان مقترح الامين العام (كوفي انان) غير واقعي وغير صحيح وغير شرعي وغير قانوني».He said Hakim. , which is one of the most prominent Shiite leaders in Iraq. «We believe that the proposal of the Secretary-General (Kofi Annan) is unrealistic and untrue, illegitimate and illegal». واضاف «هناك عملية سياسية انتجت برلمانا وحكومة، هي اقوى الحكومات في منطقة الشرق الاوسط، بسبب قاعدتها الشعبية الواسعة التي اتت من 12 مليون ناخب عراقي، هذه الحكومة تشكلت على اساس شراكة وليس من المعقول او الصحيح قبول الشعب العراقي بأن تصار قضاياه وتنحصر في مؤتمرات دولية».He added «a political process produced a parliament and the government, Governments are the strongest in the Middle East. because of the wide popular base, which came from the 12 million Iraqi voters, this government was formed on the basis of partnership and is not reasonable or proper to accept the Iraqi people that their issues and Tsar confined to international conferences ».

    وتابع الحكيم، في مؤتمر صحافي في عمان، قبيل ساعات من توجهه الى الولايات المتحدة للقاء الرئيس جورج بوش، «نحن نعتقد ان الحل في بغداد وليس في مؤتمرات خارج العراق».He continued Hakim, in a press conference in Amman. hours before he headed to the United States to meet President George W. Bush. «We believe that the solution is in Baghdad and not in conferences outside Iraq». ورأى «من الممكن عقد مثل هذه المؤتمرات لدعم الحكومة، اما ان تكون بديلا عن الحكومة، فهذا امر غير مقبول».The «possible to hold such conferences in support of the government, either be a substitute for the government, This is unacceptable ».

    وكان الامين العام للامم المتحدة كوفي انان، قد دعا الثلاثاء الى تنظيم مؤتمر دولي للسلام حول العراق، يجمع كل الفئات العراقية بمساعدة الامم المتحدة، مؤكدا ضرورة الاعداد الكافي للمؤتمر.The Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan. , had called Tuesday to organize an international peace conference on Iraq. combining all of the Iraqi groups help of the United Nations, emphasizing the necessity of adequate preparation for the conference. وقال انان للصحافيين، «اعتقد انه من المفيد عقد مؤتمر يجمع كل الاطراف، على غرار ما قمنا به في يوغوسلافيا السابقة وحالات اخرى».Annan said to reporters, «I believe that it would be useful to hold a conference to bring together all parties, Like what we have done in the former Yugoslavia and in other situations ». وكرر الامين العام، الذي يغادر منصبه في نهاية الشهر الجاري، بعد عشرة اعوام على رأس المنظمة الدولية، انه يجب اشراك سورية وايران في السعي الى حل في العراق، بهدف وضع حد لما وصفه بـ«شبه حرب اهلية في العراق».He reiterated the Secretary-General, which leaves office at the end of this month. after ten years at the head of the international organization, it must involve Syria and Iran in the search for a solution in Iraq. in order to put an end to what he described as «a semi-civil war, in Iraq». وقال لقد اوضحت ان البلدين (سورية وايران) لهما دور، ويجب ان يكونا جزءا من الحل ويجب ان نشركهما في العمل معنا، لحل المسائل وندعمها يتحملان بعض المسؤوليات.He has explained that the two countries (Syria and Iran) have a role to play, It must be part of the solution and must be Nchrkhma to work with us, to resolve the issues and support them bear some responsibilities.

    وفي ما يتعلق بزيارته الى الولايات المتحدة ولقائه بالرئيس جورج بوش، قال الحكيم، الذي يتزعم اكبر كتلة برلمانية في العراق، مؤلفة من 130 نائبا من اصل 275، «سيتم في هذه الزيارة التي اعد لها منذ فترة طويلة، بحث مختلف القضايا المتعلقة بالاوضاع العراقية والتطورات الحاصلة من اجل تقييم الاوضاع، فأميركا لها وجود مهم داخل العراق، وبالتالي المفروض ان يتم التباحث معها».With regard to his visit to the United States and his meeting with President George W. Bush. Hakim said, , the leader of the largest parliamentary bloc in Iraq. composed of 130 deputies, out of 275, «will be in this visit, which prepared them for a long time, discussed various issues relating to the situation of Iraq and developments in order to assess the situation, America has a presence inside Iraq is important, Thus supposed to be talking with them ».

    واوضح ان «العديد من القضايا تحتاج الى توضيح وحديث ونقاش واتخاذ قرار»، مشيرا الى ان له جملة من الافكار التي «نريد طرحها على الرئيس بوش».He explained that «many of the issues that need clarification and talk and discussion and decision-making». He pointed out that a number of ideas that «want to put it on President Bush».

    من جانب اخر، اكد الحكيم ان المشكلة في العراق هي مشكلة سياسية وليست دينية ومذهبية وطائفية، وهناك اخوة وعلاقة وطيدة تربط بين العراقيين المتعايشين منذ مئات السنين معا، ولم يثبت التاريخ انهم سبق ان تصادموا».On the other hand, Hakim stressed that the problem in Iraq is a political problem, not a religious, sectarian and communal, There are brothers and close links between Iraqis living together for hundreds of years, history proves that they did not previously clashed ». واعتبر ان العنف الحالي في العراق «ليس حربا طائفية بين السنة والشيعة لانهم اخوة، بل هناك اعداء العراق ممن يريدون اشعال الفتنة الطائفية».He added that the current violence in Iraq «is not a sectarian war between Sunnis and Shiites, as they are the brothers, but there are enemies of Iraq who want to foment sectarian sedition ».

