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    Additional allocations and increases in the salaries of teachers,

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    The Cabinet decided to make the minimum salaries of teachers and teachers (200) thousand dinars exchange with them incentives. A spokesman for the government to Skinner in a press conference that will be spent by incentives (50) thousand dinars per month for remote areas and (40) thousand dinars of outlying areas and (30) thousand dinars for areas outside the municipal boundaries. It was also decided that the granting of monthly salary of the martyrs of police for the very first day of the coming year while passing legislation to them.
    He pointed out that the government has allocated (7000) Iraqi dinars a meal allowance for police personnel while providing food for them. The amount of the payment (200) million Iraqi dinars to the families displaced in the region (seven fallow). He emphasized that last week saw the displacement (1000) family collectively (seven fallow) also witnessed an increase of terrorism in Baghdad, may pose a threat to the political situation in Iraq. He refuted government spokesman Statistics published recently, which indicated that the (650) thousand Iraqis killed since the fall of the previous regime, He said that the figures were inaccurate. "We regret to be published Institute (John Hinks) such statistical inaccuracies and Astronautics, inflated and unreasonable. And whether the Iraqi government any statistic of the number of victims, he said : we do not have a mechanism for counting the number of victims since the fall of the previous regime until now so I can not give you a precise number.
    On the other hand, Skinner pointed out that the Council of Ministers discussed the proposed extension of the stay of the multinational force in Iraq on the basis of Security Council resolution (1637) because of its mandate in Sentthi (December 31 of the current year). He pointed out that the Iraqi government believes that Iraq still needs to be multi-national forces for the development and training of Iraqi security forces.
    He explained that the extension was put to the Parliament and would be discussed with the executive branch in order to be informed of it. Minister of Electricity and former whichever Samurai, who was sentenced to two years in prison after being convicted in cases of neglect and abuse of public funds. Skinner said that the Samurai is now with the Iraqi police and will be handed over to the Ministry of Justice to serving his term. He added that the American government confirmed that it respects the Iraqi courts.

  2. #13512
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    During the coming four years. The creation of 350 thousand housing units

    Baghdad / Hisham became
    Said Minister of Construction and Housing Dizah Yi statement that the Ministry's plan for the next four years is the establishment of 350 thousand housing units for the purpose of bridging the part of Iraq, which is estimated at approximately three million. She added during a press conference held on the sidelines of the opening of the building Saad Company for Construction and Building Housing Fund, we seek to take advantage of the new investment law and relying much to the solution of the housing crisis worsening in addition to a study under way with the Ministry of Planning (Housing rapid), which provides grants and the amounts of land for the families of a the martyrs and retired employees and those with limited income, saying that a study to increase loans granted by the Housing Fund of covered it.

  3. #13513
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    50 thousand dinars per month for students 99-545/PCRN/MDS/P/PF/PE Agriculture

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Diwaniyah / behalf of the eastern
    Professor Abdul Karim Zia Associate Administrator preparatory cultivation Diwaniyah : The Ministry of Education has decided to give students matriculated in 99-545/PCRN/MDS/P/PF/PE agriculture throughout Iraq in the amount of fifty thousand dinars monthly wage transport and housing. He added that this amount is the incentive for students to submit the best bid in their studies in this Establishing began filing to less year after year because of the reluctance of students to surrender to the Alta William special vocational agricultural education.

  4. #13514
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    Iraq resumes oil exports to the Turkish port of Ceyhan

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    After a hiatus of more than a month. Iraq resumes oil exports to the Turkish port of Ceyhan
    Baghdad / Karim Sudanese
    Iraq resumed export shipments of crude oil from the oil tanker north via pipelines from Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan after a hiatus of more than a month, said Information Ministry spokesman Assem Jihad oil and added that Iraq began pumping an average (18) thousand barrels per hour through the pipeline that was in the last month to the Tekh certainly by armed elements. The Jihad that the rate of exports of crude oil during the month of September reached 1.620 barrels per day from 580 thousand barrels of oil north and 12 thousand barrels of oil to Syria. He added that the production capacity planned during 2006-2007 are (4,8 million barrels per day) from 1.7 through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.
    It is worth mentioning that Iraq relies mainly on the port of Basra to export one million and 700 thousand barrels of oil per day and that the lines of the large tanker to the port of Ceyhan on the Turkish subversive operations.

