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    Bush and Maliki will discuss a new phase of violence

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-27-2006
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    Bush and Maliki will discuss a new phase of violence in Iraq

    Tallinn (Reuters) - A high-ranking official in the White House on Monday that President George Bush will discuss with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki acts of violence in Iraq, which amounted to "a new stage".

    Stephen Hadley, national security adviser in the White House reporters who accompany Bush to Estonia, "it is clear that we are in serious characterized this increase in sectarian violence, which would require us to adapt to this new stage. The need for the two leaders talked about how to do that. "

    The official said that Bush also spoke to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on sending a message to Syria to stop requesting destabilize the government of Lebanon.

  2. #27502
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    Iraq dominates Bush's participation in NATO Summit

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    Iraq dominates Bush's participation in the NATO Summit

    WASHINGTON - Reuters-dominated by the increasing violence and political tension in Iraq, the participation of the American President George Bush at a summit of the North Atlantic Alliance this week he had hoped to persuade the Europeans which make a greater effort to quell violence in Afghanistan.
    Topping the issue of increased attacks by the Afghan Taliban movement agenda of the leaders who will meet in Riga, Latvia. And there is Afghanistan, where a NATO force of 32 thousand soldiers more stages of the bloodiest violence since the forces toppled led by the United States and Britain, the Taliban regime in 2001.
    It will be Bush, who left Washington yesterday and stop first in Estonia, the European countries to increase their troops in Afghanistan and the lifting of restrictions on its troops. Analysts say that Bush's efforts during the summit, had undermined by Iraq slips closer to civil war and defeat his Republican embarrassing term elections in Congress on the 7th of November, which dominated by the ongoing resentment of the Iraq war.
    Bush will meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Amman after the Riga summit in light of the crisis in Iraq.
    According to a report published in The New York Times calls the draft report of the study group discussed Iraq on alternative solutions in Iraq to hold direct talks with Iran and Syria, but does not specify a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces. The group will be led by Secretary of State James Baker and former Congress member, former Lee Hamilton recommendations to Bush next month. The Riga summit is the first meeting between Bush and his European counterparts since the elections of the Congress Democratic Party, which managed to wrest control of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Republican party.
    My Europeans who opposed the war said that the results of the elections proved their views, but Bush and his allies, who are anxious to repair trans-Atlantic relations, which deteriorated after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 will try to calm tensions.
    An American retired from the Air Force, Joseph Ralston, who was Supreme Commander of NATO forces in Europe, the situation in Afghanistan and reached "a critical stage".
    He said during a press conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies last week that the European policy and commitments in Iraq may prevent access to NATO resources it needs in Afghanistan.
    In addition to seeking to get more troops Bush also wants countries to ease the restrictions imposed on its forces such as to prevent them from carrying out during the night or engage in battles of the original.
    Bush also hopes to strengthen its relations Bhlfah alliance in the Asia-Pacific region such as Japan, Australia, South Korea and the Scandinavian countries such as Finland and Sweden. This idea has not been welcomed by some states in the alliance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    WHAT IS ARTICAL 140????

    The president of the Parliament Cordstan Adnan Mufti said Cordstan parliament sent a letter to Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki Iraqi prime minister with regard to the implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution and the importance of their implementation during the period specified.

    The mufti meeting today, Monday, 27 / 11 Cordstan to Parliament as a result of the special meetings of the Parliament Cordstan, held recently attended by Dr Mohammed Ihsan, Minister of the Territory for areas outside the region-one members of the Supreme Committee for the implementation of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, the Permanent - has been sending a message to Nuri Capital so the Iraqi prime minister on the implementation of Article 140 and its importance, The letter noted that the Parliament and the political leadership Cordstan Alcordstaneh expressed concern about the delay in the implementation of the above-mentioned article and for the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and other areas in Iraq, disputing it.

    The Mufti said that the letter contains the observations of four task is the appointment of the Minister of Sports and Youth as the Special Representative of the Iraqi owners in the Higher Committee for the implementation of Article 140, and during the formation of the Committee under the chairmanship of the Iraqi Justice Minister and a number of other members, who represent the government, particularly Dr. Nuri al-Maliki.

    The mufti added that they demanded in the letter that placed the amount allocated in the amount of $ 200 million at the disposal of the Supreme Committee for the above-mentioned article to enforce compatibility functions of the Committee and to compensate the Arabs in Kirkuk and visitors returned to their areas of origin, He said, "regrettably did not distract from the amount stated only $ 29 million, as we know that this amount is not enough to lift the functions of the Committee."

