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  1. #10661
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    I'm sorry.. I check these sites also, but we have been talking about this for 3+pages now. It has shown error at times, and nothing at times, and sometimes looks normal. It really doesn't matter at this point. Again, sorry but could we move forward
    Move forward to what? The November reval?

  2. #10662
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    Cool Isx

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Iraq has completed a draft law on securities and stock exchange

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraq has completed a draft law on securities and stock exchange
    Baghdad-Adel Mahdi life-03 / 10 / 06 / /

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange, Taha Ahmed Salam, The committee, consisting of the Securities and Exchange Iraqi Al completed a draft securities law in Iraq, after consulting with a number of international experts, At the forefront of the American Stock Exchange to make the specifications of Iraqi law in the global reality, not a slogan ».

    He pointed to "update» phases of the project in the form in which Al makes it compatible with the requirements of modern investment and circulation mail and link with the outside stock exchanges, the Arab economies and regional ».

    Electronic trading

    And electronic trading expected to begin implementation early next year. Salam said that this system Al important results in strengthening its ability to activate the potential investors and shareholders to benefit from the advantages. It will provide the possibility of opening the rooms bourse Iraqi territory in the provinces of Kurdistan and the central and southern governorates ». He pointed out that the market for a plan that would include the possibility of Al registering non-Iraqi companies in the Stock Exchange and the Iraqi Iraqi companies in Arab stock ».

    He said Salam, who returned to Baghdad after a follow-up with a delegation headed by the President of the Stock Exchange of Trustees asked Tabatabai, phased implementation of the electronic system in Oman by the international company, The issuance of the new investment law which allows non-Iraqis trading on the Stock Exchange and the application and use of electronic systems, Al encourage and stimulate investor-Iraqi circulation in the Iraqi market. This means the high market value of the shares in light of the high demand, and increase the incomes of investors in the market and the wealth ».

    The executive director of the market circulation that counts now adopted at the Stock Exchange and two meetings a week for two hours each meeting. The continuation of the process of changing ownership from the seller to the buyer in a period ranging between two and four weeks to prevent Al investor buyer of the sale until after this time. while allowing the circulation of electronic trading through intermediaries, according to spread their offices in Baghdad and elsewhere. The Exchange could also be held during the ten deliberative sessions five days a week, divided into two mornings and evenings, For two hours each ». He pointed out that it will be "investor who could buy the shares in the morning session, selling in the evening as well as in the opposite direction».

    The sign said, "the number of contracts executed now 350, with the adoption of the electronic system hundreds of times, This means achieving high liquidity of the shares traded by perhaps up to 100% ».
    This is a great find. I have always said with others that when the ISX is ready than everything else is. What I can not break down is they have the laws ready, but will not have the electronic end ready until later. I am wondering if that has to be done to trade now. Any help?

  3. #10663
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    Default Congressional "meeting"

    Posted on Mon, Oct. 02, 2006
    Pryor: Iraq improving, but troubles remain

    Pryor: Iraq improving, but troubles remain

    Associated Press

    LITTLE ROCK - Security in postwar Iraq continues to improve, U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor said Monday, but he acknowledged the country remains "one car bomb away from a terrible day."

    The Democrat from Arkansas joined Sens. John Warner, R-Va., Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., on the trip to the Middle East. The trip included meeting with Jordan's King Abdullah II and spending Monday in Iraq.

    The senators met with Iraq's prime minister, president and vice president, from the country's Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni populations, respectively.

    "They are all committed to working together," Pryor said in a telephone interview from Amman, Jordan, with The Associated Press. "It's always pretty good when people want to sit down and talk about their problems, instead of shooting bullets and car bombs at each other."

    But outside the halls of governmental power, Iraq remains a dangerous place for both the U.S. military and civilians. More than 50 bodies - most bound and many of them showing signs of torture - were found in Baghdad alone on Sunday, apparent victims of sectarian killings, police said.

    To Pryor, progress in Iraq seems made by fits and starts. He said more Iraqi police and armed forced are taking over responsibilities of the U.S. military. But he had concerns over earlier reports of Iraqi policemen and soldiers walking away from their posts.

    "It's not perfect," Pryor said. "You can't just overnight hand over control to the Iraqi military because they aren't ready for it."

    The senators Monday also traveled to Iraq's al Anbar province, where insurgent forces continue to battle the U.S. military. The province, on Iraq's western border with Saudi Arabia Jordan and Syria, includes the city of Fallujah.

    To help the people there, Pryor said the Iraqi government needs to encourage economic development in the troubled province. However, he acknowledged encouraging business growth in a violent area would be difficult.

    "You can't just look at the violence and put a Band-Aid on it," Pryor said. "You need to look at the causes."

    Pryor said sheiks in the province also have begun organizing opposition against al Qaida.

    As more Iraqi police and army forces take to the street, the need for U.S. troops will drop, Pryor said. Once Iraq reaches certain steps on that road alone, he said more American service members can return home. However, some U.S. troops will remain behind in training and advisory positions, he said.

    "We don't have any guarantees they will get themselves ready," Pryor said. But "more and more you are seeing the professionalism and backbone of these police officers."

    The congressional delegation will travel to Israel before returning to the United States.
    I wonder what ELSE they talked about?

  4. #10664
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    The appointment of a new Commander of the police in Basra

    (Voice of Iraq) - 03-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Basra (Iraq) d. B. A : security sources reported yesterday that the Basra governorate (550 south of Baghdad) has decided to assign the post of police chief in the city Colonel Mohammed Hamadi after the ouster of the former commander, Major General Hassan Sawadi of this position. The sources said that the Council also ousted Qahtan al-Musawi, the Director-General of the Educational Basra from the post of "involvement in administrative corruption». On the other hand, The security sources and eyewitnesses said that the intelligence officers killed yesterday by unidentified gunmen in the town of Karmah Bridge.