  5. #13515
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I found this which is the original briefing when they introduced the New Iraqi Dinar...It is long so maybe you can find something in here regarding 3 years control...I didn't have time to thoroughly read it.
    It only talks about how the Iraqi's are going to exchange the old Dinar for the new, as well as, how the new currancy will be accepted by the the people.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  6. #13516
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    Consider the issue of Turkish Kurdistan Maliki in Ankara Sunday

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Consider the issue of Turkish Kurdistan
    Al-Maliki in Ankara Sunday

    14 / 10 / 2006 Ankara-Hosni local :
    Up Ankara Sunday Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in a two-day official visit. Accompanied by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi coordinator in charge of dialogue with Ankara on the issue of the Kurdistan Workers Party, Turkish Shirwan Aloai. Al-Maliki will discuss with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan the entire details of the Turkish-Iraqi relations and in particular the coordination and cooperation against the common elements of the Kurdistan Workers Party, Turkish located in northern Iraq.
    The sources expect the diplomatic talks should also address the situation : political, security and economic situation in Iraq. The Turkish support to the Iraqi government in its efforts to resolve all the problems facing the government in general and Iraq in particular the issue of federalism and Kirkuk.


  7. #13517
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    Shirwan Alowaeli : some of the neighboring countries to Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Security Minister told the Iraqi 'Reverend' national reconciliation that bore fruit in the face of terrorism
    Shirwan Alowaeli : some neighboring countries' Fatih section danger 'to Iraq, and the channels of understanding with Syria' non-existent

    Iraqi Security Minister Shirwan Alowaeli speaking of the 'Al-Qabas'

    14 / 10 / 2006 Nizar Baghdad Hatem :
    Despite all these conditions and circumstances taking place in the light of Iraqi security fears accounts runner attention at the official and popular levels, in light of the violence caused by the loss of life, free of charge, and the repercussions of that at all.
    And without any doubt that the government's efforts to contain the level of the hot tin Iktoi which caught everyone, that could be described as exceptional and is clearly moving to the citizens and observers alike, glimmer of hope for open large or small the possibility of getting rid of the clutches of the dragon or limit his influence fatal.
    The Ministry of National Security has one of the responsible ministries to the heart by the Ministries of Defense and Interior to contain the security crisis that accompanied Iraq since the overthrow of the former dictatorial regime and to the moment.
    On the way to this ministry to meet the Minister Mr. Shirwan Alowaeli Another big difference was moved me to put myself in a comma between the covenants, between the era of Saddam Hussein where to go, such as the institution of similar trip was seen as the minimum and death after suffering Murr will share almost inevitable. and the present - despite the bitter - I felt I was heading to a place that is not only safer and certainly reassuring, but but herewith is a real page-fated past.
    Motivated by the desire to see this vital separation conducted by telephone directly with the Minister asking him to set a date for this meeting, which جمعني with him - yesterday - for the first time - I knew in advance the positions of the heroic man who had been taken against the former regime and could have cost him his life at that time.
    I entered the Directorate of General Security in 1981 detained hands tied behind his back, The blindfold out of my memory still packed with screaming women and men who are languishing under inflict torturers, and Alsokat electrical, and I made for this meeting to the Conference and Minister of Security, which rises from his chair at the door never words of welcome which reveals that create an appearance of the gentle personality clearly.
    Solutions to the sectarian violence
    Started with him in such a dialogue-to talk about his soon-heard a great deal about security in the performance of its functions, the person saying 'I am here continue day-night, and the fees are not a problem as long as the rights satisfy his conscience in the service of his country'.
    The problem of sectarian violence how can be solved in your view?
    - I believe that the political solution was the best way and should take precedence over all other ways, including the use of force, We are moving in this direction.
    Do not believe that the problem of violence overlapping somewhat difficult to determine who is the terrorist?
    - And there certainly overlapping items are fixed for us confirm such overlap.
    Overlap in terrorism
    E : What do you mean vocabulary?
    - There are terrorist elements, moving in the scene and carry out multiple, as well as the pursuit of the former regime, There is a breeding and all of these different motivations of the terrorists to embrace them, Among these motives subject of unemployment, which carry some of dealing with terrorism and to provide facilities for terrorists to meet sums of money.
    What does it mean specifically political solutions to which I have referred in addressing the security issue?
    - The draft national reconciliation launched by the Prime Minister had started giving good results in the dismantling of items that I mentioned to you, The ministry has received in this context, contacts and requests from numerous clans for their support in the face of terrorism. not to mention the heads of the clans in Ramadi and other western provinces, who started the confrontation with the terrorists following a series of meetings were conducted with the Prime Minister and declared their support for the draft which reconciliation and willingness to confronting terrorists.
    The role of multinational
    Where Tstekon travel of terrorists and their movements?
    - From multiple sources and can adopt mentioned by the nature of the work, For our part, we examine the data carefully and then we close attention to the ministries of interior and defense to take the necessary action.
    The role of the multinational force?
    - Multi-National committed some mistakes, American soldier commits mistakes with the Iraqi street, surpassing the agreements between us and them, but we are cooperating very well and beyond many of these errors through the alarm in our joint meetings.
    The effects of the neighboring countries to raise the level of sectarian violence and terrorist acts?
    - There are marked differences in the positions of the neighboring countries, Some approached the door of the danger to Iraq through its support of terrorists, trained in booby cars and other means of terrorism, allowing them to infiltrate into Iraq across the border and we have evidence and documents in this compelling subject. And some of the neighboring countries in this direction, but by less.
    And Iran?
    - Iran, as you know, is one of six neighboring countries, which is the first state admitted to the new system, which followed the fall of the former totalitarian regime, But that does not executed and that there were some problems, and the channels of understanding between us and the Iranian side open. contrary to the situation with Syria, where there is no such channels.
    Cooperation Kuwaiti building
    The State of Kuwait?
    - Kuwait contributed instrumental in toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein, perhaps because they had suffered from such a system, The positions are advanced positively on the positions taken by some other neighboring countries, There are some problems related to the issue of borders between the two countries, and we consider it normal as long as the channels of understanding among ourselves open and clear, suffice it to unblock the pending issues. I can not fail to mention here that the Iraqis are waiting for the neighbor and fraternal Kuwait initiative level good relationship between the two countries.
    Can you identify this initiative, which I mentioned?
    - I mean debt forgiveness and damages resulting from the Iraq, , which was caused by the previous regime and reckless adventures that are hurting those Iraqis and Kuwaitis alike.


