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  1. #26591
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Iran's first private bank to open branches in Iraq


    Talking to a correspondent of Mowj news agency on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the 74th branch of Modern Economic Bank [Persian: Bank-e Eqtesad-e Novin, Iran's first private bank] in Orumiyeh [West Azarbayjan Province], the manager of the provincial branches of the bank has said: Two branches of the bank will soon be opened in Baghdad and Sulaymaniyah and the opening of braches in the UAE is under consideration.

    Gholamreza Jalili added: Modern Economic Bank gives priority to the opening of branches abroad and this trend will gain momentum in line with a planned schedule.

    Jalili said: The current capital of Modern Economic Bank, which became operational in 1381 [2002] with a capital of 200bn rials, stands at 2,500bn rials.

    The head of provincial branches said: Out of 74 branches of Modern Economic Bank, 30 are in Tehran and the rest are in 28 provinces.

    Source: Iranian news website Mowj news agency

    Iran's first private bank to open branches in Iraq | Iraq Updates

  2. #26592
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Look at this pic, how does relate to the article?

    Translated version of

    شهرIraq : 152 dead in four bombings, three thousand widow of each month
    the article:

    Iraq : 152 dead in four bombings, three thousand widow of each month
    Cheney discussed the Iraqi situation in Saudi Arabia * 30 armed men attacked the Ministry of Health in Baghdad

    London : contagious Fayyad Washington : Talha Jibril Baghdad : »« Middle East
    Yesterday, a series of explosions rocked the Sadr City, with a Shiite majority, located east of Baghdad. It has led to the deaths of hundreds of dead and wounded, according security and medical sources. With 30 armed men attacked with mortars and building of the Ministry of Health center of the capital.
    According to security sources announced the outcome of yesterday evening, the 152 people were killed and at least 236 injured. after four consecutive explosions shook Sadr City in the east of Baghdad. yesterday afternoon.
    The sources said that the wounded were distributed across the five hospitals. Dead and fallen four car bomb explosion time lag simple, the explosion in the arena «» five session at the entrance of Sadr City, the explosion was followed by another car market in the poor suburb (center), then a third in the intersection victorious, the subsequent explosion of a car near the scene of the first explosion.
    A medical source in the Imam Ali hospital in the city. said earlier, that is like Pmejrzh «», referring to the existence of a large number of women and children among the wounded.
    The Interior Ministry announced the Iraqi imposition of a curfew in Baghdad. as of yesterday, eight p.m. until further notice «», and following the bloody explosions. On the other hand, armed men attacked the building of the Ministry of Health in the Bab al-Mu'azzam central Baghdad and mortar rounds. The Governor Zamili, Deputy Minister of Health told Reuters that the gunmen fired mortar attempt to storm the building, A source with the Ministry of the Interior that the police and soldiers forced the attackers to retreat. The injured in the attack, the number of ministry employees. In Vienna, the Raja Khazai, Chairperson of the National Council of Women of Iraq, »« We have about three thousand widow every month ». To that mystery surrounded the reasons that led to the arrival of Dick Cheney, the American Vice President to Baghdad, , which forced the White House to deny categorically officially after conflicting reports and has more than hand the «» visit did not take place. A spokesman for the White House told «» Middle East that Cheney did not exist in Iraq and the journey only programmed to the Vice-President is scheduled on Friday (today) to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ». Cheney will meet tomorrow, Saturday, with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the crown prince, where is scheduled to examine the situation in the Middle East. in particular the situation in Iraq. It was the first statement issued yesterday by the Office of Cheney announced his visit to Saudi Arabia.(cheney is gonna go talk to the big money boys about iraq. how classic, lol.)
    you dont see him here. go away with those cameras!!

    (isnt it against some law that the president and the vice-president cant be out of the country at the same time???) hmmmm
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 24-11-2006 at 02:10 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #26593
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    I suspect its a lame attempt at photo shopping a photo. As we know even papers screw up. JMHO

    oh i can see that, but what's the message they are trying send, lol....wasn't sure if it was accusing the americans of being oil mongers or something along those lines.

