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  1. #10081
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    SO all the sweet little crispy 1's, 5's, 10's an 25's and perhaps some shiny little coins can dance safely around Iraq and find their way to the banks!

  2. #10082
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    Cool Just a Reminder. Also see #7 I have moved some to Crazy Thread.

    There will be a few changes to this Thread. So Please have a read and try to stick to them. Also Glad everyone is back Home.

    1. This is the link to see all threads pretaining to the Dinar Forum, just incase someone doesn't understand how to Navigate thru the forum.

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    3. Latest On the Dinar Threads Part 1 & 2 are locked and made into a sticky for references. This is Latest on the Dinar News Part 3. Please Post all articles and Try to stay on the topic.

    4. Anything you want to discuss other than the Latest News, please do it in here. "Crazy Thread part 2" It is a Sticky Thread Also.

    5. I dont ever want to Ban anyone. So Please "Agree to Disagree" and Leave It At That.

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    7. Fellow Members, I want this more than anyone else. If we can reseach and share with others in a mature fashion, RC will not have no Problems. If you feel there is trouble in the forum, please PM Myself are Admin, Co-Admin, or anyone of the other Mods. there is just 5 of us and almost 20,000 members. Please be Patient as Mods are looking out at all times. Just dont be "Stupid" and lower yourself to commence in the Child Play.
    Last edited by neno; 30-09-2006 at 07:27 PM.

  3. #10083
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Iraq may buy Raytheon's turboprops
    The government of Iraq wants to buy Raytheon Co. surveillance aircraft worth as much as $900 million, the U.S. Defense Department said Thursday. Congress has been notified of the possible sale of 24 King Air turboprop 350ER planes and related surveillance equipment.

    Surely not at the current rate.........that be an awful lot of dinar......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #10084
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Who is to control Kurdish oil, and protect it from sabotage?
    [16:39 , 30 Sep 2006]
    KURDS, IRAQ (The Economist)

    PNA-IRAQ'S Kurds like to describe themselves as the orphans of history and geography. In the carve-up of the Ottoman empire after the first world war, they found themselves welded to a state in which they never felt at ease, stuck in the toughest of neighbourhoods. Nor has geology been the blessing that it might have been.

    Rather than benefit from the oil that swills under their northern homeland, Kurds argue that they have often been its victim.

    Under Baathist rule, the Kurds were frozen out of jobs in the oil industry, while thousands of families were forcibly removed from their homes and land round the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. This lingering sense of injustice at the hands of the central government formed the backdrop to an extraordinary briefing last week about oil prospects in the region, given by Kurdish officials to a group of international energy executives in London.

    Iraq is thought to have plenty of undiscovered oil but the insurgency and legal uncertainty have made companies wary of looking for it. Now, proudly waving a new petroleum law that is set to pass through the Kurdish regional parliament in Erbil in October, Ashti Hawrami, the Kurds' new minister for natural resources, told the gathering that the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) had the authority to exploit any new oil and gas reserves discovered in the self-rule zone.

    It was the Kurds' intention, he said, to manage jointly with the central government any existing energy resources in areas that either fall within the KRG's current boundaries, or will do so should the Kurds succeed in extending their proposed federal region in a referendum due at the end of 2007.

    Although northern Iraq's oil reserves are not as big as the giant southern fields round Basra, Mr Hawrami said the area had “good potential”, estimating reserves at around 45 billion barrels of oil and 100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. He also held out the prospect of a second export pipeline from Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan, which would run through Kurdish-controlled territory, thus giving it greater protection from sabotage attacks.

    Mr Hawrami assured his audience that his plans were in keeping with Iraq's new federal constitution and would be legally enforceable. Until now, only small, independent explorers have set up in the Kurdistan region. The KRG has signed production-sharing contracts with a Norwegian oil company, DNO, which is already drilling for oil near Zakho, and with Turkey's PetOil and Genel Enerji, which is exploring near Taqtaq. Memoranda of understanding have been signed with other independents, and Mr Hawrami said that the KRG was set to sign further production-sharing contracts in October, and was also talking to several oil majors. Revenues would be shared according to the law, he said, stressing his co-operation with the central authorities.

    Not so fast. No sooner had Mr Hawrami spoken, than his counterpart in Baghdad, the federal oil minister, Hussein Shahristani, appeared to pull the rug from under his feet, telling the state-owned al-Sabaah newspaper: “The ministry isn't committed to oil investment contracts signed in the officials of the government of the Kurdistan region.”

    Mr Shahristani, who has the support of the ruling Shia alliance, insists that contracts signed without the approval of the central government should be nullified and that all the country's oil exploration, production and export contracts should be placed in the hands of his ministry in Baghdad. Any new energy contracts should wait until Iraq produces a new hydrocarbon law, possibly sometime in the new year. Oil officials in Baghdad have hinted at blacklisting companies that currently work in Kurdistan.

