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  1. #22481
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    Default Thank-You...

    Quote Originally Posted by Justpraying View Post
    Folks I did not mean for this just to thank US folks in uniform, we have many countries here that have their military providing support and all of these men and women deserve our repsect and thanks. Lets make to morrow a universal Vetarns Day!
    There Brave Canadian Men and Women currently fighting and dieing in Afganistan. I would give up all my dinars and possesions to bring them back. Its obvious this cannot happen, but I will make sure everyone will know and realise the sacrafice they made for all.

    To all the brave Military people, I salute you. I am humbled by your sacrafice.

    Sorry Neno, this must and has to be said.


  2. #22482
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    If you were the kurds what would you do you would wanna press forward right??? which is what they are doing with or with out Baghdad and you can't blame them. Could be a scare tactic saying if you dont get your shitte together we will not give a percentage of oil sharing revenues with the rest of you guys ..another opinion of mine is as long as the kurds use the dinar we hold were good... now if they should switch currency abandon the govt and say fack you lazy facking political corupt bafoons and wish to be come there own nation then we can be in trouble.
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

  3. #22483
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to get everyones opinion on this article I am not sure if it has been posted so if it has I am sorry but I was unable to read the whole tread today. You know when you read something and it just sits wrong with you well I read this article and it did just that. I am not trying to bring anyone down I really want you to tell me I have got it wrong and it is just anther reporters take. This is what I really think but I just need some as it was sitting bad with me. First of all do you think we need the HCL before we can RV I am up and down on this point? If so this article says that Baghdad Government will pass it in December or early 2007 I thought they had to pass it before the end of the year. I thought it was a deadline for them. I am sure this is nothing to worry about I just needed some members to reassure me of this. I guess sometimes you just get panicked about silly things when you are so close to a life changing event which I really need right now I have a very sick family member and I am running out of time. You may think I am silly but please answer and let me know I am wrong it would make my night.


    Kurdish Oil Law Poses Problem For Baghdad
    Iraq: Kurdish Oil Law Poses Problem For Baghdad
    Source: Radio Free Europe

    On October 22, the Kurdish regional government published a final draft of the petroleum law. The draft document is to be debated within the regional assembly and, if passed, it would place the region's government in opposition to the central government in Baghdad, which has indicated that it will publish its own completed hydrocarbon law sometime in December or early 2007.

    If parallel legal frameworks are established in the Kurdish autonomous region and Baghdad, foreign firms wanting to do business may have to sign separate contracts and adhere to the laws of two governments. Thus, the issue remains as to whether a compromise can be reached between the Kurds and the Iraqi central government, or whether the division of oil revenues will prove to be a source of further instability in a country already reeling from insurgency and sectarian strife.

    Kurds Push Own Oil Policy

    While violence engulfs much of Iraq and the Baghdad central government continues negotiations over a petroleum law, the Kurds have moved ahead and are poised to pass their own oil law. In addition, they have already signed a handful of contracts with foreign firms to explore oil fields in the north.

    Issam al-Chalabi, a former Iraqi oil minister, said the right to control local oil reserves constitutes a major complication between the Kurds and the central government, AP reported on October 25.

    "The Kurds have submitted a draft petroleum act to be adopted that gives them the right to control oil, regardless of the government in Baghdad. The Oil Ministry has submitted another completely different draft that gives the authority to the ministry, not regions. It's the main issue of the conflict: oil and Kurds," he said.

    The establishment of a petroleum law in the Kurdish region not only underscores the decentralization of oil resources, but it constitutes another step in the Kurds' move away from the Baghdad government.

    Tension Over Signed Oil Contracts

    In another area of contention, the Kurdish administration has moved ahead and signed exploration contracts with several foreign oil firms, including the Norwegian oil company DNO and the Turkish firms PetOil and Genel Enerji. The contracts place the local administration at odds with Baghdad by stressing Irbil's autonomy at the expense of the central government.

    Barzani threatened to secede (RFE/RL file photo)The issue came to a head when Iraqi Oil Minister Husayn al-Shahristani told the state-owned daily "Al-Sabah" on September 24 that contracts signed with foreign firms to develop oil fields in the north without the approval of the central government were subject to review by the ministry. Officials in the Oil Ministry also said that foreign firms currently working in the Kurdish region would be blacklisted in the future from attaining contracts to develop oil fields in southern Iraq.