  4. #26594
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    On Oct. 30, the U.S. Department of Commerce published a Notice in the Federal Register announcing membership opportunities for American representatives to join the U.S. Section of the newly-established U.S.-Iraq Business Dialogue.

    According to the Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force (IIRTF) of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Business Dialogue is a bilateral forum to facilitate private sector business growth in Iraq and to strengthen trade and investment ties between the United States and Iraq.

    The Sections will advise the U.S. Department of Commerce and Iraqi Ministry of Trade on private sector views of Iraq's business environment and make recommendations for ways to enhance Iraq's commercial development.

    The application deadline is Dec. 5. For further information, review the Federal Register Notice.

    Business dialogue to facilitate Iraq business growth | Iraq Updates

  5. #26595
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    Default Busy like little beavers.

    Looks like you guys have really been digging for the news this morning, SGS, Charmed, KIKO and R/VreadyDang. Thanks alot guys. Your research is much appreciated.

  6. #26596
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    oh i can see that, but what's the message they are trying send, lol....wasn't sure if it was accusing the americans of being oil mongers or something along those lines.
    how about it being a sign that is telling the people that usd is no good there or somethin. de-dollarization and all.

    i mean, cheap advertising on the military vehicles since they are everywhere. can we get a translator to translate what it says in arabic on the bill on the sign please??

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #26597
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    how about it being a sign that is telling the people that usd is no good there or somethin. de-dollarization and all.

    i mean, cheap advertising on the military vehicles since they are everywhere. can we get a translator to translate what it says in arabic on the bill on the sign please??
    Oh hey, it never entered my mind, you could be right suz

  8. #26598
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Oh hey, it never entered my mind, you could be right suz
    Translated version of

    trac, did ya look at the story page underneath where there are blog entries by people? pretty interesting stuff they got to say.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #26599
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    Default An Iraqi solution, Vietnam-style

    By Mark Moyar
    23 November 2006 (Gulf News)

    Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri Al Maliki, is now saying that he wants the United States to stand back and let him use Iraqi forces to restore order. Within six months, he asserts, the bloodletting will cease.

    The United States must give this proposal very serious consideration. Critics of America's current Iraq policy, particularly among the Congressional Democrats, have tended to concentrate on international diplomatic remedies. Experience, however, suggest that only the Iraqis themselves can end the chaos and violence.

    The US faced a very similar crisis a half-century ago. In 1955, the pro-American government of Ngo Dinh Diem sought to disband militias that belonged to religious sects, analogous to the Shiite militias in Iraq today.

    A self-interested faction controlled the South Vietnamese police, much as self-interested Shiites dominate the Iraqi police.

    In Vietnam as in Iraq, the only strong force not beholden to the sects was the army, and the army's leadership was not entirely loyal to the national government.

    When the South Vietnamese sects defied the authority of the Saigon government in the spring of 1955, the American special ambassador, General J. Lawton Collins, urged Diem to compromise with them.

    Efforts to suppress the sects by force, Collins warned, would alienate the Vietnamese people, unhinge the army and lead to disastrous civil warfare. This advice was based on the mistaken premise that political solutions suitable in the United States would likewise be suitable in any other country.

    Diem rejected Collins' advice and with good reason. In South Vietnam, as in other historically authoritarian countries, if the government failed to maintain a monopoly on power, it would lose prestige among its supporters and enemies. Only a strong national government could prevent the sects and other factions from tearing the country apart.

    While Diem was able to gain the submission of some groups by persuasion, others remained defiant.

    In April 1955, fighting broke out between the South Vietnamese National Army and one of the militias. Diem sought to capitalise on the fighting to destroy the militia, which caused Collins to advocate Diem's removal. Other Americans predicted chaos and wanted to abandon South Vietnam altogether.