    وحذر من ان «الحرب الطائفية ان وقعت، لا سمح الله، فلن يكون هناك رابح او خاسر، فالكل سيكون خاسرا».He warned that «ethnic war that took place, God forbid, there would be no winner and no loser, »Everyone will be a loser. كذلك اكد ضرورة الحفاظ على وحدة العراق، وقال ان «المساس بوحدة العراق خط احمر، ونحن نرفض اي فكرة لتقسيم العراق».He also emphasized the necessity of preserving the unity of Iraq. He said that the integrity of Iraq «red line, We reject any idea of dividing Iraq ».

    ورفض الحكيم ان «يقاس الوضع في العراق بالدول الاخرى، مثل افغانستان او جنوب افريقيا، حيث هناك تصادم لان في العراق محبة واخوة وشراكة ومصاهرة بين السنة والشيعة على مر السنين».He refused Hakim «measured the situation in Iraq with other countries. such as Afghanistan or South Africa, where there are clashes in Iraq because of love, brotherhood and partnership by marriage between Sunnis and Shiites over the years ». ودعا الحكيم دول الجوار الى مساعدة العراق في جهوده من اجل ضبط الاوضاع وتحقيق عملية المصالحة الوطنية، مؤكدا ان «غالبية العمليات التي تجري في العراق بحجة المقاومة هي عمليات تستهدف الشعب العراقي».He called Hakim neighboring countries to assist Iraq in its efforts to control the situation and achieve national reconciliation process, He emphasized that «most of the operations taking place in Iraq under the pretext of resistance operations are aimed at the Iraqi people». وقال «نحن نطالب بشراكة اقليمية تشمل جميع دول المنطقة، خصوصا دول الجوار يتم خلالها توقيع اتفاقات تتضمن تشكيل نظام امني اقليمي يتعلق بضبط الحدود وتبادل المعلومات واستبدال المجرمين، لان الامن الاقليمي لا يتجزأ».He said «We call for a regional partnership involving all countries in the region, especially the neighboring countries will be signing agreements include formation of a regional security system for border control, information exchange and the replacement of criminals, as an integral part of regional security ». واضاف على ان يتبع ذلك شراكة اقتصادية استراتيجية بين هذه الدول على غرار الاتحاد الاوروبي.He will be followed by a strategy of economic partnership between those countries on the lines of the European Union. وحول رأيه بـ«مذكرة التحقيق» الصادرة في حق الشيخ حارث الضاري رئيس هيئة علماء المسلمين السنة في العراق، التي تعد من اكبر المرجعيات السنية في العراق، قال الحكيم «لا اعرف ان كانت هناك مذكرة صادرة او لم تصدر، فأنا لم اتابع الموضوع وغير مطلع عليه».Regarding his view b investigation »« note issued against Sheikh Harith al-Dhari Chairman of the Sunni Muslim Scholars in Iraq, one of the largest Sunni leaders in Iraq, Hakim said «I do not know that there was a memo issued or not issued, I did not pursue the matter and by the beginning ». واضاف «لكن مع الاسف ان بعض الرجال هم رجال فتنة ورجال تشنج ورجال كان دورهم دائما دور التخريب ودور العداء للشعب العراقي ودورا لتمزيق الشعب العراقي».He added, «but with regret that some men are men and men sedition stiffening and their men had always played the role of sabotage and hostility of the Iraqi people and the role of the Iraqi people tearing». واوضح الحكيم ان «هؤلاء يجب ان يتقوا الله وبالتالي يجب ان يرجعوا الى اوضاعهم الطبيعية ويقفوا مع الشعب العراقي، من اجل اخراجه من هذه الفتنة التي ابتلي بها».He explained that Hakim «They must Rapping all those who helped God and therefore must refer to their natural and stand with the Iraqi people, in order to take him out of a strife that has plagued ».

    وردا على سؤال حول تشكيل حكومة انقاذ وطني قال الحكيم، ان الحديث عن حكومة انقاذ شيء غير منطقي.In response to a question about the formation of the government of National Salvation said Hakim. the talk about the government save something illogical. وأشار الى ان الكتلة الصدرية لم تنسحب من العملية السياسية، وانما علقت وجودها في الحكومة والبرلمان، «ولا أعتقد انه سيكون هناك تأثير أمني سلبي لذلك».He pointed out that the bloc chest did not withdraw from the political process. , but suspended its presence in the government and parliament, «I do not think that there will be a negative impact of security».

  9. #29549
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    Default OzForex Market.

    [QUOTE=CharmedPiper;144241][QUOTE=Caviar Dreams;144232]

    Because when it is released on the WORLD MARKET the world market opens first in Australia on Sundays (the opening of the foreign exchange)...
    This is the exchange rate on the OzForex Market but they are still not transferring to Iraqi Dinar.

    1,000.00 United States Dollars = 1,426,400.00 Iraqi Dinars
    Please note OzForex does not offer transfers in United States Dollar to Iraqi Dinar.
    (Nor Ausie Dollars, British Pounds etc. !!!).

    Good rate however.

  10. #29550
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    Cool Ok

    This thread has rules in the first post. Read them and Sign the Post are I will remove your Post anyways.

    We have Religon and Politics forum Here: It is allowed No where else on this entire Forum.

    That is the Rolclub TOS Rules. I as SuperMod am a Christian and do not say much about a Religious Post here and there. I dont mind Members saying This is all Gods plan or all in the works of God or Thanking God for this. But that was Pure Crap of Bickering.

    No reprimend will be done. I have moved the Post. It is over and get back to the Topic of this Thread Now PLEASE.

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