    Middle East

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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    Move forward to what? The November reval?
    That would be better than pages of talk about errors on a fx site

  6. #10666
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    Default US . . . the partner of choice

    U.S. eyes Latin America's help in Iraq, Afghanistan

    By Kristin Roberts
    Monday, October 2, 2006; 7:02 PM

    MANAGUA, Nicaragua (Reuters) - The United States is pressing some Latin American countries to send troops to Afghanistan and Iraq for non-combat missions as the Pentagon struggles to transition those operations from war to reconstruction.

    U.S. Gen. John Craddock, who heads the Miami-based U.S. Southern Command, said discussions were under way at a meeting of nearly all the Western Hemisphere's defense ministers on how Latin American experiences might be applicable in both war zones.

    Colombia, for example, may send military personnel to Iraq to help secure some infrastructure, such as oil pipelines, Craddock said. Nicaraguan Army Gen. Moises Omar Halleslevens said his country may send a team to Afghanistan to remove mines.

    Craddock said Latin American countries "may see a chance to help other countries overcome a problem they have faced in the past."

    The move comes as violence in both Afghanistan and Iraq has kept infrastructure improvements in many areas from progressing. Those improvements are seen as vital to bringing the combat phase of operations to an end and returning the countries to some level of relative calm, U.S. military officials say.

    They may also be critical to American plans to start bringing troops home, an issue that has garnered much attention in U.S. campaigns before November elections that will determine control of the U.S. Congress.

    The help sought from some Latin American countries was cast by defense officials attending the meeting in Nicaragua as an example of strong regional cooperation and recognition that the war against terrorism is a global fight.

    "Most of today's threats to our free way of life transcend national boundaries, and they have no respect for national sovereignty," U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told the other defense ministers, according to a copy of his prepared remarks. "Almost every minister here this morning has attested to that fact and it's equally true that because of that, no single nation can cope with these problems alone."

    According to Craddock, defense ministers at the closed-door meeting said they believed their countries too were at risk of terrorist attack. The United States discussed in broad terms the ways the region as a whole could reduce threats and cooperate in the area's defense.

    Those efforts are all part of Washington's push to maintain leadership and influence in the Western Hemisphere -- a part increasingly challenged by both U.S. foes and other global powers courting Latin American nations, officials and analysts say.

    Iran, for example, has built close relationships with both Venezuela and Cuba -- the two Western Hemisphere countries

    most hostile to the United States. Russia has become more active in the region too, recently selling $3 billion in weapons to Venezuela, while China offers arms sales and other agreements.

    Craddock indicated those types of relationships underscore the need for the United States to spend money on aid and military training. "We want to be in this hemisphere the partner of choice," he said.
    We wouldnt want Iraq to get buddy-buddy with the "Bad Guys"

  7. #10667
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    Parliament defers Territories Act

    The Iraqi parliament postponed its meeting scheduled today to a second reading of a draft bill submitted by the coalition on the common (the mechanisms and procedures for the formation of regions). The council had ended last Tuesday, a first reading of the draft law submitted by the coalition unified support of the Kurdistan Alliance, which is expected to go into effect 18 months after approval in Parliament. After completion of the second reading of the project, which is expected to take place today, the project will come to a vote after four days. On the other hand, the first deputy chairman of parliament, Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah said an agreement between the parliamentary blocs including "the formation of a committee to amend the Constitution in accordance with Article 142, that is the completion of the procedures within a period not exceeding one year from the date of its establishment.

    Translated version of

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    Default This happened 2-3 weeks ago too...

    Quote Originally Posted by Saragold View Post
    All I can see is Error too. This is the link I´m lookin at: Currency Converter
    This has happened 2-3 weeks ago, I got the error message for 48 hours straight while some did not...
    I saw the error message last night but mine is back to normal as your's should be back up to par by tomorrow... It has been happening, it does not mean anything...
    We should get back on topic now... I promise it happens, and there is no meaning to it...

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    President renews its support for the government of Maliki, and confirms that the Prime Minister will announce in the coming days on the important steps on the path of national reconciliation announced by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani, The State of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced during the next few days, the important steps on the path of national reconciliation and dialogue with the armed men, pointing out that the meeting will be held soon between the two sides. He outlined by the President of the Republic, the dimensions of his visit to the United States. thanks again to help the Iraqis to get rid of the dictatorship.................

    Who knows, could be some cash involved.

  10. #10670
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    Default Talabani renews support for al-Maliki

    President renews its support for the government of Al-Maliki, and reaffirms that the Prime Minister will announce in the coming days on the important steps on the path of national reconciliation
    Translated version of
    October 2, 2006

    The President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced during the next few days, the important steps on the path of national reconciliation and dialogue with the armed men, pointing out that the meeting will be held soon between the two sides. , Outlined the President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, the dimensions of his visit to the United States. thanks again to help the Iraqis to get rid of the dictatorship.
    And President Talabani, during a press conference following his meeting with a delegation from the Armed Forces Committee in the American Congress. on Monday, 10-2-2006 that the main task of his visit to the United States dropped the word Iraq was before the General Assembly of the United Nations, He added : "We have offered this call to the political council of national security, and Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki before the visit, and had agreed upon, and that some of the language in which they were received, such as that Iraq will not be a conduit for terrorism or headquarters, and that Iraq's patience running out, and we can not wait to no end. perhaps generated reactions in some neighboring countries, "stressing that this talk does not mean at all that Iraq wants to threaten these countries.

    (There is more at the site, just want to show that there is teamwork at the helm of the Iraqi Goverment!)

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