    President Dwight Eisenhower, however, decided that Diem should be allowed to use the army against the militias. In Eisenhower's view, a leader who had the smarts and the strength to prevail on his own - even if it meant he discarded American advice - would be a better and more powerful ally than one who survived by doing whatever the United States recommended.

    Political acumen

    Through political acumen and force of personality, Diem gained the full cooperation of the National Army and used it to subdue the sects. Simultaneously, he seized control of the police by replacing its leaders with nationalists loyal to him. In a culture that respected the strong man for vanquishing his enemies, Diem's suppression of the militias gained him many new followers.

    Diem went on to become a highly effective national war leader. When, in August 1963, he suppressed challenges to his authority from another religious group, he again experienced an upsurge in prestige.

    Some American officials and journalists, however, denounced him for what they mistakenly saw as counterproductive heavy-handedness, and the officials prodded South Vietnamese generals into overthrowing him.

    The South Vietnamese government rapidly deteriorated after the coup, in which Diem was assassinated. The new leaders were inept and tolerated strident opposition groups in order to satisfy the Americans. Violence proliferated among religious groups and Viet Cong subversion accelerated.

    South Vietnam's history recommends the pursuit of two objectives that American officials are now urging upon Al Maliki: subduing the Shiite militias and transferring control of the police from Shiite partisans to Iraqi nationalists.

    In Iraq as in Vietnam, the leader best able to end the violence will be one who possesses a very keen understanding of the country's politics and can judge them better than outsiders can.

    Al Maliki has shown that he does not share America's views on how to deal with the militias and the police. Vietnam tells us that we should welcome his willingness to act on his own initiative, rather than being alarmed by it.Just as Diem established himself because Eisenhower let him participate unhindered in a Darwinian struggle, we should give Al Maliki the chance to restore order as he sees fit, provided his government does not try to suppress the insurgency through wholesale violence against Sunni civilians, as some fear it will.

    If we pull back our troops temporarily and let Al Maliki deal with Iraq's problems using Iraqi forces, we will be able to determine more quickly whether he can save his country as Diem saved his in 1955.

    We will see whether he has the political skills to cut deals with local leaders, the support of enough security forces to suppress those who won't cut deals, and the determination to prevent the obliteration of the Sunnis.


    If he does not have these attributes, it is to be hoped that the Iraqi Parliament, the Council of Representatives, will exercise its constitutional right to remove the prime minister by a vote of no confidence. Perhaps there is a better prime minister out there.It is also possible that nationalists will try to stage a coup and install a more authoritarian, less sectarian government. We may decide to condone a coup if the situation becomes desperate enough. But we would be best advised to avoid orchestrating one as we did so disastrously in 1963.

    The United States may ultimately find that no Iraqi leader can neutralise both the insurgents and the militias. The benefits of a self-sufficient Iraqi government are so great, however, that we must give Al Maliki the opportunity to try.

    Mark Moyar, an associate professor at the United States Marine Corps University, is the author of 'Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War, 1954-1965'.

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  10. #26600
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Trillion and 480 billion dinars to support unemployed
    24 November 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    Government decided allocates trillion and 480 billion dinars to support unemployed and help them to face requirements of living, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mahmood Sheikh Radhi said.

    He added that Finance Ministry confirmed this sum at its budget of 2007 and that would be an important motive to provide enough revenues for many of unemployed who seek for work to help their families.

    Worth mentioning that Ministry of Labor adopted project of social protection net to support poor families and other projects aims to decrease unemployment.

    On the other hand politicians and researchers think that attracting unemployed to work would help at decreasing violence because terrorist groups tempt unemployed by money to occur its plans.

    Trillion and 480 billion dinars to support unemployed | Iraq Updates

    Finally, time for action has come!

    Now it is proven..Iraq Government reads Rolclub. We talked about this a hundred times.

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