    The Mufti pointed out that the appointment of another member of the Supreme Committee without the knowledge and consent of the other members of the Committee.

    تفاصيل الاخبار

    Article (140) Legislation remains in effect as long as it is not nullified or amended in accordance to the rules of this constitution.


  4. #27504
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    London expects to reduce its forces in Iraq thousands «» end

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    London expects to reduce its forces in Iraq thousands «» end of next year

    London / Reuters / Minister of Defense said British Dis Brown said yesterday that Britain expects to be able to withdraw the "thousands" of troops from Iraq by the end of 2007.
    Meanwhile, Brown said the specific figures but said "I expect a substantial reduction in the preparation of thousands of British forces in Iraq by the end of next year".
    Brown said in a speech delivered in London, said that military experts had embarked on a plan to reduce the forces a few months ago.
    He called on Iran and Syria to grant Iraq "fully and completely".
    Britain has about 7200 troops in southern Iraq, mainly in Basra second largest city in Iraq or around. The Shiite factions fighting to control the oil-rich region and British forces exposed to the attacks in some cases.
    The British government is exposed to increased political pressure to withdraw soldiers and said Foreign Minister Margaret Beckett last week that Britain hoped to hand over security functions in Basra to the Iraqi forces at the beginning of next year.
    Brown said, "I asked our experts to examine all options to ensure that we do not ask any soldier to stay in Iraq longer than necessary".
    Britain already recognized the security tasks in Muthanna, Dhi Qar governorates, namely the four governorates took responsibility after Britain led invasion the United States in 2003. It is scheduled to meet the conditions of Missan governorate handover of control in January.
    Brown stressed that any reduction in the number of troops in 2007 will be only if the efforts to improve the security capabilities of the Iraqi forces is proceeding as planned and that the matter depends on the wishes of the Iraqi government.
    He added, "We have to make clear that the delivery / security functions / does not mean withdrawal", adding that there was no point in speculations on the British forces in Iraq for a longer period than is necessary.
    He said "the situation in the long run in Iraq, of course, will depend on what the Iraqi government ahead of us".
    And the increasing calls for Washington to engage Iran and Syria in efforts to prevent Iraq sliding into civil war, Brown said that Iran would face isolation unless it plays a positive role.
    He added, "thinner / Iran / still remained a significant source of concern".
    "The continued support from Iran go to groups attacking our troops but also to inflame sectarian violence groups. This is unacceptable ".
    He said, "Therefore, a simple message to the Iranians. Be active partners. Help yourselves and the region, but you will increasingly isolated ".
    Opinion Jordanian

  5. #27505
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    Talabani asked Nejad comprehensive assistance to combat terrorism

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    Tehran-agencies - the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani told reporters at the start of his meeting yesterday with his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Tehran "comprehensive assistance from Iran to fight terrorism" in Iraq.
    He said Talabani, who arrived Monday evening to the Iranian capital, "we need the help of Iran's overall strategy to combat terrorism and restore security and stability in Iraq" again. For his part, Iranian President said "We will give every assistance we can provide to our Iraqi brothers to re-establish security in Iraq and strengthened". Political analysts said that Iran may try to exploit the talks with the Taliban to review their influence to Washington, and to strengthen its position before any dialogue with the old enemy.
    They believe that Talabani, who speaks fluent Farsi may try to exert pressure on Iran to desist from Iraq as a battlefield in isolating the ongoing since three decades with the United States.
    Meanwhile, the Iranian news agency Fars that Talabani arrived to hold talks with Iranian officials and will sign bilateral agreements also.
    The Iranian official said earlier that Talabani will enter directly in the talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after his arrival and will leave today after talks with the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khameni, the highest authority in Iran.
    Talabani responded Asked last week what will comprise talks in Tehran, saying the Iranian official television "to promote relations and the security of Iraq".
    The time that the ministers of oil and industry, technology, and perhaps Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari will accompany him on his trip.
    The visit is the latest in a series of communications. He visited Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Tehran in September and got a pledge from Tehran to support his government.
    He said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday that Iran is willing to help the United States in Iraq, but only if it undertook to withdraw its troops.
    And Iran called Syrian President Bashar Assad to join the talks but Syria has not responded to the offer.
    And Iraq and Syria agreed last week to restore full diplomatic relations in Syria accepted the agreement in which the very survival of the American forces in Iraq as long as the government need.
    It accused Syria of allowing foreign fighters to cross its borders into Iraq. Iran accuse Shiite militias supporting and exporting weapons. The countries deny the accusations.
    The Iranian political analyst said that the meeting with Talabani Ahmadinejad aims in part "to show that Iran enjoys influence and power to take the initiative before the start of talks / with the United States /".
    Analysts see that Iran has friends with influence in Iraq, but their influence has its limits. He said Iranian political analyst, whatever God sun preachers, "I think there is some exaggeration on the capabilities of Damascus.