  8. #13518
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    The Baghdad : Committee for Relief of seven inhabited wastelands

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad-my right Ismail **
    Baghdad Governorate Council decided to form a committee within the seven Relief wasteland for the purpose of assisting families in the region.
    The head of the Provincial Sadir during a meeting of the Council and the presence of the governor and the Secretary of Baghdad »that the Council form a delegation to visit the families of the seven wasteland of parking in the fields of the situation and the suffering of the people and provide assistance urgently, whether financial or food«.
    On the other hand, the Council voted unanimously on the proposal of the Secretary of Baghdad Mayor Saber Eissawi subdivide April 9 to the large municipal area, which are supervised by the municipality, which represents many areas such as Baghdad and the new arboretum and al-Ubaydi, luxury and Fudayliyah and Palestine Street.
    »Issawi added that most of those areas are no services, water and sewage networks, it is difficult to perform municipal services to«.
    »Stressing that the portion of the municipal budget would provide for each and thus perform municipal services«.
    »Pointing out that the Secretariat completed a large proportion of maintenance work stations and submersible sewage and cleared in preparation for the winter season as well to provide a kerosine for generators, which are operated on the operation of sewage plants in the event of power outages«.

    The newspaper Azzaman »«

  9. #13519
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    Originally posted by Charmed Piper:

    The original order of 2 billion notes filled more than twenty-five 747 airplanes.
    Hmm, thought the original order of notes was something like 4 trillion. 2 billion would be quite a bit less... Hmm, now where is that other set of books... lol

    Originally Posted by Goldraker:

    Well the truth to the matter, that I have read. Is that the IMF recommended that Iraq maintain the current exchange rate until March 2007!!!!!!!!!
    Well yes, but every projected date seems to be reached a bit earlier than projected.

  10. #13520
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Karbala allow for the transfer of property transactions relating definitely Fragmented

    Karbala / long
    The head of the agency and the city of Karbala Abdel-Al Yasiri, the Board decided to allow a transfer of property transactions relating definitely keep them fragmented and dispersed among more than one person to exceed one dunum areas that fall within the limits of the city of Karbala, district and sub-district.
    He told the (long) that this decision was to facilitate the task of citizens to buy shares of these pieces already exist within the borders of the municipality, including at least one each dunums Major legal bill in order to preserve the agricultural resources as a national treasure, and activating Protection Act No. 71 of agricultural production for 1978 is widely.
    Pointing out. The reason for the resolution is that there is a lot of land gardening been tampered with and conversion to residential land through a random distribution of tracts of land and sold by the original owner in the form of shares or the equivalent of a small residential homes, which generated an additional burden on the city and the citizens who have built their homes in the orchards and deprived of a for municipal services, schools and electricity because it originally agricultural land.
    Yasiri, and pointed out that the Council had decided to allow the transactions relating to the transfer of ownership is definitely already fragmented by the reality of Tabo remain in the bill, including at least one donum and, as allowed for the transfer of property transactions relating to the sale of all shares of any partner or other of his absence.
    Noting that the Board authorized the Land Registration Department application of the resolution in accordance with the prevailing law, as mandated Municipal Directorate's approval has been at the time of official transactions that fall within the basic design of the cities, according to the laws in force and without abuse of citizens.

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