    In response, Kurdish Prime Minster Nechirvan Barzani said the move would be unconstitutional and he issued a statement suggesting that his government may secede if the contracts were rejected. "If Baghdad ministers refuse to abide by that constitution, the people of Kurdistan reserve the right to reconsider our choice," he said.

    'Future Oil Fields'

    The key issue concerns the control and management of so-called "future oil fields". Although Article 108 of the Iraqi Constitution says, "oil and gas are the ownership of all the people of Iraq" and are to be managed by the federal government in conjunction with regional governorates, only "current" oil fields, which are controlled by the central government, are mentioned, not any discovered in the future.

    Kurdish Natural Resources Minister Ashti Hawrami insisted that future oil fields in the Kurdish region are to be managed by Irbil and won't be shared with Baghdad, "USA Today" reported on November 6. "In management of new fields, we are adamant that we will not share with the federal government. Planning, coordination -- no problem. But who has the right to write contracts? We can consult with the center, but the ultimate authority lies with the Kurds," he said.

    The issue of future oil fields will becomes all the more significant when the fate of Kirkuk is decided by a referendum in 2007. Recent demographic shifts as part of the Kurds' attempts to reverse the Hussein regime's "Arabization" campaign suggest that Kirkuk may very well have a Kurdish majority, thereby placing the Kurdish government in a good position to annex Kirkuk and take control of its massive oil fields.

    Outlook Unclear

    The fact that the Kurds have already drafted their own petroleum law even before the creation of a federal law is itself indicative of the strength of Irbil's position, in that the Kurds are a major component of the Shi'ite-led coalition government and without their support the government would probably fall.

    Conversely, it may be in the Kurdish administration's interest to back down and show a willingness to compromise with Baghdad. The Kurdish region is land-locked and export outlets are crucial. Experts contend that the existing Ceyhan pipeline from northern Iraq to Turkey does not have the capacity to carry additional crude exports. Furthermore, if Kirkuk is annexed by the Kurds, it may complicate matters with Turkey, which is already concerned that the Iraqi Kurds' ambitions of autonomy may incite their own sizable Kurdish population to follow in their footsteps.

    Even if the dispute is resolved, the oil industry itself is in shambles because of rampant corruption and insurgent attacks. The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, the U.S. agency responsible for overseeing Iraq's reconstruction, issued a report on July 30 describing smuggling as "pervasive" and "virtually pandemic," which threatens Iraq's ability to maintain, let alone increase oil production.

    Even though Iraq is rich in crude oil and natural gas, it must import much of its refined petroleum. Years of UN sanctions left much of Iraq's oil infrastructure in a dilapidated condition, crippling its refining capacity.

    Finally, caught in the middle of the dispute are the Sunni Arabs, who fear that Iraq is moving toward partition into three sections: a Kurdish north and Shi'ite south, both rich in oil, while the Sunnis are left with a resource-poor center. The Kurds' demands and aggressive posturing might aggravate the Sunnis' feelings of marginalization and provide more fuel for radicals among them.

    After seeing this article my spirits were uplifted. It is in Iraq's best interest to have the RV before the HCL goes into effect.

    This was the first of several mentions as to what is still needed to get done on the law. They are actively pursuing it and if they have any sense in their thick heads they will make sure to get their act in gear before the Kurds just decide to say screw it we are doing it without you.

    If that happens we are in for a bit of trouble but the head of the CBI is more than capable of determining the right time. The fact sheet on him is impressive. He has the control over what is truly going to happen and the amount at which it happens.

    Keep your head up even higher. This is a good article with alot of encouraging facts.
    I just need $1.47.

  4. #22484
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to get everyones opinion on this article I am not sure if it has been posted so if it has I am sorry but I was unable to read the whole tread today. You know when you read something and it just sits wrong with you well I read this article and it did just that. I am not trying to bring anyone down I really want you to tell me I have got it wrong and it is just anther reporters take. This is what I really think but I just need some as it was sitting bad with me. First of all do you think we need the HCL before we can RV I am up and down on this point? If so this article says that Baghdad Government will pass it in December or early 2007 I thought they had to pass it before the end of the year. I thought it was a deadline for them. I am sure this is nothing to worry about I just needed some members to reassure me of this. I guess sometimes you just get panicked about silly things when you are so close to a life changing event which I really need right now I have a very sick family member and I am running out of time. You may think I am silly but please answer and let me know I am wrong it would make my night.