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    King confirms Sheikh Dari Jordan's willingness to support reconciliation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    King confirms Sheikh Dari Jordan's willingness to support reconciliation in Iraq and warns of the danger of sectarian violence

    Amman-Petra-received by His Majesty King Abdullah II yesterday Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, Secretary General of the Saudi National Security Council, who was transferred to his Majesty a letter from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz. within the framework of coordination and consultation between Jordan and Saudi Arabia on current developments in the region and in particular the ways of pushing the peace process and restore security and stability to Iraq.
    On the other hand, His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan's willingness to provide all necessary support to ensure the success of the efforts of national reconciliation and the return of harmony among the Iraqi people the same.
    His Majesty, during his meeting yesterday with President of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq, Sheikh Harith al-Dhari that the contribution of all the sons of the Iraqi people of different religious persuasions and political orientation is the basis for ousting Iraq brother of the current crisis it is going through.
    He warned His Majesty the King during the meeting, which was attended by His Royal Highness Prince Ghazi bin Mohammad, the Personal Envoy and the Special Adviser to His Majesty the King of the serious repercussions of violence and sectarian fighting, which His Majesty the country and the people of Iraq is the only loser.
    He said that His Majesty targeting Islamic holy sites in Iraq, whether Sunni or Shiite, kidnappings and killings constitute a violation of the sanctity of Muslim blood and the principles of our religion and a violation of all the values of humanity.
    The meeting His Majesty King Abdullah II and the onslaught in the context of his meetings with His Majesty a number of leading Iraqi Shiite and Sunni and the continuing efforts of His Majesty to defuse the crisis in Iraq and the Iraqi parties to gather word whether a prelude to ending the fighting and the building of security and unified Iraq.
    The meeting also comes as the expected meeting of His Majesty the King with the American President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Amman tomorrow, Wednesday, the aim of searching for a way out of the tense situation in Iraq and restoration of security and stability.
    For his part, Sheikh Dari its appreciation and thanks to Jordan for his efforts in support connected to Iraq in this difficult and dangerous circumstances to enable the Iraqis to maintain the unity of their country and to secure a better future.

    Opinion Jordanian

  7. #27507
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    So that's what I am doing wrong.....I need to start carrying a note around for luck......okay doing that now will see what tomorrow brings...!!!
    I keep a 25,000 tucked into the visor in my truck. I like to look at it and dreeeeeeaaaaaam......

  8. #27508
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    Maliki is a front to confront «outlaws compatibility

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    Maliki is a front in the face of the typical compatibility «»
    In the face of the deterioration of security conditions and fears of Iraq sliding into the abyss of civil war, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on forming a front to confront the outlaws «consensus», at the time the leaders Sunni Arabs participants in their commitment to the partnership in the political process but called for reforming the defect that has afflicted the government, republican Senator called for the withdrawal of American gradually from Iraq.

    Al-Maliki said in a press conference held in Baghdad, attended by a number of members of the Political Council for National Security, including Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Speaker of the House Mahmoud Almshahadani and Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi, «We are there to make the front entrenching to confront those who want to get out of Iraq and the will of the Iraqi people and the will of the national interests of the people».

    He pointed out that what is happening «terrorist acts, killing and abuse is not the same, but is a reflection of backgrounds and political wills often ideological, intellectual and sometimes perverted and if we are true to say as we have always said that the political crisis».

    Al-Maliki stressed that it can «stop further deterioration of security, or the wheel of bloodshed. The blood of the innocent are the politicians. Politicians only when they agree and when Itoafqon When all feel that there is no winner or loser in this battle is no hope of saving Iraq if the blood stream. Can control over all the security agenda ».

    The Prime Minister said that the Iraqi «terrorist acts are a reflection of the lack of political consensus. A breakdown of the brothers and partners in the political council for national security in order to rearrange the political file, a process of agreement among the various political components of the Iraqi people ».

    For his part, he said government spokesman on Skinner «that the terrorists want to continue the series after the blood failed to ignite sectarian war». As Hashemi, he stressed the commitment of the Islamic Party, which is headed. The Iraqi Accord Front, his party, which represents one of the bases, «partnership in the political process and government-Maliki».