    This tussle between Baghdad and the Kurds over control of Iraq's northern energy resources is also alarming the country's Sunni Arab minority. Many Sunni leaders believe that the decentralisation of Iraq's oil, as envisaged in the constitution, is the latest example of a conspiracy to break Iraq into three parts: a Kurdish north and a Shia south, both of them rich in oil, and a revenue-starved Sunni centre.

    This week their simmering concerns boiled over on the floor of parliament as members of the largest Sunni block, the Sunni Accordance Front, denounced some of their leaders as traitors for agreeing to a deal over a Shia-proposed bill to put flesh on the federalism enshrined in the constitution. The deal, which allowed the federalism bill to be read in parliament, also allows for a committee to consider amending the constitution.

    Sunni politicians are banking on amendments that will dilute the constitution's federal provisions. They have all-but accepted the Kurds' autonomy—though not their attempts to develop their natural resources—but are vehemently opposed to the creation of a powerful Shiastan in the south. Yet any constitutional amendment must be approved in a referendum of all Iraqis. And it is unknown whether a sufficient majority of Shias and Kurds will say “yes” to a dilution of federalism.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #10085
    Senior Member Elfwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Iraq may buy Raytheon's turboprops
    The government of Iraq wants to buy Raytheon Co. surveillance aircraft worth as much as $900 million, the U.S. Defense Department said Thursday. Congress has been notified of the possible sale of 24 King Air turboprop 350ER planes and related surveillance equipment.

    Surely not at the current rate.........that be an awful lot of dinar......
    Wow that would be 13,122,000,000.00 over 13 trillion dinar right?

    that would break the bank!

  6. #10086
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    . An unsuccessful attempt to assassinate the governor of Basra

    Today, Saturday, failed attempt to assassinate Mohammed Misbah Alowaeli Governor of Basra.
    Where Alowaeli explained in a press conference held here today in Basra that he has been exposed to a failed assassination attempt in the center of the city of Basra association on his way back from the city of Karbala south-central Iraq, which resulted in the injury of three of his guards were wounded, one seriously.
    Alowaeli accused the group of employees of the Directorate of major crimes (one of the departments of the Ministry of the Interior) assassination attempt.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #10087
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elfwizard View Post
    Wow that would be 13,122,000,000.00 over 13 trillion dinar right?

    that would break the bank!
    Yup, now with a nice big fat juicy $1+ r/v, hhmmmmmmm...............
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #10088
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Translated version of
    Sana'a hosted a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Gulf countries next month in preparation for the donor conference in London on supporting economically.
    The news has been added on 9-30-2006 15:49

    ... Sana'a hosted a meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Gulf countries next month in preparation for the donor conference in London on supporting economically.

    Sanaa Faisal Abdul Raheem WAI : ((! Not only aware of forensic science Iraq and the fall forever attempts to partition Iraq))

    Together campaign has continued to fly the flag of Iraq.

    Sanaa announced today that it had been decided to hold a joint meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Yemen in October next. To discuss final preparations for the donors conference to be held in London mid-November and also the commitments of the Gulf Cooperation Council to fund programs and projects of the third five-year plan within the framework of the Ta! Hill Yemen. He explained Dr. Yahya Mutawakil, Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Yemen in a statement today that the Meeting will be preceded by another meeting of the technical committee formed of the Yemeni Ministry of Planning and the General Secretariat of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and representatives from the Gulf States to complete access to the investment program of the five-year plan e and the financing gap as well as studies which have been prepared with regard to the absorptive capacity of the Yemeni economy and mechanisms of implementation of projects and investment program. The Yemeni official said : it is being arranged for a seminar to be held in Dubai on 8 and November 9 to discuss qualifying Yemen to integrate with the global economy with Gulf officials and experts from the two sides, as it is a continuation of a symposium held in Sana'a recently reviewed the working papers and studies on various aspects of the Yemeni Gulf relations and future prospects. It was Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qurbi, the foreign minister of Yemen said that the United States, the European Union and several donor countries expressed enthusiastic support for the success of m Atmer London, which will be allocated for supporting the Yemeni economy. The Yemeni foreign tour such as the convening of the conference include several capitals to mobilize political support for the success of the London conference and reaffirm the commitments of the donor countries to meet the needs of development in Yemen.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #10089
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    Cool Your The Orginal............

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Yup, now with a nice big fat juicy $1+ r/v, hhmmmmmmm...............
    I know everyone has noticed your signature. Now if we can just get OSW to express one more thought, it's over.

  10. #10090
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Great minds think alike, just saw this, you beat me to it!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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