    I know what you mean. Last year when we thought it might happen before Christmas, we found out in December that my Dad had leukemia. I wanted it to rv so bad at the time just so I could do something special for him. It didn't, and the cancer took him in april. I think that is the most dissapointed and down I have ever been. Here's to hoping this happens in time to help your family member.
    Keep The Faith!

  5. #22485
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    Smile Sorry for the crazy moment!!!!

    OK so you probably think I am crazy I think when we get so close it is that much more exciting and terrifying at the same time. On the days it is supposed to happen and we are all watching the day I am actually scared to turn my computer on in case it did not happen. I know we all feel the same way this is quite the journey I have enjoyed it but you do get some stressful moments. It is sometime hard to remember the facts that we all know. So we do know that there is know way this will not happen. I think that is why I like talking to people about it when you explain it you get very excited because you remember all of the information and facts and you know with this information you can change someones life. Like I stated earlier before the crazy moment that I think Saudi debt relief will play a big party in the RV and push up the RV Value.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  6. #22486
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    Default U.S. News & World Report

  7. #22487
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronbo View Post
    I know what you mean. Last year when we thought it might happen before Christmas, we found out in December that my Dad had leukemia. I wanted it to rv so bad at the time just so I could do something special for him. It didn't, and the cancer took him in april. I think that is the most dissapointed and down I have ever been. Here's to hoping this happens in time to help your family member.
    Keep The Faith!
    Hi ronbo,

    I am truly sorry for your lose I want to thank you for sharing that with me and the forum. These last couple of days he has taken a turn for the worst and his medi-care runs out so I am having to sell everything to move and take care of him and I am just very stressed. I truly believe in this it is just sometime it all get a bit much. Again I am sorry for your loss.

    I want to thank everyone for putting me straight I know I was wrong but I needed everyone to tell me so it would make me feel better. I am still DINAR-EXCITED

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  8. #22488
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    Thumbs up Bingo!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    OK so you probably think I am crazy I think when we get so close it is that much more exciting and terrifying at the same time. On the days it is supposed to happen and we are all watching the day I am actually scared to turn my computer on in case it did not happen. I know we all feel the same way this is quite the journey I have enjoyed it but you do get some stressful moments. It is sometime hard to remember the facts that we all know. So we do know that there is know way this will not happen. I think that is why I like talking to people about it when you explain it you get very excited because you remember all of the information and facts and you know with this information you can change someones life. Like I stated earlier before the crazy moment that I think Saudi debt relief will play a big party in the RV and push up the RV Value.


    I spend alot of time "dreaming about how this is goint to allow me to help so many people that deserve a hand. But then sometimes I get a "crazy moment and think - this can not happen for me, I am not suppose to have an easier life. My Dad had a hard life and up to now, so have I. but then I think more about it and think, why not me, why not this time? My wife and kids deserve this as much as anyone. BTW, I am a 100% total and permanent disabled veteran and my family deserves more!! I gave Uncle Sam 17 years of my life to use how he saw fit, now it is time to reimburse my family for all that time and stress.

  9. #22489
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    OK so you probably think I am crazy I think when we get so close it is that much more exciting and terrifying at the same time. On the days it is supposed to happen and we are all watching the day I am actually scared to turn my computer on in case it did not happen. I know we all feel the same way this is quite the journey I have enjoyed it but you do get some stressful moments. It is sometime hard to remember the facts that we all know. So we do know that there is know way this will not happen. I think that is why I like talking to people about it when you explain it you get very excited because you remember all of the information and facts and you know with this information you can change someones life. Like I stated earlier before the crazy moment that I think Saudi debt relief will play a big party in the RV and push up the RV Value.


    I think we are closer than ever... it's gonna happen... I do feel it's gonna RV before the HCL. I'm kind of like you are right now... I'm just trying not to get too many ants in my pants about it...
    Don't worry... Be happy.

  10. #22490
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    Wink Your OK

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Hi ronbo,

    I am truly sorry for your lose I want to thank you for sharing that with me and the forum. These last couple of days he has taken a turn for the worst and his medi-care runs out so I am having to sell everything to move and take care of him and I am just very stressed. I truly believe in this it is just sometime it all get a bit much. Again I am sorry for your loss.

    I want to thank everyone for putting me straight I know I was wrong but I needed everyone to tell me so it would make me feel better. I am still DINAR-EXCITED

    you are not wrong, you are human! We all need reassurance from time to time. It just proves what I would tell others when they told me they were sorry my Dad was sick. I would thank them and say; It happens to someone somewhere everyday. Today is my turn.
    Sorry Neno for getting off track a bit.

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