    The Hashemite responding to a question on the Secretary-General of the Association of Muslim Scholars, Harith al-Dhari of Arab States to withdraw its recognition of the Iraqi government and explained «I am responsible for my pronouncements and stands can not comment on the statements and positions of others». He continued, «there are still a lot of issues that had been agreed upon and implemented, as we hope, I do not want to comment on the personal problems of Iraq and one All are partners in shouldering the responsibility in this difficult juncture ».

    He called the Hashemite b «review of the performance of the government is still beckons environment (...) We hope that a quick end to the funerals of the great Iraqi people from all spectra ».

    The Iraqi Accord Front «» largest bloc of Arab Sunnis in the Parliament (44 seats out of 275) had threatened to withdraw from the political process in the event of failure to achieve a balance »« in the best authorities and the participation in government decision-making.

    On the other hand, head of Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to Tehran today on an official visit at the invitation of his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, at the time confirmed reports that Nejad already brought an invitation to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a tripartite summit Iraqi-Iranian Syria to discuss the situation in Iraq.

    He did not refer spokesman for the KNU, which was declared to the Iraqi president's visit to Tehran to the agenda of the visit, which had been scheduled to begin the day before yesterday, Saturday, but it was postponed because of the bloody events in Sadr City on Thursday.

    The reason for the postponement to the Iraqi Presidential closure of Baghdad International Airport because of the curfews imposed on the Iraqi capital since Thursday night and continued till this morning.

    For his part, Republican Senator Hagel incredulous that the United States has to start planning for a gradual withdrawal from Iraq. In an article published yesterday in the newspaper «» Washington Post wrote that Hagel «There will be no victory nor defeat for the United States in Iraq».

    He added, «the future of Iraq has always been determined by the Iraqis not the Americans». He continued Hagel member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Intelligence «that Iraq is not a prize for profit or loss». He added «that part of the global struggle against instability and brutality, intolerance, extremism and terrorism». He said «will be the ones Ak military victory or military solution to the Iraq ».

    He added that «time to send more troops to Iraq has gone, The United States has no additional troops to be sent. and even if there are some forces they will not be able to achieve military victory ». He added that »armies built for fighting and winning wars. It is not for the reform of failed states ».

    Baghdad, the statement

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    A committee to study the American each of Iran and Syria

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
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    Interpretation long
    The New York Times
    Urges the draft report, the strategy towards Iraq. , which will be discussed in Washington from Monday, the diplomatic initiative strong regional dialect include direct talks with Iran and Syria. but (draft) does not set a timetable for military withdrawal, This is based on information from before the officials examined all parts of the document.

    Discusses some of the committee members, including democrats, proposals calling for a declaration at some stage during the year did not exceed, the withdrawal of a significant volume of the American forces, without concern that the Iraqi forces were ready to defend the country.
    During several interviews, a number of officials called for the withdrawal of a large part of the American forces. and that is the only way to convince the government of Maliki to focus on establishing an effective Iraqi military force.
    Among the ideas that have been put forward for discussion, sending more American training teams to accelerate the training, At the time the figures are approximate, but non-specific, the withdrawal of 70000 - 80000 of American forces from Iraq. compared to today, which amounts to 150000.
    One member said in this regard, not quite clear that we will reach something for the military issues.
    The report, for those who read, It seems American effectively link the withdrawal of Iraqi troops and performance. Details of this issue did not explain in detail, Therefore, this part of the report will need to be reconsidered.
    While it may be the meeting of the Commission for two days, the officials say that the meetings will extend to a longer period because of the difficulty of members to reach a consensus view.
    In the event that the Commission in Washington, President Bush visits in each of Latvia and Aistonia before sending to Amman, on Wednesday, to interview Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki, and King Abdullah II.
    And the Baker-Hamilton met several times and conducted interviews with a number of important personalities and political experts and military leaders, But the meeting (Monday) will be distinct because, first, meets members to discuss important issues.
    And President Bush's non-binding estimate Committee, but he pointed out that devote attention, It also pays attention to future studies to be presented by the Chief of Staff in the war and also those that would be made by the National Security Council.
    Says Stephen Hadley, National Security Adviser to President Bush, the issue is that we will adjust the atmosphere so that Iran and Syria in their policies turning 180 degrees, and so in anticipation that they would not only an account of the Iraqi government, but they Stassandaha.

  10. #27510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Excellent news, great find, we're on our way, come to daddy.

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